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Posts posted by CaptainRon

  1. well i used a method to do it... but i dont know how many will be willing to try it.see, simply convert ur jpg images to wmv videos that stream across network. load windows media player on webbrowser to load the media. now printscreen will behave pretty awkward... u can try to print screen a movie playing in media player and see what happens when u paste it else where.u can use Jasc Animation Shop to convert images into various types of videos.and with right click disabled, a better way is to drag and select the image, and press Ctrl+C instead, and the image would then be copied. u cud also press ctrl+A to select all and then ctrl+V in another application, and filter out the image u need.

  2. uh look yeh, i just put up one simple small argument about doubt on 6 FLAWLESS missions... but the conspiracy theorists (specially Ralph Rene) have put up far more intellectual and technology based arguments that hit the hard spot... try researching on that.One of the most valid arguments by Bill Kaysing was the Rocket engine sound problem. He said that the lunar lander had a powerful rocket engine right beneath the cabin and would produce high decibel sound. Some argue that there is no atmostphere to carry the sound, but what those idiots forget is that sound is created by the exhaust gases (the basis of rocket propulsion), and hence it would travel to the cabin via vibrations. Rather not just travel, it would shake the whole cabin up with some decent noise and shudder. But we hear none in any of the transmissions. Now even when a jet fighter pilot speaks on radio when aircraft's afterburners are on, we hear terrible shudder in the background which is basically due to the vibrations up in the cockpit. And the rocket engines on the landers are far more powerful, and noise creating... This argument has no intellectual counter statement from either NASA or elsewhere.Anyhow... there is no point in arguing on this topic. Now supposedly if China makes it to the moon, let's see if they can explore to the US land zone and check whether the flag still exists... or a blast crater still exists.Anyhow, I never said that China was doing anything wrong by buying technology... and come on, there is difference in business and things done for national prestige... what it means is they kill the national pride factor. Like when US sent Alan Shephard to space, they didn't buy the technology from Russia for the sake of not "re-inventing" the wheel :(And as far as moon mission is concerned, they usually buy or copy technology. There is hardly any important technology to China's credit, except whatever the Ancient Chinese did. Hell, they copy aircraft from Russia, bikes from India (Indian bikes have the reputation of economy with power, and thats what a common chinese needs too), electronics from Japan... and now what they can't copy, they buy. It's good, but finally the whole thing is pretty worthless as we just see another Russian rocket launch from Chinese space center.When we send our unmanned Lunar Lander in 2007, we make sure of national pride by developing all the technology on our own, and beat China atleast in that field. Apart from that it will carry US payloads of probably some AESA Radar. The Tejas fighter aircraft has lots of US and Russian technology implanted, but we do not hide it, rather put it clear on govt. websites about the participating companies. This is what China should do but doesn't.I doubt there will be any successful moon mission by China in the next 10 years. And even if they do it, probably US would already be civilizing it with a human colony by then.

  3. Don't mind but you guys simply say that "I believe they landed on moon, and I don't see a reason why they didn't." period.Well, there are proper facts showing and explaining why the moon landing is doubtful. And why would NASA fake it? Oh common!!! NASA was unable to send even a stupid satellite payload rocket into the orbit when compared to USSR. Well, in those days India had taken a Non-Aligned attitude towards USSR and USA so we were sending satellite payloads via both countries equally.Out of 8 satellites we sent via US rockets, 5 failed. Out of 10 sent by USSR, NONE failed! Ofcourse I do agree they had more expertise in putting satellites into orbit since they started it, and US was more busy with doing something new, like going to the moon...I find it hard to believe that US could carry 6 FLAWLESS manned missions to an alien planet, when they cudn't carry out decent controlled missions here on earth. Common didn't we just witness Columbia crashing in 2003 during its re-entry? Not to forget the Mars Polar landers that simply disappeared. And these are just to mention a few... and makes a person wonder... how the heck could not a single mishap happen during the 6 critical moon missions??? It leads us to believe that they were pretty lucky it seems... Now couple that with the other evidences provided in the Conspiracy Theory, and now the whole picture of NASA going to the moon seems hazy. As for getting the rocks, I believe they must have sent an unmanned lunar lander (like the Russians) to get lunar rocks. Also read the book by Ralf Rene. It properly explains why the whole Moon mission was technically impossible. And one fact that I too agree with is, even today the technology is not in place to provide enough air conditioning power in 270 deg C. for even a matter of few hours, let alone days.Now common, US is the most advanced nation in the world today, and there is no questioning its technological prowess. But the scenario was not the same earlier. It had a tough rival back then... That fact could have pushed it to take that adverse step of faking the show :(And yeah,... incase u havent done it, just use Google earth to zoom onto Area 51, and see the nearby area. There are moon like craters everywhere.Frankly speaking, not just me, but most non-americans now find it doubtful that NASA made it to the moon, but anyhow, it hardly matters because most know that they live a good life because of the Americans and whatever they have created, and thats what actually matters.And for China! hah! They carry out their manned spaceflight by buying Russian stuff and paying lumpsum to a few Russian scientists and brag about it as if they invented the whole thing. China is no rival to the US and will neither be for atleast a few decades.Since Russians didnt make it to the moon, neither would Chinese. :(

  4. Quatrux, initially the term Bandwidth came from Analog networks where the capacity of a channel was determined by the amplitude of the signal, which in turn determined different frequency signals that could be carried, hence the amount of information that could be carried.

    Now, applying the same thing to digital networks, it figures out to the amount of data that can be carried per second or per unit time. If a connection can carry 512Kb in one second, then its called a bandwidth of 512Kbps.

    Now converting the unit 's' into 'month', with 30 days would come out to 2592000 seconds in one month, and hence, 512Kb * 2592000 = 1327104000 Kb/month. Now this would be the monthly transfer that I can get IF i download 24x7.

    Now to eliminate the confusion, ISP's never mention the per second bandwidth they have. Everyone of us must have encountered that some hosting providers provide slow service, and its because their per second bandwidth is low or there are a lot of visitors on its clients websites. Most webspace providers bypass mentioning how much speed per second they can allot because they pressume that the visitors of the website will have a connection way slower than their own, and there will never be many concurrent users.

    So for that reason, if I were to start a website that would recieve more than 50 concurrent visitors, I would be very careful with buying a webspace that provides me 2+Mbps dedicated bandwidth. Similarly, for starting something of the stature of ebay.com, there is not much option other than starting your own server for it.


    For the conclusion, bandwidth can be rightly used by webspace providers to indicate monthly traffic. Bandwidth is the information transfered per unit time.


    That time unit can be seconds or months or years... whatever you deem fit. ISPs mention both the limits, webspaces usually mention just one, whereas logically they should be mentioning both. Instead, they rite in some of the section that they have say 4 dedicated servers with say 2Mbps connection each, which gives a rough figure to us about their speed.

  5. Hey Djetamun, really appreciate for the thinking you did to solve the question brewing up in ur mind, but see, to answer any question completely, you need to understand the base technology. I will point out the mistake you made:


    Well, they can't put a secondly limit on Websites, so they make the limit a monthly one. If a certain Website consumes A LOT of bandwidth, it'll eat up all of the 2GB very quickly and get suspended afterwards, giving the other Websites their fair share of bandwidth.

    Firstly, there can be different types of webhosts. Let's say I become a webhost with a Linux Server and a Broadband connection of say 512Kbps.

    Now as per your theory, suppose i have 4 customers, they will all get to offer a minimum 128Kbps share at any given moment even in the worst case, to their website visitors. So suppose there are 4 visitors concurrently on his site, the b/w of 128Kbps further gets divided into 32Kbps. So the problem is, how do I convert this secondly limit into monthly one? it doesn't make sense you see... Rather no secondly limit can be converted to monthly one.

    To answer your question you need to know the underlying architecture of B-ISDN (ATM) for instance. Like my ISP provides me a DSL connection with the underlying architecture being that of ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode). So these modern digital networks have started using a technology called 'Packet Switching'.

    Being short and sweet, when you make a land line phone call to your friend, using your static connection, you get a dedicated channel to your friend's phone, and whether you speak or not, that whole channel is reserved to you. So whether you speak or not, you get billed. It's logical and its called Circuit Switching. But with Packet Switching, which is applicable only to digital networks, data is sent in form of digital packets. In ATM, we have cells of 53 Bytes each. So what happens now is, these cells pass through networks AS THEY COME. That means you don't get a reserved channel or bandwidth. Unlike Dial up connections, now my DSL connection offers me to be online 24 hours and puts a limit of 1GB transfer per month. That's because now the whole deal is with data packets, I get billed as per the network resources I occupy. When I contact a webserver, I send ATM cells to my ISP network, which occupies its routers and gateways. So the management over there figures out the least amount of money that can be charged for each 1KB (1024 Bytes) of data transfer, and as per that they come out with a data transfer plan, which in my case is 1GB per month for around $10 per month. The same would apply for a webhost (after all webhosts are individual computers on network via an ISP).

    Now the ISP sees that during offpeak hour, i.e. night time, their primary transfer channel (say Satellite network) usually goes unused. So they offer me an unlimited bandwidth plan from time 2 am to 8 am (which i utilize to download movies :D ).

    So the bottom line is, now the basic billing criteria is Data instead of Time.

  6. common nightfox, that was a pretty lame attempt by urself at solving a problem by just bashing microsoft. the other responses came far intellectually dont u think? See, I know its easier to work in Linux with the open source tools but testing stuff on windows (and IIS 5.1) too does pay off at times.i suppose the solution of soleimanian shall work. when i encountered the same problem with PHP 5, i did the same. In Linux usually installing the concerned modules does the deed.

  7. I was using Aboho.com prior to this when i didnt have any domain. Only I know how I managed with hardly 5 mb of space... and 500 mb bandwidth. Then when I got a domain name, i mailed them to upgrade my account to a domain account, i realized that they had some new rule that every member should have a authentic email id. something from your school or ISP etc. Well a good method of tracking those who would create multiple account, but what they didn't think of is notifying existing members. I had my gmail account and i never upgraded my records, so I just got thrown of the server without prior or post notice. Whereas one of my miscreant friends who was running two-three parallel hosting account (absolutely illegal on aboho), simply created 3 more email ids of professional domain which he claimed was his company's, with redirection to his gmail id and continued to use aboho at its best. The simple honest people get kicked always :PAfter that I moved to Aushost.co.uk which allows free hosting if you have a domain name. It was quite stable and good, but had a pretty inferior control panel than cPanel. Plus cudnt make any subdomain, add on domains, etc etc... it was a lot buggy with only 50mb space and 500mb b/w. Not even 50% of the features of Xisto, but yes did have basic survivability meassures :DAstahost is like an angel compared to all of those! 150mb space and 5GB b/w!!! (yea i was patient enough to get 30 points). It's superb to have such a service! Fast, reliable, and above all with the fun of participating on a community! It's a pure win-win deal.

  8. ah... well two accounts for two different hostings dude. although asta lets u have add on domains so i dont think there will be a point in doing that, but maybe some one is running short on bandwidth. Well, incase someone's site is that popular that he is running short on b/w, i think he is better of buyin webhosting with the money he generates.as for talking of potential, this friend of mine had two accounts on Aboho.com (ofcourse thru unfair means) and invented some innovative load sharing mechanism for distributing visitors to his two accounts... (it's not tough to do, but its innovative to figure out such a load sharing mechanism.)

  9. "Churi bidya boro bidya, jodi na poro dhora"you didnt need to translate that for me ;-)well m^e, a person who actually takes all the pain trying to fool a community, himself quite aware of how these IPB like forum tools work. I think rather some customized tools for usage patterns recognition can be developed. You can't simply ban a IP or IP family, but yes you can track people logging in from the same IP family. That's usually rare since not a lot of people are nerd enough to get online to a webhosting community from the same neighbour hood.I think special tracking tools can be written which check the time of the day a person logs in to a account. Usually if a person is free after 9 pm, so usually he will log into first account on one day and the second on another day. That means he alternates two ID's. Also its possible that after logging into one account, he logs out, and after a few hours he logs back into second.Such patterns can be observed over days and then once u zero in on a suspect, you can check his writing style etc. Anyhow how many such cases have been spotlighted in the history of Xisto?

  10. Hi everybody;What do u think about destiny?
    A physician from holland said that he proofed the destiny.He said that for example the motions of atoms and electrons and the way is not coincidence.All of them is evident.
    From Einstein:
    "I, at any rate, am convinced that He(GOD) does not throw dice. "
    Did we play role written by GOD?
    If not why are we here(in the world)?
    What is the purpose of life?
    What's waiting us after death?
    I wait your ideas if you think.
    "I think so i am!"

    well a broad question i must say. What religion do you follow? Every religion in this world holds answers to your questions.

    Anyhow, there is no scientific explanation of who we are and what we have as a destiny. Watch the movie "Waking Life..." and you will find answers (with logic) to most of your questions.

    My belief is we are part of an eternal power which is beyond the "space-time". Our soul stays out of the space-time too but we are entangled into space-time with earthly organs like our brain and body, which do not cross the boundary.

    It's like an ant that is walking on a 2D surface, say a paper. It doesn't know that what is about to come towards it from the 3D or say the Top. Maybe my hand which is one feet above it is about to smash it, but it can't see it coz its a 2D sensing organism (I may be making assumptions here). Same is with us. We cant see in the 4th dimension or the time. Our life is all about the fourth dimension or time.

  11. Apart from MingW compiler, the Digital Mars Compiler has the reputation of being the fastest Windows compiler. Unlike MingW which is a windows extension of gcc, Digital Mars is totally for Windows, and hence performs much much better in speed and reliability terms.

    I dont know whether it can hooked up to Dev-C++ IDE but its worth the use. You can do the coding part in a free editor like Vi for windows and then compile from Digital Mars command line.


    Another thing that you might want to try is the Microsoft VC++.NET Compiler which is also completely free and comes with the .NET SDK. After all or windows development VC++ is known to be the best (MFC etc).

  12. Thanx a lot Logan Deathbringeruh one more question that i have is, what type of part time jobs can i seek having the certifications and degree with me (which is from a nationally accredited university in India plus if i am not wrong, has international accredition too). and in what pay range?Unitechy, MCSD/MCAD is Microsoft Certified Software/Application Developer, CCNA is Cisco Certified Network Associate and RHCE is Red Hat certified Engineer.As is evident they provide certifications in their respective domains. Its always a good add on to have them after engineering.

  13. Hi,Since the company with which I will start my first work, will allow me to get certifications for free (provided i clear them) so I plan to get as many of them as I can.Some of the ones which I am looking for:MCSDRHCECCNAMCADNow what I want to know is that how much would these help me to get a job abroad? Basically after a work ex of one year i plan to move to US/UK/Aus (or wherever I get a good college) for a MBA degree. Although I have an engineering degree but people tell me its always better to carry certifications because they allow you to prove yourself in 'their' language. e.g. they wud have to research on my engg university to be sure that i come from a reputed and legitimate one. And if there is anyone along with you who is applying and who has US certifications wud get a job preference over you. So for that reasons its quite benificial to have these certifications. So anyone of you here have done any of these? Do tell me the prospects you have after doing them.And please do mention how good they are in your country (not just the three mentioned above).

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