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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Personally, I don't know what M$ is going to do. I can guess what is easy to do and what could be complicated. But I have no idea if they really intend to automatically install competitor's browsers.By the way, if M$ has to automatically install competitor's browsers, I guess that reciprocally the competitors will have to do the same thing. I am curious to see on the Mozilla site a link "click here if you want to install IE6"
  2. You don't really need to understand. You simply need that these kind of things exist and can be transparently added to the initial windows installer, so you have nothing to do except clicking "Yes I want it" or "No I don't want", no browser is needed for that.
  3. Not necessarily. We can imagine a lot of ways extracting a file from a remote system. A simple ftp script (hidden somewhere, of course) with open mydistrib.of.explorer.comuser noobpassword newbieget iexplore.cabexitcould be enough. And no security problem, this mydistrib.of.explorer.com can be a killed-init blocked system able only to allow downloading of this cab file, not interesting for anybody not needing it. And this kind of script can be transparently fired by the installation process, so no ignorance problem for standard users.
  4. There are two ways bundling to your Dell Notebook, depending from when you bought it.1) Emergency restore CD : it will re-install everything like when you bought your Notebook. This will boot only on your own Notebook, or another Notebook exactly identical to yours. 2) A couple of years ago, there were no piracy problems. At these times, some Notebooks were delivered with a genuine Microsoft Windows installation CD. This was a fully standard installation CD, which asked you your serial number. Simply the serial number was not on the installation CD crystal box, it was pasted on the Notebook itself, so if you removed it you lost it. And, of course, if you install this CD on another computer, you must remove it from your own computer. Else, when connecting to Microsoft for updating, the update server will see that a home Edition license was on two computers, and this serial number will be flagged as a pirated one. And you will have to contact Microsoft in order to prove that you paid your software and that it works on a single computer, the one you paid for.
  5. Tell us if it also does not write rewritable DVD's ?And have a look at your DVD writer speed, if it's old it could be limited to 4X, while the blank DVD's you buy today cannot accept a burning speed as low as 4x.
  6. By the way, it's normal if Acronis did not work.With Acronis you are supposed to create an image of your hard disk on an external device (another disk or a CD or a DVD or a remote server). So, if your main disk crashes, you just buy another one, you format it, and then you use Acronis to restore your date from your external media. So, of course, if the disk containing the backup is destroyed, Acronis cannot restore it. This is the old computer principle, a precious backup should be put in more than one place, on more than a single media.
  7. I think the stupid thing was made, long time ago, whey Microsoft said that Microsoft Internet Explorer is free, and Microsoft Windows is not free. There was all the problem coming, why dos Microsoft give something for free whereas the competitors ask for money, this is against the concurrency freedom rules.Probably, if Microsoft had said "The cost of Internet Explorer is 10% of the total cost of Microsoft Windows", and had a solution for smart people saying "I want my 10% off because I don't want IE6", then there would no more be such a problem. However, now, Crosoft went to court because of that, so there must be a solution, no matter how stupid the solution could be.
  8. yordan


    About 5 GB is a logic value, I would use that.
  9. yordan


    It's exactly like the swap in Ubuntu.Simply, Linux asks you to put it on a separate partition, whereas Windows allows you to put it on the same partition as the operating system. And, of course, as the operating system is continuously writing on this file, making it growing and shrinking, this will have impact on the disk organization, especially when a file will try to extend and will find no free contiguous space. And, yes, you can move it to another drive, so head movements for paging space can be really simultaneous with binary files access on the system disk. Of course, the default settings are "let Windows decide". Here is how to do it as you decide by yourself. Right-click to "my computer" in the windows dekstop, properties, advanced, and clidk on "Settings" in the performance part, then again "Advanced", and in "Virtual memory" click "Change" and you can choose on which disk you want the paging file and it's size. On my current system the current size is 3.6 gigs, the Recommende size is 5 gigs, this tells you roughly how big the paging space partition should be. One thumb rule is that the paging space is 2.5 times the real memory. Another rule is that it's bigger than the biggest imaginable memory usage your system could experience. This tells you the size of the swap partition you should create on a separate disk.
  10. yordan


    A separate disk for swap ? Of course, yes ! Why didn't I do this long time ago ? Effectively, it's a smart way for separating different ways your OS is acting.Thanks for the suggestion.
  11. The site seems to be deeply modified, indeed. If it's you really want to know right now, you may simply submit a ticket, you should have rather quickly an answer. However, I don't think you have enough credits for ordering a domain right now, a domain is $9.99 one year.
  12. Thanks for the info, Mike. I don't know who is that ccollomb, but putting a trojan-spoiled version of unlocker is rather unfriendly, and dangerous for people like us.
  13. yordan


    I am currently testing it, and I love it. It shows what it is doing, it shows a map of the fragmented files, currently reading and currently writing. And it has a progress bar (currently 5%), whereas the vista tool simply say "this operation may last from some minutes to several hours). And vista analysis says "defragment is useless", whereas defraggler ays "14% fragmented", which lets you decide.Tomorrow I will test the portability mode, the installer installed everything under c:\program files\defraggler
  14. Yes, we have to tidy up the old descriptions. This will be done, simply our staff has a lot of work at a lot of different places, so this could need some time.
  15. Not sure. If you did not install a tor server and if your privoxy is listening on localhost:80, there is no way to use your own PC as a proxy. When you surf with tor, you have the identity of a tor node, and this does not make your PC become a tor node.
  16. It lasts until somebody removes it.I just removed your warning. Please do not post copied text any more.
  17. Here we have a very funny example of a philosophical mismatch.The starter topic question was "Which is the best one ?"And each guy answered "My preferred one is..."And, of course, the reasons why I prefer gmail is not necessarily the reason why it's the best one...By the way, I love the portable version of Pidgin IM, because in a single window you have all your IM accounts receiving and transmitting at the same time : MSN, gmail, etc... So, My MSN mates and my gmail contacts can simultaneously talk with me, I answer in a single interface. That's a second philosophical point : the question is about gmail, I answer about myself (which in my opinion is a very important subject )
  18. Sorry, but... I touched the topic title, I prefer "which torrent" instead of "who torrent". A torrent is often very smart, but this is not a person.
  19. I started far before this, I was quit a fan of "The Jackson Five", I steal hear "Going back to Indiana" every time I need to feel happy. I agree with you. That's why I moved your post here. Please tell me, did I move it to a still wrong forum?
  20. Sorry to have been so confusing.The rule concerning this point can be written in few words : NO COPIED POSTS HERE ! Of course, if you really want to tell us something that has already been published somewhere else, we accept it, but you have to put it between quote tags. And if you are copying my own texts, of course, you must add "Biggest glory to Yordan, the author of this wonderful text"
  21. I feel rather pessimistic on this latter point. Today the PC manufacturers deliver new PC's without the motherboard drivers CD (my own experience on my last three PC's) which makes it difficult for re-installing Windows. This will simply make it a little bit more difficult for installing the browser without a delivered browser CD.Maybe the solution could come with the Internet routers, which are delivered with a browser bundled win the router configuration software CD. You don't really need a browser in order to obtain a software from a public ftp server, but you need a browser in order to configure your router.
  22. yordan

    Lg Km500 Review

    Newbies are here in order to learn.oldies are kindly asked to teach.
  23. Currently only 3 votes for gmail, but we can guess that it will grow to 10 very soon.
  24. My provider says, if I order a given mobile phone contract with him, my initial charge will be : 79 euros for the iPhone 3G 8gigs129 euros for the iPhone 3G 16 gigs149 euros for the iPhone 3GS 16 gigs229 euros for the iPhone 3GS 32 gigs Now you have the whole price panel, convert to Canadian dollars if needed
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