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Everything posted by yordan

  1. You could get the phpBB forum application from https://www.phpbb.com/ and have a look at the install.php sources inorder to see how are expressed in php the inserts, select and create table in the database.
  2. Personnally, I guess that you should first have a look at that offensive web site and see if this site explicitly mentions your name. Then, you should contact this site and find a way forcing them to remove your name from this site. The problem is not the fact that google mentions the offending site : this is a real fact. The real problem is that the offending site mentions your name. Only the offending site is the guilty one.
  3. Please read more carefully the answers to this post, namely the Saint-Michael answer : Or livingston's reply :
  4. I would really like to know how it works. Because somebody has to pay for the internet-to-gsm bridge, usually the phone suppliers do not give their services for free. Some sites tried buying a lot of connections to the phone suppliers (it's rather cheap if you buy one million SMS's at a single time), then giving them for free to their members. However, this kind of things never lasted a lot. That's why I don't think that the bridge between your ISP (the guy who sells you the Internet connection your PC is using) and the phone line of your SMS-friend is fully free whether your ISP is. Most probably you will pay the SMS with your internet bill, our the guy you send the SMS will pay it inside his next cell-phone bill.
  5. I had this a couple of times. That's right, the instance is stuck, and you cannot open a new instance. Simply kill the faulty Firefox session. On a Microsoft windows system, press alt-ctrl-del, choose "task manger", then "processes", you choose "firefox.exe" and you click "stop this process".On a Linux system, in a command line windows you type "ps -aef |grep -i firefox", you read the process number (the leftmost number, let's suppose it's "1234") and you type "kill -9 1234" (replacing 1234 with the real process number).After you killed the stuck firefox process, you will be able to start a new firefox session.After repairing this, you should consider understanding why this occurs. On my own computers, this occurs with some precise sites trying to do some operations forbidden by my OS, surfing on these sites auto-kill IE6 sessions, firefox survives but sometimes freezes.
  6. There is no real reason suppressing threads that are from 2005. Most of the problems people express today are problems solved before 2005 bu somebody else. That's one part of the forum usage rules : before submitting a problem, have a look if this problem has not been already solved by a topic using the "search" button. Namely all the command-line tools in windows are well-known since tens of years, and a lot of people still don't know thins like "chkdsk" or "ipconfig /release & ipconfig /renew" as well as unix commands like "cfgmgr -v"
  7. I agree with tremayne. Posting parts of wikipedia articles have absolutely no interest. We are only interested by your thoughts about this. For instance do you understand the differences between physical and logical view ? For instance, are you ready to tell your boss he must buy a very expensive RDBMS manager because it is able to create a materialized view of a complex external join whereas his current database manager cannot ?
  8. Your problem seems solved now. Isn't it ? So, I added "solved" in the title, which I also modified to make it more specific. Regards Yordan
  9. I must confess that I am very surprised. Winrar is able to read most of the iso files and copy them to a usb stick.And Linux knows how to mount an iso file as a Linux filesystem, so on Linux you use an iso file exactly the same way as you would do it from a burned CD. What iso file are you talking about, and what exactly are you trying do do ? Are you trying to create a bootable usb disk ? Or are you trying to boot directly off an iso file ?
  10. that means that you must have two pendrives.One with your important data, the encrypted one. And one with almost no important data, except some portable apps (like putty) and the portable version of TrueKrypt. You put that version on a temporary space, you fire it, and then you use it in order to open your encrypted pendrive. And you remove it from the temporary space when you definitively leave that system.
  11. no real need to reply to this post : it's copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ spinnakerbrat has this problem, answering to the post copied by fripay will probably not solve spinnakerbrat's problem.  style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif
  12. Precisely, the aim of this trick is to make the disk invisible in Microsoft explorer. So, newbies cannot see the disk. However, the disk is visible in the "disk management" part of the "system management" tool (right click on "my computer", and choose "manage"). You see the disk and you click "assign a letter to this drive" (sorry for approximating the English names of the menus, my computer is not an English one).
  13. Please do not forget the quote tags when you post text coming from somewhere else.I did the quoting job for you today, next time I expect you to do the quoting job by yourself.
  14. Please read our forum rules. Do not post copied text unless quoting the copied part and mentionning where the copied text is coming from. Your post is copied from somewhere else, probably from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Remember that posting copied text without quote tags is considered as plagiarism and can lead to a ban.
  15. The shortcut for printing is "Ctrl-P".This makes me think that the stuck key is the "control" key, and not the shortcut key.Same thing with "ctrl-O", which is the shortcut for "open".Have a look at the "control" key, probably the keyboard had a nice shock on the bottom-left edge, you can try forcing the "control" key to go up, releasing this "control-click" feature.
  16. And if it's really on top of IE, it will not work on the next systems which will arrive without Internet Explorer, so it will not work...
  17. In some countries, wind mills and big solar panels are prohibited, because solar panels on the roof of a nice house are ugly, and effecicient wind mills are too noisy for the neighborhood !
  18. I also tried it, and obtained a definition of "failure".Probably mastermind was talking about an old bug which is now solved.
  19. Nice topic, thanks. You first posted this in the tutorial section. Please have again a look at our tutorial rules as expressed here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6-forum/ Namely the first rule : Your text is far under this 500 words threshold, that's why I moved your topic here, where most probably it's place is.Regards Yordan
  20. The ndis trick is exactly that : use a Windows driver and add it as to Linux for use with a physical device. However doing it is not always obvious, because you sometimes have to edit the drivers description, so you should find somewhere a ready-made description for the way of using the ndis wrapper for your precise device. And of course this probably supposes that your device has already been configured for your internet account (internet user and password for instance) which is usually done by a windows program, so maybe you will have to use "wine" in order to start that windows program inside your Linux machine.
  21. There are already some gadgets around this.I have a flash lamp with no batteries: you shake it, it creates electricity which is trapped inside an accumulator, and then you have free light. In normal usage (for taking your dog having a small walk while it's dark ) I find this rather disappointing.
  22. Usually the usb modems have a Microsoft Windows software for, first configuring the modem, secondly to access the Internet.So, maybe you should borrow a laptop with Windows in order use the Windows software whcich will configure the modem, and then use a ndis trick in order to use the Windows driver inside a Linux Machine.You know what ? These kind of funny things are one of the reasons why people will not easily switch to Linux, so many things are manufactured to be used with Microsoft Windows!
  23. You probably wanted to say "a scanner that has a document feeder". Some fast scanners have a document feeder without being printers. And some printers have a very slow scanner.
  24. Now it works. Probably labs were simply not available in my country yet.
  25. The only thing I don't like in gmail is the fact that I don't know how to put an image inside a mail. I know how to send a "gif" file, I know how to send a link to a file hosted by a server, but I cannot add an image in the middle of my text (like "here is my" followed by a dog image).
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