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Posts posted by CaptainRon

  1. I don't know why a similar topic was closed, but I really wanted to share my opinion on it too. Try Yourminis.com by the makers of Goowy.com.Yourminis is primarily a start up page for users. It's made in Flex, which is the main reason of its ultra smooth behaviour. Goowy itself is an Online Desktop, hence that too can act as a great start page. The Minis inside the Goowy desktop are more powerful than yourminis.com.

  2. Hey I guess both these technologies i.e. QT and OpenGL, cross platform; aint it? So I believe they should have done this in the very beginning itself...Google Earth web version appears to be slower firstly because of total dependancy on Javascripts, and secondly because of caching issues. It's easier for the Google Earth Desktop version to manage and utilize cache. For the web version, it has to rely on the respective browser for caching, which doesn't turn out very smooth due to Javascripts.

  3. anyhow, i quite dont understand that why its only Coke that is suffering the Mentos reaction problems...Isnt Diet Pepsi too in the ring of reactionaries? well i guess it should be. But however coke is the only one being used in experiments by people all over.I think this reaction doesn't happen with general coke. Also i wonder wat would happen if a person drank quite a bit of diet coke and had a mentos???

  4. I think its simply better to use the SMTP server that comes with Windows. Just goto your control panel > add remove applications > Windows components and then look out for IIS. Inside IIS you will find SMTP. Tick it, put in ur windows CD Rom, and then click ok. Everything will install properly if done properly :)

  5. Note: I am not affiliated with any of the sites below.


    My favourite search engine is preferably Google, and if like you your second preference or choice is Yahoo, please use: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, as they give 50% of their advertising revenue to a chosen charity!!

    I would appreciate this, becuase it even searches throguh Yahoo, and gives options for a few more services, and even offers an e-mail solution as well.


    I strongly reccomenned that service!!

    well these kind of companies just do these so called charity to themselves earn a bit. Charity is what they piggy back on to earn money...


    Just Google until something replaces it :)

  6. Wrong! Science need proof and mathematics is also a science. Mathematics is "science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement " . Using observational data is how one can get proof of something. Just using different verbiage doesn't alter the meaning. For science hypothesis is not based on some imaginary idea. Hypothesis is continuation of current scientific knowledge propagated to next generation knowledge. God's concept is just a wild imagination according to current science , its just a fiction.

    Need to disagree here. If science always needs proof, then I would like to ask you would led to the hypothesis of the 18th century that Sun was a giant ball of coal? What lead to the belief that earth had a giant magnet inside it? What lead to the hypothesis of "Hollow Earth Theory" in early 20th century? Einsteins theory of relativity got practically proved only after it was well accepted by the scientific community. Some of the theories of Stephen Hawkings are not close to practical understanding, let alone being proved! The reason is, these hypothesis's made sense in the context of the concerned era. As we came to know about Nuclear Fusion reactions, we could conclude that Sun has a similar chemical process. Similarly God is no wild imagination, but our term for the supreme creator. The day we understand him scientifically, our purpose of existence in this world will be over (atleast mine :) ).

    What my religion tells me, earth goes through a cycle of four epochs. These are called "yuga". In the first Yuga, man is very very close to God, there is no vice, and he understands his purpose of existence very well. He dedicates himself to God, there is no evil anywhere. Evil is defined as hate, jealousy or greed. In the second Yuga, evil gets introduced for the first time. People are by far good but some evil exists. Then in the third Yuga, evil starts gaining predominance over good. In the fourth Yuga, evil becomes an inherent property of nearly every human. What it means is that every person has a certain quantity of hate, jealousy and greed. It is also said that every new Yuga is started with the extermination of the previous Yuga and a select few are chosen to lay the foundation of the next Yuga.

    This is exactly what Noah in Old Testament, Manu in Hindu Mythology and Gilgamesh in the Epic of Gilgamesh did. These three are the oldest literature in relation to God by three different races i.e. Semetics, Indo-Europeans and Summerians. Manu derives the word "Man" in most european languages and "Manav" in most Indian languages. When three speak the same theory, despite their geographical location, we are forced to attribute atleast some amount of truth to these ancient literature.

    Now to continue, currently it is the fourth Yuga running, where there is some part of evil in almost everyone. It is said that by the end of the fourth Yuga, man would have found God, evil would be nullified and Man will realise the reason of his existence and then civilization will go back to the first Yuga.

  7. Uh, yeah, but what we can't see, we can't believe. Usually fame hungry people end up seeing strange things and producing strange news.I think I have seen the image you are talking about. I got it in a mail forward. There were two images, one was a white colored mermaid with a ugly fish like face, the other was dark and really ugly. My very first impression was that they are artificial creations just to gain some fame.Why would a government hide the existence of mermaid? It would be of great national value. Even if they hide, in India there are ten political parties that would have brought the issue in light.

  8. mitchellmckain, I do understand the point now, and I must tell you the reason for it. Here in India, I have all sorts of people from all sorts of religions neighbouring me. Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Muslim and Jain mostly. No doubt Hinduism is the predominant religion but still having a look at recent as well as past clashes between Hindus and Muslims, which all usually started as verbal feuds, we all find it safer to respect each others religion regardless of the kind of practices.The "rhetoric" you say to have inherited from your Western background, will make me change the subject a bit and ask you to look truly into the history of West and India. The history talks of something called Proto-Indo-Europeans, who were a society prior to European and Indian civilizations, and later split to form todays West and India. The whole theory and concept is highly debated, but still what is surely evident is the common source of origin of these two societies. Here a word "Arya" is introduced, that the ancient Indians used to describe themselves in the Vedas. It is wittily derived that there was an Aryan race from which the two societies were derived. This is what lead to the tainted racial supremacy factor in Hitler's Germany, where they thought that they were the source of Aryan race. However, the two immediate derivatives of the Proto-Indo-European society were the Indians and the Greeks. The reason why I brought this out was to point to the common origin source of me and you, and hence your "probably" false derivation of "rhetoric" as an ancestral attribute. It is more of a present social derivation...

  9. I have only disagreed with you and Eternal-Bliss (if you are in fact two different people). What name have I called either of you?

    :) Your expression of such comical doubt about me and Eternal_Bliss sure puts you in a weirdo category. For your information, there are 1 Billion Hindus on this planet, and is it not possible for two of them to be on this board? Matter of factly the owner is also one. There are a dozen others who do not want to enter this religious feud.

    I have no problem with other religions. I greatly enjoy them. I love and defend the diversity of mankind. I only have contempt for those who force their religion onto other people, deny religious freedom, or show intolerance of the diversity of mankind.

    No one's forcing anyone to any religion. If you feel so, report it to the moderator.

    No, but it does help me decide whether I want to understand him or his preachings. Why should I be an expert on this guy who lived 3000 BC? You consider him significant and I do not. Why should I?

    There is difference in understanding the preachings and challenging them. You were challenging them, by saying things about Krishna. You are not allowed to say anything false about Krishna OR ANY OTHER HOLY FIGURE over here. Be it Christ, or Prophet or Buddha. I don't challenge the holiness of Christ and neither of Prophet and neither shall I ever. There are billions who believe them, and even if I ever have doubt, I will keep it to myself instead of saying on a public bulletin board.

    So the fact that I speak sense offends you? What can I say? Why should I fully understand Hinduism or Islam?

    urgh...! There is a difference in "I speak sense" and "I speak sense attitude" !!! and with the above line, you just reinforced my statement.

    You and/or Eternal_Bliss are the representative(s) of the Hari Krishnas so you can share your sense of them all you want.

    So are grouping me and Eternal_Bliss throughout, just because we belong to the same ethnic group?

  10. mitchellmckain, you seem to believe your religion, and still name-call others... strange man... take a rest buddy.To be very frank, whatever you said about Krishna and his very little similarrity to a God, I must frankly admit, as a kid even I thought so. But with time, and with experience in reading Gita, I learned who Krishna really was. What Gita really meant. Once you are acquainted to the Gita's term of 'Moh Maya' to define this world, you will realise how 1000 wives and 'fight for right' actually fits into the picture. You will need to understand the concept of the Yugas. Just getting a 4 liner on Krishna, doesn't help in understanding him or his preachings.About getting converts, I must tell you that thousands of Americans and Europeans come to India every year to become a devotee of Lord Krishna, and if ever Hinduism had the concept of converting, they would have done so. So better get the facts straight before actually blabbing out stuff about others.I guess you are the only one who is on a thrash-match with just anyone here... so take a break and if you really believe in God, get to follow his path. Jabbering out here won't do much good.I don't know what you got taught of Hinduism, or Islam or any other religion, or if ever you got taught, you need to go home and do your homework on actually learning more about them instead of jumping around with your "I-speak-sense" attitude.And dare not insult any group or religion or name-tease one, just the way you did back here. Go chill and listen to the song called Govinda by Kula Shaker (a british band) and get a sense of Hare-krishnas.

  11. Hey, your package at 1and1 is great. But you may also check the packages at godaddy.com. They are a little costly but the uptime gaurantee is much better. Also speed is good.I myself wanted to pose the exact question. My friend is planning to get the GoDaddy Deluxe plan with 100GB space and 1000Gb transfer and all the usual PHP and MySQL support.Also they are offering $25 Google adword credits. Its looking like a good deal. Any other good suggestions?

  12. Well incase you were referring to Austiniskoge's problem, then I must tell you that it is not what you wanted... his problem was related to internal windows components.

    For your problem, all you need to do is get a Nero 6 CD and re-install the application. You must be having Nero with you incase you bought a CD/DVD writer. Incase you don't find a Nero CD with anyone, and need to burn CD's in emergency, please get a demo version from Nero website.

    Also you may get some free CD/DVD writer softwares.

    Here is a list of some free burner tools

  13. Hey did u try the very first 'mysql' command? On a clean install, it usually fires up without any password, directly into root account.

    Else you may also try 'mysql --user=root'

    If you were looking forward to perform mysqladmin functions, then its better you try the MySQL GUI tools kit.
    Find it at http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/

    Also download the mysql manual. It is a mere must while you are working with MySQL.

  14. What exactly do you mean to ask by where is a web site hosted? The country?If you want to do that, use the site mentioned by ginginca.Follow these steps:1) Goto dnsstuff.com2) Write the domain name in the Ping form and ping the domain3) When you get the ping response, you will see the IP of the domain name.4) Then copy that IP and put it in City from IP form.There you go. Anyway, site cracks.am is located in UK.cracks.lomalka.ru is located in Amsterdam

  15. I guess Google Apps is a more powerful alternative. Apart from just a website, it lets you have a special GTalk server, GMail and Google Calendar. All this is specifically your company and not the general public. So your gmail address would be you@yourcompany.com and you will get to use the Gmail interface.Also you get your own GTalk server where only your company people log in. So that way you build a complete company wide internet solution.It is not yet available, but I signed up for it. WHen the beta is available they will tell me about it.Also, a point to note is that, its only good for small companies. Bigger companies would never risk putting their network on Google. Same is the case with Microsoft.

  16. I shifted to Linux purely for interest reason. Just wanted to experience the new operating system on the block. My first distro was Redhat 4.1 back in 98.After that I left using it and came to it recently in 2002 and was amazed to see the progress it had made. These days, it has sufficient resources to be your primary operating system. My favourite distro has been Mandirva 2006 and OpenSUSE 10.1.But frankly speaking, a switch has never been possible... It becomes a pain in the *bottom* to live without the sheer support windows offers. I dont have a proper DVD writing s/w on Linux since K3b doesnt do the job. So have to revert to windows to perform the task. But however, there are certain things for which I prefer using Linux, specially general internet surfing. I am sure while surfing that I am safe from any new kind of worm/trojan just invented...

  17. My favourite before Google was Altavista. I remember when it was at the peak of its fame, and had a darn bulky front page. I used to have a site back then called RedStarAF and I remember doing SEO with it. I had to work out with 10 different search engines like Lycos, Altavista, Yahoo etc.Seriously speaking it was a world of chaos. Not a single search engine provided 100% satisfaction.Then came Google, to unite the web under it! And hey presto! Altavista seemed like a fat man with a paunch falling ill... lost all its weight within a few months... I remember monitoring Altavista daily and watching it slim down day by day :P it was funny.

  18. It has been discussed here:

    Anyway as I told even there, Writely misses some really required features of a word processor. I tried creating my resume on it, and you try it, you realise the potential drawbacks.
    No margins, no page setups, no tab-space settings, no identation settings. These are just a few of the many more drawbacks of it. It can only be used for very very simplistic task like writing short articles or creating documents that are not to be printed but only viewed online. It cannot be used for Desktop Publishing.
    It will be long time before I uninstall OpenOffice.org Writer or MS Word for anything like Writely.

    Try Desktoptwo.com, its an online desktop and it runs OpenOffice on the net. It uses VNC to transfer raw real time images of the software running on the server to you. User experience may be worse than Writely, but the good thing is I can bank upon it incase sometime I need a full powered word processor urgently and all I have is an internet connection.

  19. mitchellmckain I called u frustrated because u were calling people extremists. Anyway I said that very jokingly.


    Regarding Old Testament, since it does not belong to my religion I would refrain from making any comments or bringing out excerpts where God is shown as a merciless killer, but howsoever most who have read it, know so. There was a discussion regarding that even here some time back.



    Can you please show a reference to the shloka where the Big Bang is explained? I am not doubting it, but wondering if I could get a reference to it.

    The most striking comment that Bhagwad Gita makes is "Time is the seed of the Universe" and when Lord Krishna says Humans are beings with physical existence stuck in Time. God is out of time.

    This makes me believe atleast one hting for sure, that the ancient mythologies were not just written by some creative authors, but by gaining of first hand knowledge.

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