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Posts posted by kgd2006

  1. Legend of Zelda: twilight princess looks reall nice, but I would have thought the WII could have improved the graphics even more. The textures for the floor and such seems a little flat compared to other next gen games that have evolved the enviroment. I guess maybe in the next installment they will use WIIs capabilites to the fullest instead of just moving a gamecube creation to the next system to carry its launch.Hopefully Legend of Zelda will live up to its successes, because I remember every Zelda game I played was very interesting and kept me playing for hours and hours, just wanting to know what is going to happen next.

  2. Certain sequels that i thought was always somewhat better than the original, was probably the Final Fantasy series. I say that because they always try their best to change up the gameplay and the featuers offered in the game. Although after FF7 setting the scale was already very high, and they sort of dipped after that. They offered so much in FF7 that there sequels are good but not better than what they made for their on going successes. But I believe that their sequel that is coming on the next gen system such as the PS3, I believe FFXIII is and will be the FF7 of the new era, it featuers a totally revamped way how battles takes place and a off the board realistic look to the graphics system.Now thats the game I am looking forward to seeing in the near future once PS3 hits store shelves and games are be developed for the sytem.But another type of sequel that always and will always impress me is the Metal Gear series. That series always offer better and better gameplay and story from one game to the next. Its a tatical espionage game with movie like scenes and climatic battles that keeps you in the game through out the play through. And the upcoming Metal Gear 4 seems to be the death of snake the originator of the games. So this title after many successfull titles might be the last and most rememberal one for us all, but who knows maybe the little kid that has ninja like skills will take over his story, but I honestly dont believe its a Metal Gear game if its not going to have the main icon in the game and that is SOLID SNAKE.Those are two of the best sequels games I have ever played in my existing life, I hope to see more sequels to live up to their name and successes like the current games described did.

  3. Wow, thats more than the amount of computers that I want, what would I do with all those computers??? But I personally have 2 computers, which is an Alienware computer and a Presario Laptop. I main use my laptop for general use as browsing and downloading, but the alienware is used for upscale things such as them overpowering games, and modeling programs and tasks which I need a bunch of programs open for a certain project that I need to work on.Not to mention that my alienware computer is basically my entertainment system with a really nice size LCD monitor and speaker system, so yup 2 good computers is enough for me, any more computers and I dont know what use I could use for them but set up a network for party computer gaming? hahah.

  4. I personally believe that all the modeling programs is similar so there is really no easy program out there for a beginner, you just have to go through the struggle of using the program and youll be able to generate some neat models once you know the workarounds of the program. Because from experience I learned that if you learn one modeling program it is very similar to the next program, because it both do the same thing just finding where that shortcut key or that option pertains ot be the only problem from jumping from one modeling program to the next.I started learning modeling on Litewave, then I jumped to 3D studio max, then I jumped to Softimage, this Softimage, program doesnt seem to be known, but it was the one program that created the Skeleton and model for Terminator 3. I believe it was also the program that created the A.I movie models as well, I say this in accordance to the book I have of it.So in conclusion, yes any program is learnable, just have to struggle on figuring out how to use it, no real easy program out there, even if there was it probably dont have the features that you want to use in the long run.

  5. The only games that had high rate of replay value was games from squaresoft. Those games had tons of mini games within them. I remember when I bought FF7 I believe there were tons of mini games in that game. For example, there was a arm wrestling game, a bike defending game, a basketball game, a submarine game, and probably more which I cant remember off the top of my head. But yea those games made FF7 what it is now a legend of rpgs, that evolved the franchise even more so than it ever have with its games.Another game that had a cool mini game was also from squaresoft, it was called Xenogears, this game contained a mini Mech Fighting game in it, very fun mini game. It was like you bought 2 games in one, which was a game with a fantastic story and a game that had a gundam like fighting game in it. The number of mechs that were selectable was enormous too, and the graphics for the fighting mini game was like its own game, meaning it was more detailed than I would have ever expect.

  6. The oldest game that I used to like to play was probably that one tank game. The one where you would adjust your angles and the amount of power and fire so you would try to destroy the other tank. That game was I believe two players. That game was probably the funniest for some odd reason, I remember me and my friends would always brag how fast we could kill each other in that game.Now I believe that game has evolved according to a recent finding of a game called GUNBOUND, this game takes the games gameplay and gave it a upgrade. The game features over probably 8+ vechiles you can choose from with both advantages and weaknesses over the other. Also the enviromental affects in the game was also upgraded, its not onl just wind now, now its tornados, thunder, and fire I believe that affect the gameplay.For example fire, and thunder would strengthen your power if your fire crosses in its path to the opposing target. Then there is the tornado, that totally messes up your firing ability, but if a tank is in the tornado, then if you fire in the tornado it would do double the damage to the tank.Also there is one other key feature in the game, it comes in two modes I believe Sudden death, and Bomb mode. This mode is activated after the X settings amount of turns has passed by. Once it is activated than for sudden death, each fire is a double fire. While Bomb mode is each fire creates a bigger crater in the enviroment.Also one last key features in the game is the ability of a special move attack for each of the vehicles, each of the vehicles in the game has a special attack that acts sort of like a super move, pretty cool visually and also very deadly to the opponent if it made contact. This game also features avatars, where you can use gold that is earned from matches to buy new equipment for your appearence or for gameplay. Well I believe that is it for what I know of the Gunbound game, it is a very highly entertainig game and is worth a look at.

  7. Im am practically what seems to be online 24-7. I go to work, and go online to create websites, and thats half of my day, than I go home and go online to check things out as well as do casual searches for information on whats new. I rarely watch tv now a days, and even if I do, I could just watch it on youtube, because shows that I miss I just go there to see it. Man computers and the internet sure is occupying my life more now than it did couple years ago. It seems sometimes that I sorta feel naked without a computer or if I didnt spend at least a couple of hours on the internet each day.Sad, but I guess this is the new evolution of mankind, we depend more on technology. I guess this is how it will be in future years, and maybe even more evolved, because now it seems as though everything is adding an internet feature to it.

  8. The best RPG that I have every played and mostly everyone that are into RPGs will know what Im about to say, and that is FF7. The reason I would call it the best is it delieved the best story, gameplay, and movie like experience during its time. It was a game that changed the evolution of many rpg games now. The most interesting future that I found was that in every FF game there is always a different game system, that is what makes the FF series unique but nothing can become more unique than the gameplay system that was developed for the Final Fantasy VII game.It introduced a materia system that created many styles and custimization for the player. It was indeed a very unique system that have its story revolving around the system itself. Then comes with the characters in the game, their own appereance was interesting enough to have won the RPG audience. I remember when I started playing FF7, this is also my first RPG game ever I have never played or likes a RPG game before this, it changed the way I thought about RPGs, now I am addicted to a lot of RPGs out now.THe gameplay that was offered in FF7 was very abundent, it had a lot of mini games that gave it sooo much replay value that I wished I had my old PSone to be able to play the game again, or even better hoping for a remake.But yes that is probably my most favorite and cherished RPG game, I also believe the runner up would probably be Xenogears, the original, that was also a very interesting game that the other versions for it on the PS2 cannot touch, but I will explain about that game another day.

  9. I dont know if it has been mentioned here through the posts that has been added, but I just read that Google bought out Youtube. Youtube posted a little stream video talking about how the founders of google talked that it was a good deal and that they will continue to deliever there users with innovative technology.But it seems like instead of google trying to create their own version of video streaming, they went ahead and just bought the company that have already established the business. I wonder if the name of youtube going ot be called at a later date? GoogleTube? haha, but yea seems like interested news that I thought I share with those still looking and posting at this topic.

  10. Ive heard a lot of problems with the XBOX 360s overheating problem, I guess this is one way to addressing it. But from a lesson I learned from the first generation systems, its best to wait at least a year or two before buying the next system because chances are is that there are many bugs and kinks there are still in the system that they did not get a chance to fix, but being competitive in nature they have to release it to make deadline and make some profit or they would go bankrupt.I heard many stories of the many first people that buys the systems at launch are experiencing problems within 2 years of owning the system or maybe less. So ever since, I have been waiting at least a couple years till software comes out for the system aka games, and have the company actually fix the bugs and make it a more reliable system.I hope this is a good tip for other system owners out there that is thinking of purchasing the PS3, because Im sure they were rushed in making it, and problems will surely arise just like it did with the XBOX 360. Patience is a virtue...

  11. Damn, adobe photoshop CS3 is already coming out? I just got adobe photoshop CS2. I dont know if I might get the third version because they rarely add enough interesting features for it to be worth it to be buying it. Programs these days is just ripping people off with their program releases, that can actually just come out as a patch or update. Features that they provide in the next version is no where that beneficial to designers.I remember when adobe photoshop went from version 6 to the creative suite, there were barely any changes but some fixes to bugs and additional easy user interface on adding filters and such. Then from CS to CS2 they fixed some bugs and added shortcuts which could probably be done in just one patch instead of a full release on a different version.But I guess that is how the world works, release something minor and see what you can make out of it. Consumers comes in different forms, veterans, noobs, and collectors. I fall under the veterans of the program, but Im sure those that dont have it already such as what I would call the noobs would probably buy the program, then there is the collectors that may just want to have it for the purpose of collecting.Well, I hope adobe photoshop CS3 will have enough improvements to be and convincing enough for me to buy it, otherwise Ill just stick with CS2 it does and fits me well.

  12. Wow, this is very interesting news...wonder if they will change the name of their website...is it going to be called "GOOGLETUBE?" haha, but wow...so many changes happening. I also have been told that Tom sold "myspace" to someone as well. I guess everything seems to be on the market now a days. I think I want to create something one day and sell "it" for billions of dollars, haha...

  13. Fable seems to be a great game in concent but it seems that the concept that the game designers tried to implement and says that they will implement was never there. The freedom that they had promised the fans seems to be just a hype that made many buy a unfinished game. A lot was promised but barely any of what was promised at the game convention presentaions was implemented in the final release of the game.They even decided to release the second version of fable, namely called Fable the Lost chapters. Although this game contained more features, it still had unfinished features that I fail to remember, since I totally disregarded the game after I finished it. Fable was fun, and you were able to abuse the roaming NPCs in the game, but it is probably no where close to as fun as it should have been. The one key feature that I actually was interested in the game was when they said something about a feature where you are not the only hero, and that in the end or near it you would be fighting a random hero at the end of your journey. This feature led me to think that this game may have multiple endings, because the different last boss for each new game I start.But sadly this game did not include the feature, and only contained one generic story of how a hero's motivation to find the ones that killed his parents. Although Fable had a lot of negatives, due to the fact of designers promised features, it had some key positives that I found to be worth noting. Such as, the graphics is remarkable, it didnt provide a lot of freedom, but the inviroment and level of detail was impressive to watch. The game also had a variety of of armors and gives the games different style of play, such as you can either become a tyrant and wield giant swords or hammers. Or you can be a stealthy and agile character that steals and maybe assasinate. Also, if you are the type that likes to snipe enemies from afar, they give you that option to. In conclusion, the game had a great concept but it didnt successfully complete and implement what was promised to the fans. Maybe in the next installment of their game "FABLE 2" for the next generation system will win back the gamers, and hopefully just hopefully they will provide what is promised instead of being a company that is being all talk and no game. For the time being, I believe that Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, would probably the closest thing to what Fable is trying to imititate, although its battle system is rather simple, it features everything and more, so if anyone is interested in Fable, Im sure you would probably more than interested in Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

  14. My favorite games back in the days were probably:1. Legend of Zelda2. Mortal KombatI remember back in the days when I owned my very own copy of Legend of Zelda for the Nintendo. It was in a gold cartridge and everything. It was the first game I actually cherished during those times. Maybe it was because of the packaging. Legend of Zelda was probably the first game I actually got into as an adventure game. Back then I was mainly into the fighting games and I still am, but ever since zelda came out I became a aventure game hunting fanatic. It had a really good story back then, I believe, which probably today is considered as corny.As evolution of games evolved, Legend of Zelda, to me, seems to probably be the best original game. With the recreation of the continuing saga coming to the Nintendo Wii, Im pretty sure it will offer the same about of fun factor and gameplay that will impress most of the fans.Moreover, with the release of the first Mortal Kombat title, the first game to involve blood in the game I believe, it changed my perception of fighting games altogether. I remember when street fighter games was the most fun game I played ever since its release, but when Mortal Kombat entered the scene and introduced the presence of Blood, and fatalities. All the fighting games I look at now needs to carry the same interest, or some sort of unique feature for me to really get into the game.It was that presence of blood in a game that fueled my interest in its type of genre. Although through its multiple recent incarnations of its title seems to be slipping its essence of what it was when its first title was released because the fatailities and blood factor involved in their titles now seems to be too overdone or corny to be interesting.In conclusion, games like Legend of Zelda and first Mortal Kombat seems to be the most interesting games that I have ever played back in the day.

  15. Ive saw some videos of this game at game sites, and the 150+ I think characters are gonna be a big addition to replay factor. Not only that but I heard that the game will feature galactus and silver surfer, which is very cool. I wonder what secrets or other stuff that are hidden that will be unvieled to us in the near future.

  16. Its been awhile since I access my account through cpanel, because I usually use dreamweaver to upload all my files directly to the host. But as I try to access my cpanel, I go to a broken link. Can someone confirm that this is the address to cpanel?

    yoursite.com/cpanel...mines for example would be:


    Oh yea its been like this for the past month, whenever I tried to access my account.

    But I cant seem to get to it...whoever gets the chance to help me, could you tell me how to find resolution to this problem. thanks in advance.

  17. When a star that's more than eight times the mass of our sun burns out, gravity's inward tug tears apart the star's innards. It collapses and then rebounds. Which results in a astronomic explosion.This astronomic explosion is called a supernova, the explosion propels jets of high-energy light and matter out into space. The hurling remains and the material they encounter are heated to millions of degrees and can emit intense X-ray radiation for thousands of years.This will result into a neutron star also called a black hole. What makes this interesting is that our sun itself is slowly dying. Not soon enough that we will be experience or be able to witness a supernova first hand but it makes me think its only a matter of time before human existence is gone and wiped out.From what I have researched it has been documented that gamma rays from a supernova induce a chemical reaction in the upper atmosphere, converting ozone into nitrous oxide, depleting the ozone layer enough to expose the surface to harmful solar and cosmic radiation. So from this, other supernovas that are occuring are some what affecting our very planets ozone layer.

  18. Wow, its been 8 years since they came into our lived? Boy, to think the years before I been without google, I had to use more than 1 search engine from research papers. Search engines such as yahoo and msn, askjeeves and the such were the usual search engines that I have used for my english papers back in the day. Ever since its development and rise in the world, its been the only search engine I trusted for accurate results.Now today I continue to use google, not only as a search engine but for my E-mails, directions, videos, and image searches. Eight years in and it has evolved to become a very sucessful service for the internet community. Happy birthday google, and lets hope you can offer us more of what you have already given us.

  19. I dont know what I exactly believe in, but I like to believe that their is something out there that is helping me through life. Because Im pretty sure people have experienced certain situations or events that was life threatening and you couldnt believe that you walked away from it unscarred. For example, I have a friend that was racing down a moutain, he was not able to handle this one turn and drove off the cliff and rolled his car down the hill 2 times and totalled his car, but he walked away from it without a scratch. Could it be a god that is looking over him saying that it is not yet his time? Or could he just be lucky?Its those type of events that makes me believe that their is a being out there that is looking over us. Another example would be, me for one, I was driving on the freeway behind this one truck, it had a lot of stuff on the back. Out of no where a metal sheet came flying in my windshield point first. I was not able to switch lanes because there were cars on both sides of me, but before the metal sheet could come flying straight into my windshield it flew downwards and then underneath my car. I was surprised because with the speed and the distance I was away from that truck in front of me, it was surely supposed to hit straight into my windshield. I for one was lucky.There are probably more incidents like these that I am giving examples of, but from that I think there is something out there that is watching over us, and helping us avoid harm. Would it be "God" I dont know but I know that if some people cant walk away from getting struck by lighting and other outrageous events there must be something supernatural that is interfereing during that event to help that individual.

  20. I have been using Azureus for torrent downloads for quite awhile. And to me I believe that it is probably the best P2P downloading program with a lot of features and stability. I think it is a little more for the advanced users though. But if you know how to work the program, you should have no problems with it. I used to use bittorrent, but when I switched over to azuerus I was uplifted with how well it downloads the files. I have downloaded many files with this program and it hasnt failed me yet.

  21. Whenever i Have odd things happen to my laptop I always back up my important files and do a reformat. That usually fix all my problems every single time. These days when browsing anything online there seems to be viruses everywhere. My norton seems to detect it every now and then, but at times my norton wouldnt even be able to stop it from attaching itself to my computer. So this is when I would go ahead and reformat my computer.The cases when I reformat are when my programs would not start at all, or I see pop up automatcially at start of computer startup. So basically the odd and unusal times when you computer have problems is the time it calls for the reformatting cd. =)

  22. Being a web designer, I think that modifying a template is really easy. Its just a matter of how everything set up. If the designer that created the template organized the template it will be very simple to modify. But if everything is all over the place and scattered you might run into problems on what is what.I am one of the designers that group certain things in certain folders. For example I would keep all the design files in one folder and another folder for the CSS sheets and such. But if it were my advice to you, i think buying templates is necessary only if you dont have any type of design experience. Because any tempalte seen on template sites can be imitated to some degree.

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