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Posts posted by CaptainRon

  1. If people didnt know, FireFox had more bugs in its first quarter than IE6! It had such critical flaws which could render a FireFox user's computer remotely controllable!I myself tested another bug which would render the Firefox installation in a user account unusuable. It had problems with its browser history.dat file, in which in case a website with very long subject line was visited, caused the browser to crash.Now since the website got listed in its history.dat file, each time firefox would start, it would crash!!! I made dozens of FireFox lovers visit my page (which would render their browser unusable) and realize how their favourite browser behaved...Well guys, I am a MS Supporter!!! Not because they make buggy products and have twisted business tactics, but because it was what with which I began...!!!A PC with MS-DOS console and Windows 3.11 was what I had to first click and tick...That's what made me dive into programming and become a software developer. I owe a lot to Microsoft Windows, its ultra user friendly environment, and superb hard ware and software support.I got on the internet for the first time just because of Microsoft win95 and its wonderful IE 3.5. I got on to use FTP (when i didnt know anything about FTP clients) using the built in IE support of FTP which lets me copy paste files just as in explorer. Although yes I gave way to WS_FTP later on, but you see, MS made me a more perfect person with lesser struggle. And I bet this is true for each and every person on this forum!!! until and unless he/she was born after 1998, by the time Linux took a good form.I owe probably none to the Linux community or Firefox (until i got into engineering) because it never let me run my sm56 internal modem (however hard i tried... recompiling the kernel and whatever), it never let me develop a totally standard application, which i could distribute as an installable executable, and it never let me work in peace either with its extremely heavy and poor GUI base... its Windowing systems come no where near to Windows in performance and stability and also standardization.Now you develop an application and u have to go through all the **** of what to use to render the GUI, KDE or GNOME, and in the end you come down to realise the vast under-standardization that the Open source world faces.

  2. Well, until recently I have been creating my own designs. Once you create your own design from scratch, you get the true feeling of creativity in the end, and feel good to look at your website time and again.Just being good with a image editing tool isnt sufficient. In the end it comes down to creativity. Look at the Xisto front page that looks so elegant than other websites. Incase it had been a template, you would have never got that feeling for it.Templates are good in case of rapid design tasks. You can immediately download one and customize to your needs. Yahoo! Site Builder comes with some of the best website templates... and its far more easier to configure than a one you download. So for those using templates, i say give that software a try. its free.But recently for my WorldAviation.info website i moved on to a CMS, since this site was a Content based site. Although ofcourse Mambo has the option of creating customized skins, which we can do, but as of yet i am using a tonned version of their default skins. The control over content and integration is wondeful with a CMS.

  3. Well its good to see MSN working hard to counter Google. As of now it seems quite impossible that MSN will ever replace google.Well but when Google started, it too was dealing with something already mastered by Yahoo, Altavista etc.You never know, maybe MSN turns up with some new concept that may make MSN a more worthy option. I think they should do a tight integration of MSN with their operating system. They already capture the base of every computer i.e. the OS. Using that, they can conquer every other domain.Let's see where MSN gets and what Google does...These days MS is putting a lot of attention to Human Computer interface. I bet their next project will be something in relation to a Natural Language interface to applications.

  4. Well, if MS wants it can overtake Google in matter of months :o)it can simply create a trojan in its backyard and launch it to exploit one of the security holes in their OS that they saved just for this time, and bind Internet Explorer to search on ONLY MSN and simply deny opening Google...(a simple entry in the hosts file would render Google unreachable from any application)well seriously speaking, i suppose from a web site owner's point of view MSN search crawls website faster than Google... Google's got a big name so now it's head's stuck up in the air. I had my website's each and every page indexed on MSN in matter of few days. Google is toooo choosy about taking my website in. Now that sucks...I say, if not overtake, i want it to give a strong challenge to Google... I hate monopoly! Be it OS monopoly by MS or Web sphere monopoly by Google... it has to come to an end. There must be atleast two options to choose from

  5. I think a kinda page is needed where people can post their email addresses so that they recieve a gmail invitation on that address.The person who posts his email address, basically routes a request to an already existing member(s). The member sends him an invitation and acknowledges it (so that not all members end up sending invites).This would, for the time being, act as a sign up page for Gmail. I know so many newbies on net who have to do way with services like yahoo and hotmail (when no one actually needs them with gmail around).

  6. Just the other day, my friend must have found this because he also sent me some test emails like that. But the surprising thing was, he tried it again a few minutes later and it didn't work!
    Shows you how fast Google is at fixing things! :o


    well i dont understand why people are so obsessed with Google and try to be protective for it...
    Google had a flaw in something as basic as a web-based email, that is bad. Instead of accepting it people give excuses or try to defend google. If that same thing Microsoft had done, i am sure tens of others would have written dozens of posts condemning the company.

    If there is a company or organisation that i can forgive for making mistakes is the Open Source, since they are already social workers in the first place! Whereas neither Microsoft nor Google work for free. Both suck money.

  7. Microsoft does real strange stuff at times. Have you tried making a Windows bootable floppy?All you need to do is format the floppy from windows xp and copy ntldr, ntdetect.com and boot.ini files onto the floppy!!!The next time you can just boot from the floppy.Well the question is, ofcourse the smart ones would have already got, how does just simply copying three files onto a floppy make the floppy bootable? (Since to be able to boot, the first 512 bytes of the floppy shall be written to) You couldn't do the similar thing with Windows 98 disks. Has anyone done something similar with Linux???

  8. although i dont believe in an almighty god.. i find yours very interesting. The interesting part is god was created by man. in these sense god is just an overseer of man. Unlike the other gods, the christians and muslims, their god has been the tool for oppression. History dictates that religion has been a tool for oppression be it christian or muslims. If you will argue with me then i suggest you should study the history of man and how religion affected it. Like for example in the communal society of pre-historic man, the most powerful person in their small community is the priest and whatever their priest says they follow for it is the word of a higher being. Its the same today its just more complicated thats why the vatican can deny it. But look who owns thousands of hectares of land, the church, and the peasant? they don't have lands. the clergy man already took it. i think im getting out of point.. bye...

    Well, yes, you do make a point with the oppression concept. But let me ask you one simple question:
    How do you explain the universe? Science will fail to explain that for the next ten thousand years...

    Every religion has the concept of heaven and hell, and thousands of people have had life after death experiences, so lets follow the theory the way it has been followed for thousands of years.

    The western world discards the non-linear evolution concept and believes that mankind evolved into a scientific society only centuries ago. But matter of factly its absolutely not true as per my beliefs (and many other's).
    Life form has been extinguished by the use of advanced weaponry during the war of 'Mahabharata', an Indian epic. You can google "Mahabharata Nuclear Weapons" to find some interesting links. I will quote a well known excerpt which is widely available in science literature:

    Interestingly, Manhattan Project chief scientist Dr J. Robert Oppenheimer was known to be familiar with ancient Sanskrit literature. In an interview conducted after he watched the first atomic test, he quoted from the Bhagavad Gita: "'Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.' I suppose we all felt that way."
    When asked in an interview at Rochester University seven years after the Alamogordo nuclear test whether that was the first atomic bomb ever to be detonated, his reply was, "Well, yes, in modern history."

    The Ancient Indian Vimanas are also good to read about. http://ufo.whipnet.org/creation/ancient.aircraft/india.html
    You will find many links and entry is also on Wikipedia.

    Now what I want to read for sure is about the Nine Unknown Men and their purpose... may be it helps in something about the oppression theory.

  9. I would like to bring to the notice of all Christians here, that the word Man comes from the Hindu mythological character 'Manu', who is known to be the saviour of the world. In Hindi, we call man 'Manav'.As all of you know that most European languages are derived from the Indo-Aryan language Sanskrit, indicating that the Indians and the Europeans were one tribe living in central asia, europe.All the core english/german words are derived from Sanskrit. Sanskrit and Greek seem to come from the same parent source.Also Hinduim being the oldest religion on the face of this earth, I find it appropriate to suggest the Hindu version of the begining of Mankind.Mankind was created by God, and in general no particular people started it. The evolution of Mankind is divided in Yuga's. After each Yuga, there is an Armaggedon, after which the mankind ends and all traces of it are erased. A new session then commences. There are four yuga's that continue in cycle. The Satya yuga, Dwapar yuga, Treta yuga, and the Kali Yuga.Kali Yuga is what is going on currently, and is calculated to end on 21 Dec 2012 (just calculated on the basis of end of Treta Yuga).satya yuga sees the best of mankind with zero vice.in the next yuga vice is introduced and man loses moral values.then vice gains more and more popularity in the next yuga.in Kaliyuga, vice is at its highest, and Lord Shiva shall himself come on earth to finally end the civilization (in form of natural calamity and disaster).You may research more on this for your knowledge. I would also like to mention that as per the Nasa research, our common ancestorial language, Sanskrit, is as of now the world's most well formed language. It is the world's ONLY unambiguous grammar, perfectly suitable for making a Natural Language Processor. Also, it has been quoted as a marvel of human brain by most linguists.So if those people who spoke this language drew out these beliefs, I think its worht knowing about.

  10. Interesting. But could you explain to me the variables based on Credibility? I'm not trying to doubt you in any way, but I am rather curious as to what mechanics the indexing system holds in order to rank things through credibility. I suppose it could be based on the number of other resources that share similar content, but then wouldn't that lower the unique factor, which could work against your Page Rank and keyword search.

    I suppose Google already masters the credibility technique with PageRank method. I want that my search shall reveal the exact information i am searching for. For that matter, I suppose the above method described shall hold good.
    The search engine database shall store the pages (cache them) in hierarchical format. That is, not just HTML, but a plain sructure in which the 'content' data shall be arranged. So like wise we can quickly search the different tags to find relatively important data. I dont know if the other search engines already use this method or not.

  11. After I read the Google page rank method, I realised that they rely more on "CREDIBILITY" of the page rather than the information that the webpage provides.Now some times i make a search and i get thousans of results. I am looking for that one exact thing which i simply can't find in the top 50 results in google. I move to the next page... and viola! there it is! WHy is it that the exact thing i searched, have to be on the 50+ listings?Probably page rank algorithm now explains it.OK, suppose the search engine gives us a choice between two methods, in one Credibility is given priority and in the other the Information is given priority.We rank Information on the basis of HTML tags. If what I searched for appears in a web pages <title> tag, i think it gets the highest priority. Suppose it appears next in the <h1> or the <h2> tag, it gets the next highest priority. Likewise, we do weighting of Information in the pages by combining all the factors together.Like, just if the <title> tag contains something wouldn't mean that it is the best result. We would look for how big is the plain content in the page and how is it structured on the basis of subheadings. A sub heading could be identified as anything that is stronger than the plain matter... anyway i will think on this more... B)

  12. Well I guess the replies above have made it quite clear that exe files are no ASCII files that we can edit simply. But yes "Resource Hacking" is quite interesting. The interesting part is the Dialog box editing. You can change titles and graphics of Dialog resources quite neatly! Usually you can delete the "30 Day expiration" dialogs and simply make the s/w skip over the limitation. I did it with Guitar FX Box 1.5. Worked great.Usually even the XP themes are made that way. You can Resource Hack the LogonUI.exe file to show ur own graphics...Enjoy! but be careful that none of this is legal...

  13. 1. Tanya Vakil (26) She is the winner in my case.2. Pooja Sharma (21) I wish she could straighten her two front teeths.3. Jyotika Sirohi (10) Wow she is very cute... and has a bit of resemblance to britney spears if u can figure that out.4. Aishwarya Sakhuja (2) She is definitely hot.by the way there should have been color photos of these beauties. usually the wheatish-fair (tanned) color seems to turn me on, depending on personality.

  14. well for any p2p work, u need socket programming. Since I use Classic VB 6.0, I use the MSWINSCK.OCX control for data transfer. In your case you can also use MSWINSCK.OCX with VB.NET, but its suggested to use the inbuilt classes with .NET.You must learn how to estabilish connections with peers. I will give u an example with VB, and usually its similar for all other languages including C on Linux.Start two projects, as the two peers. I will now explain with one project. Create two MSWINSOCK controls on your form. Call one Server and other Client. In the properties box of both these controls, enter index as 0. This will make these control arrays.We need to program the Server control to recieve connections. Set a LocalPort (to something unique say 12345) on the server control and call the ".Listen" method. This will set the server on listen mode. Now whenever a connection is made, the ConnectionRequest Event is fired on the control.The function will look somewhat as follows:Private Sub Server_ConnectionRequest(Index as Integer, ConnectionID as Long) Load Server(Server.UBound + 1) Server(Server.UBound).Accept ConnectionIDEnd SubThis will redirect all incomming connections to an instance of Server. You will need to do protocol programming at the DataArrival event.Now for the Client control, its the simplest of all.You need to simply call this from any master function. Client(i).Connect <ip address>, <port number>Since we kept the port number as 12345, we will use that. 'i' is any array number. 'i' will depend on number of client instances you want.If you have understood till now, then its great and i will help you further. But incase things went over ur head, you must pick up a good programming book and learn socket programming. For VB.NET, the MSDN will do.This was all basic stuff, the main issue in P2P comes when you write the P2P protocol. The best way to write a P2P protocol is to base it on the FTP protocol. If you do that, then the best thing is you can skip the client part, since MS provides MSINET.OCX control which contains a FTP client.As things get advanced, you see that there are P2P techniques like segmentation. That is one segment of a file is downloaded from one user and the other from other user. In this case you need to define a totally original protocol, that will have the "Resume" support. You can although base it on the FTP protocol ofcourse, but the MSINET advantage is lost, since MSINET is not programmed to RESUME transfers. Why I have been emphasising on using FTP as base is since there is a lot of reference material available on the internet. You can even find dozens of working FTP code samples. But yes, most are just client examples. You will need to create the server yourself, which is not a big deal considering you have learned programming properly. You can find the FTP RFC and use it as a reference.

  15. Now I believe you wont tell to use pure socket programming to accomplish the FTP m^e ???I hope your platform/language will have some wrapper classes to do the deed.Anyway in any case if you r making things for Windows, the best option is to use the msinet.ocx control. Things are a few lines code with VB and MSINET.OCX . I am writing a small worm in VB that will steal a person's yahoo chat records and upload them to a specified server :-) . No its not evil!!! that guy copied my chat records off my hard disk.I even accompolished making my program automatically add itself to the Windows Firewall Exception's list.For linux, there are wrapper classes available on net, dont go about implementing things from scratch.

  16. Well in India, its a dream career!two things are at an all time high, Call centres and Software Engineers. Salary hikes are the highest in Asia as per Forbes, so no doubt, being a Software engineer makes your family proud of you.And hell! you guys wont believe, when I took Computer Science as my stream in engineering in 2002, each and every damn person went about saying... "There is no scope kid.. y did u take this field?" be it the librarian or a passenger in a flight.And four years down the line when i am selected in Wipro, i want them to ask me the same question :-)

  17. Well, fire fox has more security holes in the first quarter of its release than IE 6.0 had!see nothing is perfect. Firefox server gets hacked more often than any other software site.well nothing is perfect, neither is linux. its just that 90% of the world uses Windows as its OS, its more creative to find flaws in Windows. If the same effort is put into finding flaws in Linux, even it wud become just as unsecure.Its just like, even if i find a Linux flaw, i cant show off with it... after all not a single person is my neighbourhood runs linux and i am the only one. whereas i find one windows flaw, i become the messiah of my habitat :))

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