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Posts posted by kgd2006

  1. That loooks really nice, I like how Shadow would be the first thing my eyes would focus on before everything else. Very nice cut out of shadow by the way, the background fits in very well with the character itself. I dont know if you wanted your username to be clearly displayed or just wanted it somehow hidden, but right now it is the last thing I notice in the signature. I guess because the font is small and thin, that makes it less prominent than everything else that is seen in the signature. But I really like this one is clean and clear. Your signature with soul reaver, seems more on the abtract side, maybe because there is a lot of stuff going on in the background. The one you have with shadow seems more refined and clean cut, I like it. Keep up the good work.

  2. I was interested in buying it on its official release. I heard it was a really good movie based on the reviews I have read for it. I am also trying to collect all the 3d animation movies that are being released. My most wanted of all right now would probably Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I heard that the movie was not so good but the animation looks good enough for me where I need to own it. On the otherhand, I will definitely be picking up Happy Feet sometime soon.

  3. I eventually would probably want to add more ram in my computer. I always feel that I needed more ram. I currently have a Alienware computer with the first generation dual core. And its been running great, only thing I wish I had more of was RAM. The one gig that I currently have in the system right now just isnt cutting it. I would notice slow downs every now and then when I have applications running with a game also running. I know its not good to be doing so much to it, but I always like to test out my setup to see if its worthy of the price I paid for it. Maybe when its time for me to get a new computer I probably will build one, just to save the cost.

  4. Im using Norton Internet Anti Virus 2005. But I think I might eventually upgrade to Norton 360 I heard its pretty good and doesnt turn your computer into a turtle when its running or in the background. So far norton havent given me any trouble from the viruses of the internet endlessly swarming around waiting for a time to attack. Anyone that has Norton 360 could you give a honest non-bias review of it. Im interested in how much its improved over the years with internet protection and all. Ive messed with a buch of anti-viruses and found norton internet to be the best so far for me. All the others somehow let viruses come through out of no where. I wouldnt know until I notice that my computer picked up a lot of pop up ads.

  5. Gmail is a good outlook to jump on. I personally use gmail for my business emails because it has a better spam filtering system that excludes all the spam I get from my acutal inbox. With gmail I rarely use my other email accounts anymore. Plus not only that but if you use gmail and your friends has gmail accounts as well you could also talk to them through a new IM system that they are currently making. Gmail seems like its still in the beta stage, but from what I can see it offers what I am looking for which is the best spam filter system out there. I remember my other email accounts used to be filled with spam that I couldnt check or use that account anymore because my inbox was always filled up and scattered my actual mail.If I were you I would give gmail a try its free! If you know someone have them invite you in the gmail community, and you can see for yourself what gmail has to offer. Im pretty sure that you would be pleased.

  6. Oh my god, I cant believe that evidence that found a racing game such as need for speed would cause all the blame on videogames as the real culprit. Kids these days dont know the difference between right and wrong. They can mainly blame videogames for all the speeding accidents that happen, they should really take the blame on the parents that are not getting through their childrens head that you shouldnt speed moral. Im not saying that videogames should have a part in this, but that article seems like its blaming it soley on the game and not thinking of the other factors that are involved in the incident. I mean I been playing games all my life, and playing violent ones at that, but I have not done anything out of the ordinary. I know what is real and what is not. If you are taught about the difference from what is real and what is not maybe just maybe they wouldnt have been racing. Media, alone has more influence on kids these days that their parents alone cant battle against. Young minds follow the wrong trends, they are still confused not knowing what is cool and what is not cool. They dont know how to create their own image so they go ahead and follow what is seen in TVs, Movies, magazines, and so on. So sad that the world has come to this, but its only later till they understand.Ofcourse, Im not saying I was ever media free. I was somewhat influenced by the media. I used to create the image of how I dress by following the media, but now I know that that isnt me so I looked away from it. Im older and learned from my mistakes hopefully and eventually kids will learn from their mistakes as well and dont continue to make the same mistakes that they had made before.

  7. It is very true, that Xisto is not really hard to get hosted you just have to have the patience. I remember when I requested to be hosted it was too soon and I was basically just posted a lot of useless things just to get the required credits to get a hosting account. But once you get hosted, the most difficult part is to keep your hosting credits up. I always somehow forget to post here to maintain a good amount of credits so that I can keep my host credits at safe range. But almost all the time I always let my credits get near 0, which would automatically turn off my host for my website, and I have to make sure I post something to keep my hosting up, but when I do I would have to wait at least an hour before hosting for my website is up.So basically getting hosted here is not so difficult its maintaining the host that is the challenge. You will notice that you will get caught up in your life patterns before you can remember that "Oh, I forgot to post something or my website will die." You also end up being tempted to spam or plagerize something just to keep you hosting credits up, but for fare warning, doing so will immediatly shut off your hosting service and may also include a ban from hosting, take it from me I remember doing it during them desperate moments when I didnt have time to post. But if you look at things from a different perspective this is basically the first place that provides freehosting at a reasonable agreement. All you need to do is post. Its not like you have to pay anything, so Xisto is indeed the best I have found and I dont think I would probably go anywhere else.Plus from reading the threads along you can learn so much here, there is a lot of geniuses here as well as talented people. SO there is really no reason why this forum shouldnt always be frequently browsed. Everytime I go here I learn something new, or even better for me I can help a peer out with his problems in which I may have some expertise here.

  8. Ethergeek is correct. Its really up to you on what you use, and w3schools is a great place to start. I learn most of my programming languages from there. But if you want a tip I would probably grasp knowledge of HTML first. Becase it is really easy and flexible, but its also know as a very messy language, if you even consider it as a language. But if you can and want to learn it straight from the start, learn XHTML. It is becoming known that it is the web development standard because its contains clearer and concise coding schemes. After you have applied yourself with any of the two you should definitely take on CSS, because tables that is used in html now is considered evil. And its best that you use CSS if you wanted to create and tables because it gives the developer flexibility on updating a site. Well good luck.

  9. Thanks for this information tidbit of information. This will definitely help me develop my websites with be compaitibily for the viewing public. I hope that program will provide me with better knowledge and workaround for my future designs and innovations. Because the market these days are asking for both design and compatibility. Not everyone is tech savvy and knows how to update their software, or some people actually stick to one version of the browser because they dislike the interface of the new one, for example IE7 compared to IE6. This program will definitely help me satisfy those areas of people that do not use a certain browser. Thanks again.

  10. Visiting old games is definitely fun. There are many games that I enjoy playing that are more fun to play than some of the graphically intense games that are made for the next gen system right now. Games like tetris, legend of zelda, old school mario and various legendary games that durastically changed of their gameplay due to the evolution of games that our currently out right now. I liked the simple games because its less movie like, dont get me wrong watching cinematic of games are gorgeous like that one game Metal Gear Solid, but it stutters my rythm of gameplay experience. Games now a days are going for the play a little watch a long movie play a little watch another long movie. I rather play the game, and watch the GIANT MOVIE in the end. Its like yea I did all that work now reward me feeling, I kinda have a bitter taste for games that just interrupts my rythm of game play when I was getting in the mood and another movie pops up.But then again, some of the movies that pops up gives the player a short break to rest his eyes and focus on things. So I guess the strategy if there is one, to make it healthier for a player that plays long games, is the correct strategy to take. But I prefer the short but sweet action games and puzzle games that you can casually play and have fun with friends with. THose are the games that lasts for awhile.

  11. Wow, that is very interesting. Who would have thought that gmail was already owned by another company. It seems like everyone is trying to get a piece of google lately. But with that lawsuit going through it wouldnt hurt me so much because my gmail account is rarely used. Although I still would have to go to certain online areas to change my email address to the new extension address. I am hoping that somehow it would not go through and I wouldnt have to change anything because being as lazy as I am I dont want to go find the online resources that I used to replace the email extenson with the new one.

  12. Smoking is a big problem that most people have trouble stopping. I heard that cigarette prices have rised recently which charges the smoking consumer more money for just a pack of cigarettes. That movement I assume was to help the nicotine addicts with their bad habit by having them realize that it is not worth it to smoke because the price for a pack of cigarettes could get you a full meal at mcdonalds. I grew up in an enviroment that consists of mainly smokers and have learned that those that try to stop will eventually get back on it because of a mental stress which the rely on the nicotine to relieve. I had a friend that was able to full quit with his own free will for at least a year before he got back on it, due to temptations and lifes challenges that faced him.I dont smoke myself but from the look of things, I dont think I want to. Till this day Im trying to understand why so many people depends on that drug to solve their stress or feel the need that they need to have it daily. But to get back on topic, with the rise in cigarette prices as a movement to help smokers stop their habit I think I heard it is doing well where there are at least 20-40% of smokers that completely stopped ever since the price change went into affect.

  13. hmm, interesting. I never thought this type of thing was possible. Plus Im sure that the time it takes to start up the program would probably take realllly long. Being the fact that it is basically trying to get data from you flash drive. Not only that but I think that while you are working on a really big project with flash Im sure that the communication from your computer and your flash drive would probably start to experience problems because of the amount of memory that is being transfered left and right. I say save yourself the trouble and just install it on your harddisk. You get a really good program and avoid the hassle of performance issues when you have it on your computer. For those that dont have space on their computer and need to have it running from a flash drive, should clean up and free up some memory. Because when running it from an external source you will most likely be annoyed of the wait time it takes to do things with the features that are offered in flash.

  14. My friend just purchased a 300gb seagate harddisk. And at a really fair price, the one that was in his current system was a maxtor which somehow got toasted so he had to buy a replacement. So with that being said I think that MAXTOR harddisks become defective over time. So stay clear from MAXTOR products if you can, and also didnt maxtor go out of business. Dont qoute me on that but I think they went bankrupt, that was just from what I heard though. Can anyone confirm if that is true?

  15. The best brand of mouses is probably logitech. They have been around for quite some time that I think that they built a reputable reputation as the worlds most famous mouse accessory company. I have been using logitech mouses probably since my first computer and have never ran into problems with them. They delivered customer satisfaction in their products where I can say that you can trust their products to be of the best quality. But I only say that from my own experience of course others may have a difference in opinion considering their circumstances. But then again if I had to choose on buying the next brand of mouse I wouldnt go no further than logitech.

  16. That is probably the most entertaining video I seen in a while. Vista has so much hype these days. All it offers to me is most a change in the user interface, which is obviously is trying to imitate from apple. Im not a apple fan, I use a pc myself, but with everyone on Vista hype I dont understand why waste money on a new operating system when your old one isnt broke and still have most of the key features needed for your daily life. Vista just offers new spunk and what I heard security, I dont think I will be upgrading my system anytime soon. Maybe later on, when most softwares and such have vista compatablity and where vista is not a defect product as it is now as described from many of the people that I know that has it.

  17. This is very interesting news, this news however can be benifited by some and outrageous to others. I feel that this statement made by ebay will drastically improve the online games of today. Allowing less people to cheat and play the game as its meant to be played. But others that play a online game religously just to make a living will find that this is a outrageous move that will hurt their way of life. Its like basically firing off or laying off workers. But in reality online items shouldnt really be sold online anyway, its illegal in the agreement when you sign up to play a online game. I had a couple friends that would play online games as a job, where they would level and search for the hottest items online and try to sell it to consumers that are too lazy to do it themselves. They also offered leveling services, but now that ebay has put a wall to their plans they are pretty much out of the job, unless they can do trades through other sources via internet like ebay.My personal opinion of the move was a good one, because I used to be a online player of various mmorpgs. And I always found it odd how a lvl 1 character started the game with a lvl 20 item. Or say they was level 1 for a day and some how became lvl 90 the next. Ebays move will probably make the online community and enviroment for gameplay a better place for all that play mmorpgs. And hopefully it will continue to improve, because in reality these online games are just a game so people should just play it casually like one and have fun and should be such in a rush to do something outrageous just to try to be a bully from the start.

  18. The most used softwares that I have been using are:AIMPHOTOSHOPDREAMWEAVERFLASHMSN MESSENGERNORTON INTERNET SECURITYEveryday that I logo on to my computer I would always somehow find the need to run the following programs. Aim is most used because I usually chat with my friends online or even just use it to listen to the radio. I use photoshop to basically edit a lot of the stuff I work with. Being a web designer I am using this program consistently to create template designs. Same as photoshop I use dreamweaver to assist me in creating websites because if I were to do it by hand it would just take forever. As with before, FLASH is used on a occasion for my website designs because the standard for websites now seems to have to have some sort of flash object in them just to look professional. And last by not least, would be my norton internet security program. This program runs whenever my computer is on, and possible the most important and consistently used program I use everyday. There is not a day that I dont have this program running, because if its not on I would probably get vast amount of viruses that are constantly spreading out in the world wide web today.

  19. I believe that both systems have their different uses and target audience. For example, laptops are intended mainly for business people that needs computer access with them at all times so they would call for the portability of a laptop at their side. A computer is mainly targeted for all audiences but also for those hardcore people that would need to use it for things such as 3D design and the such that carries more power to it.I personally prefer the use of a laptop just because I am using it right now because it conserves more energy than my PC. I usually use my PC when Im in need of certain power driven programs such as 3D modeling programs and the such. I also use it for games as well because my laptop can not run half the games out their currently right now.One thing I hate about laptops is that overtime you laptop will tend to run into technical problems earlier than computer systems. Because Ive ran through a couple laptops and found that it tends to have the problem of overheating and dust build up. So I always find myself blowing the dust out to release some of the blocked holes to keep the cooling process my my laptop in tip top shape or else it would cause my laptop to over heat and shut down automatically which can be very annoying at times.With a computer, if it has been built properly, never will overheat and is more reliable than a laptop. I guess becauase since a laptop is so small and the components are so compact that it makes it harder for it to cool itself. Unlike the laptop the computer has more space which results in better cooling factors.

  20. Battlefield 2142 was my first battlefield game and online first person shooter game that I played. And from my impressions of the game it is definitely the best offering mutiple gameplay options. It has features and gameplay aspects that I have yet to see from other games. It for one has the Mech idea correct. Unlike games like Mechassault which is also fun in its own style does not deliever the correct experience as Battlefied 2142 with its gameplay style with mechs. Because in 2142 you actually feel like you are the mech going into a killing spreee frenzy mode with its superiority with its weapons in stock. Although mechs are relatively strong and can gather up some really nice kills it is not all that superior. It like many other things in battlefield 2142 has weaknesses.So everything in that game is pretty much balanced from what I can see and experienced. I would have loved it more if they give you the option to create your own solider in a technical sense where you can actually create it. Instead of just custumizing its equipment. I understand that this game is mainly about war gameplay and that create a player is not its target feature to include. But I guess its something that can be looked and keep in mind in case they happen to make future Battlefield games. I mean a lot of games right now give the player the ability to create their own soldier so why not battlefield. For example, some of tom clancy games has already the create a player feature.But all in all Im pretty much happy with what Battlefiled 2142 has to offer. It is probably a game I play on the casual to laugh and relax with when Im playing. The community in the game is great and I havent yet encountered people that were immature and unfair. Although I have encountered a lot of players that have tremendous skills. This game is definitely worth a try for those who havent tried it yet. I tried the demo that was released and I ended up getting the full game. Not only that but they will be releasing an expansion for this game soon as well. SO look forward to more battlefield fun, or wait for the compilation pack where you can get both for the price of one. THis game is definitely a game to pick up if you are the type of player that likes to play first person shooters with the online community.

  21. There tons of free mmorpgs that you can play online, you just have to search for it. But the few that I reccomend that would give you your fix would be maybe Maple Story, Silk Road, Lineage II (There are free servers). Those are the MMORPGs that I have happended to come across during my MMORPGs playing days. But Im sure that times have changed and there are probably tons more that you could possible be able to choose from.But to elaborate a bit on some of the MMORPGs that I have recommended before you. Maple Story is a 2D side scroller that have taken a lot of popularity among the MMORPGs fan base. It is mainly a game that offers you the ability to customize your character as well as grind levels to reach different jobs and classes. A warning ahead of time is that the level grind is very long, as this is suppose to be a casual played game which you play with friends or make friends in the online world of Maple Story. In result you would eventually make your own story in the process while playing.Silk Road however is a 3D based game which you have different jobs and classes. This game consists of the traditional Asian theme. Which probably takes place around the Shogun war. So if you are into fighting and playing in a asian themed enviroment as a samurai, monk, and all that good stuff this would be the game for you. The grind for this game is the same which is very long and should be looked at as casual game playing.Lineage II is also another 3D based game, this game is very graphic intensive and you must have a good graphics card and processing ram power to be able to experience it to the fullest. The game takes place in the medieval era, and you can be of variety of races such as humans, light elfs, dark elfs, dwarfs, and tyrants I believe. This game is the closest to world of warcraft but in my opinion better because of its age. This game has been around before world of warcraft and have a lot of things that was worked on. This game offers mass amount of gameplay value if you are up to it. The grind is no fun however, as it takes you forever for you to grind from one level to the next, unless you find a good server that allows quick leveling. This game offers the feature where you are allowed to carry pets as well as pet dragons which you would train and make them grow into full blown dragons which you could ride.This game has probably changes since the last time I have played it but last time I checked the community in this game is still increasing over a variety of servers because of its gameplay value. There are always groups looking to have boss raids, arrogant power leveled players that are out to hunt you, and the other great lifestyles of a MMORPG game that keeps you stuck to your keyboard.Well I hope that everything I said have gave you an idea of what free type of MMORPGs are available to you out there. Just make sure to search because there are new free MMORPGs out there everyday.

  22. I would vote for logitech because it has never let me down thus far. I have been using logitech mouses since the longest I can remember ever owning a computer. I also have tried and used other brand of mouses and other mouses just dont compare. Because it delievers a comfortable feel and very accurate response to my movements.Being that logitech specializes in mouses for a very long time I would have to support what I believe as the most reliable mouse brand out there in the market right now. Sure we have these more technical brands that offer certain features for things such as gaming and other things. But logitech is the all around best mouse to be used for your home computer.

  23. From what I have heard the iphone seems to me a hot market item right now. Everyone is talking about it, I heard it could do many things that phones that are currently released by the top phone makers right now can only dream of producing. iPhone seem to be setting the standard with the phone market. With its ability to watch movies browse the internet, as well as its interface functionality and interaction with the user.Technology is certaintly moving fast and changing at a speed that I can no longer keep up with. Because my current trend has been buy this hot release item, but oh wait a new better model has just been released. It seems that now I have realized that I am better off waiting for the end of the year to buy tech items, since their seems to always be new advancements in the begining and the middle of the years.

  24. A text based game, first when I saw this topic I thought the US Army was conducting an experiment on making a solider with dragon dna or something, haha. Last time I played a text game, was a game I made that was a text based football game in C++. Dragon Soldier, is this one of them web stat games that rolls a dice and see if that player got hurt or dies or something.

  25. Myspace does have it problems but it has already established a foundation for itself and is to this day making for features available for the community. There wasnt a day that I didnt run into the myspace sent error page, but I still use it because its the only networking website that allows me to connect to friends that I have long since talked to. It provides a community and continues to improve over time. It is understandable how they could be recieving so many errors, its because of the mass traffic they recieve each day. That mass amount of traffic will eventually lead to glitches in their system.Not everything is perfect, and we just have to accept that. Myspace has been a reliable source for me thus far as for communicating with old friends and getting myself out on the web. I personally use myspace as a form of marketing for myself, because I noticed that even employers are searching secretly to see what type of person you are. But that feature has recently been closed off to them since users now have the option to put their profile on private. Leaving their curiosity a fray.Hopefully in the near future myspace can finally fix its errors and maybe provide the good service that everyone been waiting for. Everyone should keep in mind that this service is FREE. So Im happy with myspace as is, but also will be happier if they somehow fix the traffic congestion on their servers.

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