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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Seems rather efficient site, I like it's look and feel.However, I did not really understand what "Buy to Let Mortgage" is ? Shouldn't the targeted people be able to understand the concept ?
  2. Are you the owner of the forum ? Did you personally install it? Do you have the codes ?Or are you talking about a generic IPB forum, needing a code for standard users?
  3. yordan

    Free Site

    If you use what ? You don't see what ?The present topic concerns google personal sites. If you create your site using the google tools, you see your website at the URL provided by google. Was this your question ? Regards Yordan
  4. The manuals are here: http://docs.oracle.com/ You have first to run the Oracle Installer ("start", "All programs", "Oracle", until reaching the installer). Then choose the "Installed Products", it will show all the (wrongly) installed products, check what you don't want any more, and you will see that "uninstall" will be accessible.By the way, you don't need to uninstall the development environment before installing the database. These are independent, you can have both or have each one. Hope this helped. Yordan
  5. He probably got it from searchmobilecomputing.techtarget.com i919011 @Allen69 : Please remember that, if you absolutely need to post a text copied from somewhere else, honesty asks that you put the text between quote tags, and politeness asks that you mention where the text was copied from. I did the quoting job for you today. Next time I expect you do do the quoting job by yourself. Else we could think that you are trying to to cheat with the hosting system, which makes some mods around here rather angry. I agree with that, that's why I moved this post here, where more probably it's place is.
  6. Two different questions, two different answers. First of all, Xisto offers website hosting. This means that, once you start being a hosted member, you get a website, where you can upload your ready-made website (if you have already written your index.hmtl file and it's correlated files. If you did create and test your own website yet, Xisto offers ready-made facilities, like phpbb forum creator or picture alleries creators. And the cpanel associated to your website has facilities for uploading your files or editing the uploaded files. This is the basic plan. Typically, if your username is "viewfind", your website will be reacheable at the address http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you don't want this really long site name, you can also (but this is not really necessary) also order a short impressive domain name. For instance if you want your site to be reached at the address "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;, simply order the domain name vfinder.com and ask this domain name to pint to your Xisto account. Once you ordered both these items, you own your domain name and you Xisto website, and you use the tools Xisto and Xisto provide you for configuring that. I hope this was clear enough, else do not hesitate to ask for more info. Regards Yordan
  7. Hi, Please have a look at the Tutorial Specifications as expressed here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6-forum/ and mainly the following : Your text is copied from somewhere else, probably from https://app.park.io/auctions/view/jiggle.ioIf you really need to paste text written by somebody else, honesty asks that you put the copied text between quote tags, and politeness asks that you mention where your text is coming from. I did the quoting job for you today. Please, do not forget to do the quoting job by yourself next time. Else we could imagine that you are trying to cheat with the hosting credit system, which makes some admins around here rather mad.
  8. Sorry, Jaize, but... your one-line topic cannot be considered as a tutorial, at least it could be seen as a (maybe) useful tip. That's why I moved it here, where it's place most probably is. However, I would like to warn you about the Xisto rules, as expressed here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Mainly, I would like you to think about this : Obviously, your link does not reflect the Firefox opensource commitment : you have to give the link to the official Firefox 3 site, or you must provide us with the source of the modifications which have been made and a valid for having performed this modification.
  9. already tried freedos, doesn't work. My current workaround is booting from USB flashdisk, which I don't appreciate because I would prefer a CD version, because some motherboards refuse booting from USB.
  10. I guess it's simply a beginner's language error. It's imbedded in a small part of your USB flashdisk... that's all!This was very interesting when the USB flashdisks were very small. Today you find rather huge USB flashdisks, and I must confess I prefer Mandriva on my flashdisk.
  11. Did you try it ? is it free ? Does it compare with AudioCatalyst ?
  12. Did you first check that, with a standard index.html file in (/var/www/html/mywebsite/index.html) you see something when you point your browser to "localhost/mywebsite/" ?
  13. It's neither SCSI nor IDE. It's Serial ATA.
  14. Hi, seunbanksYou posted this topic in the "Computers & Tech » How-To's and Tutorials » Graphics and Animation " forum.Obviously this post is not a tutorial, it looks more like a call for info on this subject.That's why I moved your topic here, where most probably it's place is.RegardsYordan
  15. You first posted your topic in the "Free Web Hosting » Free Web Hosting » Hosting Support & Help" subforum.You are not hosted at Xisto, so your question does not concern the Xisto - Support and help team.I guess that your question more generally concerns file hosting in a general form, and not precisely Xisto file hosting.Could you tell us more precisely what you need ?Do you want to know how to put files on a host ? It depends from the file hosting provider. For instance at Xisto we accept transferring files with a ftp client, and we also have a "file manager" wizard which comes with your Xisto account cpanel.Is this your question ?Or do you want to host files ? Create a file server host ?
  16. Hi, site1, please have a look at our forum rules. Posting copied text is not strictly forbidden, but we hate plagiarism. If you really want to post a text copied from somewhere else, honesty asks that you put the copied text between "quote" tags, and politeness asks that you mention where you copied your text from. I guess that you copied your text from http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ I did the quoting job for you today. Next time I expect you do do the quoting job by yourself. Else, we could think that you try cheating with our hosting credit system, which makes some mods around here rather mad.
  17. No, no, no, bad idea. I just had a bad experience while playing with my dog in the garden, the dog pushed a button on the mobile phone which was in my pocket, and this rang to somebody who heard me laughing with the dog. If my dog was able to accidentally press a "call mom" button, the "call 911" alarm button could have been pressed the same way.
  18. Welcome aboard, olganeex,I moved your topic here, where it's place most probably is, so it will most probably find an answer.Of course you guess that I will tell you that Xisto is the best solution, because it's my own choice.More seriously speaking, I think you have to choose the best price/performance ratio for the usage you want. You should mainly target an easy-to-evolute solution. Start small, with a reasonable disk space, and look how many visitors you will have and how fast you will exhaust a standard storage place and a storage monthly bandwidth. What I like with Xisto is that you can start small and grow, simply simply asking for more space or more bandwidth.And, if you are unlucky and don't have a lot of visitors at the beginning, there is no reason for paying for a lot of bandwidth if your visitors are few.So, start reasonably, find a nice design for your site, let your users come and let your site grow and ask your provider to let your account disk space and network bandwidth grow accordingly.
  19. OK, you did the first part, you started posting in our forum. The second part is fully explained here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96846-topic/?findpost= And it's somehow summarized for instance here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96846-topic/?findpost= Roughly speaking, you have to also register at Xisto with the same mail address you used for registering at Xisto. You simply start posting on our forum (at least five interesting posts) and you will see appearing a "myCents" amount near your name in front of each of your post. The more interesting your posts are, the more myCents you have. Each time your account reaches 100 MyCents, it's converted to $1.00 in your Xisto account. This $1.00 will pay your hosting plan. I suggest you should order the "Logic plan", you will need $3.00 each month, so your mycents should reach three times 100 each month. Please tell me if my summary you understood or if my summary is not clear enough.
  20. There are several ways of understanding the word "template".For myself, it's simply a mean of re-using the same things in the same situation (for instance the top-left menu which appears on each web page).More commonly, it's a full set of customizable css files, wich a given look-and-feel and you replace "mytext" by your own text.Have a look googling "free website templates" in order to have an idea.It's worse than thinking by yourself and creating your own thing; however, if you want something quick-and-dirty, it's sometimes worth the five minutes you spend on it.
  21. That's how how our forum works : you give us tutorials in English for free, and we give you hosting free hosting.
  22. Hi, bachan1,Thanks for your nice topic.You simply forgot to mention that it is copied from "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_hardware know, posting copied topic is not really forbidden on our forums.Simply, politeness asks that you mention where it is copied from.And honesty asks that you put the copied text between quote tags.I did the quoting job for you today. Next time, I expect you to do the job by yourself.Else, we could think that you are trying to cheat with the hosting credit system, which makes some admins around here rather angry.
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