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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Now you should delete the wrong partition (the system one, not the data one).Then, when installing, create a new partition for the installation, this partition will be named c:Another way : when booting off the install media, it should ask you where you want to install : on an existing partition (what occured) or delete the existing partition, or create a new one.Of course, you should give easy names to the partitions, in order to clearly see which one has to be destroyed.
  2. I would really like to know how they behave in gaming situation.I broke a lot of joysticks, keyboards and mouse buttons while gaming, I would really see what happens if you play on a pad.
  3. Just boot on the iso and see if it does what you want.
  4. Are pad owners around here ?Pads are supposed to shortly replace PC's, laptops or netbooks.Do you think so? Do you have one?I guess that these things are easier to use for taking pictures or small movies and show them immediately (no need to go to a TV or to a PC).And they are supposed to be the ideal thing for these who surf on the web.Do you use one of these things for surfing? Is surfing really easy and comfortable? What about online games, is it comfortable? A lot of online games are available, most of them are flash games, dothey play fluently ?
  5. I'm using slitaz-3.0. Very few things are missing.For instance telnetd nor sshd aren't running, so no access from outside. So it has to be seen as a client-only system, and not as partly a server like most of Unix or Linux machines.
  6. It's even far less than that, if you use DSL or Puppy Linux.
  7. Could you please show us this line 30 in the member.php file, so that we see what T_STRING looks unexpected today?
  8. So, this means that the timeout is not inside your shell user environment, it's defined somewhere else.
  9. I guess that you never close your tabs?When you close Firefox, I suppose that you don't let Firefox automatically close all your tabs?Or you open each tab each morning when you powerup your PC ?
  10. Are you talking about the graphic or the command-line session? If you have been logged out from an inactive command-line session, you should have a look at your timeout settings. Just type the following : set | grep -i outand look at the values this displays for the TMOUT or TIMEOUT shell variable. Regards Yordan
  11. What do you mean when you say "elegant"?Wearing Blue Suede Shoes?Or a nice graphical display?Or a smart way installing with easily automated setup?Yordan
  12. As usual, you need your google account authetication. Of course, you stop the service when you don't want to use it.
  13. huh? Why don't these people use rpm like everybody?
  14. Did you know that ? Has anyone tested it ? More info for instance here : https://www.google.com/landing/cloudprint/index.html
  15. I never did it, but...Have a look in /etc/inittab, probably startx is fired from there.
  16. By the way, there is no such pollution in the "View new posts" menu.
  17. OOOOOps! I missed the "Linux" part of your question!
  18. First of all, just reboot (Yes, I know, this is a Crosoft-like step).Secondly, please be sure that you did not mistype the root password!
  19. You are right, manuleka, in a perfect world spamming posts should disappear so fast that you even can't know that they existed.
  20. I have a friend who used physical colors on a physical support, and recently switched to digital graphics.Still a creation starting from nothing (you draw a line, you fill a curve with color, etc...). The advantage is that it can easily be handled by modern means, no way to tansit through a camera. I name this, reall artistic creation.Great photographers are also artists.And manipulating pictures by chemical means has been long ago a very popular sport. The only real thing to keep in mind is : is this an artistic creation ? What do you feel when you look at such a creation? If you feel the beauty, it's an artistic work. If you feel nothing, it's loss of time.
  21. if you can access the university computers from your home, and if you have plenty of time, you could use a ftp client on your PC? FileZilla would do the job, five simultaneous files would exhaust your home bandwidth.
  22. So, problem is now solved. See OpaQue's post here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. touslesdrivers.com has an automatic hardware detection and tells you the hardware and lets you download the corresponding drivers. It's free, but you have to know a little bit of french language. http://www.touslesdrivers.com/index.php?v_page=29
  24. Hi, sazser, welcome aboard.Sorry, but ... link to what?If you want to to give us a technical explanation concerning something you are doing with your computer, a link can improve readability.Else, it can be seen as spam or advertisement, and the topic will be trashed and the user banned.
  25. OK, thanks for the link. At the end of the link are the working settings.
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