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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Thanks, Opaque, I love this new look-and-feel, and having no ads on the forum is really great! Thanks a lot !
  2. The shoutbox is usable from Microsoft Internet Explorer.The Shoutbox does not work with FireFox, nor with Netscape : the "Shout Now" button appears but seams not to work, and the shoubox messages are not visible, even when clicking in "Community -->shoutboxToo bad not te be able to use FireFox with the Shoutbox Hope this is only temporary.By the way, having no ads on Xisto Forum is really great !
  3. OK, temporary problem. Now, the "Latest activity" pannel appears.I can even see the shoutbox, but the "shout" button is not active.
  4. What happens to Xisto forum laoyout ?yesterday everything was as usual.Todoy, I have no shoutbox even while I am connected.And I can't see the "last posts" at the bottom of the forum page, I only can see the "similar posts".So, I cannot see the last problems people have, and I cannot answer !Is this normal ? Is this the future definitive behaviour ?Or did something strange happen in my account settings ?
  5. Yes, I also use the invisible counters, because they show you where people go when they visit your site.
  6. Probably yes. However, I would like to advice you not to do that. The moderators also read your posts, and if they decide that your post is a spam, your credits will be removed. And, who know, you could se removing more credits than the credits obtained by useless and repetitive writings.The aim of this post was different : once you have a brillant idea, if you are answering a question of somebody urgently needing help, your post would be more credits worht if you explain yourself clearly and if you say something useful and interesting. Just try it, you will see that useful posts give more credits than useless blah-blah.
  7. And, of course, if you are hosted at Xisto, don't forget the Xisto counter. You reach it from your cpanel control, in the "cgi scripts" section" , it annouces what it does : If you prefer an independant counter site, have a look at http://statcounter.com/ it's free and it's rather complete.
  8. It's a way of expressing yourself when you talk to other people.the Introduction is the first part of your topic : 'Hi, Folks, my name is BlahBlah, I would like to talk about Blahblah. At the end of this session, you will be able to .... (wirte down an E-mail, power on a DS Lite, or anything else which is the main subject of your topic). then comes the main body of your topic, where you explain the thing. And then come the conclusion, some sentences resuming clearly where we came from and what is the current situation ("Vote for myself !" or "Let's use Linux on Intel Computers",) what about is your subject, but the conclusion is the clear statement of what you think about this subject as expressed by the text body.
  9. I would do the following, just in order to verify that there is no mistyping.1) ls ./ndiswrapper this should give no error, just showing the ndiswrapper file name. 2) ls ./Wg511v2.INF This should also give no error, just listing the .INF filename. Then, ./ndiswrapper -i ./Wg511v2.INF I would say that the second error type was due to the missing ./ in front of Wg511v2. Tell us if this works now.
  10. Completely legally, probably. But is it also completely free for students ?
  11. I don't use drupal personnall, but I have a suggestion. Simply type "drupal" in astabox's searchbox ! I just did it, found a lot of answers ! Should be useful, you now, asta people are usually very helpful guys.
  12. serverheaven.net/ is no more providing free hosting. Free hosted people have to upgrade to paid hosting, or loose their site. Here below is the announcement mail. I love this way of working : giving you a free hosted plan, and after some time saying "you must pay or go away". That's why I remain hosted at Xisto, no such bad surprises.
  13. I didn't use it.However, I have a question for you :How do you like it (from the demo) compared to phpmyadmin ? Is it nicer or does it have more usful functionnalities than phpmyadmin ? If yes, do you think it's worth to buy it ?RegardsYordanP.S : concerning the topic title, what is "musql" ? Maybe a mistyping for "mysql" ?
  14. Nice ! I love this kind of thinking.You say this is proved. And you give links to the documents that prove it. This should always be the way people should be told. I can say "I think that" or "It's probably true that"... But the only acceptable way to say "it's proved" is to do exactly like you did, providing the proving documents.
  15. Sorry, but this board is a technical solutions forum, not a cracking board. Prabably some people are able to crack such things, but this is illegal, and helping doing illegal things is not allowed here. I acknowledge that mac filter is not absolutely save because some people may crack it, but with a mac filter you are protected from most of people who, like me, will be stopped because they are not familiar with this.
  16. The beta_testing program is closed, see at the vista site :
  17. The best is to test yourself at the same site where we did our tests, see a couple of pages above in the present post :
  18. Correct. Don't remember for Fedora, but rc.local is in RedHat, and RedHat is usually similar to fedora. I usually prefer /etc/inittab, but rc.local has to work. Here is what is said in the rc.local file in RedHat : So, this script is exactly here for that purpose. You put in this script what you want to be started at the end of the system boot, and it should be perfect.
  19. Ouch ! yes, you are right. I could imagine that, before starting, the sum is 0, and I started with Sum=1.You know, a lot of people did this mistake some years ago. They really thought that January 1st 2000 was the beginning of the new century. And that's false, it was the beginning of the last year of the old century. Still the same problem : how do you count the things in your pocket : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, or 0 - 1 - 2 -3 ?
  20. That's my current problem. I need to find a supplier who allows me to borrow his devices, returning them after test and buying only the one who has the best performances... I would even be lucky if I found somebody who allows me to try a PCIA adapter in order to see if it works on my laptop which can currently not see my access point...
  21. In my house I have four Belkin wifi adapters. Two of them are able to see the access point, two of them are not. Precisely from the same point (on the same PC). isn't this strange ? Of course, I'm trying to reach a 811g with 811b adapters, which is slightly challeinging.
  22. Ubunto works, this means that the CPU and the motherboard are OK. Did you try Ubuntu as full install or as LiveCD ? If you tried it as LiveCD, I would also try to do a full Ubunto install, using the whole disk. This would tell us that there is also no hard disk problem. If the installed Ubuntu works, this would mean that you have a faulty hardware part which is neither the cpu nor the disk nor the motherboard, and that this faulty hardware is not used by Ubuntu but is used by Crosoft. After this full disk Ubuntu install, I would do a disk wipe (With Norton ghost for instance) and I woud try again a full Windows fresh install on a fresh disk. I hope that the Windows you are installing is exactly the same which already was able to run on this PC (some laptops need special Windows install CD's, mainly because of the LCD display.
  23. that's exactly what I mean. If you have a Belkin access point, your Belkin PC adapter has to work perfectly. if not, Belkin customer service has to solve the problem. Of course, if you choose a different configuration, you could be lucky and see it working without any trouble, but in case of problem you cannot ask for help from the customer service.
  24. This is really meaningless. This simply means that you should not buy the pcmcia card you borrowed.In a wifi connection there is an emitter and a receiver. This test simply means that the receiver you tried does not fit very well the emitter (which is namely your access point) or that the emitter is a very poor one. If your emitter is really a poor one, almost no receiver will work correctly. Here, in my house, I have three computers, one has an USB adapter, the other one has a pcmcia adapter, and the other one has a Wifi adapter in a PCI slot. All of theme work perfectly, althouth the internal PCI adapter has a slightly better signal. Also, remember that wifi is supposed to be used inside a house, so no more distance than some tens of meters is reasonable. Regards Yordan
  25. Putfile.com is rather nice also, not only you download files and obtain the codes for forums or for your html sites, but you also organize them in albums, on your page putfile.com/yourname are displayed thumbnails on which you click to see the image or the film you uploaded.It's a nice alternative to Xisto, unfortunately only for images and movies.
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