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Everything posted by yordan

  1. You know, veerumits, this is not really a tutorial. You are not really explaining things, you are rather like asking for an explanation.That's why I moved your topic here, where is most probably it's place.RegardsYordan
  2. Also something else make other people unable to connect. usually, in your Apache settings, when you automatically install XAMPP, in the httpd.conf file, the Listen instruction is a line like : Listen That means that Apache will listen only on your localhost (The one attached to your keyboard). This means that even other computers on your network will not be able to reach php program. I would replace the Listen line by two other lines. Let's suppose that your computer local network name is "mylovedcomputer", I would replace the Listen 127... line by the two following ones : Listen mylovedcomputer:80This means that your php program will be reached internally at the address localhost:8080 (instead of the default 80 port) and your Apache will listen the other computers from your home network at the adress mylovedcomputer:80
  3. It is exact that C++ compilers should compile standard C programs without problem.However, C and C++ syntaxes are not exactly the same, some lines are exact in C++ and not in C, and some other ones have the exactly opposite behavior.And, of course, declarative statements allow you to know exactly what you are doing, sometimes trusting the default values could lead to unwanted results.
  4. There is no need to buy a proxy address : there are a lot of free proxies addresses around here. Besides the fact that you will have to know how to chain proxies, the problem with buying a proxy address is that, as soon as your school discovers the name of your proxy, it will be added in the forbidden sites list and you will have lost your money paying a useless proxy address.
  5. try msleep instead of sleep. See for instance here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Be careful, the argument of msleep is milliseconds, so you have to change your code. By the way, why do you want to put it in a loop ? Do you really want to . sleep 1 second, then . sleep 2 seconds, then . sleep 3 seconds, then . sleep 4 seconds ? Why do you not directly sleep 10 seconds ?
  6. If you want to be limited to Microsoft servers, write down your programs using Microsoft .net If you want to learn how to write very portable programs, running everywhere, including ridiculously small pizza boxes as well as huge Unix servers (the biggest systems currently available in the world), then you must learn C language.
  7. I guess it's a delay between the myEarnings increasing and MyCents decreasing, balanced by your monthly $3 disappearing. Also if you buy a domain name, the yearly payment will make almost $10 disappear from your myEarnings.
  8. Don't make such one-line posts, they look like spam and could be removed by mods. Give us a useful info, at least give us the link to download Avira or tell us something about your experience with it, viruses found for instance. Personnally I tried another one, F-Prot, and I was really disappointed when the installer asked me to be connected to the network and to disable the Windows firewall. I know that the windows firewall is almost useless, but it's stupid to ask me to disable it, a smarter way would be that the installer tries to allow the software in the firewall and asks me for confirmation, but asking to simply disable the firewall looks stupid coming from an expensive protection software environment.
  9. The cents are zero but your credits are positive. That's the real important thing, because you will need your account to have $3 at the end of the month.
  10. Nope, the "ouch" post concerns the too many spam posts I have to delete, some people seem not to have understood what a moderated forum is. They don't know that spamming is useless for their mycents, it only gives more work for the mods.
  11. The danger is coming from the case where you answer a pure spamming post. If a mod deletes the whole posts, all the people having answered this post loose the cents corresponding to their contribution to the deleted post.If you see a spam or junk post appearing, don't answer, just click the "! REPORT" button.By the way, I see that nowyour mycents came back to zero and your credits seem to have raised, so it's probably a time-delay between an order you made, and a mycent-to-dollar conversion timeframe.
  12. looks like an energy saving or screen saver config problem.Did you try the classical things ?Remove the screen-saver first.And go to the energy settings, and set the screen powerdown to never.
  13. The c: disk cannot restore itself.The microsoft backup facility is for backing up the non-system disks. For backing up system disks you have to use third-party backup programs, like Norton Ghost or Akronis.And, of course, if you want to put a single file on your pendrive, you don't need the backup facility, simply use Windows Explorer copy/paste tool.
  14. OK.Of course, backup your own files (text files, spreadsheet files, pictures) as often as possible. Secondly... Basically, what you have to do if you don't want your files be destroyed by a virus in the boot sector is ... don't use the boot sector. I mean, you data must be on a separate disk, or on a separate partition. First of all, if your data are on the second disk or on a separate partition, you can at any time boot on a LiveCD and see your files, and put them on a flash disk or burn them on a CD/DVD. So, loosing your boot sector does not loose your date, it makes you loose time. You should right now find a Linux or windows LiveCD, and see how it behaves, it's not harmful (if you boot and use and avoid installing), and you will be ready for action if your boot sector happens to fail. The boot sector is re-written when you re-install Windows. If you take care installing only your c:\ partition, the installation will not destroy your data. So, it's harmless too. If you happen to have two completely different disks, simply try to powerdown your data disk before doing that, a mistake may occur - and I did a lot by myself. --- P.S. I'm an expert in that field, but this is not a reason for trusting me, just look how the LiveCD's behave, and think about the advantages of having two different partitions on your system : the data on one partition and the Operating system on the other partition. If you loose your Windows disk the data are still here, just avoid destroying them while re-installing the Operating System. And if you happen to loose your data disk, your Operating system is still here and will be able to read your backup (because you have a backup, right?)
  15. Wow !I had a stupid question about iostream (I am more familiar with stdio.h) and when I clicked on iostream, Answers.com automatically opened the Wikipedia page explaining the difference between iostream and stdio.h !I don't know if this is a FileZilla thing or if it's a Xisto forum feature, but I find it terribly efficient !And of course it does not work with IE6...
  16. Rather basic tuto, but, why not, some of us are really starting from nowhere.However, I hate the way you write down several time the same line, it does not make the thing more clear to understand, seems that you simply want to add useless lines in your post.
  17. Last time I had a look, in an html file, the background file was written with double quotes :<body background="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; /body>Did you try with double quotes ?Yordan
  18. That's why I think you must use a dedicated background, with a uniform color in order to ease the work of the tool when you choose a color to be removed.
  19. Seems to be the same problem as usual. Do you made the pictures with your own camera ? Then, you should do as all the professionals, put a monochrome background behind the shoes you are photographing, and then you can easily remove this background with the usual photoshop tools. If the pictures are already set up, then, zoom on the shoes and take a big eraser to remove roughly everything, and then take a very small eraser and remove each pixel which does not belong to the shoes. Do not destroy the original image because if you do a mistake, it will be horrible.
  20. You partly answered you question. If you want to be able to choose your hardware, you need a desktop.If you love mac-OS, you have to choose a mac.If you want the minimum hardware in order to run Linux, then a PC is the best solution.And of course, if graphics is important, you have to go to the Ubuntu site and see which graphic adapters (and which graphic displays) are correctly supported by the Ubuntu version you want to use.When you buy a ready-made PC in a shop, with Windows installed, the guy who installed your computer took all the risks, and if you are not satisfied with this thing you bring it back to the shop and you say that you want your money back. This has a cost, you pay your Windows copy in order to have a supported OS and you pay the guy who installed it and checked that it works correctly.If you do everything by yourself, if you build your own computer, you take all the risks. If you choose a free version of Linux as your operating system, the risk is that your hardware is not supported. If you choose carefully your hardware, you can even buy incompatible hardware (too many disks for the power supply you install, graphic card incompatible with the physical slots in your system, or too many heat dispersion for the fans you bought, or efficient fans being far too noisy for your wife trying to work on the table next to you).Unfortunately, your topic title says "probably Mac", so most of hardware geeks around here will skip your topic, and they will not tell you how to correctly choose the components in order to build your PC !
  21. Of course, you are partly right. Maybe I was not fully clear in my main topic text. I did not want to fully change it, I wanted to add a new value to the system path variable.When you just add a binary file named "sqlplus.exe" in the c:\oracle\client folder you just created, Windows cannot know that you placed your binaries there. So, if you want to simply type "splqplus" instead of typing it's full pathname c:\oracle\client\sqlplus.exe, it's location must included in the Path variable, else Windows will answer "file not found". Same thing if you want to use the portable version of OpenOffice located on your USB flashdisk, E:\OpenOfficePortable must be added to your environment if you want to use the software without typing cd e:\blahblah first. This is rather classical in the Unix/Linux way of thinking, you must edit your .profile or .bashrc environment file and add a new folder in your PATH string. What is nice is that you can also work this way to windows, simply you use my topic instead of type "vi .profile" or "vi .login" like in Linux. For instance in my topic concerning how to access a remote Oracle database, the path to sqlplus.exe must be added in the Path variable. I emphasize that it must be added, and not replacing. And it must be in the system environment in order to be usable by any user, else you will have to change it for each user.
  22. malum,You first posted this topic in the "tutorial" forum.Your post is not really a tutorial, looks more like a call for help. :rolleyes:That's why I moved your topic here, where it should most probably have an answer.By the way, I hate this "cannot fork", looks like a memory access or number of process problem.Are you sure that your program should run from the command line ? What happens if you try to run it in a window ?
  23. Exactly as in real life, when you have a job, you work for earning money, and some of your money goes out for paying your paid hosting. Here you work posting in the forum, and the cents you earn pay your hosting.
  24. Hi, rishipahuja,You first posted this topic in the "tutorial" section.This post is not a tutorial, it looks more like a call for help. That's why I moved it here, where it should receive an answer.RegardsYordan
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