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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Nice site, really impressive.I am really impressed.by the way, I am looking for a counter like yours. Where did you find yours ? Is it a script you could share with us (meanly with me, of course) ?
  2. I agree. We need to know how crash occurs.Did it crash from the very beginning, which means that there is an error in some of your programs or in the install.Or did it crash after some time of activity, which means maintenance work has to be done on your database (backup/restore, more space needed).
  3. I would say it differently. If calories in are more than necessary, your organism will create fat.If, very soon, calories out > calories in, your body will use the fat recently created in order to recover the lack of energy. Unfortunately, if you eat too much for a very long time (several years), fat will become permanent, and you will need chirurgy to remove it. Yes, yes, energy is one point, but time is a second one, don't forget about time consumption when talking about energy consumption. Time, Distance, Energy : Thanks to Einstein. Weight ? Not very important, provided that you stay healthy!
  4. I tested freewebtown.com. Seems rather correct : no ads, no banners. http://www.freewebtown.com/community/index.php Your ftp seems correct, although they allow only one simultanoeus connection. they have no php available yet. Sorry, I did a mistake.I wanted to say "Their ftp seems correct". If a moderator comes around here, could he please modify my previous mistyped text ? Thanks. Yordan
  5. Notice from Yordan: The utility of partitionning You are right, when mentionning the second part of cyborgxxi question.The first part was "how", most of us answered "Partion Magic".The second part was "Is there a utility to do it?" And my answer is "yes", of course.Now, most of us have large files (pictures, small movies, huge excel spreadsheets or powerpoint documents). Usually you work on them and then delete them.And then you have to defrag your hard drive.And running a defragmentation on an empty partition goes rather fast. Doing it on a half-full disk is very long. So, put your data on the D or E partition and do often a defrag. And, if you experience the same thing like me, lost space on an empty disk, simply format your d: disk, you will loose nothing on your system disk!Hope this helpedyordan
  6. I have XP family edition, and have no problem sharing files, sharing my XP comuter shared folders being used from other XP computers as well as from Win ME or from Win2k.So, the problem is not arising from XP, it's coming from somewhere else.By the way, cann your PC's ping each other ? Pinging is a simple way to be sure the Ethernet link works correctly and both computers can see each other.
  7. Does anyone know of a (free) public LDIF server?What do you mean a free public LDIF server ?Do you mean that you want a remote server on the network hold your addreessbook ? Or do you want to send a request to the public LDIF server everytime you want to send a mail ?
  8. That's also what I recommend : the local vendor, which is able to understand what you need and will repair if it crashes.For professional use as well as for home playing, the ability of repairing in a short period of time is the keypoint, provided that the local reseller is not too much expensive.There is also an alternative choice : choose the computer which is able to do the fastest backups (bootable backups on multiple DVD's) and buy the cheapest system you can find, and take somewhere enought money in order to buy a new system in case of hardware crash.
  9. Depends if you want to do familial or professional work.for professionnal work, you need a lot of throughput, so most of professional servers have SCSI disks.Family computers have IDE disks. They are far cheaper, and boot faster. So, if you have professional need for a lot of devices (significantly more than 2) and a lot of disks throughput, you will have SCSI disks.At home, you will have one or two IDE or SATA disks.
  10. OK, Houdini is fully right.I would add something else. You will format only your C: disk. You will not touch your D: disk. so, I would say : let's first make a full backup (norton ghost or PQDI) of your system disk. so, in case you loose your software ID's and you did not write them on your papers, you can go back and reload your ghost backup and come back to your today's situation.
  11. So, everybody has the sam opinion : you must use Partition Magic.I would say something more : Parition Magic is the only one allowing you to change your mind. If you created a big partition and need to shrink it, Parition Magic does it.Moreover, you should be able to backup/restore your system disk (C:) at any moment. To do that, I shrinked my c: disk down to 4 gig using Partition Magic, this let a lot of space on my disk for my data. Then I asked Norton Ghost to make a backup of my system disk, and I use this backup (sometimes several times a week) to restore my system after bad tests.So, Partion Magic for creating/shrinking/deleting partitons on your disks, Norton Ghost or PowerQuest DriveImage for making your backups, that's the winning team.
  12. You are right, i brought rapidcounter rather fast online. I will try also with matt's script.Thanks a lot!yordan
  13. I almost agree. I would correct it, saying "For servers, Unix is the best option".Then, knowing that you need a Unix system, let's see what this system will do : databases, web, for how many users, which bandwidth, which price do you want to pay, do you need security, redundancy, high-availibility... And this will tell you how big your machine will be, and then you will see which Unix wil work on this machine. This could be linux, but it could also be HP-UX, Sun-Os, AIX... Most of them work almost the same way as Linux, you can easily switch from one to the orher one.
  14. I see one way, which is probably not the best one. However, you should at least have a way of making a fast backup of eacho of your PC's. Let's say that you are able to make a ghost image and can recover from a crash.Firts let me say that what you want needs to create a security vulnerability, cause each of the 400 computers can be visited by you.So, I would export "c:\documents and settings" on each computer, giving your own pc access.then, it's very easy to make a script on your own PC (a myscript.bat file if you have a Windows system) mounting each of the remote resource, then removing what you wanted, and unmount them for safety.
  15. Very nice, and very complete tutorial. I like these words : "script is nothing more than a list of system commands stored in a file." That's exactly what I tell my students. 1) type directly on the command line prompt what you want to do. 2) check the result. 3) place it in a script. I would say that bash is a unix shell. ksh is another one. So, a tutorial should show separately what is bash and what is ksh, and what is standard unix. The most important thing in bash is a file named .bashrc which has most of your settings because it's the script started before logging the user. ksh behaves the same way, except that the file is named .profile. and of course, csh users startup script is named .login ....
  16. Sorry, I am rather new on this forum, so I'm not quite sure it's the best place to ask this question, maybe a moderator should move my post to a more accurate subforum.However, I really would like to have this info.How can I add a counter in my page, counting the people visiting my webpage ? Is there a script "ready for use" somewhere on Xisto ?Regards Yordan
  17. Did you do the obvious thing ? did you have a look here : For instance "safari + lions" displays a lot of lions..
  18. He ads history is a strange history. It starts becoming like the virus history. A lot of companies have been suspected to create a lot of virus attacks in order to sell their own virus removal tools.
  19. In most universities, students learning computer science have to write programs, and a lot of these programs are games. Just because when you create a game you directly see what you do (your ball goes left instead of right, your mouse-click does not act, your character gets lost, etc...).Nevertheless, starting from nothing with no help is a nice challenge.
  20. If your computer hangs, that means that the cpu is busy doing something else. Just open the windows task manger (alt-contrl-del once) before this arrives, and look at the system performance icon in the taskbar. probably "services.exe" is taking a lot of cpu power. And it beeps because it refuses your keyboard input, probably because it's busy.
  21. Keep cool, man, most of the compilers simply ignore that ^M thing. It should only be a slight lack of comfort for you.Here is how to make the mass substitution using vi (sorry, vi is very basic but some people still use it).First open your file using vi. In a Unix window, type :vi myfile.cppYou will see the vi screen, not very comfortable but let's use it.Type type following sequence. the sequence starts with (Esc) which is my way of saying that you must press the Escape key (at the upper left of your keybord). the escape key tells vi that you are entering the command mode, instad of the text browsing mode. type the following :(Esc) :%s/(Ctrl-V)(Ctrl-M)//(finishing with Enter, of course).So, here :(Ctrl-V) means, press and keep pressing the Ctrl key while pressing the v key.(Ctrl-M) means, "press and keep pressing the control key while pressing the m key".in the "%s" string, s means "Substitue" and "%" means "in the whole document)./first/second/ means replace "first" by "second".(Ctrl-V) means "what follows is a control sequence, accept it with executing it"(Ctrl-M) is the control sequence for "next line"so /(Ctrl-V)(Ctrl-M)/ which is the ^M you don't like, will be replaced with //, whic his nothing.This is a very long explanation for the lot of things which will be done by the simple command line. Don't really worry about that long explanation, simply type my line :(Esc) :%s/(Ctrl-V)(Ctrl-M)//You will see all the ^M disappear. Then save your text and exit by typing(Esc) :wq(wq means : write and quit).Hope this helped
  22. Time is not the only important thing.I must confess that I would like to see if my Unix AIX professional experience makes me able to help a guy having Linux environment variables problems, in a fild where I know almost nothing ! If it could happen to be really helpful, this would be really grat !
  23. I'm using the standard desktop, CDE. I only use the desktop for starting something on my PC.And, of course, all my old MS-DOS games don't play on my new XXdows computers, so I have to boot on a floppy disk.
  24. What is The HURL ? are you talking about "HURL: The Hypertext Usenet Reader & Linker" ?
  25. OK, let's talk a little bit about philosophy.the "set" command shows all the variable which value is set to something.It's only a display, nothing dangerous.Simply, the usual philosophy with Unix is that, if a variable (let's say DISPLAY or TERM) has a value (like TERM=vt220 or TERM=aixterm), then this value is used.If this variable has no value, then the default values for the system are used.So, suppose that in KDE you have something like "USER_SETTINGS"=/var/homeand has another value in the other environment, the results will be different.So, look in your two settings listing which is the difference, and try putting in your fluxbox environment what you had in your KDE environment.One non-destructive way could be to create (using vi for instance) a script named "mysettings.sh", and activate it by typing ". ./mysettings.sh".Unfortunately I am not famliar, neither with fluxbox nor with kmix. But what I am telling you is quite standard Unix things, occuring so often that it's probably the reason of your problem.By the way, isn't kmix the mixer coming with kde ?
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