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Posts posted by CaptainRon

  1. ah the same is in India. Although Northern India has a continental climate, where during summers its very hot and during the winters its very cold, these days the summers are becoming hotter day by day whereas I am not even wearing a sweater on this December morning (last year it went as low as 0 degrees here)... But if the actual aftermath of global warming takes place, and throws us into ice age, it is not just a remote possibility but a fact that most of the northern hemisphere will be covered in ice.Nature has a self balancing effect and I am cent percent sure that nature will do something to shed off human population weight in some way or the other through natural disasters. Something similar will strike with the global warming scenario.Simply cant imagine what we all are to witness while we are still alive.

  2. Considering you are having 100 hits a day, lets say unique, you must maintain a click through rate of 1.5%Given that, you can safely assume that your site is doing good. It also means, having hundred visitors in a day, atleast 1 must click. It greatly depends on how you place your ads. Make sure they are dynamically placed.

  3. I basically agree with pyost.
    Keep your visitors happy, and they might talk about your site on their blog or even to their friends (if it's good enough). Remember not to overload your site with ads.

    Provide updated content and remember to reply to any comments you get on your site (if it's got a blog).

    Remember, a little goes a long way. Adding a bit of content every other day or week is a hell of a lot better than a tonne of content every month.

    Google, Google, Google... your only key to sure success on the internet. I have experienced it with most of my sites. Though I am not good at search engine optimization, but some of my sites have behaved real well with Google and they have been overly successful. Some others that could not make it on Google, never got successful.

    So I think do a good study on search engine optimization and then get going with implementing it on your site.

    If you want to go for passive publicity, make sure your visitors are always happy and they use word of mouth to spread the name of your website. Also you need to follow different approaches for different kind of website content. If your website is service oriented, then passive publicity is very very important. If your website is content oriented then you must and must make sure that it is well indexed on all the major search engines.

  4. Hey by the way what are u still doing with VS.NET 2003?Goto MS website and get the VS2005 express editions for free. get the 2.0 framework an start working on legal software straightaway. It is much more smarter than 2003 and comes with its own WebServer, so you need not do tweaking in IIS at all.Also SQL Serve 2005 Express is free so you get the complete package free of cost, with the latest technology.Working with framework 2.0 is just awesome.

  5. Personally, I think the only reason Microsoft is acting in such a childish way is because of their anger. They're just irritated that Linux is more successful than they would've warranted.

    I agree. The success of Linux has been phenomenal recently and Linux is more and more penetrating the Desktop market, which, apparently is Microsoft's core business. Microsoft is not acting childish, it is trying to play corporate politics that it has always played on other companies.

    But I really wonder what made SUSE bow to them?

  6. FreeDownload Manager rules! its the best yet! the best thing is it can even spider web sites. It also has that speeding option by using multiple connections. Pyost is correct though, the speed acceleration is hardly noticeable.Get right was my favorite before FDM, but then when i was introduced to FDM, i just left all others for it.One problem with FDM is that it cannot handle certain download types, which IE can inherently hadnle. So I have to override FDM in those cases.

  7. Guys, use Windows (whatever version) for entertainment and revert to Linux for the serious part of work.Frankly speaking, gamers have not many options other than Windows. Same thing goes for many of the multimedia guys.The day, say, Fedora becomes as popular as windows is now, then it would pave way to be the red flag for hackers/crackers, since most of them are not morally driven. Then we would be screaming on the discussion board to use some XYZ distro of Linux and so on...Anything that connects to the internet is not secure. Be it windows or Linux. However talking of windows vista, yes it seems to be more secure, since I use Windows Server 2003 and I know how peaceful my life has been since I gave away Windows XP. So going in the same lines, Vista is bound to be better than XP, more secure and stuff, but at the same time we have some work and data that we simply want to safe enough. That goes on my Linux.Just use dual boot and stay happy I say.

  8. What I notice is that they are not giving some really advanced softwares... what they are giving out are low grade tools that never figured in market competition. I guess the motive is of a joint collaboration between small scale software developers and this site so that they can make the softwares known to atleast a few people so that they can spread it further.Of course it will really help in making brand awareness and probably they will think of earning money with version 2.0 of the tools...I guess i missed a cool tool that had figured on the site sometime back, called JPEG enhancer. I will keep a look out for anything new ;-)

  9. Does the word tehgoogle mean anything in any language? maybe he wanted to have fun with that word...I had a friend who's last name was Goel, so he made a page exactly like Google home page and made the logo called Goel ripping the characters from Google logo itself. So that made his home page look real cool and smart.Maybe some similar attempt is here.Anyway, to be truly like Google, the complete logo and search form should have been in the center.

  10. Hey, check the avatar i have chosen for myself. And now read the conversation I had with an Xisto member via messages :P

    He said:

    :P ya Baby funny u know, u look very beatiful for be truth in life :P may be its not ur Pic? i wanted to met with u

    I said:

    where r u from?

    He said:

    Im From Uzbekistan!! have you another pictures?

    I said:

    Yes dear why not! Please check my wallpapers :P : http://123india.santabanta.com/category.asp?catid=466

    How can someone even think that a babe like that would be a geek enough to visit a forum! I mean, I haven't seen many pretty faces hitting tech forums... (though I wish there were some here)

  11. Think of an unorganized library, with all the books lying here and there. I tell you to find me a book that contains any description of Neural Networks. To make matter worse, all the books have their indexes ripped apart. All that helps you is the title of the book and the contents.Now just imagine what searching for a topic would be like. Your first step will be to search by the title of the books. But its not surprising that many books have weird titles which may not convey what the book might be containing within.So in this case having a index in each book would have helped a load. But still, since the library is unorganized and books are lying in a pile, you would have to search the books by picking them up one by one. In the worst case, the book you are finding might be at the last of the heap. In this case the algorithm time complexity is n, where n is the no. of books in the library.Now what you do is sort the books in sections depending upon their core theme. A book on artificial neural networks shall actually be stashed in Computer Science section and not Neurology/Biology section.Now further more, to make things even more fast, you introduce something called a frequently issued section, that contain only the books frequently issued. It happens that most of the books requested for issue come from the frequent section. Simply, now you end up making your algorithm faster.Now remember that you categorized books in sections? Let's do one more thing. The books that appear the most in bibliography of other books reserve a seat for themselves in the top shelf, indicating that they are the most popular and reliable books. This, my dear friend is your introduction to page rank algorithm used by Google.Why I gave this example is because the very first model described in para 1 can be made in 2 hours. The time required and programming skills needed subsequently increase.Now lets talk about programming and requirements.Hardware (you may also do with a single PC with a 160GB HDD):> Loads of storage space (RAID)> A well connected database> Multiple Servers for load sharingProgramming:> Web crawler (that fetches the web pages and puts them in the Data warehouse)> Data organizer (that arranges the data so that it can be mined efficiently)> Search AlgorithmYou can read some good white papers regarding search engine technology and settle upon a time frame in which you can make a search engine.

  12. In case you want to make sure that every thing in the current page is visible to the user, then in the head section, write a JS to set the window.onload=toSomeFunction; and declare that function with the redirection code. eg.function toSomeFunction(){window.location.href="http://somesite.com/ is what is done at download sites which make u wait for the contents of the window to load first and then start the download.

  13. Read about the Holographic model of universe... it may do some good on throwing light on the topic. Universe may be nothing but a set of mathematical equation governing space-time. So if those set of equations which were defined initially, govern that universe is infinite, then I guess we can expand infinitely.In any case, we got other things to worry about, like the time when sun starts approaching its age. At that time we will need to migrate to a new solar system.Probably some day we might be migrating across universes (if any).

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