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Everything posted by yordan

  1. You are right, I have a 404 : Not Found with simply http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/So, we really have to type "forums.html" instead of "forum"
  2. Thanks for the "Defence of the Ancients" info. I was thinking about putting the pictures in your private photo albums on your private website when you will be hosted at Xisto. In that case, the space is in your hosted space quota, and only your friends will know your site address, no communication with Xisto forum (unless you ask for comments of course).Regards Yordan
  3. Hi, Tenshi, I feel very proud to welcome a japanese girl here. Sorry, but... what is DOTA ? Delicous Offer To Absolute ?You should be able to accumulate your Xisto and Xisto myCENTS for sustaining your hosting account at Xisto, so you could imagine posting funny things at Trap and ask complicated questions at Xisto. Welcome aboard, Tenshi. Maybe the first thing you could try when you will get your website could be to create your 4image photo galleries, and fill it up with your favorite animals pictures ? Yordan
  4. Could you try again ? From my PC, the link http://forums.xisto.com/ works correctly.
  5. In other words, if you want to play games on a PC, you need a "gamer" PC !
  6. did you have a look at this : http://www.ubuntu-news.net/2006/12/15/how-layback-ubuntu/ It's said that : But also remember this, mentioned in the same article :
  7. Hi, g4cd3m, Please read our forum rules, as expreesed here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Namely this : I accept this post today.However, next time, please write down at least one full sentence. Simply write down something like "I like these two sites, their games are really interesting". Else you may be sure that your post will directly go to the trash bin.
  8. What I hate is the fact that when you buy a printer or a scanner, drivers are available for the current Windows version.After a couple of years the new computers have a new version of Windows, and the printer or scanner drivers are not available for that new version.
  9. I simply did not know that COBOL had an object oriented version, but "the oxymoronic language" seems really incredible.Hi, Mel, welcome aboard.
  10. yordan

    Help Me!

    Seems that everything is OK, you have your myCENTS appearing with your name at the left of each of your post. It's rather clearly exlplained here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86546-topic/?findpost=1064322155 I did not clearly understand your sentence, did you already register at Xisto with the same e-mail address as at Xisto forum ? Then, the next step is to order a "logic plan" at Xisto. It's not named a "free" plain, it's a "paid" plan, simply the cents you earn while you post at Xisto will be used for paying your hosting at Xisto.
  11. Puppy even has an embedded gparted, which is very useful if you have to change the partition sizes on your friend's PC.
  12. Sure you can try it. The real question is : will you be satisfied by the result of your test ?
  13. You're welcome, Fermin.Thanks for the "great community", that's effectively our main goal.
  14. Please read our forum rules. Atisist or whatever you are, you have to respect other people's way of thinking.
  15. I have a Epson Aculaser 900.I was very enthusiastic, it gave me very nice pictures and perfect texts with my XP computer.I was disappointed when I connected it to my new computer, which was bundled with Windows vista. There are no vista dirvers for the Aculaser 900. The last drivers are supposed to work, however it's not perfect. The printer prints, but it's not detected by Windows, which says "unable to detect the printer state". Which means that "paper out", "paper jam", "out of toner" informations are not available, and as they are no display on the printer itself, you can only guess, which I don't really appreciate. And you, are you satisfied with your printer ?
  16. Mitch666Holland, in this topic, asked for help.You reply saying that 0fees.net people know their job. You don't answer the question. If you think that the solution is "php info" please post the solution here. If you don't want to post the solution, please avoid spoiling this topic. Moreover, I'm pretty sure you are wrong, I'm sure the problem is not inside the php configuration, but inside the Apache configuration. In that case, the solution would be correctly configuring the listening port, replacing localhost with the Internet name of the Wamp Server machine.
  17. Your topic looks like an invitation to review your website.That's why I moved your topic here.RegardsYordan
  18. Wow! I already received a lot of "join our community" or "Charles invites you joining" from hi5, and I thought these were undetected spams and forced them into my spam folder!
  19. Welcome aboard, fermin. Now you posted enough and have joined our coummunity, now posting for sustaining your account...
  20. Do you really make a difference between rapidshare.de and rapidshare.com ? I would expect rapidshare.de to be the german part of rapidshare.com, and files uploaded by german poeple going to the .de machine, the other ones going somewhere else ?
  21. Please tell me where in which forum you cannot post your own topic. There are very few read-only forums, you should not be "naturally" attracted by them. If you just want to do a test, post a topic in this forum : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/104-forum/ And answer the present topic with a link to the forum where you were unable to post your own subject, we will see what happens. Regards Yordan ================ Edit : I see that you started several topics, so your problem seems solved ?
  22. Correct. If the link you post corresponds to the subject and is a pertinent answer to the asked question, it's welcome.If it's off-topic, it's consider as spam and removed. That's right. Please remember that removed topics cost a lot, from the myCENTs point of view, so avoid taking that risk.
  23. The URL or your site ?And, by the way, what means did you imagine for making Canadian teens earn money ?
  24. I don't like the shark jaws at the right of the main page.And I didn't appreciate the google ads on top the site.I guess you would name that negative criticism ?
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