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Everything posted by ruben1405241511
Not Being Deleted yes, i need to be
ruben1405241511 replied to ruben1405241511's topic in Web Hosting Support
yo!Well, it finally worked now!I guess, I just had to be patient for this script to run. At least my credits are reset to zero now.Well, so now I'm back posting :-), say hello!Ruben -
Hi!By credit count has dipped below -32 now, so I'm below 30 for more than 3 days now. Still my account didn't get deleted yet (my logo stills shows hosted, my webpage still "suspended").I also tried the "account deletion" thing on Xisto.com/process but that doesn't help (gives me error messages, like anything else there).Does the deletion cron job run that scarcely or why is this not happening?ruben
Thanks a lot, I'll have a look at them. I'm in the planning phase of a new project right now and because I know I will modulate and add-on etc a lot later, I think it would be a good idea to get to know objects before I get going coding. Have a nice time! Php.net is always a good resource too of course.
It was a nice analogy to read, because to me, it got a lot clearer. I'm mostly writing PHP right now, and (I think), that I've never used an object. I usually code exactly what I need and if I know I can use bits of code from another part of the page, I will copy-paste it from there.I've noticed that this style of working might be ineffective concerning my time (after all I don't remember all my code and I have to search through old pages, alter the code to fit in context, etc.), but I was never sure whether using objects would also make my code more effective in terms of performance.I hardly ever use (own) functions in PHP (except for repetitive tasks), because I write code like a book. I've come to notice that this is not the smartest thing to do, but I still find it hard to think "This function/object/method is a center of my programming, I will build it in this way, so I can apply it later". This seems to require a lot of experience.I'd like to manage that anyway. I am mind-mapping and writing down stuff like my database structure and technical ideas.Can you give some tips how to construct an object on the base on non-code ideas that are partly in my head, partly on paper, but not yet concrete in any way (for pages yet to write, for environments yet to invent etc.). Plus I'm mostly thinking in terms of usage right now. While this helps to make it usable, it is usually a long way to "terms of objects/code".@vujsa: What tutorials? Link, pretty please ;-)
Hosting Credits System Bug Attention admins please
ruben1405241511 replied to XIII's topic in General Discussion
Something, that came to my attention: When I post something and get credit etc. I will have uneven credit numbers like "8.93" or "10.43", but after a while the part behind the point will change to .62. Doesn't really matter, just strange.And it feels like I get more credits for less now, but hey, I won't complain about this. But earlier in Xisto, I think it was less. Is that true or do my guts have **** for brains?Ruben -
Yeah, now you are just senselessly ripping my post apart, I don't think I was that unclear. As long as they can make themselves understandable. Of course they have to be able to contribute something, but why should I mention that, it's in the rules already. I think we all know what's ok and what not, so we could just slowly step back from the topic, put our credit-greed on the ground and our hands on our heads.
Wireless Security System Very Cheap
ruben1405241511 replied to Captain Jerry's topic in General Discussion
Oh, my apologies then, I came her via the "last topic" thingie, didn't notice. It's unusual. It's still better practice to quote non-self-authored content. -
@ pyost: Some kids are ahead of their time, I mean you're only fifteen, I started making (bad) websites with twelve, but there are some even faster kiddies out there. We shouldn't try to hard to be elitist round here, but still everyone should make his best effort, if he isn't able to make himself understood that way, then this forum obviously can't help him. Still Leet-speak and so on, don't really show the "best effort".
The Moon Landing - Real Or Fake
ruben1405241511 replied to sandeep1405241520's topic in Science and Technology
Well, think what you want, but read: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's just ridiculous if you can't follow the principles I gratefully copied from Wikipedia. I know it's fun to believe such stuff and trying to prove it, but COME ON. In short: It's easy to point out inconsistencies, but as long as they do not prove the Truth-theory wrong, you need to accept the truth. A good prove to show that it is not true, would be to show that Armstrong was actually on earth, while he was shown on the moon. No can do? You can just tell me that the flag flutters? OH REALLY? Well, I completely forgot, the only thing that can make a flag flutter is the wind, right? No, it is not. That's why it's *BLEEP* to take small things and show that they look different than expected, I mean in the end, none of these fellows has actually been on the moon to prove that it is impossible to do these things. And a-whole-nother way to view it: If it really was fake and there was proof, don't you think these things would be less obvious. Don't you think one of your imaginary NASA-Fakers would have seen the flag flutter and say "Hm, looks to unreal, let's cut that scene". Oh a some quite good proof pro-moon landing (found in German Wikipedia):รขยข The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will be send into space in 2008 and will photograph the landing sites รข but of course they could just fake those photos too, right (how many generations of corrupt scientists do you think, the NASA has?) รขยข It's quite improbable that the NASA was able to recreate moon-gravity scenes, when hollywood still can't do it today. รขยข The reflectors they left there. Now you could say they placed them there with robots, but yeah, sure, disregard the fact that the Soviet Union took all their time and budget just to get up the rovers for that mission รขยข private radio operators all over the world could listen to the astronautsร รข the replies came with a delay that can be calculated to be the light-speed-delay. Not two times the delay, if they send it up and back down from a space probe. รขยข Apollo 11 videos "featured" the Russian space probe Luna 15 crashing. Now the regarding documents were released and show no differences from the American description. Sorry for crushing your dreams.. RBN -
Wireless Security System Very Cheap
ruben1405241511 replied to Captain Jerry's topic in General Discussion
Please put content not writting by yourself in quotes or link to it. Just copying random stuff from websites to gain credits is against the rules. Google on "Bubba, Big Mike and I" -
PHP: Need Help In Creating Access Groups For Site
ruben1405241511 replied to vicky99's topic in Programming
Just take a look at a working ContentManagementSystem as we have told you before. You can take a look at drupal for example. The code in these ready-to-use CMS is normally commented quite well. Why do you need just the user-part? I mean just users aren't that useful.The examples you saw above are working, you just need to implement them into a website, which shouldn't be that hard, if you think, you can build a CMS on your own.It seems very difficult to help you, because you ask for a quite comprehensive and versatile thing and don't seem to use the answers you get. -
@evought: That's interesting. From personal empiricism, I would never think so, but that might be because most of my friends know that I always use sarcasm. Plus I don't talk that much to strangers on the net. I found a bit poor that they didn't consider netspeak (smilies etc.) at all, because that's the way people convey emotions in emails.Hell, if I got a cent for every ^ I made in a conversation I would be stinking rich and if there was a key for ^^ (two in one), then my keyboard would probably 20% less used.@seec77: That was not an exaggeration at all, just surf some IRC channels and compare their way of speaking... Or read a bit on urbandictionary.com.. Or read stuff from communities in Australia and compare with those from America. What's exaggerated or even *BLEEP*: The analogy.. In human brains you don't have to worry about backwards compatibility that much, of course, it might be hard for future English readers to understand what we meant with "Jump off" or so, but the constant development of human language is what it makes it SO much more rich than XHTML, which is just mark up language coming in different versions, made up by a central institution. What would you say, if they suddenly placed an institution in your country that told you "'a-whole-nother' is not a real word, please use something else.". Well, ok already the case in France ^^ but still, you will be understood by your fellow humans. You can't compare that to computers. Not yet at least.
I don't think so. I think most users changed to firefox because of its customizability and security (and hatred on IE). Convenience users never looked at firefox. If there is a (good) feature that Firefox lacks and IE has, than it won't take long until it is taken over.
That really depends on what your website is about! DMOZ is the only widely accepted directory that indexes everything (By the way adult sites and gambling too just go to dmoz/Adult). I'm a editor at the DMOZ, even though I'm not active right now, because I don't have the time. If you have got a good site, most editors will be glad to list it. If you don't, then don't bother, people won't go there anyway, because (I think) most people use the directory over Google where the pages are sorted after pagerank, not alphabetically. But if you have a special topic on your website, then you can definitively find directories or link lists to add it to. If you got freehosting-website for example there are dozens of directories out there. Same for humor, photography, webdesign, etc.! Another good thing is the (English) wikipedia. While in the other language versions, links are by default rel="nofollow" and therefore not boosting your pagerank, the English Wikipedia is considered active enough that link-spamming is impossible. Of course you have to provide relevant information to the article that you choose to put your weblink on and your website should not be "too" commercial. I would say relevancy matters most, there are lots of links with ads on them for example. If your company is big/relevant, you can even write a (neutral) article about them. A great and legitimate way to get promoted to people who want what you can give.
Well if you really feel like there isn't enough action in the firefox department, you can take part, or motivate someone with the right skills to do so. I do not think, that a popular project like Firefox will just decay, because well, maybe there is a low in engagement right now, but it is quite sure, that this will change again with all the developers working on it.By the way, what is the thing with Mozilla Corp.? I read on their website, that Firefox and Thunderbird are there now and it is a wholly owned company with core employees, etc. Is that a good development? I know too little to judge.
Very misleading title, my dear friend, I was expecting some diatribe against Firefox now .I'm pretty sure, this little issue will be fixed in the next issue of Firefox if you send them a bug report. That's what I love about Firefox (and other open source software): If there is something wrong, it certainly won't be that way for long.I'm still waiting for Apple to fix some bugs with correct code in my website. It's unbelievable: Safari does not know the attribute 'disabled="disabled"' for the element <button>. Plus there are some weird things happening if you put your computer to 'Sleep' with Safari running. Gets on my nerves, because it really screwed up my website at times. Still, Safari is just faster than Firefox on my Mac =).edit: wrote excepting instead of expecting. happens every damn single time...
PHP: Need Help In Creating Access Groups For Site
ruben1405241511 replied to vicky99's topic in Programming
Hello and welcome! First of all: Do you know any PHP? Because if you don't it can be quite hard (*changes voice* I would even say impossible) to construct a content management system in PHP on your own. If you do know and you want to build it up with our help, you should start somewhere, because a CMS is a big thing and it's kind of difficult to give assistance to a not-existing project. If you want to start from scratch I would recommend you though to use a PHP-database (Xisto has PostGreSQL and MySQL) combination, because everything else would make it a lot more work. But my real recommendation to you would be: Take one of the field-tested, professional ones and fit it to your needs. If you get hosted with Xisto, then you can easily establish a CMS with the pre-installed Fantastico, so most of the work you need to do, is done already. The configuration is a lot of work too, but definitively easier than writing your own CMS. If you don't need a whole giant CMS (I mean you talked about a user database first, but I don't know what you're going to do with it later on), then I can happily help you with forming some strategy and writing it later on, but you're so vague (qotsa reference) right now. Greetings, Ruben -
Creating And Using Includes With PHP A simple tutorial
ruben1405241511 replied to Houdini's topic in Programming
Just wanted to add, that it is best in my humble opinion to put the database-connection file in a non-public directory. And require should also be used as standard, especially if you're not too sure, what a hacker could do with your code without the included file. I mean, in few cases you want to continue the script with a warning from the include file (your page would not be of much use without the db-info for example. And maybe hackers who managed to get include file unavailable, can insert false values into the file (if register_globals is turned on).Greetings,Ruben -
Which Search Engine Do You Use The Most?
ruben1405241511 replied to prolifik's topic in Computer Networks
If I'm searching for knowledge on some topic, then Wikipedia is always first choice. There's nothing against human knowledge... But I think the search engine I use most is: http://dict.leo.org/ende/index_de.html It's a German-English/French/Spanish dictionary. Since I'm learning all these languages and they way the dictionary works just rules, this is the site that I frequent at least ten times a day. Wikipedia at least twice. Google variably from 0-100 times a day, depends whether I'm doing something really useful (like work รข no googling) or something less useful (then I google and I have to say, I get distracted easilier than ever, when I open this Pandora's box). Something that annoys me though: It's impossible to find Web2-stuff (maybe blogs etc.), but I never manage to find a friend's photo list/their personal site. I know that this is for privacy reasons too, but it just annoys me, because these URls are the ones I forget the most often... But well, who doesn't use google. -
Can I Put Advertisment On My Website?
ruben1405241511 replied to Florent's topic in Web Hosting Support
Hi Florent,I'm not sure what you mean by "our ad on our website"..When you are hosted with Xisto, then you can put ads on your hosted website, both for yourself and others (makes me wonder though why you would want your own ads on your website).If you want to see your ads on Xisto, then you should talk to OpaQue or someone who has more knowledge about that. I think they use an advertising firm, forgot the name though, you probably would go that way.Greetings,Ruben -
So here we are, a good four months later... I still think the [spell]ing syntax should be introduced, so that there is a good way to note mistakes without aggrieving the others. Was there any action taken from the organisational side or are we still at the same point with some people maybe changing their writing? I have been gone for a while and now noticed that there are editbuttons now. Kinda nice, especially for typos, but doesn't help against real spelling mistakes. A little off topic, but actually the reason why I actually clicked reply: While I agree with you on the rest, evought, I am convinced that most flame wars and insults on the internet occur, because people dare much more. In real life we keep much more to our manners, but there are many people out there randomly starting flame wars with others in chat rooms. If you talk to your friends on an instant messenger, this stuff occurs a lot less often, on the one hand, because you know the other person and their "grade of roughness in language", but also because we have a lot of Chatspeak (emoticons, capitalisation, italics, boldness and so on.) to help us out with the missing gestures and facial expressions. I honestly think that most flaming begins where someone doesn't stop teasing/insulting/whatever is upsetting because he knows that he doesn't have to await serious consequences. It's much easier to insult someone when there is no risk of him choking you =) I'd like to see those studies though, got link?
Thanks hercco,I sort of came to this conclusion to after googling a lot. But I'm not skilled with Reg.Exp at all, so I could make good use of a ready-to-use Reg.Exp (I can read them and transform them for my needs, but it takes me weeks to write one, that does what I want).I guess, it's not easy to just come up with one, but I thought, mayybe one of you knows a good page on the web, where you can find ready ones? I saw some, but they all kind of sucked with about 30 different Reg.Exps, none fitting my purpose.So if anyone here knows something helpful, pleaaaase post.
Chinese Student Jailed 10 Years For A Website
ruben1405241511 replied to marretas's topic in Websites and Web Designing
@cyborgxxiForbidding all porn on the internet is like the most impossible thing to do. Not only is it impossible to unite with a democratic thinking, but also a task impossible to execute at the present point. I would generously estimate that 80% of all internet sites somehow contain porn and of the data amount floating the net and being downloaded in filesharing I would estimate, that it amounts to 90%. Probably it's not all that bad, but I guess there are some studies out there, that have similarly dramatic results.I'm just wondering: Aren't the Chinese allowed to surf any foreign sites at all? I thought it was limited to certain subjects, which would make it impossible to ban all the official, inofficial and semi-official porn sites, not to mention all the stuff on the different sharing networks...