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Posts posted by kgd2006

  1. My favorite peice of free software would probably be AIM because I basically use it everyday to communicate to friends from across the world as well as friends in general. Its like the perfect communication tool that allows you to do productive things in a technical field that requires the use of a computer. AIM has evolved as a program over the years that it now offer many interesting things that allows two people to futher dive into the networking enviroment. For example, I believe that they created cool games that you can connect with the other to play, I remember the good old days of AIM when smileys was a very entertaining way to express one self over the internet. Now aim has elaborated that and created interesting splash effect smileys.Other free programs that I often find myself frequently using are winamp, which is my primary tool for listening to music. There is not a day where I dont have a playlist up and running throughout a long day of work. Music is the perfect energy drink. Without these programs I feel naked and disoriented throughout the day.

  2. I think the Gran Turismo franchise is as close to realism of racing as you can possibly go. Its offers features that other games do not have. But not only that but its wide selection of cars and modifcation parts for the car holds true to what you would purchase and upgrade in real life. They literally took the real life racing scene theme and enviroment and made it into a game. Those that never knew much about the racing scene or what it took to make a car go fast plays that game to understand what its all about. Other games like fortz motorsport, need for speed, and other games try to offer some realism into their game and copy what the gran turismo franchise offers but it will never reach their level of technology efforts and experience and commitment that it takes to making their games. They have successfully recorded sounds from each of their playable cars with sounds from actualy cars. They have measured the physics of the car to make it operate similar inside the game. Gran Turismo is a franchise that is well established and have undergone many improvements from each proceeding sequels that comes in line.I mean during the time of playstation they have perfected realism graphics of the cars available in the first game. They tried to imrpove the game graphically each time in the other titles but I notice little improvement because the games cars already looks real every since the first title. And all they just add are reflections and other detailed features to the car. I believe they had reached a point in which they considered they had reached the limits to how releastic they can already imrpove the graphics on the car and took their improvement concentration on to the enviroment of the game which they concentrated on sun glare, smoke, dirt, and reflection of the windows on buildings and I believe even the crowd itself. In conclusion I dont see and havent seen any other racing game that has impressed me like Gran turismo has. Although other titles offers interesting gameplay that GT dont have, GT still remains the best title to date with its realistic feel, and anyone that have not tried a gran turismo game should eventually pick one up.

  3. I have never heard of this. So now they will be releasing a new time of internect connection? Thats interesting, I wonder if that would drive the cost of cable and dsl down with the new technology. Because if the fiber is supposedly going to improve the speed of the internet mostly people would jump towards that upgrade over what they have currently and if they are willing to give it the same cost as other internet sources.

  4. I and I believe everyone else here probably agrees that google is the most used search engine on the internet. Even websites such as yahoo and other competitors are using google as their main source of a search engine. Googles search engine is one of the most accurate that I have used thus far and no other engine can compare. I tried such search engine like askjeeves and such and msn, but those search engines give me more spam results then what google gives me. Google finds me even dead sites and files if used properly. I remmeber I was trying to locate a site that I had made long time ago that was shut down after a long term of unpaid hosting fees, I was able to find my site in googles cache memory. Which I was able to back up some of my work because it had it in its cache memory. If it was for google and its cache memory feature I would have never been able to save my work that I had done so long ago.Google has seem to have expanded to even more than just a search engine, as many of you probably know by now that google has the most advanced map feature to date. With its new mapping technology other map services are trying to immitate what google offers. The map alone not only give accurate directions like it would with its search engine, it gives a satelite close of view of the area itself. I was even able to find my house with its mapping system. Whatever search engine or company that is trying to compete with google with its technological advancements will have a pretty hard time because they are moving so fast that other competitors are having trouble trying to keep up with what they have to offer. They are just making somether that is already out there better, and that is what sells in the market these days things that work efficiently for the public.But back on the topic of googles amazingly great search engine, there has yet to be something that I have not been able to find using google. Without google is like living life without a compass or sense of direction.

  5. Windows Vista now Vienna. Man they are really trying to eat peoples pockets with their release. After the official release many have felt that the release of vista was cool but not a best OS system to purchase because it lacks the compatibility of many softwares old and new. So buying it would be like bricking your computer where is would be totally useless to you unless you have compatible software for it. Now they are deciding to release a new OS system in two years named Vienna. I hope their next release will at least address the compatibility issues that are found in the new OS such as vista. I have yet to upgrade my OS from XP because I have heard many bad things that have happened to peoples computers because of their sudden urge to upgrade to a new OS that takes advantage of direct X 10. I believe that I will probably and eventually upgrade to a new OS if I feel that it is necceassary otherwise whats the point.Most importantly I hope that microsofts next release will at least be unique overall and not keep on copying other peoples idea and thinking that they can make it better. For example, look what they have done to IE7 when they try to copy firefox's tab feature. The IE7 tab feature is more of a pain then it is without it. I prefer firefox's browser with its many features of turning off all page styles and analyzing a pages code. IE7 does not offer many feature which you can do that or none that I have heard or seen of. Most importantly I hate how IE sudden puts a box on all flash objects, I know they did that as a form of secruity, but why a annoying box why cant it be invisible and less annoying, which is another reason why I prefer firefox. The swf object box that IE7 has ruins many website designs, I do however know of a bypass of the dumb box that IE7 has but I rather not have to go an extra length to code in a bypass to make it compatible with IE7 when it should be compatible in the first place. Flash is everywhere and to have something like IE7 to put a box around it makes it a nuisance. I hope they somehow just remove that box in the near future, and improve their softwares with a unique taste and not a typical taste of what has already been done. I am not a microsoft supporter but I am also not a hater. I just use a lot of PC products and need them to be more original then trying to be a copy of something.

  6. Wow, science these days amazes me all the time. I never knew that blood can be formed from plastic, that there is just plain genius. But discoveries like this is good for man kind. Anything to help us is a good thing, things like weapons of mass destruction which scientists are also observing and improving is something that can be very dangerous in the hands of evil. But with this artifical blood, moments when a hostpital does not have blood type for a critical patient is the best thing and option left to use that can help a life that is in dire need of living or a min more before a proper patient of the same blood type can be found. This fact of science is as interesting as the time when I heard that vegetable oil can be used as gas to operate a automobile, which was already a improvement to life since our gas resource I believe will be gone eventually and we would need to look at other sources for operating our cars. But one thing I am awaiting to hear is a cure for the most detrimental viruses of the human race, AIDS/HIV...If we can find a cure for that and maybe cancer too, we would not live life in much fear as we do now.

  7. I rarely use msn as my communication tool of choice because it seems lately that microsoft is the target of most of the attacks. Although other programs that I occasionally use is AIM is also a target of virus attacks, I just do the common sense thing that was mentioned in posts above, which is question the file that is being sent so that you would get bit by the internet spider. If your friend questions it himself then cleary its a virus trying to trick you into clicking and downloading some spyware or keylogger onto your computer system. The internet may be the very source of good information and a haven for many people, but it is also a burden of hell when there are people out there that is trying to use the internet for there own evil purposes. But if you are pretty cautious and well informed of the type of virus attacks that are going on out there you are very unlikely to get bit by them. The ones that usually and occasionally get attacked are those that are not so computer literate so to say. That would be the source of the contagious infection of viruses, those that dont know what just popped on their screen and is curious to find out what it is. If people are more well informed of what type of viruses are out there viruses would not be much of a problem other than a nuisance on the internet, but there is always a very curious person to fall for their traps. Im saying this in the general sense, because I know that viruses now are harder to detect and can be very very sneaky when it comes to attacking your system. But if you avoid areas such as porn sites, p2p, or any places that you normally wouldnt go to that isnt official, you should be more than safe.

  8. That site burned my eyes. I cant believe I tried to read the site with the rotating animation of bright colors. Man, its kinda interesting how you eyes can be hurt from just a mere distracting animation of bright colors. I wonder if this is how it sort of feel like if I was to be flashed bombed, haha, Probably 10x more painful. But man that site was so distractingly painful I had to close my eyes for 5 seconds before the pain of the rotating colors would go away.

  9. Thats pretty good info for the rookie web developers out there. You covered the basis on xhtml and efficient coding techniques. I sometimes find myself messing up my nests of tags haha, But I eventually clean it up in the end. XHTML is definitely the future and will replace html itself soon. Now with the transfer of the new technology which is ajax, more people will try to learn xml which will make them eventually use xhtml style syntax. I just wish I could make more projects for myself so that I could perfect my skills.

  10. Ive just recently discovered this place too, I was watching a lot of old series shows that I have not seen before. This place is a very good source but if its going to get a lot of popularity im afraid copyright laws will bring it down. I hope that everyone that knows about this site just keep it in secret. Because so far this place is my place to go to watch new episodes and missed episodes of current shows. This and youtube, but youtube has been on the attack of copyright laws and it has been giving me a hard time for me to find my shows that I missed. The reason that I use these stream web sources is because I work late shifts and basically miss all the good night shows. So these web streaming sources is the place I go to catch up on what I missed. Hopefully, this place will stay alive for years to come.

  11. Im looking forward to getting my hands on CS3, but I will probably continue using CS2 until I hear about more improvement and tricks that will convince me totally, about converting to the new software. RIght now, I dont think there isnt anything that I cant do in CS2. CS2 already provide me with enough features that create ease in my graphic design projects and such. But like with all adobe softwares, there is always a slight adjustment or improvement that makes you want the newest program just so you can say that you have used it and experienced it, and eventually criticize it that its not much different from the previous version that was released, haha. But thats just me, everything that they are improving are mainly just an interface that makes it alot more easy for the designer themselves.

  12. Since we are on the subject of consipiracy I always felt that the goverment always has something more to something then what is the straight forward response and messages we get on our news television. For example, things such as the 911 event. I have seen a documentary about how that event was supposedly done by the goverment itself the planning of a terrorist bombing to get the people together as a nation. Maybe it may have happen where the goverment planned for funding foundations where they could fund what is now their war on iraq. Who knows, but a video of what I watched analyzing the events of 911 somehow talks about how it was too perfectly planned and handled. Things like a currupt goverment is always possible, and what we see in the movies as an interpertation of the goverment may not be as far fetched of an idea, it may be true.But on the cases of Area 51, I heard that technology being developed there is probably 10 years more advanced then what we have now. So basically what we have now is probably 10 years old in technology in the stuff that they have happening at Area 51. I mean it makes sense, the goverment would like to know how to control the technology in every way possible should someone that is vastly intelligent use it for wrong doings. There are just so many things that makes you think that can you even trust your goverment. But sometimes I believe that we should just live on with our lives and just discover what the goverment is all about as it is brought forward. They for one have had a couple slip ups recently in their so called CIA security checks, its hard to believe anything anymore but you will probably just grab what is good and continue living your life. Cause overwhelming your mind in curiosity for the truth will probably just drive you mad.

  13. I think you should wait until they fix all the bugs, or wait until programs are compatible with vista. Because I have heard many problems with vista concerning the compatiblity of programs. It also causes instability to your system if you computer can not handle vista, so becareful of that as well. All I heard of vista was direct x 10 being on it that greatly improves game performance and such. But there were also customers that also like to differ. So its been a very conflicting issue with how vista has launched. RIght now I am acutally waiting till everything is sorted out before making any purchase of any decision of upgrading my operating system to vista. I just have too many programs that I need that it would take me too long to back up just in case vista crashes my computer. Like they say if it aint broke dont fix it. hehe.

  14. That is a very nice job saint. But I think, and this is just my opinion, the font that you have in the box doesnt go to well with the signature you made. Maybe try comic sans or whatever font comic books use these days. But last time I checked I believe it was comic sans or something of a similar nature. But again good work, like always.

  15. From the time I started using a computer to now I see a drastic change in my typing speed. Back then I would type incredibly slow where I would delibertly poke at the keys. Sometimes it would also become frustrating to me when I would try to type of a paper, and would always hate it when teachers would assign me papers in which I would have to write and type up. But as the years went by and a gradually started to use the computer more and more, and with the assistance of AIM. My typing skills have vastly improved. I was able to then not look at the keyboard and type but then I would sometimes get various mispellings throughout the times I try to type without looking at the keyboard. Now that I have grown and graduated from college and all. My typing speed could almost be comparable to the people that type out what people say during court sessions. I can literraly type as fast as I can talk and not make much errors. I guess I can thank my current job for that which I am responsible for typing out copy for certain situations of my projects. THere are times when I receive a project and the job requires me to type out 10 page papers. After a few of those it seems like my typing speed had to have improved for putting my hands through that much stress hehe. But all in all, I can say Im a very fast typer, I dont think I ever measured my typing speed and accuracy recently. But just take my word for it.

  16. I was a halo fan, keyword "WAS". Reason is that bungie lost me when they rushed halo 2. Although HALO 2 had many features that were cool and fun the gameplay was broken to the adjustment of weapons. Not only that but the game was very short which made many of the consumers that purchased the game who was expecting a even larger game was saddened to a short game that left us hanging for number 3. Hopefully HALO3 will offer everything as promised plus more. Halo is a very unexpected game to blow up as it did. And if they go down hill from halo 2 it would be a waste expecially since microsoft has very high standards for its marketing scheme. I am very interested in how much HALO 3 will be changed and its improvements but until bungie have dug themselves out of the hole I will probably jump back on their wagon.Halo 1 for instance was a very interesting game on its own. I for one played that game for hours on end because of its story and gameplay that surpassed other games. Its multiplayer was spot on where my friends and I would have war games at times. HALO 1 you needed skills to win, in HALO 2 it seems like that whoever has the better combo dual weapon will win the shoot out battle, or more specifically who has the better weapon will win. For example in Halo 1, a pistol could go up against a rocket launcher alone even with its splash damage. But with the pistol it is harder to aim and kill unless you have the skill to aim directly at the head of the opponent. In Halo 2 they included a knife which everyone runs and scavanges for and that seems to be the weapon of choice now that makes the battle unbalanced to a point.So Im very interested in seeing the improvements to HALO 3, and what they have to offer us. I was sort of expecting that masterchief gets a more revamp on his armor, but I guess that would lose the inconsistency of the series.

  17. Yea I noticed a lot of copyright material on there too. Although it is very much illegal, there are times when you missed a show or episode that wanted to watch because of work or other circumstances, and the last resort would be youtube. I mean, its not like people are downloading it, they are just watching it. There are times when I miss my favorite shows such as Heroes, Smallville, or others and have to resort to catch the episode that was missed for that day. I think in terms of public television I think it should be okay, because its no different from the official sites themsevles hosting their episodes online. As long as its local television and people cannot download it directly should be legal enough for people to keep on posting it online for the many people out there like me that didnt catch the episode.But when we speak in terms of movies that only appears in theatres and such than I could say its very illegal. Because its intended for a pay-per viewing. And to have the movie uploaded on youtube can cause a lost in the sales of the movie production which they spent so much to make. Youtube is definitely a great source for viewing things on tv and other sources of entertainment. And I hope that all the copyright laws that are floating around doesnt eliminate the youtube features altogether because I would than have no other reason to go to youtube to watch or use the youtube service.

  18. I dont know if this is relevant to what you are asking but I believe that the best paint program out there would be photoshop. It provide brushes from basic to advance to even custom if you know how to use the program enough. I mainly use photoshop for any paint related project. And as the means for getting the program I am sure that you could always ask a co-worker that you work in the field with Im sure its a pretty easy program to get a hands on. I think a majority of the internet knows how to or know of the program photoshop. So if you havent loooked into photoshop already you should take sometime to take a look at what it has to offer and its features.

  19. Although all of us has a rather reason of opinion based on the two, where mortal combat is directed towards more of the bloody wanting consumers, and tekken the more fluid fighting consumers. If we were to compare and pick one of the two I would probably go with Tekken on the overall rating scale. Mortal Kombat was great back in the day with 1, 2, and 3 but it fell off its pedastal after the other sequels. When tekken entered the competition of fighting games, it stepped up the standard for fighting games. Ever since moretal combat tried to go 3D it failed in its gameplay mechanics. The fatalities all by itself consists of more explosions then the more gruesome seen in parts 1 and 2. I guess from then on out they ran out of ideas. And if you look at the more recent sequels of the series they are going as far as adding more mini games to sway fans of the series that they completely ran out of ideas and know their gameplay mechanics is kinda broken. Its those mini games that is distracting the users from the real core of the game. I admit that those are a great addition to the game itself but its also a good marketing scheme to persuade a gamer or fan of the game to buy a game that is falling apart.Tekken however is improving its reputation as a fighting game everystep of the way. In each of the sequels you always get improvemnts that affect the gameplay in a huge way whether its new strategies or just plain graphical awe. For example, in part 1 to 2, they introduced a vast of new characters plus new moves that allowed a appointent to counter the other, or just plain tackling them and smashing them on the ground. From 2 to 3 they introduced more new characters and change in gameplay where you can counter a counter. From 3 to 4 they introduced the wall where you can combo and use the oppenent as a punching bag if you knock them into the wall. From 4 to 5 almost all the characters return in some way or form, and almost all angles of adjustment on the gameplay took place. Creating new modes new gamplay mechanics and so on. And from 5 to 6 we will have to just wait to see what they have in store for us, because honestly namco is bringing the tekken series to a good run. Last but not least, I wish they bring back the tag team mechanics, that was probably a game I liked because of the tag feature and the various cool combos you can do with as a team.

  20. Hmmm...tekken for the pc would probably open up a new level of fighting if the makers considers the modding community if they decide to make tekken for the pc. Because first tekken is a great game alone by itself because of its gameplay factor and its promising cast of characters with different personalities. But if they were to make the game and give the modding community a handle on it, they can make what once was tekken into a entirely crazy game that everyone will be talking about. The modding community seems to me as the best in satisfying the needs and wants of the gaming community. Because they address what was not included in the original game as well as fixing the various bugs that are in the current game. Take for example a game like Elder scrolls IV: oblivion, a great game alone by itself, but with the mods that are made for it, it turns the game into a complety new game and from every mod makes the game more refreshing and complete.If tekken, had mods for it I cant imagine the type of mods that would be out for it, maybe we could probably add more charcters of our own, create are own custom moves, bosses, story, etc. This is the level that I wish all games would be at, where us the gamers themselves can contribute to making a good game better. Hopefully, future games the makers will think of the modding community as their extra content makers of cleaning up there mess and making their game more complete. Tekken for the PC, as well as other games for the PC Im all for it.

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