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Posts posted by CaptainRon

  1. Mandrake 10.1 ! Superb useability and very less learning curve for a Windows user. Apart from that, the tools it comes packed with is simply tempting.Hey I don't know how many of you have tried ELX, but I found it to be the BEST Desktop Linux I have encountered till date. From the moment you install, you will know that it was meant for converting a Windows user to Linux. It has exactly the same outlook and comes with Wine pre-installed, with Wine-tools also. Plus there are the best tools for playing Video and Audio. Although it didnt prove to be a good Development environment so I had to ditch it.But I will in the end suggest Mandrake. You will not have any problem migrating to it at all. I dont know whats the deal with FC/RHL, they don't have good Multimedia support (specially audio). KDE is simply awesome, and the tools for KDE are undoubtfully the best(my POV). And Mandrake is packed with all of it as default.So a newbie from Windows wont have any trouble kicking off with it. Usually what any Windows user wants is an MP3 player and a Video Player that will play any codec. Mandrake comes with Amaroke and Kaffeine for the purpose.Best part is Mandrake is hell easy to configure and navigate, so a newbie wont face any problems at all.

  2. seems most of you already get the point, but still quoting a translation of a "shloka/stanza" from Gita.

    The truth about us


    The plain fact is this: There are no dead. For Krishna continues: âThere was never a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor any of these kings. Nor is there any future in which we shall cease to be.â4 We are as eternal as God Himself because we derive our very being from God. Just as there was never a time when God did not exist, nor can there be a time when He will not existâespecially since He is utterly outside of timeâso there can never come a time when we shall not exist, for we, too, exist outside of time however enmeshed we are in the experience of time through the temporal instruments of the body and mind.

    You see the references to time? Lord Krishna has throughout emphasized on Time, being the seed of the universe.

    And ofcourse, those acquainted to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, know that this universe is nothing but a Space/Time matrix.


    But still what I know for sure is no Religion/Ancient scripture defines clearly what is beyond this universe, and what is beyond God. OK agreed, as Einstein says we just exist in Space/Time, but then what after that???? We have to be existing somewhere... something beyond space time...

    Probably we will find it's answer after death only.

  3. thanx abhiram. actually we will really need to learn sanskrit for that and then take a dive into reading the Vedas (although translations are available, different scholars translate it differently), Upnishads, Puranas and all other religious texts. Did you get the link i posted for the Vaimanika Shastra translation?You know what the problem with Indian Historical study is? We have been dwelling on the same land for thousands of years. Evidences have been lost through time. Take example of ayodhya, kurukshetra or any other ancient city. People have lived over these places for ages since Ramayan or Mahabharat. So usually we don't uncover the Indus Valley type cities. Although its well known that our ancient cities were at par or even better than the Indus Valley ones. Lanka was supposed to be the best of its time. But as I said... under whose house will u dig to uncover artifacts?Dwarka is an exception. It sunk and remained sunk since Mahabharata. I hope we uncover something real exciting from there! I hope you are aware that a construction of an underwater museum is underway at Dwarka. We will walk through those transparent tubes to have a look at the old city. I simply don't understand why doesnt government allocate enough funds to dig deeper in the underwater city. Few bones and wood/metal tool peices have confirmed that it was a human dwelling. The Sonar scan had shown the square city boundaries. I even had a talk with an archeologist (the project leader) of National Indian Oceanography through the official website, but he says as of now nothing really revolutionary was found, and there is lack of funds for the project. Apart from that even if India gets as much tools and money as put into Titanic investigation, we could probably dig the whole city upside down, and tell its actual background and relation to the ancient dwarka.Uh.. probably amongst this discussion I can share an experience :-). My uncle owns a few acres of land in a village near Itarsi, MP. A few years back they were digging a 20 ft deep well near the farms. While digging, at around 17 ft, workers got choked by carbon monooxide and many bronze/brass/iron artifacts were uncovered. I was there at that point. One was a bronze/brass 'matka'/pot, another one was an iron box, though it was empty and totally deformed. I seriously started wondering how old these items would be. Thought maybe I could take them with me and get them carbon-dated... but before I got out of my fantasy, I saw that the pot was now being used to lift mud and stones out of the 20 ft deep well and the box was taken by a local villager who planned to sell it as scrap :P)Maybe sometime later (when i have money :P) I can think of hiring a few labourers and dig nearby areas to uncover something important.The village I am talking about is very close to Pachhmari, where the Pandavas have been speculated to spend their "vanwaas" period. The village has a very very old local temple of Lord Shiv. I hope there is an old city underground ;)

  4. Hi Anil,


    Well, on your Dravidian-Aryan twist, you have basically preached the Aryan Invasion Theory. You say that even today some Dravidians worship Ravana and burn structures of Rama. Don't you see the British diplomacy here? They have always bred on the Divide-and-Conquer tactics. It was just another nail in the coffin.

    Your suggestion of Aryan's comming from north, but howsoever, Vedic Culture being Indian has no sense considering the fact that Indus Valley Civilization has been so far found to be non-Vedic. So if indeed the Dravidians were original Indus valley citizens and drawn south by the Aryans from north, they were definitely not Vedic and they were converted into the Vedic culture.

    But that is definitely not the case since whatever we have as the remains of ancient Dravidians, they were followers of the same Gods as the Aryans. Some of the most important figures of Hinduism have been from the south. For example Shankracharya. If not for him, we would have been majorly Buddhists. Chanakya, supposedly a South Indian(dravidian), but became an important figure of the Maurya Dynasty which was evidently Aryan or North Indian. I don't see any discrimination between south and north except that of Language.


    Comming back to the Aryan Invasion Theory, Anil, how would you justify the discovery of underwater submerged Dwarka, the city of Lord Krishna, which carbon-dates to 9500 years old? If only once this site excavated properly and all facts are rightly proved to the World (some proof that it is indeed Dwarka, although it has been found at the place were it was speculated), do you realise, the whole Indian History will take a flip? Western world will have to re-write the Indian history.


    The age of human race in a particular area is defined by the diversity of genes in an area according to a recent study.

    Let's keep this aside. On todays date, Mesopotamia and Summeria fight the battle for being the oldest civilization of the world. With a little more time, India will become the un-paralled leader in the race. That is what we are looking forward to.

    If indeed the above quote is significant, then why isn't south india the most genetically diverse region? They have a history that dates 3000 BC (if you propose they were Indus valley inhabbitants). Well frankly speaking I don't understand this concept. My neighbour is a Parsi, he has a history from Persia, how does he contribute to the History of this region? He brings genetic diversity with him, but he his not a historical resident of this place.


    The point to note here is that there is no true Aryan or Dravidian in India to date. Everyone is a mix of the two or worst case it is the Dravidians who gave birth to an Aryan race.

    Uh... see that's exactly what I am trying to prophecize. There is nothing as Dravidians or Aryans till date. People just got more sun-tanned as they dwelled south. Don't you see a gradual downfall in color from North to south? I think majority of Kannads have slightly lighter skins than Tamil/Malyalis. Same for Andhra Pradeshis.

    We are indeed the same religion and race, with lingual differences and gradual sun tan.


    OK I would like to make a note, that the discussion has lost its main concept. The concept that if for some time, you consider that Mahabharata was Indeed true history, and Brahmastra eradicated life on earth, you will see a lot of questions do get answered (from Indus Valley to Atlantis). All I am trying to say is, very few people were left by the end of Dvapara Yuga, and they re-initiated the life on Earth. People spread to different lands and formed yet new cultures. The time span is of thousands of years! Within few decades, we have a new breed of Language called Mumbaiyya, considering thousands of years... well you can guess.


    At the end, I would like to point you back to the original point, all this while I have been trying to say that there are lots of evidences against the Aryan Invasion Theory, and I myself say that the so-called Proto-Indo-Europeans were none other but the ancient Vedic Indians.


    Now the thing about Castism.

    Castism was very logical, although the practices got tainted later. See, when a society is divided into work groups, the efficiency of the society increases. For that reason, look at the way a company functions. The way it divides work groups. Logically you can argue that why can't a programmer be a manager, maybe he has better ideas to run the company.

    Also, basically in the old days, you grew up learning whatever was your family business. You also grew up becomming perfect in your business. As long as this wasn't missused, it was a great concept. People were always happy with it (atleast in the ancient times).


    Similarly you can argue for Sati system. At one point of time, wives were so dedicated to their husbands that they committed Sati on their own will, without any external pressure. Slowly it became a followed practice, (just like a captain goes down with a sinking ship). But later it became a forced practice which was wrong.

  5. I see your point but unfortunately, I don't see the logic of having the majority of movies have the same theme, which is the same-voiced women and dance numbers the size of Chicago (The Musical) in an exponential sense! It's one of those things that, you'd have to be an Indian to understand.

    hey i suppose u forgot to read my response on that. i bet u caught hold of the wrong set of movies. There are classics in Hindi cinema which have been acknowledged world wide. Certain holllywood movies are based on Hindi movie themes too. One very good example is Pearl Harbour. The love theme of the movie is an exact replica of the 1959 Indian Classic, 'Sangam'. Plus there is a movie of Linsday Lohan, in which she plays a double role with divorced parents. That theme is a ditto copy of a very old Indian movie whose name I dont remember.

  6. Oh right. You did mention that. And at the end of the Dwapara Yuga, the Bramhastra destroyed all existence and life started again. But still, aren't most records of Scientific literature and temples and stuff which date back to the time of Mahabharata and the Indus Valley Civilization found only in the Indian sub-continent? Why isn't there even a trace of such a civilization in any place other than India?
    Also, how does this theory fit in with the other ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia? They don't have any similarities with the ancient Indians.

    Since I already said, that at those times, the European lands were suffering from Ice Age cold snaps, India was the best place to live in, in Asia/Europe. Middle east doesn't have any major vegetation or rivers, so cultivation wouldn't have been very flourishing there. India had Saraswati, Indu and Ganga, the most cultivable river beds of their time.

    As I said, Europeans were not known with the term 'Europeans'. They were the same as us. Groups split and moved northwards, eastwards etc. after the end.

    Also, I must bring to your notice, the Zoroastrian book of Avesta, bears 90% similarty to Vedas. Only the script is different, even lingual terms are same. Some one who has researched a lot on this told me, that in Avestan texts, replace 'h' with 's' and 's' with 'j', and what you get is the Vedas.

    Avesta is a near sister preaching of the Vedas. However, the nature of the Indus Valley is under scrutiny. As of now, not very interesting Vedic similarities have been found. It appears to be the only puzzle as of now. It dates as old as the end of dvapar yug. did it exist before or after? were those people different from the mainland indians? are indians really immigrants from the north who destroyed Indus Valley? Why the hell would Aryans destroy the Indus Valley??? They would instead Aryanize the whole place. They would have started living in those cities and rather converted all the people to Vedic. Plus, as u must have read, Indus Valley has signs of Nuclear destruction.
    It's not easy to answer all these questions. You know after reading, researching such stuff, Archeology seems to be better than computer science. ;-)

    And yeah Abhi, here is a link to the English translations and research of the Ancient Vaimanika Shastra: https://www.amazon.com/168-7309358-7230232?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0

    This has been a very good read, albeit a short one, it has provided me enough info to accept Hinduism as a major religion. If only the Indians would do more than just inject silly dancing and singing in their movies, my interest would push me further.

    Hinduism was always a major religion, Opethian. It's the third most popular religion after Christianity and Islam, and with the current population growth rate of India, it will soon be at no.2 :PAnyway, thousands of Americans/Europeans are here in India, who have dedicated their rest of the life to Hinduism (aka Peace of mind). Actually you can't convert to Hinduism (like you have in other religions). Either you are a born Hindu, or not a Hindu. Recently there was a controversy on a European believing in Hinduism, denied entry in a temple. Lets see where the conversion-to-hinduism discussion lead to.
    Talking about the movies, unfortunately you must have seen the selected bad collection :-p . Hindi movies are popular world wide. They are more popular in the Middle East/Israel/Pakistan/Afghanistan etc than Hollywood. They have always been a sensation in Russia. Certain Indian Actors have been immortalized in Russia. Why don't you watch the Oscar nominated Lagaan? its available in translations on p2p networks (ed2k).

  7. Supposedly the earth will be submerged under water and all the creatures will perish. That's when he creates 'Manu' or the first man and his progeny will continue to populate the earth. Please correct me if I'm wrong, this is what I remember from childhood.

    Yeah I think you are rite with that. But that may not be necessarily the end of every Yuga. For the end of Dvapara Yuga, the end was with Brahmastra and ofcourse, a Nuclear winter (if it indeed was a Nuclear weapon), and it will also justify the 12 Year famine fact.


    How come we don't even hear about this stuff. It's not just me, but there are many people who have no idea about these scientific Sanskrit records. Are these still in existence or have they been destroyed? Are there any English translations of them (I have absolutely no knowledge of Sanskrit)? Why are these stuff hidden away from us? If they've been found, there are quite a large number of Sanskrit scholars in India and abroad also who can decipher the stuff. If advanced technologies like anti-gravity are mentioned in these documents, why aren't people working on them?

    Well, why we don't here all these things is simply the effect of British Rule on India. No, its not that they suppressed it, we cannot blaim the Western countries. They have been more interested in the Indian History. British/American Sanskrit scholars have written their own deciphered versions. And there are English translations of many.

    About why we don't read them and implement them, the problem is we don't know their science. When they talk of an element used to create the engine of the aircraft or its body, we simply can't decipher what it means in today's science.

    However here is an interesting read of one attempt to recreate the Vimaan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shivkar_Bapuji_Talpade

    Check this more recent article about "Stealth from Shastra" on my site. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    I didnt know about the HC Verma book! never prepared for IIT :P But thats KEWL!


    One more thing, as I have been claiming in this article, the current Caucassian race and the current Indian race were one during the Dvapara yuga, and probably even before that. So technically, we cannot say that the americans were living in caves when we were flourishing.



    When I said about the diplomatic lie, it was for both, the Aryan invasion theory as well as the Dravidian-North indian concept. See, when Britishers started speaking Hindi, they realised that loads of words were similar to their own language. I will just list the core words of English and their Sanskrit/Hindi equivalents.


    English Sanskrit

    -------- ----------

    Mother Maatru

    Father Pitra/Pither (Papa comes from this)

    Brother Bhraatu

    Name Naam

    I am Aham

    That Tat

    is Ah(uh)

    My mum (Hindi: mera)

    Young Yuv

    so so (so is same in both english and hindi/sanskrit e.g. Jo karna hai so karo)

    Man Manav/Manushya

    Create Kriya/Crea (In englishe we add 'ate' to whatever we want to convert into noun-verb, like elongate, deviate etc)


    English has many vocubalary based words derived from languages like Latin/Greek, but the fact remains that the Core Words (the words learnt when you begin to grow) are from Sanskrit.


    Some vocubalary based words:


    Dexterity Dakshta

    Progress Pragati

    Existence Astitva

    Exist Asti

    Punch Paanch/Punch (Punch is same in English and Sanskrit meaning 5)

    juggernaut JagannAth (Hindi), literally, lord of the world (right)- Massive inexorable force, or an object that crushes whatever is in its path.

    Grammar based similarities:


    I read many, but can't remember a lot except the suffix 'ic'. It is absolutely same in Hindi, Sanskrit and English.

    In english we say Sporadic, Fantastic, Idiotic etc etc...

    Similarly in Sanskrit we say Prodyougic, Kaalpanic, Aarthic etc etc

    One word that emerges same from both the Languages (that I can remember) is Vedic. Its same in Sanskrit/Hindi and English.


    With this they knew that either the Indians came from them, or they came from the Indians. After discovering so many other places and monuments which were older than any other thing in Britain, the British were sure that it had to be them comming from the Indians. But due to egoistic problems, they could not digest the fact that they came from India originaly. After the discovery of Indus valley (harappa and mohen jo daro) they had a solid base on which they could rest the Aryan Invasion Theory.

    They created a 50/50 story and said that Aryans originated from Central Asia/East Europe. Little did they realise that a German psycho would take it so seriously that he would superiorize himself with the Aryan theory. Hitler, although hated dark skinned people, but somehow was very positive towards the Indian. Even their Madam Blavatsky started the Theosophical society in India. Apart from that, in the Olympics of '36, when Dhyaan Chand played hockey for India, he played so wonderful that no one even compared to him in the game. India won the Gold Medal, but little known is the fact that when Hitler saw dhyaan chand play, he kept muttering to his general, "Now thats a true Aryan blood! Invincible!".


    India won the world cup, Hitler bought his Hockey stick and offered him german citizen ship with a very high post in the Army. Though he declined.

    Anyway, the point is, lots of things got entangled in Ego, Superiority complex, and psychopath. So all in all, the research in Aryans etc has become tainted now. People are no more interested in researching it anymore. Dwarka has been totally neglected by the West, and so has been the ancient city of Arkaim (Russia).


    Russian Archeologists have themselves confirmed that it wasn't in Russia where the Aryans evolved. It was from South that they came north.

    But everything has been preoccupied by the Max Muller concept.

  8. How long IS a yuga? Does the Kali yuga extend all the way back to the dinosaurs? Or did it start at sometime near Asoka's rule? The haziest thing about the Yugas (I mean the part I don't understand) is that, each Yuga is supposedly one day in the life of Bramha (the god of creation) and at the end of his day, he destroys everything .... i mean EVERYTHING .... the earth, the people, the animals! Lord Vishnu (The god who sustains) selects a few people to carry on the knowledge from one yuga to the next and thus protects them (Sakula Avatar ... from the 'Ten Incarnations of Lord Vishnu' where he protects a king and the seven sages).

    Hmm... this is one thing even I have been wondering about. See, if we have the remains from Dvapara Yuga (Dwarka city) it cannot be that the whole of earth gets evaporated. Rather the Mahabharata is calculated (according to star positions and 13 day eclipse descriptions) to have taken place at around 3800 BC.For the length of the Yuga's, check this link http://www.harekrishnatemple.com/bhakta/chapter19.html

    Now the question is if Satya Yuga is described to be 1,728,000 years long. Now that seems pretty impossible in present day science concept. But yes, if you notice, the Yuga's period decreases by Kali Yuga. To this, I would like to point you to a very usefull scientific claim, "The Speed of Light (which is a constant) was never the same throughout the evolution of Universe. It was 10000 times the speed of light right now when Earth was concieved. And it has been gradually decreasing". This claim would ease the Yuga descriptions, since we ofcourse know that the Space-Time rests on the speed of light. The whole Theory of Relativity is based on light and its speed. Now God knows in what terms are the Yuga periods proposed. Maybe they present it in the terms of Time of beginning of earth.

    So, if Kali Yuga actually dates back to the dinosaurs, and that Dwapara Yuga had a completely different evolution pattern, then it's very much probable that there was a very developed society back in the time of the Mahabharat. But, it does depend on how a Yuga is. If a Yuga extends only a few thousand years, then we've just got to wonder ... 'What happened to all that technology? Why arent' there any written records of them?'

    Hell! havent you read about the Vaimanika Shastra, The aeronautics Manual? That's just one part. We have Saubhika Shastra, The flight manual of ancient Vimaans. Thats just the tip of the ice berg. Sanskrit documents have been found in Tibet that describe the technology of anti-gravity. See, there is loads simply hidden away from us.

    Hehe ... in school, we were lead to believe in the 'Aryan-Dravidian' theory. That all the dark complexioned South Indians were actually Dravidians and that the 'fair' North Indians are Aryans. It wasn't till I read it in a magazine couple of years ago, that this theory was taken for granted and no one even bothered to follow up on it until very recently.

    That's a f*cking diplomatic lie. A Times of India clearly stated that north indians and dravidians are both sun tanned version of the caucassian race and this is genetically researched.

    will write more soon.

  9. This article is just a Critical Analysis, and in no way a fool proof claim. I haven't been to the past, so I use Logic.


    Globally Accepted Facts

    Hinduism - Factually accepted to be the Oldest Religion

    Vedas - Factually accepted to be the Oldest Religious Script as well as the Oldest written Document (hence symbolising the most ancient literate society)

    Aryans (Aryas') - The common race from which Europeans and Indians (also Irani's) are known to have been derived. Aryan is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Arya' meaning 'A Noble Person'. Unfortunately a psycho German tainted the term, but 'Arya' was never a race, but a society of people with one belief. But yes Indian race is just a tanned version of the caucassian race (genetically proved).

    Proto-Indo-Europeans - The Aryans (Europeans and Indians) were known to be a single society at one distant point of time, which we cannot trace. Hence Philosophists call it Proto-Indo-European era.

    Proto-Indo-European - The common language from which Latin/Greek/Sanskrit were derived, and in turn from which the modern day Languages have been derived. English is a very close derivative of Sanskrit, as we will see.

    Aryan Invasion Theory - Max Muller, a British Linguist, bred a theory called the Aryan Invasion theory, after realising that the Language spoken in the Indian Subcontinent was very much similar to his. According to him, Aryans originated in eastern Europe/Central Asia (Southern Russian Steppes). A pack of them migrated south and formed the 'Vedic India'. (The theory is flawed, as we will see).



    Now I begin a quest into what the old civilization might have been like. Assuming Hinduism was formed after one segment of Aryans moved south into Northern India, we will be admitting that the initial Proto-Indo-European (PIE) society didn't have an organised religion. But however we see that the one of the very core English words, MAN, is derived from a Hindu mythology of a person called "Manu". In hindi we call "man" Manav and in Sanskrit, Manushya (Manu + Shishya = Followers of Manu).


    Hinduism existed in the PIE period

    It is known that the word "Manu" is synonymous with the Vedas. Manu, the saviour of mankind, is hailed throughout all the four Vedas. Hence either Vedas were written prior to emmigration, or somehow the word travelled north back to the Northern residents and got in popular use. The latter case is straight away impractical. Every european culture has the word "Manu" as the root of the word "Man" but none provide a legend behind it. Also, the word never travelled north, since the Aryan invasion theory is flawed, as we see later. Hence Vedas were written prior to seperation. Hence the PIE society did follow Hinduism or Vedic Culture to be precise.


    Indian's aren't Aryans migrated from the North


    Check that link, and look at the last Ice Age periods. Considering we still had 'Cold Snaps' till 3000BC, it's evident that the best place to inhibit (in Asia/Europe) was India for the past 20,000 years. Supporters of Aryan Invasion Theory claim that Veda's describe War with local inhabitants of India. Yes, true, and it also says that those local inhabitants (dursyaas) were eliminated in the battle. I agree that aryans did migrate into India from the North but they were the original tribal aryans that existed 15000 years back. 15000 years back man had just learned to cultivate crops and live a civilized life, form society and protect its existence. There may not even be a formal spoken language, let alone a written language or script. To explain that, suppose I have just learned to write and I sit down to write Indian History, I will write, "The greatest Indian King of all time was Ashoka, the sinner turned saint, the emperor who ruled from dawn to dusk (east to west)." Then I also go on to mention that the best modern day Prime Minister of India was "AB Vajpayee". What I miss is the time gap. There is a gap of 2300 years. Veda's describe everything in accurate detail, but fail to mention the Timeline. It seems everything is described in quick succession, but actually, a long span of time has been covered in "Past Tense". So when Historians analyse the Vedas, they are simply unable to decipher the time line codes.

    So what's the proof that Aryan's didnt come from north? The fact that not even a Single European land is mentioned in the Vedas. Ofcourse, that place was uninhabitable for a long period. Veda's never speak of comming down from the North. It just mentions the capturing of land around the River Saraswati and killing of Dursyas. I had a speak with an Archeologist and he supported the Timeline misguidance concept. The killing of Dursyas and settling around river saraswati was an ancient History, when man had just learnt the art cultivation and civilization.


    Flaw of the Aryan Invasion Theory

    Aryan Invasion Theory has been contradicted all together with the Discovery of the Ancient City of Dwarka which is submerged in the sea as of now (and as described in Mythology). The city dates to be as old as 7000 years. The Aryans were known to have arrived in India only by 3000-1500BC. So how come a city 7000 years old, located at the exact spot where the Sacred Hindu text, Mahabharata describes it to be, was found? And above all, unlike most discovered ancient cities, this one is Submerged in the sea, exactly as happened in Mahabharata. The Mahabharata very clearly states that the city sank in the sea after the death of Lord Krishna. Not only does this discovery INTENSIFY the truth factor behind Mahabharata, it converts the Mythology factor to History factor.


    The society described in Mahabharata was the PIE Society

    Yes, now this would be the major claim. From here, I would like you to research a bit on Mahabharata, and judge for yourself. Mahabharata describes a Very Very advanced society with modern infrastructure. Any person well versed with the literature, would deem it to be fictional, due to the sheer amount of advancement described.

    I believe that it was the PIE society that was described then. They spoke Sanskrit (what about Greek/Latin?), and believed in the Vedic Culture. Vedic culture was even more sophisticated than the present day Hinduism.


    Why was Sanskrit the PIE Language? Why not Greek or Latin?

    Study Sanskrit and you will know for yourself. It is the MOST ADVANCED AND MOST WELL DEFINED LANGUAGE OF THE WORLD. This is not a claim but a proven Fact. It is the ONE AND ONLY UNAMBIGUOUS GRAMMAR. If Artificial Intelligence in Natural Language Processing was developed, Sanskrit is the only Language that a computer would be able to understand without a single problem. Sanskrit is the OLDEST SPOKEN/WRITTEN LANGUAGE. The Devnagri script, in which Sanskrit is written, has this special property that when letters are made from hollow tubes with openings at the end, you pump air from any end, and the alphabet will make a sound as it does when spoken! Devnagri script is still in use in Hindi. And, like told before, there are certain words in Greek/Latin, which have no legend behind them, but have one in Sanskrit.


    How did the society break up? How were new cultures ever formed?

    The Vedas describe the cycle of evolution of life in four yugas (epochs/era)

    1. Satya Yuga or Krita Yuga (Zero Vice, No one lies, every one is spiritual)

    2. Treta Yuga (Vice is introduced, Ramayana happened in this Yuga)

    3. Dvapara Yuga (Vice starts gaining popularity. Mahabharata was fought in this Yuga/era. With the end of Maharabharat, this Yuga ended.)

    4. Kali Yuga (Vice at its height. Immorality everywhere, and evil will be at its such heights, that Lord Shiv - The destroyer, will himself take an incarnation and end the Yuga. After that the Satya yuga will prevail.)


    Now as mentioned, the Mahabharata ends, and so does the Dvapara Yuga. It's an interesting read of how Mahabharata ended. It ended with the final use of a weapon called "Brahmastra".


    This weapon has been speculated to be a nuclear weapon. The way devastation has been explained, is synonymous only with a Nuclear Weapon. Also the practical detail cannot be pure fiction. Like the author says, it had power of 1000 suns, there was an incandescent column of smoke, when the bomb exploded, pottery broke miles away. Soldiers who had come in contact of radiation removed their protections and dived into water/river. Nails and hairs of soldiers fell. No one survived within a radius of many cities. There would be a famine for 12 years and mankind would end.


    Apart from that, if you google a bit, you will learn that there is sufficient evidence that Indus valley civilization was wiped out by a nuclear explosion.


    Hence my straight forward, simple and logical explanation of how societies divided, and everything was re-initiated from scratch.


    For those who would disagree saying that this much technology was not possible then, I say, where were we 500 years back? Horse drawn chariots and swords? When we talk of a span of 7000 years at the minimum, couldn't these 500 years have happened then?

    Also if you read about the Nine Unknown Men (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_Unknown_Men) you will see, how the Sinner turned Saint (Ashoka), tried to prevent misuse of technology. I also suggest reading about the Ancient Indian Vimaans. The Indo-Europeans were indeed very much ahead in technology.


    Unique facts of Hinduism

    It's a very scientific religion, and has never debarred anyone from scientific research. India invented modern Mathematics (Decimal system, algebra etc). India has had the best medical science, acknowledged even today, Ayurveda. The science of Breathing, Yoga, is simply revolutionary.


    > Lord Krishna makes a very rare statement in the Gita: "Time is the seed of Universe" (If there is no time, there is no universe).

    Einstein loved that. :P


    > Moksha can be achieved by three (very logical) ways:

    By submitting yourself to God

    By Karma (Well doing for others)

    By gaining Knowledge (This one is rare.)


    > God is defined as 'Sarvagya' (The one who has unlimited knowledge)

    > Everything is made up of five elements. Earth Fire Water Air and Ether. The five elements are basically the five states of matter. Earth = Solid, Water = Liquid, Air = Gas, Fire = Plasma

    It is well evident that they put Ether = Empty space, also as a state of matter. And that is the most authentic part of it. By the statement of Lord Krishna, we know they knew about Space-Time. As we know today, anything that occupies space in Space-Time. is a form of matter. And hence so is Ether.


    This is an ad-on

    Lingual Similarities in English-Sanskrit

    These are just a few of thousands of such words.

    I will just list the core words of English and their Sanskrit/Hindi equivalents.


    English Sanskrit

    -------- ----------

    Mother Maatru

    Father Pitra/Pither (Papa comes from this)

    Brother Bhraatu

    Name Naam

    I am Aham

    That Tat

    is Ah(uh)

    My mum (Hindi: mera)

    Young Yuv

    so so (so is same in both english and hindi/sanskrit e.g. Jo karna hai so karo)

    Man Manav/Manushya

    Create Kriya/Crea (In englishe we add 'ate' to whatever we want to convert into noun-verb, like elongate, deviate etc)


    English has many vocubalary based words derived from languages like Latin/Greek, but the fact remains that the Core Words (the words learnt when you begin to grow) are from Sanskrit.


    Some vocubalary based words:


    Dexterity Dakshta

    Progress Pragati

    Existence Astitva

    Exist Asti

    Punch Paanch/Punch (Punch is same in English and Sanskrit meaning 5)

    juggernaut JagannAth (Hindi), literally, lord of the world (right)- Massive inexorable force, or an object that crushes whatever is in its path.

    Grammar based similarities:


    I read many, but can't remember a lot except the suffix 'ic'. It is absolutely same in Hindi, Sanskrit and English.

    In english we say Sporadic, Fantastic, Idiotic etc etc...

    Similarly in Sanskrit we say Prodyougic, Kaalpanic, Aarthic etc etc

    One word that emerges same from both the Languages (that I can remember) is Vedic. Its same in Sanskrit/Hindi and English.

  10. I seriously can't understand anything. I aint a Christian, I am a Hindu. What I can't figure out is how is God evil and cruel etc etc. How can god be a sinner at all??? I mean this is not at all the definition we learnt. Although Hinduism breeds upon one sole entity that they refer to as "Sarvagya" (He who has unlimited knowledge), we have three principal Gods. Brahma (The Creator), Vishnu (The Saviour) and Shiv (The Destroyer).If you read stories of Lord Shiv(a), you might get an impression of a cruel God, but the fact remains, that he is the most calm out of all, and awakens only when cruelty and immorality goes beyond control on earth.As common Logic says, If God does evil, then what does the Devil do? Hence, if God is evil, or cruel, He is not God at all in the first place.Also I have noticed some people using He/She/It for referring to God, I must bring to notice, that Hinduism is the Only religion to worship God in feminine form (apart from Masculine), and legitimately use "Her".

  11. uh... I wud like to make a note to all those referring to IE as feature starved and extensibility deprived.

    See, with more than 1000 workers working on a single product, that too under an organized atmosphere, its not tough to put all these little features that we call 'basic'.

    The catch is, MS had been involved a suit by i dont know which firm, that argued Windows OS came bundled heavily with software (Linux users would be laughing to that...). For that reason MS had to let go providing the bare minimum features and let the developers work out other advanced stuff.

    There have been many popular browsers that became popular piggy backing onto IE... one gud example would be NeoPlanet. It was a skinnable browser, that looked very very kewl, had IE as its base, and gained immense popularity after its release in 99 (i guess).
    Similarly there have been many such newer IE extended browsers, like MyIE 2 etc. which are used by many.

    Well, I have myself made an IE extended browser with tabbed browsing feature and popup blocking feature (much before SP2), and put up its source on http://www.a1vbcode.com/ ( http://www.a1vbcode.com/app-3022.asp )
    That was just an effort to show people how easy it is to code these features, and bring into light that how idiot the vendors where in making them appear as if these features were directly brought down from heaven.

    A customized browser of my choice would be a browser that allows me to render a page in IE as well as FireFox (specially as a web developer, i need to take care of websites rendering on both platforms).
    I guess some idiot FireFox programmer made an extension by which users could bring an IE browser into FireFox. FireFox should not do that. Puts a wrong impact. A third party developer does it, thats fine.

  12. well about our world being made up of anti-matter, isnt that just perspective? what is normal for us is matter and what was needed to be generated artificially is anti-matter. it simply doesn't matter if we say it the other way round. doesn't change the scientific concepts.even the concept of quarks and anti-quarks is similar. its said that our universe was formed by the collision of two such particle gasses. what was left out of the collision is our present universe. i doubt. i believe an equivalent universe must have been formed out of antiquarks, because to start with, we must have had equivalent amount of quarks and anti-quarks.

  13. see its perfectly logical to believe that admin.php is just some sort of control panel. since the script is a downloaded one, every php developer keeps logical names of their files, and in this case, admin.php is a logical backend access name.If we could get the source of the script, or incase lonebyrd could post the script somehow, we could infer what the file is trying to do.

  14. uh well... i think otherwise...game making is just a matter of creativity. To start of with gaming, no need to jump to DirectX or OpenGL. Just get hold of a Gaming SDK/Engine, I use 3D State. I suggest using 3d state with Visual Basic, because its jsut so simple and easy to code in VB.Also I recommend you to use the 3D models available on the net already. 3D State comes with a World Builder, where you can build worlds by just dragging and dropping 3d models. U can import that world into your scene by just one statement and then position your characters.The engine comes with prebuilt samples which are worth checking out. It comes with a FPS example and a great Car Driving example. The trainyard map of Counter strike is also demonstrated as an example.Comes with wonderful documentation. I must try for all gamers.

  15. lonebyrd,can u please give us link to the script that you downloaded?guys, i believe admin.php is NOT the input form, but the administrative panel from where you can see who all have registered, logged in.. etc. Lonebyrd gets confused because may be the Readme.txt tells that the stored values can be accessed from admin.php


    See lonebyrd, its not 'practical' to access stored records from an SQL statement directly. The script you downloaded may be having the admin.php file as the "access point" of the stored information.Now what you need to do is, type the following into your browser: site/your_web_path/admin.php


    where <your_web_path> is the location of the uploaded php scripts. Once the admin.php script executes, it might ask you for some admin user name and password (that you must be knowing :-). Once you log in, you can click your way around for accessing Registration data.

  16. Please follow the instructions below & enjoy the blunder made by Google.


    01. Open https://www.google.co.in/?gws_rd=ssl

    02. Click âlanguage toolsâ link.

    03. Write âBritneyâs mom is very niceâ in âTranslate text:â textbox.

    04. Select âEnglish to Spanishâ in the below drop down.

    05. Press Translate and wait for translation.

    06. Now copy the translated text from the above text and paste it in the âTranslate text:â textbox.

    07. Select âSpanish to Englishâ in the below combo.

    08. Press Translate and wait for translation.

    09. Enjoy.

  17. Well although so far so good. We are getting great free services from this company. But in this regard i would like to mention you the demat account case of Jodhpur.Some photo studio's came up with this very kewl free trial scheme where you could get your free snaps taken and developed. Under this trial scheme, thousands of people exploited the scheme and got their snaps done. No one bothered to think why the shop was giving out free snaps and how it was making profit from it. Then only to realise one day that a scam had been uncovered, and their names and photos were used to register thousands of false demat accounts.I am not saying google will exploit us that bad, but it can do some interesting stuff with it. It can become the bad medicine that Microsoft has become for us. We don't want to take it, but can't live without it.After all if I have a business and I want to use a business email, why not buy an email account? Rather than relying on Gmail. You never know when Gmail decides that you have broken policies and shuts your account. Apart from that, you are simply handing over your personal data to gmail, which is surely not the best deed. (Since we have this quite infamous rumour that they don't delete a single mail that you recieve.)Now we have this new service called Google Calendar, which seems just as dubious as its Gmail service. With being able to let others sync to our calendars, its a really innovative method of letting others know of your schedule so that they can adjust their schedules etc. Despite all the plus points it just moves one step closer to occupying every user's online life. I don't know about others, but I don't know why I would like people to know about my schedules. If they want to sync with me, they can always ask. What if I throw a private party to selected few, and one of those makes a Google calendar entry? I would face 'discrimination charges' from my all other contacts.Apart from that, it has the wierd strategy of importing calendars. It allows you to import calendars from outlook, evolution etc, but not export back. Well that is fishy enough to discuss further.I am fine with softwares like Evolution where I can do most of my day to day scheduling jobs. Some how I have been gripped by Gmail. I still can't figure out how to get rid of it. It's far more simpler to have a 3GB easily searcheable mailbox than burning your archived emails onto CD/DVDs (that i used to do earlier). However wonderful, I still find it a real risky business to deal with. I am still trying my best to get back to my previous routine.In the end I would like the readers to rethink and decide the share of their lives that they would like to place in Google's hand.

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