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Everything posted by yordan

  1. If you have your mouse device driver, here is what I would do :1) go to the control pannel, hardware, and remove the "unknown device". No problem deleting it, it will come back after next reboot.2) Install your mouse driver.3) replug the mouse. The settings should not conflict with the previous "unknown device", and should be seen as a mouse.Of course, if you don't have the mouse driver, I would say, go the manufacturer site.In order to see if your mouse is deficient, I would try booting on the Knoppix LiveCD, and see if you see the Linux KDE board with a working mouse. If yes, this means your whole hardware (mouse and USB ports) are working correctly and are compatible with the Knoppix drivers.another diagnostic test would be to boot off the UBCD4win CD.Hope this helpedYordan
  2. Not sure it works directly that way. Even the appliance, I'm afraid, has a vmware machine as source.Anyway, what I would suggest is : 1) make a ghost copy of your real machine 2) create your virtual machine, verify that it's operationnal (it boots, it connects to the Internet, etc...) 3) restore your ghots backup over the c: partition of your vmware system. 4) maybe your retored system will refuse reboot, because the disks and cpu's are different. At this moment, use the standard way : boot your vmware machine on the genuide Crosoft Windows CD, and choose "repair install" on the c: partition, it's supposed to repair all the missing hardware configuration. I did not try it yet, but another post here at asta says it's possible. My suggestion : if you register at vmware site, you will have the full vmware workstation for a whole month, you will be able to try all these things. And, yes, once finished, you simply copy all your files on a DVD, along with the vmware player (which is free at vmware site) and you will be able to put it on any machine. Of course, if you want to modify something in the future, you will have to do it on a vmware workstation machine with full licence.
  3. for "Normal" use of google talk, you need nothing special with vista.While connected to mail.google.com, click on your contact's while it's green, and start a talk, that's all. Nothing to install, simply your contact hase to be connected too. By the way, this topic subject concerns windows messenger, and your question concerns google talk, which is a competitor. Next time, ask your question in the correct topic, you have better chances to get an answer.
  4. OK, jean and Shizukesa, your questions are threefolds.1) First of all, can you do it here at asta ? 2) Secondly, How to do it ? 3) Third, will this be useful ? Let's revew each case. 1)OK, first of all, the only legit things concerning music is showing your own music. So, jean and Shizukesa, you are right in the scope, you are allowed to do this at asta. 2) How can I do this ? There are several ways of doing this, mine is not necessarily the best one but it should work. Simply create your website here, explaining who you are and what kind of music you are writing and why and how, your text making that the guy visiting your site wants to ear your music. then, just as demolaynyc says, upload your music to a free file hosting site, and put the link in your website, so your visitors will simply have to click on it in order to get yourfile. 3) Will this be helpful ? This we cannot really know. Why are some sites very popular and the other not ? This is a great mistery. Simply mail your friends the address of your website, they will mail this to their friends and you will be famous soon, this could work. This did not work with my own site, I have very few visitors. But the visitors coming to visit my site have what I want to give them (namely in my case my family pictures). In summary, with webpages at Xisto you can give access to your own music, it's legit because you are music makers, you own the copywright of what you made. But this is only the way of giving access, some other factors must make that people come and visit your site. This is always the same problem : famous people have a lot of visitors in their site, having a website does not make you become famous.
  5. You are right, I see that you write the kind of posts we appreciate here, interesting, rather clear and with decent english sentances. So you will have no problems obtaining the credits in order to be hosted here.
  6. It depens from a lot of factors, mainly the quality of the provided services.The companies I am working with charge one thousand euros per man/day. Of course you can find people doing the job for less money, but it's not so professional. And, sometimes, specialists do something in two days because they are familiar with, and other guys will spend several monthes for the same job.As always in real life, the cost for something is the maximum money people are ready to pay for a given job. Why should I do the job for 100 dollars if my competitor asks 2000 dollars and obtains them ?That's why I suggest you to start being hosted here at Xisto, so your only fees are for the guy who writes your program. No need to add more fees for hosting as long as asta can do the job.
  7. Nope, I see no reason why only gravitons can travel between them. Do you have some references about that ?I personally think that, if gravitons can travel across them, then also neutrinos can travel, and then, potentially, any wave or material particle can cross. Whether it's easily realizable or not is another topic, but I see no reason for restricting to gravitons. Typically, Newton's apple is gravitons-sensitive. So, the apple could also travel. Of course, the apple is probably simultaneously present on all plans, simply being eaten in some of them and still on the tree in the other ones. But, then, we touch the Heisenberg uncertainty field, which leads us to the bridge of te General Unified Theory of the Universe. Simply remember the Heisenberg's cat paradox, and you will see what I mean.RegardsYordan
  8. Which one does not install ? And, by the way, are you using vista ? Are you really administrator ?
  9. That are two different problems.The question was "which is the biggest hard drive in the world ?". Your own problem is "how much money is currently in my pocket?" I have the same problem. At work I have 140 Terabytes in the main disk cabinet, and at home I don't have 600 megs free on my home PC.
  10. Except, maybe, for people still having this old version of Messenger ? Here is an opportunity to verify that : do people around here still have old machines connected to the internet ? Do you have these files on your machines ? Personnally, I recommend using old machines (obviously sold with old Windows versions) without any important data as surfing machines, leaving their important machines off the Internet. So, such old machines will probably have this exploit.
  11. I was familiar with avimux, I love the avidemux name.
  12. Nice, I needed this in order to split my multi-page scanned pdf files.
  13. Sorry, I'm a little big confused. What is 2g ? In my country, 2G means two giga, which means two thousand mega.So, two thousend mega what ? Two thousand million dollars ? Yes, mee too, for that amount of money I do what you want in the delay you need.
  14. I am satisfied with my Epson AcuLaser C900, the photos are really nice, no difference with the pictures at a photo shop. However, each color cartridge is about 150 euros.
  15. Thanks for the info concerning the logo. I could really not be able to guess that logo_phpBB.Gif name with it's capitals.(Of course, I guess the capitals things are important on a Unix machine, but I would not be able to guess the name).
  16. Don't think so. At least one mod it looking at it, and I am waiting for you to edit these posts. I would also like people to respect the forum politeness rules : speak English inside the forum topics. So, I will wait a couple of days, and then, the non-modified posts, as well as the non-english posts, will be removed. And, yes, tommy, precisely because these posts count for zero credits, I have no metaphysical problem while removing them.
  17. Yes, you can start with a free account at Xisto, you don't need to buy a server.If your site start beeing too much successful, your account will run out of network bandwidth limitations, you wil have to switch to a paid hosting, still here at Xisto. Only when your site starts being really huge, so big that our servrers here cannot host it, you will have to buy your own server. However, I think that such a big success cannot be achieved before several years of constant success for your game. So, my advice is, start small first and let's see how fast your site will grow. You will see that the main problem is not the physical hardware, but the other things around it, mainly the network contract (for a big site you cannot use your own Internet connexion, you need a professional one) and the maintenance and the backups.
  18. You are right, "chmod -R ugo+rwx ." would do the job. Unfortunately, here at Xisto, the free hosting plan does not provide command line login, putty in ssh mode is included only in the paid plans (I know that, my ssh account just disappeared).
  19. Yes, but it's limited to maximum speed, so, it burns mostly at 52X for CD's or 16X for DVD's. No way to make it burn at a more reasonable speed, I use 12X for CD's and 8X for DVD's. And in order to be able to this, you must switch to "advanced" mode, which is possible only if you have a paid version licence.
  20. You are right.My proxy had problem, working from another town I had no problem reaching this site. And, yes, these burning software seem really interesting, should give them a try. Sometimes, the full version of Nero7 costs as much as the CD burner device, which dobles the cost when buying both at the same time. And, of course, the Nero licence you paid for a given computer shall not be used on another one bought without nero.
  21. I got a "not found", is this site down or is your link false ?
  22. No problem with the latest core. However, if you want to install the full Linux release on an old Pentium II machine with only 32 or 64 megs memory and an old graphic adapter, you will be surprized when running the latest kde tools.
  23. I'm afraid that google.com manages it according to your country.
  24. If you can access your database through cpanel and PHPMyAdmin, it's not a server issue. So, the issue is inside your php program.
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