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Everything posted by pomjim

  1. I use these sites, they all have unlimited storage, show full size photos, and you can keep your pics with them for as long as you like. ProPic Hosting EcFun Atpic
  2. I think you will find that those dates are correct. By the way "sparks", I too read the Langa list!!
  3. Totally agree about FileFront, huge storage amount is possible there, one of, if not the, best around.
  4. I fail to see why it is considered so important to many people that one should understand more than the very basics about computers. In my opinion, there is, for the majority of users, no need to know much about them, but merely know how to use them.After all, I don't need to know how my tv works, or my microwave, or ebven my car, as long as I know how to use it.
  5. AVG free, Avast free, Sygate personal firewall, Spybot, Scotty & Avorax. Plus M/Softs anti-spyware thingy.I have the above running all the time, I also use yet another anti-virus once a week to triple check (Anti-vir).I haven't had any trouble for years, I don't know if that's because I'm careful, or lucky!!
  6. The attempt to draw parallels regarding poverty & crime is useless. If there was a connection, then why is it that there is, generally speaking, less crime in poor countries than rich ones?Most crime like theft etc are committed becaue of greed and envy.
  7. Thanks for the post!!I have just scored my domain for 5 years at a nice cheap price.
  8. As far as I can see, the idea is that eventually people will use Google for everything, using the computer itself merely as an entrance to Google and via them to the internet.Google will be supplying such things as databases, search engines, spreadsheets, word proccessors, email etc, thus cutting out Microsoft products like "Office". Just log into your Google account and work from there, doing virtually everything online. Of course, that's ok if you want to save money, but it will mean that everything you do will be traceable by Google, to me quite a scary option.This is one of the reasons (the main reason?) why Microsft are busy trying to upgrade MSN and buying up various companies at the moment, 'cos Bill see's whats going on!
  9. So next time something comes along saying that they offer 20Tb of data storage, just ask yourself, why are they doing this? It's obviously not out of the good of their heart's.
  10. fasga, try GMail drive out for yourself, it's simple enough to use, and I assure you, it will/does come in handy. I've been using it for a long time now, and have had no problems with it, except when GMail make a big change, then GMail drive ceases to work until the designer issues a new version, which he does in quick time.
  11. Here is a link to some 20 screenshots of the new IE 7 browser for those interested. Personally I generally use Opera, but will doubtless give this new IE one a tryout when it's released.
  12. AT this moment, a young Australian is in jail in SIngapore, awaiting the death penalty.He was caught smuggling Heroin. He will be hanged.There is a lot of talk here in Australia regarding this sentence, some agree, some disagree, but, as the offence took place in a foreign country, there is little this country can do about it.As the penalty for drug smuggling in Singapore is well known, and indeed, advertised at the airport, nobody can claim ignotrance regarding this, they get involved knowing full well the possible repercussions if caught.SO, my question: the death penalty, right or wrong?
  13. Norton have announced their product updates will increase by up to 30% next month. So, why would people pay so much money when you can get product which is just as good/better, for free?
  14. I use both Opera Albums and Image Cabin for my photos, Opera has 300mg space and Image Cabin 250mg. Are there any out there with more space that let you share your pics if you want to, with good resolution?
  15. Easist way would be to just enter "free web counters" or something like that into Google, I'm pretty sure you'd find a heap of sites.
  16. I disagree about M/soft anti spyware prog, it works fine for me, to the extent that I no longer keep other software progs running, just run them once a week to make sure.
  17. If they installed it without asking your permision, then you can refuse to pay the bill, and remove the software.They cannot install anything which you have to pay for withoput the owners permission!I'd just tell 'em to shove the bill, unless you have already paid it. Next time you have a problem, take your hard drive somewhere else.
  18. I have both Avast and AVG running on my machine, and it seems to be even better than having the one going.I know that you are told not to run two at a time, but I've been doing it for 4 years now, with no problems so far!
  19. A dozen or so pics here if you are interested. Be interesting to see how close to what we have seen the final version looks like, so often they are quite different.
  20. I find it somewhat amusing that, as it becomes more and more obvious to anyone with more than a dozen brain cells, that "god", as the human race has called him/it for centuries, cannot exist, that now the believers are starting to alter the actual character of "god".Since forever, "god" has been taken one being, but now people are saying it is a race of beings, a different form of species, or whatever the newest fad is.If you can't even decide on who or what your "god" is, how can you possibly believe in it?Surely you are mature enough not to need a crutch?
  21. Did you have any anti-virus prog installed before you tried to activate?If so, that could well be the problem, at least according to M/soft.
  22. Personally, watching a screen that small seems a waste of time, but each to his own.It will doubtless be a bog seller, people will always want to have the latest, whatever it is, but a tiny screen like that is pointless.
  23. Try this URL if you want to try to sign up for the beta hotmail. Hotmail Beta
  24. Grafitti,It depends on which particular "god" you believe in. As there are so many gods, there will always be differences of thought and opinion amongst you believers.And, as not one of you can prove the existence of your god, or indeed the non-existence of the other, any arguement between two belivers in different faiths is doomed to failure.Personally, I'm more inclined to believe in Santa Claus than any god, at least I've seen him!!
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