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Posts posted by kgd2006

  1. I believe my most used software would probably be my FIREFOX browser, I wonder if this would even be considered as a software. Well, Ill just assume that it is, but anyways, I use this primary on every start up of my computer. Next would probably my winamp player, I use that to listen to music while I browse the world wide web.THe software that I consistentnly use for designing purposes would be adobe photoshop. This is probably my most used software compared to macromedia dreamweaver, macromedia flash, and even my 3D modeler program, softimage XSI. I use adobe for the shell of all my designs, I basically generate my ideas for web or graphic design on adobe before I start to implement the design in flash or dreamweaver.In rare instances I would actually use adobe to create a rub sketch of my character model for a 3D program. I probably also use Illustrator, for the sketching, but I use the filters of photoshop consistently to get my details out. The primary use that I need photoshop for when creating a 3D model is the ability to generate my texture for the 3D model. Photoshop helps me build a nice texture with the help of its filters.the next software that I also use ever so often would be limewire pro. This program I sometimes us to download music or whatever I cant find on the web, but primarily used for downloading music. Moreover, I use notepad even for transfering text from the web to microsoft word, because note pad is the best software to use when you are not trying to pick up the html code when you copy text.I believe that is all the software that I use probably daily, and consistently. Most useful programs for my interests and my job related field.

  2. Google is not powerful as of yet, but I have a feeling it will get there. It already is expanding its technologies in different areas of the spectrum. I have a feeling that it will a may be soon to be a tech giant like Microsoft. But only time will tell how far google will go. It is amazing how one company that can build something so spontanously that it suddenly becomes the most used resource out there.I remember the days when we didnt have google, I was using MSN search as well as yahoo. Before, whenever I had to do research on a paper I would actually compare the result of the following two search engines to determine the resource I am to use for my research paper.But ever since google has released its search engine. I have been heavily relying on it as my only source for research and general information. I use it daily to look up web site that I vaguely remeber the url address, images that I need for design purposes, and now for my mail management and job search. Google already released a very popular MAP system that can zoom straight down to you house.SO in conclusion, google is growing at a very fast rate. I believe it will soon start being a tech giant, it just a matter of time.

  3. I think what you are looking for is probably NETSCAPE...I believe the browser itself give you the ability to design web pages through its interface. Look into it if you can, because that is how I started web design in high school. NETSCAPE web editor helps you design your page but it wont host it for you online, that you will need to find a host like this forum here, or other free hosts.

  4. I would also have to agree with the rest of the people that have posted. At first glance of your cover, I noticed a very nice anime art, but as I look deeper and more thourough of the design I get distracted with the text. You should try to make the text less abstract, because the most important thing about a book or novel is its title. The title although it may seem unimportant it is basically the heart of the book. If a consumer was to just walk by and browse at novels to by they might not notice your book because the title was to abstract in design.Try to make the title more noticeable and easy to read, it should be the main focus of the cover. Hope that helped and you will be able to improve a pretty well done design...

  5. I am addicted to the internet for various reasons. First, I believe that I am addicted to the internet because it contains vast amount of information. I am currently browsing and researching information on web design, 3d modeling, action scripting and so on. I know that I would not have obtained the skills I have right now without the internet. I learn more from the internet than I actually learned in school. Even my mentors and proffessors reccommend me sources online that would be useful for me to look at if I wanted to learn a specfic material.Secondly, I think that I use most of my time on the internet to download various things whether they be images, music, etc. Because their are times when I'm in the mood I would like to create a graphics image or need to listen to something I heard on the radio.Third, I use the internet for my entertainment. I usually like to play some PC online games that keeps me entertained to relieve my stress from life or boredom. THere are many free online games out there that are very fun to play, and you also can play with your friends online. So this is part of the reason I use the internet and its almost a daily thing.Fourth, I use the internet for browsing myspace. Yup, the infamous place that everyone is browsing and on now a days. If you dont have a myspace account you basically been locked in your room and in the dark. Because this "myspace" network has blown up so much that even politicians are getting their own accounts just so they can get votes which I find rather interesting.Fifth, I use the internet to check my emails, just like many others that use the internet we now have important emails. This is one of the things I do when I first log on to my computer.Lastly, I would sometimes go and check my bills on my credit cards and such just to see that nothing is out of wack. Because when you have a credit card and purchase things online there is always a slight chance that you might have your credit card stolen and misused. So this is one of my responsiblities to check my card from time to time to make sure everything is okay.And I believe that is why I use the internet. Man, I sometimes wonder without the internet what I would be doing right now. Watching TV more? Drawing on paper? Doing outdoor physical activities more? Boy, the internet sure has changed my perspective on life. It has become a necessity in my life as it is for others.

  6. Scientists are always changing facts as new evidence is discovered. So it's really hard to confirm if what is said to be true. And while this maybe a little off topic I always hoped they would investigate more closely on the life on other planets, because I know there has got to be life out there. We cant be the only ones that are roaming around in this universe. There has always been theories of little green men, known as aliens. But I really want to know for a "fact" that there are them out there or something that is out there that would be of a threat to us, other than a wannabie "hitler" or terrorist on our own planet.Many movies have been released thoeorizing these events, and I know there has to be some truth behind what is behind the theories. I also wanted to know since our resources on earth are slowly depleting will we soon need to travel to the next planet to find more resources? I heard rumors that we are trying to advance our exporation to be able to travel to Mars.I find that very interesting, and we are a step closer with the mini rovers exploring that region of the universe. The universe is a amazing place with vast amount of planets that no one knows anything specfifically. The most interesting thing is that we cannot be the only ones with technological advances, im wondering if other planets have their own type of technological advances like ours.As I am writing this post, all it reminds me of is Star wars, Star trek, and those a like that expands our curiousity of life outside of the world we are living in. In the future years coming, I am hoping the information that I am asking now will be answered in the upcoming years.

  7. I dont see how RIAA can actually prevent ppl from downloading music. I mean everyone does it. And there are more than one way to obtain a illegal copy of music. Limewire is just one source, they seem to be very late in trying to finding the sources. Because before they were able to take notice that napster was one of the sources where you can easily obtain music I probably have used that program for a good 3 or 4 years. And hence forth, they finally pick up on Limewire.They can probably scare people to stop downloading, but their actions or attempts to stopping the downloading sources seems a little unsuccessful. Who ever that is doing the investigations for RIAA to find the illegal downloading sources needs to be on top of things if they want to represent what they stand for. Because at the pace that they are moving another program have probably been created with features that are blocking them already.Then they would have to come up with the necessary papers and blah blah, to sue that program...and then LOSE the case. They do stand up for a good purpose, but I dont think they are putting in enough effort to stopping people from downloading. I doubt they could ever put in a good enough effort to stop people from downloading because in reality there is no way they can stop people from downloading. I am sure by now that downloading music or whatever has become a natural way of life.I obviously see one big benifit from downloading music, you get the tracks you like and you dont have to go to the store to get it. But that is just my look on RIAA and their attempts at trying to stop people from downloading music, etc...

  8. One thing that I heard about about LCD moniters is that it is a whole lot better on your eyes then I believe a CRT monitor. So for projects or times where you are progressively staring at the monitor the LCD moniter is probably the best to use for your health. I'm glad I just recently updated to the LCD moniters everything looks more clean and my computer desk looks just seems more professional.Anyone know of any other good brands of LCD moniters of more info about LCD monitors? This topic got me interested in a more detailed look about LCD monitors and what makes it better than other monitors out there right now.

  9. 3D Studio Max is overated, but I believe the best program out there would probably Maya, but the program that I am using at the current state of development of 3d animation is Softimage XSI. This program was used for famous movies like "AI" and "TERMINATOR 3" 3d model of the SKELETON. Right now I am in the process of mastering the program, I say I am about 60% through the program functions, just need to learn how to render and create movies. I have model creation, animation, texturing down. But yup, this program seems to be undercover, but offers everything that other programs offers.

  10. I've gotten into a quite popular game called maple story lately, and although it started out very slow and boring. I found that my experience with the game was quite satisfying. There is no pvp, but its just a nice place to play with your friends and communicating meeting new people. This game is basically for the casual players, but the hardcore players will be rewarded with new a fancy moves. To me this game is like a action-role playing game, with GUNBOUND (a tank like game in 2D also very fun) graphics. Those that cant handle or pay the money for games to play online, you should definitely look in to this game it offers a lot for both type of players such as the casual and the hardcore. For a little summary of how you will start off and finish is like this, you first start out as a noobie no skills and nothing but a clothes and a weak weapon at the start. You go on various quests on your mission to level up. As you reach level 10 (8 for mages) you can find your first job which consists of thiefs, mages, warriors, and archers. You also go on really neat party quests, which is a room where you go on a adventure with a party of 4 people at level 20. And there is also a big giant boss at the end of every party quest. After you reach level 30 you would have to continue to train alone, unitl your can make the 2nd job advancement, which is a deeper level of your current job, but this time it branches into the different specifics. When your reach your 2nd job at level 40 you will get to use some really cool abilites that will shock people around you. But yet ofcourse, it takes a lot of time and dedication if you want to reach these levels, only a few can have enough heart and time to reach these levels. But once you start to get into the game youll find that you will probably want to advance to your 3rd job, because this job advancement here is probably the best accomplishment if you can reach this stage. The skills at this stage of the game is very eye catching, just looking at the others that have already reached this stage will make you want to achieve this level of accomplishment as well. But the bad side, it will probably take you forever to reach this stage...But to really enjoy this game, is to enjoy it with friends, it makes leveling that much quicker. If none of your friends can play or like to play this game you should make some online, it will make your experience much more joyful. If you really want me to summarize what I just said, this game is pretty much a really cool 2D side scroller with a very long but rewarding grind. So again, if you are looking for a nice MMO to play but dont have the time or money to play, try this one its free and you will have the experience of an MMO just like the other games. :unsure:

  11. I would probably choose Half-life 2 because it has a much deeper gameplay then what Halo 2 offers. And plus it has been around way before Halo was even created. Most game engines or should I say models today are based off of half-life. They are the benchmark in a games creation. I Halo, somehow I believe got a surprising break, but with Halo 2, its sequel, looks like the franchise might be heading south after that.I say this because halo 2 although offered a lot more gameplay, it weakened itself in ways that made halo 1 fun. In halo 2, it is more determined on who got the better dual weapons setup to win the battle. In halo 1 you had to actually aim and use skills to kill someone.but that was just my sense that the halo franchise my fall, hopefully halo 3 would be able to jump start its franchise on the right path again. Because with the cliff hanger in halo 2 it just makes it seems like halo 2 was rushed.Half-life 2 always have great gameplay and in-depth rewards. It is graphically intense and also offer additional content. So half-life 2 all the way...

  12. The DS version, is not and probably will not be the next generation of gaming. It was an idea that did not work out as successfully as they planned it. Do you actually feel comfortable playing games with a touch pad pen? I played a number of the games on the DS and it felt all too uncomfortable for me. They had a very unique idea but it came out all wrong. Most of the games that they have that are fun is better used with the D-Pad.How can the DS be the "real" next generation portable game system, when its graphical standard is still below consumer expectations as well as the games that they provide the consumers when compared to the PSP. I mean you can already see that most of the people on this world would probably choose the PSP over the DS because it offers more and is a probably the best investment over the DS.In all honesty, I would probably choose the gameboy advance sp over the DS, because the games on that are still addicting to play from time to time. While when I play the DS its just like a 15min fix, and Ill put it down. PSP I could probably play that thing hours on end, as well as use it functionalities for hours on end. I dont know but I hope someone out there can explain to me with good reasons why DS can be better than the PSP. Ive tried both and I strongly favor the PSP.

  13. The nintendo DS is in no way better than the Sony PSP. I for one have played the nintendo DS, and found it rather a waste of investment in entertainment. Before I chose one over the other I have tried out both system, so my opinion is not biased its based soley on what I believe is true. The nintendo have a lot of games that resembles the N64 graphics, although I admit it does run very smooth the graphics are way under par then what I am used to seeing. Im basing this off of playing Mario Cart and Metroid, both very popular games for the nintendo franchise.Sony PSP however is an investment for the better. It's a miricle how they can squish all the graphical detail of their games in that little system. Many have already started to say that the PSP is almost like the PS2 itself. A recent post said that PSP doesnt offer games that have lasting gameplay? My answer for them is, have you tried the many popular games such as Megaman X, Megaman Powered Up, Street Fighter Alpha, Metal Gear, Luminscence. These are just the many popular games that offer great gameplay, that are almost two times better than the games that the DS offers. If you are an old school fans of games, the PSP features many old school ports that are revamped with new features.The PSP also will be releasing some popular games that I am most interested in such as TEKKEN 5 DARK RESSURECTION and FINAL FANTASY: CRISIS CORE. Both are unique games exclusively for the PSP, and both of these games alone features graphics that are almost identical to the PS2 games graphical details. In another recent post, someone said that the PSP sacrificed graphical detail for efficient performance, well that is only for some games that were earlier released, games that are being released now are balancing the two, making the PSP a very very hot item.If you dont believe me in its performance, than go to youtube.com and search the two following or the games that I have listed in this post, just so you can see how fast it loads and how it plays. If you have noticed I have a lot more to say about the PSP because I am more impressed with the PSP than the features that the DS offers gamers.To make hint to all others out there, the PSP is not only used to play games, it can browse the web, play downloaded movies, music, store pictures, its baslically a mini computer you got in your pocket. While on the otherhand the nintendo DS is a version 2 of the gameboy advance. I really hope nintendo step up its game in the feature because I was once a fan of nintendo, now they are just a thing of the past Microsoft and Sony are the new rulers of the gaming entertainment world.

  14. I heard many stories about people sueing for riduculous things and situations. It just seems like everyone is doing anything just to get some money, even if its the most stupid thing. But hey, I know some stupid things done that are now televised and people are making money. This world is a very interesting place, with very odd people. There are times when I just sit and think about what goes on in the minds of those people that they can just go out there in the real world and believe that they can probably make a big buck for a random event that just happened like the guy being struck by lightining and blaming iPod for his unfortunate accident.People this days, they are really just unpredictable if you ask me :unsure:

  15. World of Warcraft to me was never really a interesting game. I tried it during its beta stage and wasnt really satisfied with its gameplay. I then waited until it finished and have established a foundation for itself and tried it again recently, and I still find the game uninteresting. From the many MMORPGs that I have experianced I have learned that from the begining of the game you get really into the game, but as you progress into the game you began to realize that this game will run out of interesting things to do. I also noticed that MMORPGs are only fun and enjoyable if you have REAL friends to play with you.With real friends you guys can actually communicate with each other rather well, and have a more interesting time with the game then you would with a stranger. I know that MMORPGs you are supposed to play it to meet others, but they will always be a stranger that you have met online. A game like World of Warcraft only has so much to do before it gets repetitive when you play by yourself. But when I think of it, and really analyze everything, no game out there will or can possible entertain you forever. You will always reach some point in the game where it will just lose its spark when you first started playing the game.Trust me on this, I have gone through many MMORPGs, such as Star Wars Galaxies, Lineage II, GunBound, Maple Story, Ragnark, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars and possible some other no name MMORPGs as well. All suddenly end up dull after you have reached the climax of the games gameplay. Maybe one day there will be a game that will and can satisfy us for a long time, but other than that I dont think there is a single game out there that can possible keep on playing hours on end like when we would first start it.

  16. In my opinion dreamweaver is the only program that I found that offers the features that I need to make my web pages. Its easy interface, gives me access to the variety of options I need to implement from a basic web site to a complex one. Unlike many others web editors that I have tried, I dont feel as restricted when Im designing a web site. So far I used dreamweaver to design multiple website, that were html, xhtml, flash, half flash and half html. The features that dreamweaver provides for me when making these web pages I was able to effeciently develop them with little frustration.Also I have yet to find a glitch in the program, maybe its because Im doing most of the design in the coding and not using the special buttons most of the time. But nevertheless its a program that I have yet to look away from when designing web pages.One of the best features that I think dreamweaver offers is the ease of creating CSS sheets. THere are those times when I totally couldnt remmber the syntax for a certain font or text attritbute for CSS, and with dreamweaver it automatically can help you find or add the attribute for you if you dont happen to remember what the syntax is.Without dreamweaver I might as well be a pretty crippled designer, but like the real world, we always will need to learn to adapt.

  17. Gmail is possible the best email service I have used in a long time. Compared to many of the other services such as yahoo, hotmail and such its junk mail blocking feature is extremely well done. I have yet to get weird junk mail in my inbox. All the junk mail is directly stored within the spam area automatically when it is detected as spam.That is for one, one of the main reasons why I love this service. If you take a look at my hotmail account as well as yahoo email account. I get a crap load of SPAM mail from places I have never heard of. And no, I didnt not fill out any subscriptions or feel out them FREE STUFF ADs found on the internet.I dont know exactly how the gmail system filters out the mail that I have been recieving to detect accurately what is actual mail from the spam mail. But Im not complaining about its service, its is indeed the best service that I have signed up to. It keeps the junk out and the material you want or expecting to come to Come...And a very interesting thing about gmail is that with its quality service, the email service is still in BETA? And at its stage right now it out performs many of the email services that I am using in my opinion.For you to say that going to your inbox is slow, I believe it might be your computer because I have never experianced any slow log in that caused me to say "WTF" everytime when I logged in it took no longer than about 5 seconds or less.

  18. Being that I work and need the use of internet where I work for web development designs, you could say Im probably online 24 hours and 7 days. Even when Im at home I turn the computer on just because my friends are usually online on AIM who I talk to. I probably use my phone 10% of the time whereas I use the computer the other 90%. The only time Im offline is probably important events for example, NBA FINALS...GO DALLAS, SUPERBOWL, and such that requires my attention other than the computer.I sometimes think is this how the world will be from now on? Everyone would be required to have a computer? Because from the looks of things and everywhere I go someone has a computer.

  19. Guild wars is for the casual gamers that prefer interaction from real people. Its a different kind of game that shouldnt be compared to WoW, because a new category of debate will arise. I believe that WoW does have great gameplay because I have tried it, but it DOES NOT in NO WAY have better graphics, true its trying to have its style of catoony type graphics but they could have at least made the models cleaner, maybe something that is comparable to how "KINGDOM HEARTS 2" cartoony models look.The reason I for one did not jump on the World of Warcraft bandwagon is because the graphics they offered disgusted me. I could not stand playing as a human who looked like he was ARNOLD. If they offered more custimization for your characters I would actually consider playing WoW again, I have tried many MMOs and I think that Star Wars Galaxies has a really good custimization system, where you can acutally call that character your own.It uses a system that only some MMOs have, which is a scaling system where you modifiy how big each part on your body looks. I hate systems where they have premade characters and facials, because sooner or later you would find someone looking exactly like you no matter how large the libarary of custimizations they have. Having the scaling system adds a level of personalization to it.But back to the issue of Guild wars and WoW, Guild wars is probably the best choice for people that cant play MMOs often but enjoys the atmoshere. WoW is mainly for those that are hardcore and can maintain the bills as well as playing consistently. But if it has to come down for me to choose which game I would prefer over the other I would pick Guild Wars, because like I said earlier I prefer playing a game that is beautiful than just average. This is the 21st century I believe, graphics like WoW has been way outdated and needs a upgrade, which I hope they do so that I can maybe join the fun again.If anyone want to play a beautiful game with game play style like WoW I highly reccomend Lineage 2, that game has evolved so much since its release, and continues to evolve every time I check if they updated. One thing that the game lacks would probably the Character Custimization that I described earlier though. But I think that is probably the best MMO to play in terms of experiance, not to mention the BEAUTIFUL enviroments.

  20. I dont quite understand the use of wireless keyboards and mouses. Its not like you are going to go 50 feet away to use your mouse. Could you explain what your reason was for buying a wireless mouse or keyboard. I was always curious on the usefullness of wireless keyboards and mouses.

  21. Graphics cards are always updating, almost seems like a new one is coming out every month. I have the nvidia GeForce 7900GT from a recently purchased Alienware computer. Now nvidia just released a new graphics card that kills all graphics card. The single card has a combined total of 1GB of GDDR3 RAM, my new computer JUST got 1GB of ram. Here is the very interesting article for you guys to check out, for all the hardware junkies like me out there. Because I know a summary of it cant feed you, you need it raw so here it is:


    Posted Image


    Nvidia reintroduced SLI two years ago, but the company found that two GPUs in a single system just wasn't enough. Four would be better. The GeForce 7950 GX2, Nvidia's newest video card, now makes two GPUs a mere starting point. The GeForce 7950 GX2 is a single card, but it comes with two GPUs and twice the amount of RAM found on normal video cards. Since the GX2 is a single card, you can place two in an SLI system for quad-GPU action. Welcome to the land of excess.


    The GeForce 7950 GX2 sports two GeForce 7900 series GPUs; the single card has a combined total of 1GB of GDDR3 RAM, 48 pixel pipelines, and 16 vertex shaders. Nvidia reference specifications have the dual cores clocked at 500MHz and pegged the memory at 600MHz. The core clock of the GX2 is 200MHz slower than a GeForce 7900 GTX--but when you have two GPUs on a single card, who's complaining? According to Nvidia, heat output and power consumption forced the decision to ease off on some of the settings to ensure proper operation. However, the conservative engine speed gives the card manufacturers the opportunity to customize cards to offer higher clock speeds. The XFX GeForce 7950 GX2 we tested ships with a 570MHz engine clock, and 700MHz memory.




    The double-wide GeForce 7950 GX2 will work with just about any motherboard that has PCI Express slots; check Nvidia's site for a complete list. You'll also need a quality 400W power supply to keep the card well fed, but you might need more juice if you go above reference settings. XFX recommends a 500W supply for its overclocked GeForce 7950 GX2.


    If you manage to get your hands on two GeForce 7950 GX2s, you can run them in a single system to enable Quad SLI mode. However, for the foreseeable future, Quad SLI configurations will only be available only through system builders. Of course, we don't imagine that Nvidia would cripple retail boards from running in Quad SLI mode, and no one's going to stop you from buying two cards and slapping them in your system. If you plan to do so, make sure your motherboard is verified to run in Quad SLI mode, and be sure to have, at the very least, a high-quality 600W (our recommendation) power supply.


    The XFX GeForce 7950 GX2 is the fastest single-card graphics we've had the pleasure to test here at GameSpot. Our XFX GX2 beat out the GeForce 7900 GTX and the Radeon X1900 XT in every single test. The XFX GeForce 7950 GX2 even manages to come close to our GeForce 7900 GTX SLI and Radeon X1900 XT CrossFire rigs.


    We managed to get two GeForce 7950 GX2s running in our test bed without a hitch, and enabling Quad SLI mode proved trivial. Via the normal driver interface, we flipped a switch and were on our way to a system powered by four GPUs. Unfortunately, performance proved unimpressive and contained graphical errors; we mainly attribute that to the immaturity of the drivers. We're sure that, given some time, Nvidia can make Quad SLI a competitive solution.


    With an MSRP between $599 and $649, the GeForce 7950 GX2 isn't a mainstream graphics solution, but it offers performance comparable to much more expensive dual-card SLI and CrossFire setups.

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