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Posts posted by kgd2006

  1. The photo storage site that I use is photobucket. That site seems very secure in keeping your images private if you wish it to be private. Although there are certain way around the security of images which I am afraid will not tell. The service in itself is very well put together, it offers users to make different directories of photo contents and the user interface is very manageable although could be improved. But this photo storage service is probably the best that I have found on the internet. Others that I have tried like imageshack, myphotoalbum, and many others offers some different and unique features. But photobucket offers the basic features with out much errors. The functionality of the site is as good as it can get. Fast upload and provides the user with nifty things after the upload of the image such as a html tag box, direct link box and so on. This convenient feature offers the users the ability to just click in the box to grab the content to be placed in places, for example if a user wanted to post a image on a friends comment on myspace or a blog, the user just needs to select the html tag box and it automatically copies the html code ready for the user to paste in the comment or blog. Same goes for the link box which it copies the link and ready to paste of IM or whereever the user decide to place the content link.

  2. Back in the day I used to play alot of games because I had a lot of time but now that I am older and have a job. Theres really not much time left to play games like I used to. The longest that I remeber playing games was probably 6 hours in a sitting when I was trying to beat a game. I did take occasional toilet breaks but, I was pretty much playing the entire time. Games now a days doesnt seem to grab me as much anymore. It seems like games have gotten shorter and is not so in depth as it was back then. Games now a days seems to only last a couple days when back then I found games to last at least a couple weeks for me. Ofcourse the games that I am referring to is mostly RPGs, and such games with a story and a good one. One of those games that I am descrbing would be Final Fantasy 7. That game had me in my seat for hours just playing to see what will happen next as well as collecting everything. That game offered a good story, gameplay, and play after. The cinematics drew me deep in the game and the story just gave a extra boost in the experience. Games are a good way to release stress, and playing it for even 10 mins is good for your health. Playing for more than 6 hours I am not sure haha, but a good last game is something I find rare to find.

  3. This is very interesting news that someone such as Bill Gates to leave a empire like Microsoft. An empire that he built up, and flourishing as well as dominating technology each year. His decision to leave must probably be a good one to leave an empire like that behind that basically made him what he is today. If that was my empire I made sure I am apart of it, something that is as good as that should not be let go. Bill Gates has built so many things, well maybe not him but his empire known as microsoft has built a lot of things that users are now using. The worlds population with a computer is probably a majority of pc users compared to apple users. And even if they were a apple user they know how to use a pc. Bill Gates also build a very competitive industry in the video game entertainment business. With the success of the xbox, they have gone and released the most recent system known as the 360. Its hard to believe that he could leave so much behind on something supposedly better. I am curious if the first comment is actually true, because it seems to hard to believe. And if it is true it sure dont sound right and it must be another reason. If I was Bill Gates and leaving a company I built behind me, I would probably have an ingenius idea that would do better than what I have started.

  4. Google is the search engine that I use the most. It is very accurate at pulling the results that I am looking for. Before google, I was using various engines that gave half assed results that made it hard for me to find the reference that I was looking for. Ever since google has come into the scene things changed. I eventually am able to find everything that I ever needed as a reference and can pull out things that would be rarely found if I was to use another search engine besides google. How google have developed search a great search engine that gives the users the most accurate results amazes me. A company that has just got into the scene out done engines that been around for so long and evolving that it has not able to give results like google have generated for its users. Now google is stepping it up and branching off its features. They now provide a accurate filtering system for email. Almost 99% of spam is caught, and emails that you should receive are recieved. I have yet to find spam in my gmail account. Google has advanced it technology in so many ways that I couldnt find a email service that was better, and I was a user of yahoo, hotmail, and various others. Moreover, google has also expanded its tech resources to even maps to find directions to your destination, they even evolved the maping system by providing the user a realtime 3d street map, which is very useful if you are not familiar with the area you are going to and need a heads up look at the area you will be entering.

  5. Joomla is a pretty impressive content management system. It offers the user a quick and easy way to build websites. But it lacks the more advanced coding structure of that many sites can have. But it does its job, and that is producing website templates. In the hand of a user that knows the ins and outs of joomla, it can possible be the content management system that all real html coders bow down to. I tried joomla a while back, and couldnt get a feel for it, because I was already used to notepad coding and dreamweaver. So the use of a content management system wasnt necessary for a person like me. I like to build stuff from scratch and debug it, and not have to deal with a transparent layer. I believe that with the advancement of content management systems these days, coders like me probably will not be needed, or less likely to be needed, because the content managment systems are very accurate in its coding structure. But time will tell who will need who, heh.

  6. Grand theft auto 4 is the one game I am completely looking forward to getting. This game is definitely the best game out there in terms of game play. It offers the player the most freedom that any game has yet to try to achieve. Ever since the launch of grand theft auto for the playstation it embarked on a new standard for games with its gameplay. It offer the user not a story but a way to live out that story any way they wished. Do anything they wanted in an open world that spanned across many islands. Although a car was primarily needed to travel from one destination to another, this game gave the player the option to travel on foot if they chose and interact with other things within that environment. In the sequels rockstar definitely stepped up their game and standards for an open world game. It offer a variety of vehicles to choose from that ranged from motorcycles to boats to even airplanes. I believe at one point in the game it also gave the user the option to get a jetpack. Rockstar even dived deeper in terms of gameplay and offered a rpg element, which you can custom build your character. In the sense he grows in size depending on how you would play the game. For example, if he was to swim long distances or boxed in a ring frequently they would often have developed a more musclar built character, while on the otherhand if the player was to eat more than work out, that is visually reflected in the game, making his character slower and fatter in build. Rockstar basically came up with everything they could have or we could have thought we would like in the game and implemented it. The company have done a great job in pleasing the fans of grand theft auto, it obviously impressed me and have me owning many of its products. Now with the release of their next sequel grand theft auto 4, im and just curious on what rockstar will be surprising me with next. So far from the screen shots and the videos that have been released to the public the next installment of the game looks incredible, and teasing use with its April release date. The graphics obviously took a major overhaul, and looks 10 times better than it was before. If they kept everything they had in their pass games and implemented more features, this will and probably a hard game to take out of the ranks with its vast variety of gameplay features that it offers a player.

  7. Limewire is most likely a illegal program that I am sure is being tracked by RIAA, any programs that doesnt have a price tag per download is most likely illegal. Limeware for the meantime has been lucky that it hasnt encountered too much attention, because there are various programs out there that has been balancing the load of interest for RIAA to take any big action on limewire like they did on NAPSTER. NAPSTER was the "program" that everyone used and so the peer ratio was enormous and downloads were almost instant cause so many people were sharing. But since that has been closed and napster turned into a paying service. Everything for them went downhill. Not only that but with fines reaching shared users these days it has scared a lot of people from using programs such as limewire, and even if they did they would turn off the sharing feature that makes searching for music and such easy. Now its hard to find resources to download a file like when we did back then. I used to use limewire as the "other" program with the passing of napster, but after all the dud files I got from limewire, I turned to website sources for my downloads now. I found that the website resources gives me much better download speed than if I was to search on limewire, not only that but the quality is also better. Limewire files seems to have too many washed and depreciated quality in mp3 formats. I have learned to use google in a way to search for all my music that I look for, next thing you know RIAA will probably work with google to stop the search for mp3 formats, till that day happens I will probably just continue to download as much as i can before that day happens which it eventually will. Because like everything in life nothing lasts forever and you should appreciate while you still have it now.

  8. Magic to me is just a really clever trick or illusion that someone uses to manipulate the viewing audience. Although the magic trick itself is sometimes awesome to see there is really not truth behind it but a mere scam to trick your mind and keeps you guessing. For example, a very famous magician most of you probably would know is Chris angel I believe, he is a very amazing magician that does things that I didnt think could be humanly possible. How he set up his tricks and makes others believe its real is amazingly good. Too hard for anyone to even figure out how something like what he does is done. I remember watching one of his episodes where he did a trick where he seperated a human being at a public park and the other half left their body freely as the other half stood there freaked out of what happend. He is an amazing and probably well respected magcian. Real or not its entertainment on its own that is satisfying to many. I however would like to see something real, like a flying flaming person or a teleporting person, something real would be nice.

  9. For the past 2 years I have been analyzing each system and been deciding long and hard which system would be the best fit for me. And discovered that the system that offers the best quality games that would satisfy me in the long run would probably be the 360. It have exclusive titles that interests me in my age group which is 19-30. But the Wii was also to be considered because of its party target audience play style. But the quality of the games that I have seen from the Wii seems like it was from the n64 or the systems of the past. The graphics doesnt seem to be impressive and came to a conclusion that the system would probably be a waste of my money for the fact that the system would not be fun at all if I was bored and was to play by myself. The single player titles that they have released for it does not entice me like the games for the other system does. The system is probably best set up for a party type atmosphere. Now for the ps3, this system obviously have potentional, with its many accessories and features. But the lack of games for it makes it fall of the competiton of next gen systems. With microsoft's xbox 360 in the lead with a year or 2 head start in developing software for their system, sony run far behind in the development of their games. Not only that but I have read in many sources that the developers themselves are having trouble developing games for the ps3 because of its complex system enviroment. So most of the developers currently are residing and falling towards the xbox360 as their system of choice for developing quality games. Games like halo 3, gears of war, assassins creed, gta IV, and many others seems to have good terms from their developers. While the other systems are giving developers a hard time to make the games for the following system or the system itself cannot handle the quality of the game that is being made. From the heavy analysis of the systems sales and its production, I made a conclusion that it was best fit for me to go with the 360, even if it would cost me extra to play online against others. Turns out that their marketplace feature on the xbox 360 is a really clean and user friendly interface. If I would recommend someone the system of choice you should definitely choose xbox360 for its production in quality games. While they should also consider the ps3 as their blu-ray player, because you cannot beat the price of ps3 as a blu-ray player as well as a game system itself, thats a 2 in 1. But you should also be patient because as these systems mature, we will definitely see a shift in competition between the 3 systems. Time will tell who the true next gen system really is. But for now I beleive the xbox 360 is the best quality system, while the Wii is the best party system.

  10. Playing WoW for free is no hard task to complete it just takes time to search and research the necessary tools needed to play it. There has been a lot of leaked code out there to run WoW servers on your computer. But your computer can not probably handle the traffic that you will probably get when you host a game like that for free. You would probably need to get a server box to hold the world, another server box to hold the created accounts, and probably another to hold the npcs and enemies that are within the world. Even if you happen to get one server up and running you will and can count on hackers trying to make a mess of things when you try to host it on your server. Maybe some of the blizzard members themselves will probably try to mess up your server just for trying to attack you back for trying to create something that they have created.So its just probably better to just go to their official server and just pay the monthly fees to enjoy the world that they have created. If so many have joined the game and flushing more money into it, it has to be that its good enough for the price of the monthly fees right? If you cant afford the world of warcraft game you could try the numerous free games out there, or try the one time pay mmorpg, guildwars that recently came out with a good quality game graphicly and story, it is not much of a open space like world of warcraft, but it does offer the same competitive play that you can find in world of warcraft.

  11. Warcraft was the first real time strategy game that I have played and got me interested. But then ended their franchise with frozen thone. Or should I say the vanished after frozen throne, now, they have world of warcraft. World of warcraft is no longer a real time strategy game no longer, but a massively multiplayer online role playing game. I have played it but it just isnt the same, nor does the game play feature elements interest me. I have yet to understand why so many people cherish that mmorpg as their child, because I have played a lot of better mmorpg than what was released by blizzard. I guess it would be because of the fan base of the world of warcraft community, in wanting to experience the life in world of warcraft. The next big hit that I am looking forward to playing is probably star craft 2 which should be coming out some time next year. Hopefully the story and gameplay will be worth it, taking the time that it took them 4 or so years in development of the game itself.

  12. I prefer working on Windows then to work on a mac, and I have used both in my share of time with computers. I just found that windows offers a lot more options than what a Mac can offer me, in terms of software selection that is. Mac just seems to be to confined, even though they allow the windows operating system to be ran on the mac, but for some reason my gut tells me that it doesnt feel right. I design and implement entirely on windows, members here have mentioned the use of keystrokes, and indeed I did started using a lot of keystrokes when I was using a mac but the keystrokes carried over to windows, and I am just as good with quick keys as I was on a mac, I believe I am more profeciant on a windows system now than I ever was before. Knowing tricks of two computers allow me to expand my skill sets and expertise to other computer users.

  13. I have used many web editor softwares before, but nothing comes close to dreamweaver as a web editor application. People say it is a tool for beginners and not real developers, but that is not true. It is used for professionals because it gives a array of options and features that allow them to manipulate their design with ease. There are advanced features in dreamweaver that only a real web developer can understand how to use. Such as the options between when to use the wysiwyg, and when not to. I perferbaly use the wysiwyg when I am trying to create simple things like font adjustments and such for a certain specific page. The ability to edit your code and see the design in split mode is a nifty feature to see on the fly edits. Dreamweaver also offers users direct connection to their hosting site server, so when they are ready to upload their files to the server they can do it with a simple button. Not only does it allow you to be directly connected to your server host, but allows you to put multiply options for connecting to the host in their simple user interface layout. Currently I am using Dreamweaver 8 and have stuck with it, I have tried CS3 but notice no difference in features but the change in user interface.

  14. I hope with the delivery of IE8 it will convert me back to using internet explorer as my browser of choice but it seems like that will not be likely because firefox, seems to offer much more to me as a web developer than any other browser out there. If IE8 does have a better user interface than IE7 than I might take into consideration of the new browser. Otherwise, I would just stick to using firefox whic I am already comfortable and see it as a reliable browser for designing my websites. I cannot and have not seen another browser that offers as much as firefox, and its hard to even fathom what the features of the other tools can offer to a web developer like firefox offers.

  15. Another good source would also be myp2p.eu i believe, only this source is good for watching sport games that are broadcasted. I usually use it when my television doesnt get the sport games that I need to watch. Which is usually because it seems like someone seems to like to block veiwers from watching their daily does of sport games by making on exclusive to a certain network. When I found out about this site I was relieved and can finally watch the games live and streaming on my computer, than having to watch the stats online just to see how my favorite team is doing. There are other streaming tv sources I believe as well. It seems like broadcasting television has finally made streamline on the internet, we will probably see more like this eventually if it has already burst out like an outbreak.

  16. IE7 supposedly is the new age browser, that somehow mimicks firefox and tries to be what firefox is. They try to implement the use of tabs, and the way people browse when using firefox, but in my opinion fails. I was a IE user for years until they went and implemented the new user interface. My friend introduced me to firefox, and the performance of it and its user friendly browsing interface converted me. IE lost it when, they made the new UI, its completely confusing on finding what you are trying to look for, because its tried to change so much. With firefox, it kept with a traditional feel, but not only that give the user to add plug-ins to increase the features of the browser itself, for example, firebug. This is a tool that is and should be used by web developers everywhere as it gives you a package of viewing options from css, javascripts, tables, on fly website editing. Its what I believe is the best tool created for a web developer. IE has yet to move up to their standard, and it seems I think IE took a step back when they included that click to activate flash object option, which for all my sites use a javascript hack to bypass that annoying feature. From what I heard it was done because of legal disputes of stealing code from netscape. If anything I believe they need to revert to IE6 and come up with new and innovative technologies with it than trying to copy firefox, which I believe they are doing, but failing. Already so many are converted to using firefox, according to a poll that I came accross a while back. So in conclusion if you are not using firefox, you should start, it is definitely a improvement over what IE7 has to offer their users.

  17. When a child gets a labtop, two things can happen. One they can eventually turn into a brilliant tech geek that can hack, and be so comfortable with the web that its hard to imagine that they will not succeed in life in their future. Or two, they will use their laptop to be introduced to porn, which Im sure everyone in the world with a computer have slipped into one time or another. But when a child have access or encountered porn on the internet, they can fall into a perverted state. They may end up doing things that only your imaginations can tell, haha, but on a serious note. It can harm their mental state at such a young age. Not know from what is right and wrong, because the content on the internet is very abrupt and disturbing.

  18. I own the game myself and I must say that this game is one of the best developed. And those that say its repetitive they are right, but what action games do you know that dont get repetitive. Fighting games get repetitive, Ninja Gaiden gets repetitive, yes this game is repetitive but it comes with a good initiation for a story for a trilogy. This games opens the doors for what is to become of it in the coming years. I have beaten the game and still playing it because the enviroment and freedom just compels me where I thirst for it. The combat system I believe is perfect because it makes fights very interesting. I have yet to see all the cool kills and reversals that come with the game. More so, I have yet to explore the rest of the enviroment that is available to me in the game. I still have much to do like kill all the templars in the game that are mysteriously hiding from me. The plot of the story intrigues me to a point where I can see that the trilogy would actually be something good to come. Of the whole game, I believe the ending was the most abrupt ending I have seen, its not something that I would have expect from a game that was so fine tuned in broughten together. But hopefully in their sequels there we be alot better ties to the game then just the abrupt ending that they have giving the fans.

  19. This is possibly the best looking mp3 player out there. Sure it does not have the best storage capacity but it sure has a sleek feel in terms of the design. It is what the iphone is but worth the price. Because it offers free wireless internet browsing connection. It offers the users or consumers the ability to use the iphone key selling features with out the hassle of going on a monthly plan. This indeed is the best idea apple has released thus far for the price and tech item out there right now. If I had the temptation to buy it I would but currently I am waiting till apple upgrade its storage capacity. I hope eventually in the future apple would let users just upgrade their own storage capacity instead of having to by the player over and over again as they release the new storage capacity. But in a business world, which it is and is what they are they will probably never do that type of thing, just to get their franchise for this tech item to grow.

  20. I remember coming across this site. The game is sorta good, I think I remember playing it long ago, can quite pinpoint the full details on what this game was interesting though. But I think I might have fallen off the wagon really fast if I wasnt able to remember the actual gameplay. Those that is trying it or has tried it can you give feedback on the details of this game. Like what makes it different from the rest of the textbased games, what features it offers, and what makes it addicting for players in general.

  21. I just hope that with the merger of Activision and Blizzard the games they will be producing will be of quality. Because Ive seen alot of merged companies not being impressive after the merger, for example, bandai and namco. Their games are stuck in the same realm since they started. Its cool that they kept the key gameplay but with the next gen tools out they have to up there game to be competing with other companies like team ninja, crytek, ubisoft...and so forth. Just keeping the same old boring technology is a waste of merger resources.

  22. I have never heard of a 3d textbased game before...but how would it be any more interesting if you were to play a 3d game. 3D textbased games must be for realllllly casual gamers, because the closest thing I played that was not fully 3d was probably maple story, or gunbound. which were both had 3dish like environments but with 2d sprites.

  23. On the morning of cyber sale monday, I was caught by the wind and ended up getting a bunch of pc upgrades for my current computer from deals from various sites. On cyber sale monday I was able to purchase the following things:-2 nvidia geforce 8600gt sli cards-seagate 500gb 32mb cache internal harddrive-2 2gb kingston ram sticks-2 2gb kingston usb flashdrivesfrom this list I probably spent around four hundred dollars total on cyber sale monday. A lot more than what I wanted to spend, but when I bought one thing it lead to another, couldnt control my urges and ended up getting more than I wanted. Hopefully I made wise picks on the deals that were offered from the various sites that I shopped at. So what did you guys happen to spend your money on monday, I know there are probably someone out there that probably spent twice as much as me.

  24. I spend too much time online, sometimes I feel kinda naked if I wasnt online. Being that I work in the IT field, I am always required to be near a computer and online in some sort of way or fashion. I feel that without the internet, I would probably be out of the job, cause what I do which is web development, would not be possible. I spend most of my time online researching new skills a know hows on certain current technologies, as well as doing web development. I also will be online using the internet to do other things such as surfing for new game information, move information, browse retailers websites to check if they have any online deals or what not. I also do what most people do and surf on youtube and check out the interesting videos that people posts up from time to time for a good laugh. But without online access Im pretty much a helpless person, feeling like what am I supposed to do? Watching tv would not make my day, as most of the time I am watching tv while surfing the web being that the tv is right next to me.

  25. You will need more than a 250mb site to be hosting a online rpg, most people that host private servers are using some servers that they bought to handle the traffic, or they set up their powered up computer to handle the traffic. A lot of time and effort is used to host mmorpg type of games. For example, from my understanding I know you need a server to handle the avatars, a separate server to handle the enemies and monsters, and another separate server to handle the environment, and so on. So yea you can get the point by now that a 250mb wont do. Maybe you can get the game up and running on your host, doubtful, but maybe. But even if you do, you wont be able to handle the traffic that will be coming through to your server. And most likely your host would shut you down for using up all your allocated bandwidth. But I believe it even goes a step further where you would have to modify the scripts for the game to work with your server, otherwise you would have a dead server which you are not able to do anything but just see the world. All the gameplay would probably be broken. If you are capable of achieving on hosting a server for a game though, I give you much props because it is a lot of work, and not many private servers survive the day even with their hardcore equipment to host the games.

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