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Posts posted by kgd2006

  1. Ive recently changed to dsl, I had comcast cable before. But it seems that comcast has raised their prices for broadband so I had to switch over to dsl. I rather be charged 20 dollars a month for the basically the same thing than being charge 40-60 a month just for comcast. I beileve comcast to be a great service but now using sbc dsl, I cant really notice the difference between the two, besides that one plan is cheaper than the other.

  2. not only are google maps good, but they also developed a really cool neat feature program I think. I havent downloaded it yet but its called "google earth" this is a program that takes you from outer space view and you have the option to zoom down to actually see your HOUSE, now that is neat. I heard about this program on the news, and was suprised at how google is expanding their expertise in. This company is definitey looking to take over in the industry of technology, im just waiting to see what they will be developing next. It is very intresting the areas that google is expanding to recently.

  3. Gamespot is alright. I dont think they are the best place for information out there because many of the people that reviewed the games screw up on the facts a couple of times. Even within their stream introduction of the game they screw up on the games production author. So their screws up one too many times has lead me to believe them to be a best source for information recently.I now only look information at gamefaqs.com, where I browse the forums for certain games to find accurate information. The information here gets out before the gamesites even have information on the game itself. They also have their own reviews and cheats section as well as guides section. The reason for the accurate database of information is because these are fans themselves that are researching the games, not some game editor that was signed to present the game like the many gamespot employees are assigned to do.One thing that I like that gamespot offers is probably their ability to give free streams of clips of the game itself. They are also a better site than "ign.com" where that site is filled with adds after every few clicks. Only ads gamespot present u with is during entry, and begining of a stream of a clip. Overall gamespot is a rather very great site alone.

  4. Ive been dependent on google ever since 2 months they started going public. Before them I used yahoo frequently. But google is byfar the best search engine that I found that gets me the results I am looking for. They actually search my keywords at a 90% accuracy. When I do research papers for classes google is a must to find and gather the information that I need to get the paper done. If google was never invented I would probably be lost, in gettin inaccurate results right now with other search engines. Whatever google implemented for their search engine is genius. The sorting algorithm they used to implement the search engine is uncontested without a doubt the best there is out there right now. :lol:

  5. but would localhost...be if you are hosting it privately on your machine with a setup apache server, cause I use localhost as the value when I am testing php scripts on my computer. For webhosts it should be the hostname of the server...I cant seem to get it working, I can get this script working successfully at another freehosting site but how come Im gettin problems here? I will try put localhost, im up to try anything right now...haha...EDIT>>WOW...HOUDINI...YOU ARE THE MAN!!! Haha, it worked...odd tho, how the hostname would be localhost, I would think the name be the servers hostname...

  6. Wow that is probably the most intresting thing I have read in awhile. I didnt know they were even working on something like this, but it with this chip it could either be the death of us or give us a better humanity. I can think of many problems that could arise if the chips were to be impanted in us. For example, the human race could be controlled by some devious individuals that somehow has access in controlling the chip that is implanted in our heads. And we would then be zombies, haha. The good would probably stopping a violent person from being violent forever with a push of a button, that would be cool. There is even a possiblity that the chip could the hopeless be hopeful in a educated driven world.But I believe that if this ever goes public there would be a lot of debate on if it ever will be available to the public. Most benifical situation of the chip implantment would probably for medical reasons, such as people that has problems with there membrane...

  7. Hmm...wonder whats wrong, well heres my script:

    <?phpob_start();$host="hp2001.astahost.com"; // Host name $username="hp2001"; // Mysql username $password="********"; // Mysql password $db_name="hp2001_ucscKGD"; // Database name $tbl_name="members"; // Table name // Connect to server and select database.mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");// Define $myusername and $mypassword $myusername=$_POST['myusername']; $mypassword=$_POST['mypassword']; $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='$myusername' and password='$mypassword'";$result=mysql_query($sql);// Mysql_num_row is counting table row$count=mysql_num_rows($result);// If result matched $myusername and $mypassword, table row must be 1 rowif($count==1){// Register $myusername and redirect to file "members.php"session_register("myusername");header("location:members.php");}else {header("location:incorrectUP.php");}ob_end_flush();?>

  8. Nope doesnt look like its working...hmmm cant be my code, cause its the same code I used at another free hosting server, just that I have to modify the correct hosting variable...hmmm...but this is wut i get when I change the $host="hp2001.astahost.com"

    Warning: mysql_connect(): Host 'gamma.xisto.com' is blocked because of many connection errors. Unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /home/hp2001/public_html/ucscKGD/checklogin.php on line 10cannot connect

    from the search results I checked on the forum people talked about overloads of the mySQL server, could that be it...the error doesnt seem to make sense if its a mySWL server overload problem...

  9. Hello everyone,

    Im currently having a problem with mySQL, I wrote a PHP login script that doesnt seem to be working for some reason. I created a database and everything looks correct, is this a server issue or is the issue related to my script? But anyway this is my error, hope someone can help Ive tried to search forum for answer but none of the posts seems to answer my question:

    Warning: mysql_connect(): Host 'gamma.xisto.com' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server in /home/hp2001/public_html/ucscKGD/checklogin.php on line 10cannot connect

    I set the $host=Xisto.com, would it be $host=gamma, which is the server my site is at. I tried both and still recieve error...Hope someone can help me...

  10. Ive been using a computer for soo long, I can type by looking away from the screen and almost doing anything else. Its like sooo natural for me, I really feel that the keyboard is practically another part of my body...hahaI dont know exactly how fast I could type but I believe I could proabably be up to par with them courtroom typers, haha...Although I do admit I have minor typos during my speed typing sessions...

  11. Well im not quite sure wut system your refering to for us to reccomend a game, but I would definity pick up HALO 1 if you looking for a cheap greatest hits game.Halo is out for the XBOX and PC, its also a first person shooter which I believe thats what you mean by FPS. Other games might be Ghost Recon, or many of the Tom Clancy games.Also a really neat game that you must get if you love FPS would probably FARCRY, a realistic looking RAMBO game...

  12. I believe the security in SP2 is upgraded to a really good extent. It also have its own pop up blocker I believe that prevents them annoying pop ups that we get when we visit sites.I would definitely reccomend you to get upgraded to SP2, the new secuirty features installed to the system are features I believe you probably cant regret, well thats if you like seeing pop ups...haha

  13. I would say it will probably happen soooner or later, I mean thats wuts killed the dinosaurs right? Man...the chaos the world would be in when news break out that a meteaor would hit earth. I wonder if we would attempt something as seen in armegeddon to stop the metoer. that would be really neat.Im also curious wut the next life form would be after we are wiped off the face of the earth. I also heard that our sun is dying, and that is another disaster that we would have to expect. Once the sun dies a black hole effect will take place...haha, man...life is short if you think about it...

  14. Thats odd, msn is has 90% of people using it? I would think AIM would be the one that has 90% because I believe it gots more marketing. I mean 10% of my friends actually use MSN to chat, the rest use AIM. I personally use MSN for emal purposes because it is directly linked to my email and it notifies me when I get emails, while leaving the chating buisness to AIM. I got more buddies on AIM than I have on MSN, by a 8 to 1 ratio.And google talk? I always wanted to know what that was like but I dont really have any friends with gmail that would give me a chance to check that feature.

  15. I agree, although the idea is good and have potential, but I rather buy the actual DVDs being that it comes in a nice case and is created from good DVD quality. Plus if your computer crashes or has a virus, all those movies that were bought digitally would be wiped out and your hard earned money to buy those movies would have been to waste. And like many out there, if the "option" is to download a movie, there are many programs out there that would allow you to download it. This idea might also lead to another problem, with the piracy out of hand, one person could easily oddly release the DL online and movies could lose millions of dollars more than they already are now.

  16. I remember the easiest language that I started with was "Q-BASIC" its probably the easiest lanauage out there to start with. I learned it back in highschool, which I created a little cool ping pong game with. You might consider that as your first language for motivation in writing programs, because from there it just get more difficult and more complex, well good luck to you and your journey to the land of stressful programming...haha

  17. wow...dont mean to go off topic on the matter but I never actually saw the spelling for "shenanigan" before looks so odd, haha. But to get back on topic that is interesting. Not only are the officers of the law imporving their tactics of arresting a criminal but the criminal themselves might be inventing new tactics to prevent arrest from officers. Its like a cycle, haha.

  18. From what I hear an free anti virus program is not as safe, because it dont fully protect your computer from lurking viruses such as some viruses that are embeded in MEDIA PLAYERS or IMAGES itself. The free anti viruses I have seen only protects you from FILES coming to your computer and so forth. But I dont think it protects you from hidden viruses. I would personally go with a INTERNET SECURITY ANTI VIRUS program, and if you find a free one your better off with that than any regular virus program. Catching a virus on the internet is very very annoying. So its better to be safe than sorry...

  19. Im currently using norton INTERNET SECURITY...and so far its been protecting my computer rather well. Blocked all incoming attacks and can even block annoying pop ads. It even goes to as far as preventing ads from showing at certian sites which is rather neat, beacause certain ads may have weird dialauges in flash which you would be like what MEDIA PLAYER IS PLAY??? Only thing I dont like about it is when you update certain games it wont let you because its blocking incoming traffic, but its easily relieved when you let norton know that it is ok to let incoming traffic in. Buy yes, I believe norton internet security is pretty good so far, for me at least...

  20. Well that sounds like *BLEEP* to me. Download Files x2 Faster <->impossible, your ISP limits the speed you can download at and I don't know any drive that is not capable of writing data at 1MB/s, so there is absolutely nothing to speed up.
    Speed Animations\Applications x2 <-> again, impossible. You are limited by the power of the hardware, no app can boost speed in such order, it can only give a 5% gain.

    I'll test it w/ some benchmarks and post the results later.

    Im with wutske, even if the program is providing "forced" performance on your computer, I dont believe its healthy for your computer. If anything I believe the best way to go to improve performance is to the roots of the problem, which is changing your hardware. A software does nothin but harm the system in some way or form. But thats just my belief...

  21. Dreamweaver is practically the most and beneficial program to use for web development. Once you learn the basics of dreamweaver to be able to use it to its full potential you must pair it up with other programs to design professionally. For example, you can pair it up with Flash, Fireworks, Photoshop. Because dreamweaver alone can handle some of the features that the other program offers, but it could include its features in dreamweaver in some way or form. The combinations of these program will definitely make your webpage more professional.And on the topic of how long it would take for you to master, I believe you cant really fully master a program on a certain time frame. Because everytime you use the program you are always learning something new. So the learning curve for this program is probably infinite...

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