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Posts posted by cyborgxxi

  1. Please note that just placing ads on your site doesn't mean it will generate income. You WILL make money out of it if visitors click on your advertisements. And I have no freaking idea how people will even care to click on any advertisements, unless it's some crazy sale or something like that... I haven't been making much since beginning :)

  2. Holy cow, I can't believe this!! Wow, Firefox 2.0... :) It makes me smile and say, "Woah, the best web browser (well, apart from many uncomfortabilities) is going to get even better!" But anyway, it has to get some codes from Internet Explorer 6.0 because I can't run web-based applications from Firefox... many many applications!!For example, Korean web community software, like Cyworld and Maplestory.

  3. Dmaster14, people don't really DIE because of the lack of computers... people will suffer greatly because computers have become a large part of millions of peoples' lives!! I am serious!! For example, take watching TV out of your lifestyle right now - how would it be different? Yeah, you would start feeling weird and ranting for TV.Also, are you guys talking about personal computers or just computers? Because computers are in almost every electronic equipment.. like the microwave oven, digital camera, your own little cell phone, etc.Take all those away and you are left with... such a limited way of life. Your standard of living hits rock bottom... and starts digging :) Well, if you guys want to read a book related to this "world-wide destruction of computers", then read this 3-part book called... ermm... dang, what was it?I think it's similar to 2016: Doomsday... that is the first book. It's for ages 6~12 so you might find it in the junior non-fiction part of wherever you're looking at.Have fun.

  4. Alright alright... it's just basically phishing mails.. and scams and schemes and ... you know what? I really hate those kind of people who do all these bad things to steal information and money from you. Tch... trickery and deceit, hmm? Well, eat justice, you lamos.We have to watch out when entering personal and $$$ information into some place - you always have to be careful and observant. What a dangerous world we live in right now...

  5. Hmm... from my first impression from Quicksilver Forums, I say that it's not very... feature packed. It's not. I mean, not as much as other forum softwares I know because well... take PHPBB for example. It's great. Take IPB. It's great. And so on...They would have to work on that little forum software more... because you actually want to lure or "steal" other forum software users to use yours, no?Anyway, I have to try SMF again sometime soon... I like the layout and such, I really liked it. :) But if Quicksilver does a complete overhaul... or at least make some big improvements, I'll check it out. I'm sick and tired of changing forum software over and over again o_O

  6. Heh, yippeeee!! Gmail actually did something about this... I was always wondering when they would put an actual "Delete" button for emails and hehe... it's now here.I was not that disappointed but it just took me a couple more seconds to actually put them in the trash (ex, junk mails). Well, Gmail is really working on their e-mail service and trying to improve it all the time... or maybe most of the time. Or at least... more than Hotmail because Hotmail... is just a stinking dumb loser. Why?I mean, look at their junk filtering system - Gmail is waaaay better. And also, look at their hard disk storage. 2 megabytes? What the freak is that? Hello? I have to delete junk mail every day or two.. or else it's at 100% already. So stupid...Hail Gmail

  7. I'm sorry - I would like to view it but there is an error :)But I'm very interested in making a photo/image gallery for my website, because it's going to be heavily based on images and photos. And then, I have to worry about WHERE to host the images because... hmmm.. they will be pretty big in size. Maybe 500 kilobytes to 2 megabytes per picture.Or maybe I can just decrease them to 100 kilobytes, while the originals can be requested? Hmm... something to think about :P

  8. Wow! Cool! I never knew about this until I read your great informational post!! Hahahaha... wow, Google is too kind! :D :D It's really appreciated, both of you - Gmail and szupie ;)By the way, Pavarr, you are really really anti-Google, aren't you? But just think about this - Gmail's e-mail service beats Hotmail (MSN, part of Microsoft networks) by like 500000% because of the interface and the amount of SPAM it can actually DEFLECT. I mean, dude, I hate Hotmail now. Suxzor

  9. subasteve, I'm 100% behind you :D :D Right on with you there on that comment on crazy monthly fees. I mean, c'mon - about a few million people pay to play this game and that overpays what you have to pay for the maintenance of the servers, game fixes, wages, etc - and well, Blizzard is getting some freaking millions of dollars every month just from this game that is so fun to play.Heh, I'm sharing an account with a friend of mine because we are too cheap to pay for another whole account and then pay $15 a month again.MMORPGs downside = $15MMORPGs upside = free;) Runescape was fun, but it got old fast.

  10. Wow, cool - a person from India! So far, I've met only one or two Indians and well, you're one of the few I've met now. I also hope you have a great time here at Xisto.By the way, are you going to be really active in this site? :P It pays off for the most part :D Good to be active and help others, like me! Yeah, I need to learn HTML :D;) Hyper-Text Markup Language... yippee

  11. Well, first of all, please learn to quote your quoted texts :DSecond, I don't really enjoy using AVG because of it's user non-friendly interface and the poor job it does in searching your system for malware, adware, etc. Well, I don't say "POOR" but it doesn't really do a very find job of it.I mean, if you look at download.com, it's not in the top 10 antivirus / anti-malware software list. You know what I mean?However, it is a decent antivirus software for home users. If you're looking for better ones, they are out there and many of them are free!!

  12. Hmm... alright. So this topic is now about administrators/moderators, or Xisto staff, and spell checking? Okay, then maybe there should be another thread about it :DHowever, I think spelling is an important aspect of communicating, for it makes everything look nice and professional, not like 'i dink dat u r kul!' Haha, that's kinda noobish or "not nice". No matter, you don't have to change your browser or read a book on spelling and grammar. If you have the heart to improve your spelling and grammar, though, it will be good for you.I'm sure it will be :D

  13. Yeah, Gmail is a great e-mail service provider indeed. I love it so much!! Hahaha! Simply the best, sure it is. I was so frustrated with Hotmail's 2 megabyte storage space and I couldn't receive e-mails with picture attachments and you know, you HAVE to delete 'em or else you won't be able to receive anymore e-mails!! So, there you go, Gmail simply relieves you of the frustration and stress that comes from shortage of e-mail storage, insufficient attachment size, and also...The language and rich-text feature that comes with Gmail, and yeah, beats them all. You guys know that I am Korean. Gmail supports Korean, Hotmail doesn't. What a shame. Microsoft, what are you thinking?! Gmail just beat you! Hahaha!!Alright, I don't really laugh in Microsoft's face but it's really a shame that they provide only 2 megabytes of storage while forcing us to watch those stupid and annoying banners. If they were popups, I would have stopped using Hotmail long time ago ;) Man... I really don't like all their stupid and crappy advertisements. Yesh, I agree with you - they take up the whole half of the screen :D:P :)I also have to agree with other people in these categories/issues:1. Clean interface, fast too!--This is the fastest e-mail service I have every experienced in my life. I thought Yahoo beat Hotmail some years ago, but Gmail comes in and shazaam bazaam!! Lightning-quick loads... (well, maybe because I have broadband?) But it doesn't matter. Hotmail still takes some time to load the pages and such.--The interface is very clean and simple. Compose mail? Contacts? Inbox? Spam? Trash? My goodness.. praise Gmail :D You dont have to click through every button and tab to get to somewhere (like in Hotmail). It's very cool. I first though it was some e-mail program built into their web service... hahaha. It's not! Well, not an application... but hmm.. what's the difference between an application and a program? :D2. Labelling, Contacts, Name Fill-Ins--Edit your contacts very easily. Attach notes. Beats all other e-mails. End of story.--Label your e-mails. Organize them however you like. Beats all other e-mails. End of story.--E-mail address filled in by pressing an alphabet (and maybe several strokes of up/down arrow) and enter (or instead of alphabet, maybe a letter or some other key for 'unique' e-mails). No other e-mail services have this feature. Beats 'em all. End of story.3. Advertisements? Gasp!!--Although Gmail has ads, it's not really a big of a deal. I usually don't catch that advertisement box unless I'm just looking around the screen. Hotmail and Yahoo are all banners and image ads - very annoying. They are eye-catchy because of animation and the use of lots of colors. We don't want it. Gmail beats 'em.4. Who's winning the battle?--Gmail. End of story.

  14. Hey techocian, if you successfully form a home wireless network with your three computers, then please give me a ring. I have two computers at home for the use of my family and am wanting to form a network so we can share files and data.I am also planning to get a laser printer someday... someday soon :D And maybe a scanner as well?Yeah, so if you get the network formed, please tell me :D Much appreciated!RegardsBobin

  15. Kind of nice design. Good eye-candy though. Yet, it looks confusing to use. Therefore, Open Office would be easier... and M$ Office is now more confusing to use. Unless they put those dumb wizards to help...

    Well, I kind of agree with you. The interface looks cool... and maybe a little "weird" because I think the Office 2003 UI looks better than this.

    xboxrulz, if you need help on functions and ways to do various things in Microsoft Office, then I *truly* advise you to buy a big book on Microsoft Office. Ooops, if you are getting Office 12, then you'll have to wait :huh::)

    Last year, during my Desktop Publishing class (freshman, highschool), we learned functions and different things for Microsoft Word and PowerPoint... and Publisher as well, with this thick guide book that contains practice pages and informational guides on how to make this and that work.

    So, if you want to get the most out of Office products, then I advise you... no, I *recommend* you to get those guide books. Although I don't remember them anymore (I haven't used 'em for so long, that's why) haha but if you will be using Office frequently, then sure, why not?

  16. Wow... I seriously need to be trained in some hardware stuff nowadays. I have so many questions as to WHY? HOW? WHICH? WHAT?


    I got my computer about 5 years ago. It had:

    P4 2.0 GHz + 170W power supply

    Voodoo 2 (oh my gosh)

    128 megabyte RAM

    40 gigabyte hard disk

    SiS #### built-in sound card


    Now, it has:

    P4 2.0 GHz + 500W power supply + new casing

    GeForce FX 5700LE

    1 giga stick + 256 mega stick of RAM

    40 x 2 gigabyte hard disks

    SiS #### built-in sound card


    Now, I can't believe I have trouble trying to play Battlefield 2. And let me tell you, my computer has so much trouble trying to play some of the newer computer games. I lagged horribly when trying to play F.E.A.R - I had to put the resolution and graphic settings to the absolute lowest!! My goodness...


    But I wish to change my CPU and motherboard once and for all, hoping that it will last me another 3~4 years :huh::)

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