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Posts posted by CaptainRon

  1. Hinduism is far greater then what the preasent world belives as just another religion. In the ancient world it was far bigger in terms of followers than it is today. Actually ,the Europe was a hot bed for Hinduism. There are many folk tales and pictures which depicts events from the ramayana and the Mahabharata. But they are not given publicity in the christian world. Actually the Vatican City which we know today was a site of Hinduism and the word VATICAN itself is a corrupt version of the sanskrit word VATIKA or VATICA, which means ashram or where the holy people reside. Also the word SAINT is a corrupt version of SANT which means learned man.

    That is exactly what this article meant to illustrate. The Indo-European culture was same and so was the religion... Rather even the Old Testament and certain parts of the Mahabharata go in tandem.

  2. Hey mitchellmckain sorry but you sound so frustrated of life... you surely need a God to make you happy :P




    Uh well, so you say that God has physical existence? No dear, I think he is no where close to Physical existence. If God were so simple (to have knowledge and intelligence then he wouldn't be God but a higher superset of Human being). I understand your mathematical universe concept and my religion (like all other Dharmic religions) also propagates the fact that this world is nothing but "Maya" or a false illusion. Well you argue that God has to have some connection with us in the space-time complex. To that, I think you know already that most electromagnetic waves do not exist purely in the space time complex. For example Light has a particle nature that makes it present in the Space-time complex and it has a Wave nature that does not interact with the space-time complex. This is what was illustrated by Einstein's theory of relativity. Light has a constant speed regardless of its relation with any other moving object. In our case, it's our mind that interacts with the electromagnets to a great degree. Scientists studying our brain are baffled by it's construction. Unlike previous theory that all memories are equally distributed in the neural networks in our brain, it has been observed that the brain follows the holographic model. The outcome may possibly be that it's our brain that is the point of contact between our God and us.


    The holographic model can also explain a lot of unexplained "paranormal" phenomenon. But still talking about God, he is not definable atleast as of now when we lack proper knowledge of this universe.




    As about the theory of "Was God an Astronaut" it is very much evident after researching on the facts mentioned in the book that Gods mentioned in Old Testament, Mahabharata and Epic of Gilgamesh were indeed Alien species.




    All the three books mentioned above talk of irrefutably similar stories and even similar characters, and all of them talk of interacting with Heavenly Gods who came down in flying chariots and gave them weapons to defeat others. God would never do that. Even in Mahabharata, the Pandavas are given a weapon called the Brahmastra by the heavenly Gods. Brahmastra was an ancient Nuclear Weapon. Anyway I wont argue on this because it depends on the belief of the people.

  3. This is one more *BLEEP* argument. I do not understand why people start them. There is no "supreme being" at all. God is NO BEING. Although yes he at times does take incarnations of a being, or makes empowers a being with certain powers that demonstrate his existence. He is out of space-time complex. He cannot be compared to a 'being'.But the question that remains un answered throughout is that WHERE DOES HE BELONG TO? What is beyond this space time complex? Where the F* are we? No religion correctly answers it to satisfaction.Anyhow read the book "Was God an Astronaut" and you will come across startling discoveries and probably will cease to believe in Old Testament, Mahabharata etc where God is described as accessible by humans. The Gods in these books represent a powerful alien instead... But yes what I believe is, as per Gita, we are in a space-time complex and God isn't. He created this universe for a purpose and it is solved when a human attains moksha...

  4. eh guys, specially those buying the powerful beasts, why don't you tell us about the kinda activity perform on your computers?Are they primarily for gaming? If thats the case then its great. But if you are not a gamer, those specs are sheer waste of money. (maybe i am a bit jealous of your pc's power). But its true. Also I wonder why don't the people buying such configurations don't go for a good joystick. Coz if I were you, I would trim my budget somewhere to adjust for the forcefeed back joystick. After all I am buying it for Gaming!

  5. The image looks cool! Well yes it is true that the two colons in between pixel feel don't come out very clearly as colons. But frankly speaking, it is good that way :-)You could try adding a bit more complexity to the background. Although I find it great, but maybe it will look better after that. Its almost a rule that never get satisfied with your first creation. Create two more, probably totally different from this one. Then, even if you have to come back to the original one, you will feel more satisfied...

  6. Well, hopefully, they will provide enough competition for iPod that iPod will also improve and maybe even bring the price down a little.

    It is interesting to read that the circular dial interface that iPod popularized is patented in the name of MS!

    So I dont think that Apple will risk lodging a case. In anycase, the one who provides better product is better. In this case it is Zune without doubt.

  7. Recently I was intrigued by the discussion on Google web applications, and had looked into such existing products or services. I came across two most interesting cases.

    1) https://discover.aol.com/ (based on Macromedia Flex)

    2) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (based on Ajax)

    It is better that you guys get a first hand experience of both the webtops so that you can realize their pros and cons.

    A webtop is a great concept, where you can have some handy tools on the internet and use them from anywhere in the world. You can set your own personalized wallpaper, themes as they suite you.

    With Goowy you also get a 1GB storage where you can store any type of file upto 10MB in size. I have already uploaded most of my important data and documents over there (Gmail is clumsy for file storage). Goowy also offers some cool handy widgets called minis. You can place your favourite RSS feeds onto the webtop, along with reminders etc. The most attractive feature of Goowy is its Flex environment which gives it a very smooth behaviour and neat outlook. So far so good. But Goowy seems to have a drawback of future upgradability. I don't anticipate that Goowy will upgrade the set of applications that come with it anytime soon, due to its rigid Flex based design.

    Also as we had been discussing about online desktop with general applications webalized, that thing doesn't seem to happen with Goowy.

    This is where eyeOS.info comes in. It is a brilliantly programmed Ajax webtop and offers powerful features. Try its application, eyeEdit, and I am sure that you will find it more powerful (in editing) than Writely (check table drawing feature).

    Apart from the general theming features, check the list of eyeApps, and its amazing to find things as cool as an ftp client inbuilt. The way eyeOS has developed its framework, I am sure soon they will expand eyeApps to a stage when we can install 3rd party apps designed for eyeOS. For example, imagine an eyeOS port of Gmail (which is nothing but making Gmail run into the eyeOS windowing system) and similarly ports of Google Calender, Writely etc.

    Things sound great. But however, I had a problem with both of them. They both ran inside a browser window. Bringing my browser to fullscreen mode relaxed me a bit as I was able to assume I am not on Windows but on some absolutely new OS.

    But then again felt the urge to have it run in tandem with my other desktop applications. Basically I wanted no distinction between a local app and online app. I wanted both, the webtop and the desktop to merge into one powerful system. I accomplished that to some extent:

    1) Right click your desktop and goto properties.

    2) Click customize desktop

    3) Click the Web tab

    4) Click New and add both Goowy and eyeOS websites.

    5) Make sure only one of them is checked, howsoever.

    6) Now you will see a small IE window on your desktop (after you have completed the settings)

    7) Hover to its top edge and the title bar should appear.

    8) Click the small down arrow on the top left and select Cover Desktop

    After having done this, you will realize that logically, the webtop is now your Desktop! You should be able to use the webtop apps and the local apps with equal ease.

    Unfortunately, eyeOS has some trouble with integrating into your desktop (as you will notice once you do it).

    Goowy however is perfect with its integration. Rather it feels fabulous to have Goowy on your desktop, and set a Goowy wallpaper of your choice, and set up the minis with the latest news!

    But one problem remains unsolved even after all this, i.e. absolute integration of the two systems. To elaborate this, the problem is, that the webtop application windows have no integration with those of local applications. However acheiving that is definitely possible, the way GTalk inbuilt in Gmail achieves it. By default it runs in the same window but however it can popped out and converted into a standard window.

    So what are your views on this? And what are the other improvements you think can be implemented?

  8. I seriously do not understand what makes you guys compare Writely with MS Word or even OpenOffice Writer. I just tried creating my resume on it, and within moments I realized the sheer power and ease that MS Word offers me. From page layout to tab stops to alignment... I am unable to find anything similar. What about print preview and the advanced printing options like collate etc? Also not to forget the short cut keys that let us do complex stuff within moments...These features won't come anytime soon...Howsoever, I guess one of the most complex features, Macros, can be introduced into Writely via JavaScripting that is already available in most browsers.Yes it is great for creating and sharing general documents. But creating general documents was never a concern for MS Word. General documents could be well written in Word Pad (which has been free with Windows sine Win95).Those who work on standard stories and articles, in which, it is usually their own writting skill that matters, can definitely do away with tools as trivial as Gmail edit. Try asking a Magazine editor to shift over to Writely, and I bet he will not appreciate it beyond writing simple stand-alone articles. Neither do I believe that a person can write his Project Report effictively (if at all) in it.It is surprising that people go on boasting or bashing technologies and innovations without drawing fair comparisions.

  9. Strange that this discussion is still on. Let's see what turns up, in the future of space discovery. I wonder why arent the Americans going back to moon once again and rather doing something constructive like estabilishing a Lunar base. I know its a huge task put short, but if they want they can definitely do it. Instead of staying up in the ISS, the world could rather set up its eyes onto a Lunar base.

  10. agree with abhiram on this fact. usually bruteforcing is useless... but i wonder how the 36 char long password got cracked... :D ?anyhow, in this age of distributed attacking, anyone can set up a hacking network that has more than 20 computers and whose sole purpose is to try different ranges of password values. definitely, even a 10 char pass will look like a few hours job.apart from that, with 90% of people using win XP/98 its far more easier to get into a rival's system. just some social engineering required ;) .

  11. well pyost, i wonder why a simple article posting is not acceptable... as unfortunately i didn't have any specific views on it.anyhow, I think its trying to estabilish itself into the open source market. It is quite possible that in distant future, every open sourcist, in a way becomes an employee of google.In anycase, if google can give an orientation and organization to open source, that would be really helpful. Probably this is the first step...

  12. Google Inc. has begun testing a new service for hosting open-source projects that leverages its famed search engine to help developers find interesting software to which they can contribute. The Mountain View, Calif., company said yesterday that the project hosting site, available in beta now at http://code.google.com/hosting/, also offers its trademarked minimalist user interface, as well as a powerful back-end database to speed up access and lower downtime.
    "We wanted to bring a Googley-style layout," said Greg Stein, a technical lead at Google. "Most open-source developers don't need the workflow features that are available [in other sites] today."

    During the announcement, made at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention in Portland, Ore., Stein downplayed competition with existing sites for open-source developers, especially SourceForge.Net.

    "SourceForge and Tigris are doing a really good job," he said. "We don't need to take all of the projects."

    Fremont, Calif.-based SourceForge has long been the standard for open-source developers, with more than 166,000 projects.

    "SourceForge is the place to go," said Jeff Wartes, a software engineer at Seattle-based Whitepages.com Inc. But Wartes said he is "intrigued" by Google's offering, noting that SourceForge's search function is "not that great" and the site has sometimes been slow to add the latest features desired by developers.

    Jay Seirmarco, SourceForge.net's general manager, said the site is in the midst of a long-term upgrade that will fix many of the issues users have complained about. He also welcomed Google's move.

    "What's good for the open-source community is good for SourceForge," he said.

    To underline that, Google's Stein said the two firms are working together to create a common database of open-source project names, to avoid duplication and confusion.

    To help developers more efficiently search for worthwhile projects, Google will use its search algorithms to rank projects by the number of participants and the amount of recent activity. Idle projects will be slowly culled from Google's main database. Fake projects put up, according to Stein, by those looking for a "free place to store their MP3s" or hackers looking to gather user passwords will be filtered and shut down.

    "We're all open-source developers, so we know what features we need," Stein said.

    Google's site won't have -- at least for now -- the ability to search actual source code. Nor will it offer an e-mail system to facilitate communication between programmers.

    Google is "moving into the enterprise and this is another key offering," said John Andrews, president of Evans Data Corp., a Santa Cruz, Calif.-based research firm focused on software development. "Overall, it makes sense, complements a number of their other search and segmentation strategies and could facilitate a growing need -- the effective management of open source outside and inside the firewall."

    Google's move follows a similar announcement in June by Linux vendor Red Hat Inc.

    While Google is not an open-source company like Red Hat, it is considered a strong supporter of open-source, recommending the use of the Mozilla Firefox Web browser and using the MySQL database in-house.

    Google has also aggressively pushed out its APIs (application programming interfaces) to enable developers to create "mash-ups," or hybrid Web applications, that draw upon services such as Google Maps.

    Stein joked that before settling on the repository as a way for Google to "give back" to the community of open-source developers, it considered starting either a "dating service for geeks" or a "personal training service, to help programmers lose the weight from all of the Mountain Dew they're drinking."

    Notice from pyost:
    If you are quoting an article, it is required that you post some thoughts of your own. Posts consisting only of a long quote are not acceptable.

  13. hey guys there is no such rule that you can't integrate with aspx or anything.firstly i am not hiding anything from the users, the explorer window is viewable to all users.secondly there is no aspx issuethirdly, its simple script that performs what else a user wud do. that means write a scrap and click the scrap button! thats not illegal by any means i suppose.anyhow... i guess mauh might have accessed the file when Xisto was having a downtime.

  14. hi fellas,

    as most orkutters know that u cant scrap ur whole friend list in one go. i cant keep my friends up to date with myself (since they dun know whats a blog) so i have to scrap them all individually. having 100+ friends i decided to use an autoscrapper and came across Scrapboy.

    bugged up with Scrapboy's bulky interface and huge download size, i decided to code my own auto scrapper for Orkut.com If you don't know what it is, hit the following link

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://r'>https://r https://r'>https://r'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://r'>https://r https://r'>https://r (click download to download)

    its around 570Kb in download and is extremely light on resources. A simple winzip extractor is even smaller and is available through this link:

    [DIRECT LINK DELETED by xboxrulz]

    check it out and tell me how u like it. also report me bugs if any.

    Ron out!

  15. A quick refresher:





    MySQL: A Relational Database Management system (a software), which uses the SQL specifications for retrieving data.



    SQL: A generic Language Specification (only a standards based proposition), to efficiently retrieve data from Databases, like a one created by MySQL. SQL is supported in most RDBMS software like Oracle and MS SQL Server. It's like, learn one language, retrieve data from any database...



    What is the need of RDBMS?: Just think of a company employee data base (of more than 1 million records) stored as TXT files and just imagine how data retrieval will be done... Imagine an Excel or Calc worksheet as a RDBMS 'Table', where every column is an 'Attribute' and every row is a 'Record'. However worksheets are not relational databases, and neither are they used for data retrieval or storage purposes. It was just for letting u picturise. Now, a Database consists of several of these Excel worksheet like 'Tables', which are interdependent on each other, and linked by atleast one attribute.



    What is the use of SQL?: To retrieve information in a standard way. A SQL statement looks like:

    SELECT employee_name, employee_address FROM employee_details WHERE employee_address LIKE '%Napier Town%'; //Returns all employees who live in Napier Town or have it in their address.

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