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Everything posted by yordan

  1. What YudzzY and I am trying to know is : are the other players physically connected to the same router, or are you playing with people somewhere else in the world ?The computers connected physicall to the same router have to know your computer as it's home address (192...etc). And knowing this IP address is enough.The computers elsewhere on the world have to know you computer by it's name (myname.mynetwork.com). And you will also have to configure your router in order that it redirects the concerned services to your computer.
  2. And it works nice from from my computer too, your site is really nice.I could not post on your forum because I have no login, but everything seems to work fine.However, if you really have 100 users, if all of them try to connect at the same time, you will experience the limitations of your free Xisto account. Nevertheless, no problem, the people experiencing "too many connections" will simply have to try again later.RegardsYordan
  3. Where are you playing ? Is everybody on a private network, with fixed IP addresses for each computer ?
  4. Sometimes some of my Xisto databases are down. After a couple of hours or a couple of day they are up again. Sometimes all of them are down at the same time, sometimes some of them are up and the other ones are down.The symptom is that when I connect to the forum I have an error message, saying"Parse error: parse error, unexpected '\"', expecting ',' or ';' in /home/../../.../../index.php on line 25"It's not an error in my phpbb because it used to work correctly. So, what happends ? I suppose that the databases crash if the Xisto serer has problem, and that the databases rise up again when the problem is fully solved.But what happends when the problem is partly solved ? In cpanel the database is seen as "OK", but the queries seem not to be served.What can i do ?Yordan
  5. And, on theyr site, they claim that "The Xbox is a legacy-free PC by Microsoft that consists of an Intel Celeron 733 MHz CPU, an nVidia GeForce 3MX, 64 MB of RAM, a 8/10 GB hard disk, a DVD drive and 10/100 Ethernet. As on every PC, you can run Linux on it."This seams to mean that they already verified that they have right to use te box packaged by Microsoft. And they also say that they are able to help you installing Linux with a full step-by-step program. This looks like a very professional thing.Unfortunately I have no Xbox personnally, so I cannot try it.And, of course, if I had money to by a Xbox, I would not take the risk to do this... I would rather use somebody else's Xbox to test this, being so sorry if I crash the box...
  6. Very nice post. the original post is about using a game machine as a computer, putting an OS on it. And guy suggests exactly the opposite, using an amulator under the PC OS un order to emulate a game machine !So, are you using Linux on a game machine, or do you emulate a game machine on your Linux system ? Let's vote !
  7. with such a name, it should be a httpd... serving only http.If you want to serve ftp, you will need to have a ftp server. I know it's not a Linux, however, all the standard Unix systems (including probably freeBSD) have an embedded ftp server, just as Linux does. So, first look if darwin doesn't happen to simply have an embedde auto-installed ftp server. Regards Yordan
  8. I would say that 1 tera is the administrative limit for a user. Exactly like on Xisto your limit is 150 Megs. I have reached the 1gig limit on other sites, they say "1 gig per user" and my account stopped storing pictures as soon as the 1 gig limit was reached.So, accounting limits exist. "No limit" would not be a serious limit. And "1 tera" is a way of saying "reasonably unlimited".
  9. yordan

    Hi All

    Hi, Alexiel, nice to meet you too.Yordan
  10. Could be something else.I guess this hardware is on your own PC.So, there are two ways of having a correct diagnosis.1) try to put this piece of hardware on another PC. If it works on the other PC, this means the hardware is not faulty.2) make a backup of your Windows system. Then re-install Microsoft windows. if the new install is able of reading DVD's, this means that your software was faulty.3) If a fresh windows install is unable to use the device, this is a reason for going back to the shop and ask your money back or a free repair...RegardsYordan
  11. Don't know for IPB3 precisely. However, if your forum shows the new post, and has way for answering, each thing kept in the forum must be somewhere, and this somewhere is precisely your space.Just have a look at your account, each byte of used space is tracked. Simply write down the number of posts in your forum everyday, along with the used space in your account, and you will see precisely the space taken by the posts.RegardsYordan
  12. Do you think that "I want to backup my databases usign shell commands" is an accreptable reason for asking for shell access to Xisto ?Yordan
  13. Very nice topic.the question is : help with "terminal".And the answer is a help for bash !Ok, that's rather true.Terminal is a way of talking with your computer, giving instructions directly to Unix. And bash is a sub-language of Unix, so it's usefuls for that purpose.And for course, it's not the only way. Bourne Shell, ksh and csh are other sub-languages, not very different from each other, and all similar by the fact that they are Unix commande languages.
  14. Oh, I see.So it will look familiar for Unix people as well as for Mac people. But it will not be purely linux, nor purely System V, it will look closer to a BSD system.
  15. I agree with that point : If you are not really familiar with compiling driver for porting under Linux, it's faster to buy a device which is known as working with your Linux distro.By the way, how does the card react to Linux ? Do you see something when typing "ifconfig -a" or "iwconfig -a" ?
  16. Nice, I will give lighttpd a try.I was rather disappointed by httpdlite, but it's quite a different story. By the way, what is Darwin ? Is it a kind of Unix ?
  17. Did you try the Xisto ones ?By the way, I like the amazingcounters ones.
  18. I would say, if you want to learn a single language, learn C language. And it's also a good starting point if you want to learn several languages.
  19. I also would like to create a web server. Unfortunately I did not find a couple of free hours for that. But I have a couple of ides of what I would like to do, and how I would perform it.If you have no AIX system (waf, waf, waf...) first install Linux, let's say Mandrake, on your X86 machine. I think that Mandrake installs the webserver by itself, if you choose another distro go on the web and look for a webserver environment, i would say Apache or Jonas. Then install your database, I would say that you should choose mysql first. Then, add phpbb2, a photo gallery, etc... Simply have a look at Xisto, look at your cpanel, they say where most of the software's main site are, go there and install everything. Simply look what Xisto people did. And if you work hard, you will be able to do almost as good as they did. And if you don't have a lot of time or don't want to spend so much time, do just like me, simply create your website on the ready-for-use Xisto site ! Just believe me, ask a provider to host your server is far simpler than making your own one! Yordan
  20. I have three disks, I installed Mandrake on the third disk without problem, probably gentoo should be able to do the same thing.I think Mandrake installed everything on the third disk except the boot part of lilo on the Master Boot Record in order to have the dual boot working correctly.And everything worked fine with Mandrake, directly at my first trial, so should it also work for you.Hope this helpedYordan
  21. I simply think that when you installed your DVD, Win XP tried to write some info on the MBR. And the MBR was not exactly as XP expected it to be (never modified by something other than Microsoft), and the no-standard thing which happened to work did not work any more.
  22. Nope ! Free means "I don't want money", does not mean 'does not work, will crash your server'.I know a "free" product where the guy pays a lot of money for hosting his site, where you find really professional product. And the guy does not want money because he does the job for his own pleasure. I am also currently using filezilla and vnc on a lot of home and professional systems, and I am quite satisfied. I pay for the professional usage, and I use it for free for my home usage. But I expect the software to be bug-free, or to have a supporting forum with people interessed enough and able to repair. If an open-source software does not work, it should be known as not-working. Of course, the name "mono" is self-explanatory, then don't be surprised it it's pure s..t !
  23. of course, you can do this only on your home linux system. You can't to that on Xisto because you don't have directly access to linux with root permissions.
  24. Defintively, Mandrake free version is the best one for the purpose you describe here. The simplest way is doing as follows :First of all, you have installed or you have to install Microsoft Windows on the first partition. I would suggest install it on a "very small" partition, let's say 5 to 10 gigs.Secondly, create your other windows partitions, in FAT32 mode. I suggest 10 gig partitions, it's the most friendly way because if you want windows to defrag your partition it will go very fast for a 10 gig partition.Leave unpartitionned a space, 8 to 10 gigs, for Linux.Then, boot on the first Mardake CD. It will ask you if you want to use the whole free space, say "yes". Then it will detect your hardware (mouse, keyboard, display, Ethernet etc..), will ask you confirmation for your IP address (DHCP if you are connected to your Internet router box.It will do the whole job automatically, just accept each default value. It will automatically give you access to all your windows FAT32 disks, they will appear as /mnt/windows1, /mnt/windows2, etc.. So each file you will have written with Microsoft windows in your d:\ disk will be available in /mnt/windows2. And if you write a file named brol.txt in /mnt/windows2/tmp, it will be seen by your microsoft install as d:\tmp\brol.txt.Moreover, it will install the dual-boot thing. When the system will boot, it will give you to choose between windows, and linux. If you want to boot on Windows, you will have ten seconds to press the "down" key to highlight windows. Else, it will boot to the default which is Linux. (by the way, this defaut to linix behaviour is very easy to change, on my system the default is windows).Hope this helpedYordan
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