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Everything posted by yordan

  1. That's right, the moderators will be more happy. And the forum users will stop rushing off your posts poorly written posts!
  2. Also ask them to look for the virus signature description on their own PC... Remember that the initial virus infector has probably been sent by somebody having your mail address inside his PC!
  3. It's not a matter of number of posts. for instance, some spaming texts are simply not visible. And the tutorials are invisible until they have been reviewed and approved.Buy the way, supermoney1709, please avoid spamming. Your own question is not correlated to the "harry potter" starter topic subject. Do not post replies which do not concern the main subject. In such a case, if your question does not concern the current topic, simply open a new topic, your own topic. Regards Yordan
  4. I wanted you to use just the standard linux, without the addons, and see if it works correctly.A "segmentation fault" is a software problem. So, if it's coming while installing a new tool, I'm not suprised. So, on your 512 megs card, please install a puppy Linux without any modification. The aim of this is to decide whether your hardware is faulty or not.When we will be sure that you have no hardware problems, we will be able to look at the sofware problem.Puppy is the best solution for testing your basic hardware. Unfortunately, it's not the best solution for some subtile software behaviours ; the puppy community is not very wide today, so the bugs resolution needs a lot of time. I'm currently experiencing some dictionnary crashes, which simply close my seamonkey window, rather disagrable.So, let's first look the basic install, then we will see if subtile things can also be fixed.RegardsYordan
  5. Perfectlyl, it's exactly the same case.If I my door is not locked and you enter my home and take away everything you want, if you are caught you say "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that I was not in my own home. You should have locked your door". But if my door is locked, your home key will not open it. So, if you deliberately use a universal key (or a piec of wood found in the garden or any other non-standard instrument) in order to unlock my door, then you are guilty, and you could be punished more strongly because you deliberately used forbidden instruments.
  6. It's a general health security problem.A friend of yours did not have a good antivirus program, so no guardian prevented him from catching this worm. The worm got your e-mail address from your friend's contact list, and started sending mails. This will continue until your friend fixes his problem. Your PC is also infested, so your PC is also sending mails, and will continue until you fix your own problem. The only possible thing would have been preventing the remote server from having your mail address, which is the job antivirus programs perform. Now it's too late for that. The only thing I guess would be possible is to define all mails coming from resume-thanks to go to the spam folder. It's easy to do if your mailer is gmail, it's probably possible with the other mail systems. Regards Yordan
  7. I loved the books, but I skipped the fight scenes pages because not interested.If the fight scenes are an important part of the movie, this would lead me not to go to watch the movie! Tanks, vistz, you allowed me saving my money!
  8. Ouch! I did not really ask you to manually change the registry settings. I just wanted you to have a look at the McAfee site I mentionned, and check that symptoms like registry settings and files in folders were present.Then, my real advice was "buy a real professional Antivirus system", and on that precise case McAfee has proved that he was efficient. You can try the online free McAfee virus check, unfortunately I guess they will just tell you "hey, you have a problem, here it is, buy our software in order to fix it". Now you know that you have the problem, you can try their competitors in the free market. I would start with ClamWinPortable, install the portable version, accept the database update, and perform a full scan of your c: disk, I guess it should at least find and remove the binary worm files.
  9. Precisely, you run puppy linux for a few day, trying to do everything you were used to, and see how the system behaves. If you experience no kernel panic, this will mean that you have no hardware problem, at least each hardware managed by puppy Linux works fine. After that several-days-test, back to windows if necessary. Then, if possible, I would suggest simply remove your hard drive and perform a fresh Windows install on a virgin disk. If you cannot borrow a disk, simply make a backup of your Windows system disk, test the backup, format the c: disk and perform a fresh windows install. Regards Yordan
  10. Please tell us a little bit more. Which kind of internet connection do you have? What does your ISP garantee?For instance if you have a DSL connection and your home is far away from the DSLAM, you can only have a very slow Internet speed.
  11. Please make some writing efforts. An English sentence starts with a capital letter.
  12. It's a know worm, named Generic.dx!uap, have a look here : http://www.mcafee.com/threat-intelligence/malware/default.aspx?id=285399 It's removed by McAfee, have a look with your own Anti-Virus program - it's a good test!
  13. OK, this nice pixel effect looks like the one I am currently experiencing, which is related to the graphic adapter, mainly when it uses the computer memory.It makes the computer freezing at boot time when failing to initialize the graphic adapter. Some people on the web say it's a memory problem, they solved it when changing a faulty memory chip. Some other pople claim that it's a hidden bug in the Nvidia chip. That could explain that some people solved the problem when they bought a brand new non-Nvidia graphic adapter.As soon as I have money enough I will buy both memory and a graphic board, and see what happens. If your computer is still under garantee, try crying at the shop door.If not, try borrowing another graphic adapter and see how it behaves.And, of course, the "IRQ IS NOT" thing seems seems to be concerning IRQ's, so try removing everything you can (leave only the keyboard, mouse and display) in order to check that whether you have a device IRQ conflict.
  14. Generally, but not always.Very often a PC has a 14 inches to 22 inches display. A 14 inches or a 22 inches TV is far less expensive than a computer!
  15. I guess that you have to backup your own pictures, the one you took with your own camera. These ones are not on your friend's computer. And once you loose such a picture, you cannot take it again, because that smile is gone, and that flower disapeared.
  16. How do you change your IP address ? As far as I remember, Youtube does not work through proxies ?
  17. this sounds surprising to me. I never had to send a text verification message, I never had to provide with a mobile phone number. Maybe it's a special feature running in some circumstances, but it's a google general worldwide characteristic.
  18. Now I see why my TV has an Ethernet adapter. Could be funny seeing what these TV apps are, and how useful they look. And it could be funny googling on the TV while my computer is busy.
  19. yordan

    Hey Guys

    Hi, Vistz, welcome zboard.
  20. Sorry, but.... whant do you mean when yu state "throw some freedoms on them" ? Do you mean singing "Freedom to the People" in the telephone?
  21. Is the "Windows compatibility mode" an automatic feature, or do you have to manually look for Wine, install it and configure it and look for Windows drivers having to be adapted in order to be configurable inside Wine?
  22. Thanks, vistz @zenia : please have a look at the existing forum topics or use the "Search" button before opening a useless new thread if an existing thread already exists on the same subject. Rather add your own opinion on the existing topics. Thread closed.
  23. Maybe we could add a poll in this topic? Naming the programming language we like? Which ones should be proposed for voting?I see Java.I see C++I see basic languageDo you see other ones?Personally I loveFortranUnix ksh scripting (csh far less)ms-dos bat scripting filesAnd don't forget SQL , namely SQL*plus for Oracle databases.And slightly less : cobolSo, shall we add a poll? With which languages? Answer here and I will gather your ideas and let's see how the poll will behave. :)Of course, the roadmap is that way :You say if you like the ideazenia agrees with the topic modification.And then you vote.
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