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Everything posted by PureHeart

  1. My favorite is DivX codec. It can make small files with high quality. I riped a DVD to a CD before.
  2. I'm using a Intel Onboard graphic card. It's good enough for me. But I'm thinking about buying a AGP one.
  3. Shostako2150, so the music is making your site so big. You can compress them with a lower bit-rate. MIDI is another choice for classical music. Try that.
  4. Life without a computer. It's OK. Computer - like money, is NOT the goal of this life. We still can live without it. But the life is more interesting with computers.
  5. I think you can delete cookies from this site and then retry. To shout in the shout box, you also need to login first .
  6. I'm writing this to ask if you support https or not. In http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , I found that not all server support this. I need to know because I'm going to setup a forum that require https.
  7. Really? Good NEWS! I'm waiting. I can't use Paypal because they're not accepting account from VN anymore. I hope Google accept accnout from all over the world.
  8. Always depends. For a personal/small site, PHP is the best choice. But if you're planing to build a large site or for commercial use, you should choose ASP.NET (not ordinary ASP). The tech is so great. High performance site require good technology. ASP.NET is the best choice.
  9. OK, but why need to transfer a vBullentin board to phpBB. a vB is more expensive than a phpBB. I think that we shouldn't move from a vB to phpBB. We should move from phpBB to vB instead.An idea (mine) : Why not intergrate the vB but somekind of portal. For ex, a member can reg at the board and use the account at the portal too. I'm trying to do that.
  10. http://www.photoflashgraphics.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Just google for tutorials for ilustrations , there's lots of useful resources out there.
  11. WOW, so cool. How did you make them. What software did you use? Where do the images come from? Can you tell me how to make them. I want a pic for my sig now.
  12. I think you should try FireFox, if pretty cool. It's very powerful. It support JavaScript quite well. In short : nothing to complain. Here's the link : https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/?utm_source=getfirefox-com&utm_medium=referral
  13. It depends, if the site just require about 100kb to load at the init and for each page. There's nothing wrong and it will work fine. But if you want to visitor to load all 100MB whenever they enter the site. Noone want to stay. Not everyone has a broadband connection. And even they have a broadband connection, they can't keep waiting so long.
  14. I'm playing Grandia2. Yesterday, I reinstall the whole system without backing it up. So I losed all the savegame. If anyone play this game, please give me the savegame that you have. I don't want to replay the game from the beginning. Please send the file via email. NguyenVanThoai@gmail.comThanks in advance.
  15. I want to know how a p2p connection work. I want to make somekind of communication in my next application/program. I'm new to networking programming. Please help tell me in detail. I'm currently using VB.NET for it. I still don't know how to connect yet. Is there any free+opensource+popular library that support transfer data via network. I need it. Please reply this with any resouce that you know.Thanks in advance.
  16. I'm going to build up a 3D app, but have no experience in this (sound funny?). I'm going to use DirectX framework. I'm looking for a book (an ebook is better), or some kind of document to begin. Is there any tools for manage the code in VB.NET for DirectX? Can I use DirectX lib for VB.NET.
  17. I think there's no such a thing. If you really want to do that, you can do the coding yourself. Write a chat client for yourself. I know one that suit your need, but it's not free.Anyway, a flash chat room like that need some extra server-side installation. Which can't be done by YOU. If you really need a chat room for your site. You can try looking for a free chat room provider instead.
  18. But guys, why do you need to upload so much with PHP. I think there're few things to do with PHP script. We can use ftp to upload file, there's no limitation on that. If you need to upload really big files. You may host them elsewhere, like filefront.com . I think those free file hosting services is good enough for you. The space at Xisto should be used wisely for your website only.
  19. I can't enter your site. This seems to be a DNS error. I've got the Google English home page.
  20. Why don't you use XOOP. It's very simple, you can install new modules to fit your need. My site is using that.
  21. The sig should be small enough to fit insight. Never let it goes too big.
  22. But Windows CE back. I think it's very easy: Just contact the service . Uhm, why do you want to install Linux on PDA, it not for that. Linux is great for PC but it may slow down your PDA, trust me. I think you'd better not to do that.
  23. I like OpenGL because it's open : Open Source, Cross Platform . Those also make it a standard. When using Directx, we can't understand how it work. We just can use its API. But with OpenGL, we know what's happening. We can do better programming work, make better 3d App.
  24. It was the db of a cms. Its name : pheart_xoop1 . But now, it's back, I don't know what has just happened.The problem has been solved.
  25. I'm writing this to report about a error. One of my mySQL database has been droped and my site stop working. I don't know the reason. I'm hosted on gamma server. I think you (admin) should check it. PS: One of my paid hosting provider also met this problem a few day ago.
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