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Posts posted by kgd2006

  1. Very interesting, but for some reason sometimes I believe sites like these is free marketing for Microsoft in a way. For example, say someone that does not no anything about microsoft, not likely but lets take that for example. That person somehow wanders upon that site somehow and wonders why this site is bashing microsoft. So any person with an open mind would look at two sides of a story to figure out something. So they would end up on microsofts site, and eventually learn that its a software giant that offers many different type of programs for users needs. I wonder if im clear on my example, but as you can see, these hate sites to me seem like free advertising for microsoft. I also believe it would take a whole lot to take down a corperation like Microsoft, they are too established and grounded to peoples lives. But I believe in the future we will and might see a new leader, Im just wondering who will be creative and devious enough to overthrow Microsoft...haha, might be MEEH =P

  2. I would disagree, and I wish to give your my perspective on why I disagree why SWG is not the best, and I do respect your opinion. I first subscribed to SWG about 2 years ago, wayyy before the the vast amount of changes they had made to the gameplay system. I was playing it first when it was actually still an MMORPG with Lineage 2/World Of Warcraft features. SWG actually I believe started the features that other MMORPGs like world of warcraft are using currently and have been modified.Before when I played I created a character that had a "life" in the Star wars galaxies, but since then the game moved into a combat upgrade phase, where they stripped the user interface with a new one as well as a TOTAL change in the combat system where the whole combat concept no longer was familier to me. From that point on I cancelled my subscription because the game has went down south for me. They then moved toward what the call the "new game enhancements" which I went back and tried, and noticed they even digged a bigger whole that totally lost my interest. It turned further away from a rpg, and more like a 3rd person online action shooter.My final thoughts is that, SWG was sooo much better when they were first made it. You had a lot of customization, and it was a lot of fun, exspecially PvP. If you ever contact the veterans of the game like I was they will probably agree with me that the pre-combat upgrade and pre NGE was a much better SWG than it is now. But if you do enjoy what they are offering, then best of luck and I hope they will not change the whole system on you like they did on me.

  3. I think this type of service may have a lot of pros and cons. The pros maybe it offers a silent way to contact the authorities to come to your aid, but the process of contacting in the form of text may be a little too inconveniant, compared to getting a direct response from the 911 service, so this might be the disadvantage. Im not quite so sure, this feature can have many different uses depending on the situation. But it never hurts to have another feature of contacting the proper authorities more discreetly.

  4. Gmail is a very good email service. Although it still is in beta right now, it offers way better filter of spam and security than the other email services out there. They are even expanding their features to provide direct chats, like a msn chat/email service per say. Ive been with gmail for about 3 years to be exact, and their service of providing spam filtering and security have been extradinary. In comparision to hotmail, my previous email service, it does not block the important emails or glitches sent email which hotmails system currently have been having.Gmail also has a cool feature where it automatically prevent html type emails from showing in your inbox UNTIL you click a button to say that it is okay to show it, which I dont think hotmail offers, but maybe its in the hotmail settings. Gmail, however, has it as a option on the point of view of your current mail, which is convient for security issues to prevent viruses that are embedded in images around then net.If you havent used gmail, I reccomend you to try it because it will probably be the best email system out there eventually. Google has become more than just the best search engine. It some how been able to expand its expertise in MAPS, EMAIL, and many other stuff. Boy do I sound like a marketing representive for google, haha...

  5. I just recently got this really annoying update for IE browser that was supposedly a critical update that makes all the "flash objects" have an outline when you hover over it. You would need to click the object to activate it it says, which means if the flash object has buttons than you would have to click on the flash object before you can click on the flash buttons. Its a really ANNOYING update that ruins the design of flash/html websites. Paticulary mines, because I made my website where it blended in with the html document so you cant really tell if its flash. But with this new update that they had released it has ruined my design. I tried to uninstall it but it causes weird errors to my computer, so I just reinstalled it. I hope they release a update where you can TURN OFF the feature of the outlining of flash objects soon...

  6. Im currently using Limewire, it filters out many of the obvious bogus files really well. I remember when I was using Kazza, all the downloads would give me a really high pitched eerie sound. Im assuming RIAA is trying to fill up the kazza with bogus files so people would stray away from downloading files. But since I found limewire, I have been having great results for my search for things. I have yet to find a file that I didnt keep because it was currupted or a bad file at the worst.

  7. I was doing my daily browsing of interesting facts today, and came upon a random fact that deals with theory that can make peanut butter into a diamond. Although this theory is just to make a synthetic diamond (fake), if I had the tools to make the peanut butter in my fridge to a diamond ILL BE STINKING RICH...haha :P

    Very interesting what technologe can do these days, I included a link below that has the full article about what Im talking about, I also included the into snippet of it.

    Full Article Link Here

    "The Diamond Deception"

    PBS Airdate: February 1, 2000
    Go to the companion Web site

    ____: During the following program, look for NOVA's Web markers which lead you to more information at our Website.

    H. TRACY HALL, SR.: We can take some of this material and put it in this tube which is constructed out of graphite. And we will be heating this in a high-pressure, high-temperature press. And in the process, the peanut butter will be carbonized.

    NARRATOR: Cooking peanut butter at temperatures of 3000 degrees under pressure of over a million pounds per square inch is a recipe that won't fill your stomach - but it might make you rich.

    H. TRACY HALL, SR.: So, peanut butter to diamond.

    NARRATOR: For nearly 50 years, scientists have known how to transform carbon rich substances into small industrial diamonds, but the trick to making gem quality stones has remained elusive - until now. Today, it may be possible to manufacture diamond jewels that are indistinguishable from the real thing - and it has the diamond industry worried.

    MARTIN RAPAPORT: Just what if there is a way to synthesize diamonds that are non-detectable from natural diamonds? What if technology gives us the ability to make a synthetic diamond that no one knows is a synthetic?

    NARRATOR: What will happen to the mystique of this billion-year-old stone if science finally solves the mystery of making the perfect gem diamond? For this most brilliant and treasured jewel, Mother Nature, it seems, no longer holds the patent.

    ____: Major funding for NOVA is provided by the Park Foundation, dedicated to education and quality television.

    ____: This program is funded in part by Northwestern Mutual Life, which has been protecting families and businesses for generations. Have you heard from the quiet company? Northwestern Mutual Life.

    ____: c|net.com. Helping you choose the right technology product.

    ____: And by The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and by contributions to your PBS station from viewers like you. Thank you.

    NARRATOR: Deep under the earth - in mines scattered around the world - thousands of tons of rock are displaced each day in hopes of uncovering a few gem-quality diamonds.

    STEPHEN LUSSIER: There's something magical about diamonds, they've captured the imagination of people for so long, I think it's things like, you know, the fact that they are three billion years old, the fact that it takes enormous effort to find diamonds in the world. It takes even more enormous effort to get them out. They have this magnificent way of dealing with light that separates them from all the other precious stones. They really are just a miracle of nature.

    NARRATOR: But how would we feel if this miracle of nature could be copied, atom by atom, in a laboratory in just a few hours? Could any reproduction, no matter how faithful, ever compare with a natural stone?

    ALEX GRIZENKO: A diamond is a diamond. If it's carbon and if it looks like a diamond, it's a diamond. It's not a simulant. And as we know, there are many simulants on the market. Cubic zirconia has been around for many years. A new simulant called moissanite has entered the marketplace. But these are all pretending to be carbon. They're not carbon. Hence, they're not diamonds.

    NARRATOR: Diamonds have always invited fakery, which was often easy to spot. And while the techniques for producing look-a-likes have improved, these sparklers are still no closer to being diamonds than a piece of glass. Real diamonds are much more difficult to make - and nearly impossible to break. Their chemical composition was only discovered in the late 1700s, after pioneering chemist Antoine Lavoisier found a way to burn one. In this lab a real diamond is being heated to over 1500 degrees centigrade. After being dropped into liquid oxygen, the diamond burns completely. All that is left is carbon dioxide gas - proving that diamonds are nothing but pure carbon. The only pure carbon substance known in Lavoisier's time was graphite - the soft, black material in pencil lead.

  8. Yes, I agree when I played halo 1 I was addicted from the start of the hype to the end of the hype. When Halo 2 came out, I played it for a good two months before I realized I didnt like this version as much as I did Halo 1. And this is coming from a point of view where I played mostly against people Online on XBOX live. Usually the gameplay replay factor would be a lot better when you can play against people online. But it feels to me that I enjoyed Halo 1 much more than I am with 2. Very odd it seems because there are so many features in Halo 2 that it should seem that I would like Halo 2 more. Well, I guess Ill slip Halo 2 back in to see what happens...haha, cya...

  9. Wow...using super glue to heal open tear wounds? Cant those chemicals use to make super glue harm you in some unhealthy way? Especially when your putting it right on your blood and maybe eventually into your blood stream. What a very interesting method to stop blood, next time when someone I see have a open wound I hope people dont look at me stupid when I say "PUT SOME SUPERGLUE ON IT!!!" =P

  10. Im not quite sure if its possible to embed a PSD file in dreamweaver, but you can use Photoshop to design your template, AND USE imageready to convert your template to edit and modify in dreamweaver.Let me further explain this matter. First you design you template in adobe photoshop, once completed you would open up adobe imageready, should be the program that comes with when you install adobe photoshop, and you would then use the slice tool to slice up your template into images to construct your template design. Once completed there is a option in the "files tab" so that you can output the template into html document.Once you outputted the template, you can then edit the template in Dreamweaver. And I believe that is the type of answer Im assuming you were looking for.But a word of warning. This method of design uses "spacer" images to contruct the design of the template. Which to some web designers views, not very efficient, because it uses improvision and manipulation to construct a design of a web page. Well I hope I answered your question. Good luck...

  11. I believe you should learn C first because when you learn the fundamentals of C, learning Java will seem like a simplified version of C. And since C, is the primary language that evolved into many other similar language its best to learn C first. I learned C first, and even though my knowledge of C may not be that great, when I was taught about java, programming in another launage was a lot easier if I was to learn the other way around. Just that there are many conceptual advantages and disadvantages to the type of languages you learn.

  12. I heard from many gaming sites that Xbox 360 made software development for games a lot easier than PS3 which is as of now too complex for the software companies developing games for the PS3. But there has been a lot of speculation that PS3's hardware is a lot more powerful than the Xbox. In the end, once PS3 is out we can then judge which system can hold up to its name. Too early to judge due to many rumors that are going around right now. But my belief is that there is too many sony fans out there right now, and will eventually dominate Xbox in terms of sales. Me, I never owned a PS2, and bought a XBOX. But this coming year Ive been considered holding back on the 360 to get the PS3 because I have a feeling PS3 has a lot of potential to becoming the better system of the next generation...

  13. Hello everyone here is a really cool matrix effect that I learned somewhere online before. All you use is just 3 filters. You can even create your name and many other cool things if you are looking for the matrix effect style...


    STEP 1: Goto Filter>Texture>Grain

    Make sure you set up the settings like so.


    Posted Image


    STEP 2: Goto Filter>Artistic>Neon Glow

    Make sure you set up the settings just like the picture, and even the tool bar color palette must match up as well, because it also effects the filter.


    Posted Image


    STEP 3: Goto Filter>Stylize>Glowing Edges

    This final step you will see that you have just created a Matrix effect...pretty cool?


    Posted Image


    Finshed Product Below:


    Posted Image

  14. This is very interesting news!!! But it seems a little bit too good to be true, how would the computer handle the situation if it had to parallel park? Im quite interested in seeing the computer at work with that. But even if this technology passes, it just makes humans more reliable and dependent on computers to do the work for us, which is a very bad thing. Because, whos to say the computer wouldnt glitch, we all know that glitches among computers always happens and this could lead to more problems. For example, would this computer to glitch during an event where cars are passing by the computerized parking car when the sensors somehow glitches, a accident might occur from the defect of the sensors. Many other situations may arise if we depend too much on the computer to do things for us. Driving relies more on human instinct then a measure of sensors. If it was me, I trust myself in parking and not that of a computer...

  15. I haven't played the game specifically, but I watched a little bit of the gamespot marathon where the reviewer was playing the game on its release for 12 hours straight I believe. From the looks of the in game gameplay it looks promising, but I really dont like the combat style, because its just too basic for my tastes. If they concentrate on the combat of the game on the next version this game might actaully interest me. I know so far they have succeeded in making the games customize ablitly and storyline and so forth. But me as a gameplayer, need to have a fluid combat system not a clunky combat system that they have right now.

  16. For me, its a tie between burnout 3 and need for speed underground. Reason is because if I wanted to play a game where I can see cool crashes I would play burnout 3, but if I wanted to play a game where I wanted to customize my car and race the streets I would choose need for speed. Both a very entertaining games that deserves its reknown. I see that many are jumping on the GT4 boat. Back in the days I liked GT because of its emphasis in customize content, but now a days their production of sequals dont have enough content for me to be entertained by the series. Its the same tracks over again and only added some new ones for ever new sequal they release. Another point I like to reach is, they havent gone the extra mile to add the visual affects that most games out there are doing like "damage on cars" "visual look of your customized cars." And many other features that they are missing that other games have. One unique thing about that I like about their games is their numbers of cars that is included, but that is not enough to make me buy the sequal. I remember I didnt even use all the 150 cars that they added, although a nice feature they had It didnt interest me. Back then they were able to take all the features of a racing game and add it to there game. Now they seem to have gotten lazy or are sidetracked. Their games seems rather tedious to me now. Hopefully in the future with the next generations system out they will be able to implement those features.

  17. From what I know as a fact learning from tuturials XHTML is a combination of HTML and XML (EXtensible Markup Language). XHTML consists of all the elements in HTML 4.01 combined with the syntax of XML. XML was designed to describe data and HTML was designed to display data. So they eventually combined the two to make XHTML to what it is today. The most important things when using XHTML as a language of choice is the elements must be properly nested, documents be well-formed, all tags must be in lower case or else it is not in XHTML format, and ALL of the tags used must have a close tag. For example:HTML TAG for Break: <br>XHTML TAG for Break: <br />I hope what I described to you shed a little more light on your curiosity of XHTML...

  18. Hello everyone, I had an earlier post that talked about the Alienware computer that I was going to get. But, since then Dell and Alienware merged. Which I believe might lower the prices of Alienware products eventually. So does anyone know if I should wait to see if Alienware lowers their prices for computers, if so how long would you suggest I wait before making a purchase from them? Or should I just go ahead and buy a product from them, assuming the fact that their prices will not lower anyway. Please give my info on my situation if you can, thanks in advance...

  19. The free mmorpg's that I currently play are Maple Story and Gun Bound, both are pretty entertaining games to play when you are subtantially bored with your day. Maple Story though, is a very unfriendly level grinding game, so if you have the patience than you can probably try it out, the characters in there are pretty hilarious and moves are pretty satisfying, giving the fact that it is a 2d mmorpg. On the other hand some really good mmorpgs to try are Guild Wars, and Lineage 2. I personally prefer Lineage 2 because of the freedom that it offers the player when you are hitting a opposing npc it seems like it gives more of an impact animation. While guild wars is pretty much a communcation game, without communication your experiance in that game can be rather frustrating.

  20. Yea i noticed that my anti-virus is a major bogg down to my pc, well my laptop anyways. It takes up a lot of processing power when it is active or scanning. When Im doing other things with the computer as it runs, everythings process power gets cut by more than half I believe. I mainly use norton internet security, which is a anti virus program that checks stuff as your browsing the internet as well. Although it does slightly bogg down my computer, I rather be safe than sorry. From the day I started using the anti virus program I never had a virus, or a attack on my computer.

  21. Ticketing a elderly women for crossing the street too slowly??? If anything, I believe that the officer that ticketed the woman should be helping her cross the street. Boy, I believe police these days have nothing else to do but try to cause drama for civilians. From one stand point, yes she is the problem in the situation, but this problem isnt all her fault. She cant help it if she cant cross the street faster than the other people, shes old for god sakes. You would think people these days have more respect for people older than them.

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