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Posts posted by cyborgxxi

  1. After robbing a bank


    Running away, I look back and see the policeman following me with a taser. He gets me with it but I laugh in his face, mwahahahaha, it doesn't work on me, ha ha ha....then fall over dehydrated and heat exhausted.


    I wonder how this is a bonus.


    I wonder the same as austiniskoge. Is it a special polyester or is it all polyester in general?

  2. I completely agree. I am pretty addicted too and I really should give it a rest. I tend to get on to "just check my email" and then spend an hour and a half chatting. This would be ok except that I am also on when there is no one to chat with and all I do is look at the same things over and over again, forum, email, chat list, forum, email, chat list etc. I am too addicted to actually give it up. I spend about three hours after school each day and maybe 5 on weekends and though that includes work I don't do too much work online. Maybe you should just try getting out more...read a book, play some sports, run around, do something. I certainly need to try it. It will be interesting to see how long student spend in front of the computer screen in the future.

  3. Well, if you look at those car racing games they look so freaking alike! Several times I couldn't tell the difference (ingame screenshots, without any user interface visuals)... and I was totally shocked.Man... but honestly, nothing can come like reality because reality is now and it is and it was... lol woah going into philosophy here.But anyway, yeah... technology is so good nowadays :(

  4. Hahahaha wow, that's awesome. A 50mb operating system 'DamnSmallLinux'... well, to tell you the truth, I don't really need it. Oh by the way, have you seen Windows Vista? It's something like 2~3 gigabytes... It's crazy! If you go to Microsoft's home page and look up their Beta download section, they let you download it - or deliver a DVD containing the Windows Vista operation system to your house for a fee.Well, you can put that into SOME USB drives but it will be kind of costly. But anyway, why not just carry around a laptop? I mean, they are creating really thin and lightweight laptops and notebooks nowadays, aren't they? But yeah, they cost a lot too. And fragile as well.But wow... USB sticks/drives are becoming the rage now. They're basing technology off of it... software and firmware, etc etc. It's so interesting how USB is a huge field... haha and talk about storage. They came up with 750gb hard drives! Good grief!

  5. Hahaa this is pretty cool. But how does taking off that phrase from your Google Adsense banners and stuff increase your CTR? I mean, if I were one of the visitors, I wouldn't even consider clicking on the banner unless it was REALLY interesting... like a megasales on GeForce graphics cards or computer equipment and hardware.. heheheheBut hmm...I really have to try Google ADsense again because I just want to see what it's like. I mean, there's a whole ART to advertising online and on your websites and stuff but forums... is pretty hard!!You need a good site and good visuals ... it's like visual architecture :( I think I would like to take classes on designing.. because I like art :(

  6. Alright, Joe! Thanks for the warning. Man, I feel so bad for that guy who lost his site! I think some government officials should do something about this... or you guys should report this at least. Do you guys have logs and stuff? There should be like a way to track where the attacks came from... it's so not fair for us - just random attacks. I mean, this is just like property assault/damage!!

  7. Wow, Google's translation tools & services? I have seriously never ever heard of that until now... I mean, wow! Google is like dominating everything! Seriously!! Until now, I only knew of Babelfish.com & TranslateThis.com as my translation services & tools. Well, then I get told that Google has a translation service and they're owning everyone in the market... I mean in the field lol!!!Jeeez my goodness, do you guys know what's going on here? Google is like dominating! Owning!! Beating everyone else's arses!!!! My gosh... I have so much respect for Google man. Microsoft and Yahoo may be like "those stupid Google buttholes go burn in hell" but hehe, Microsoft and Yahoo, you have to hire better workers or something.Google is like setting the modern stuff for everything now.. they're just beating you bad. I heard Yahoo's stock thing is gone down to a one-digit number while Google's is like a three-digit number.Hmm... I gotta really start on investing in the stocks... getting into stock market. Anyone else done trading & buying and selling stocks before?

  8. Okay, no offense, but what in the world do those people think they are doing? I mean, it can be cool to have a very very long URL name but this serves really NO PURPOSE at ALL! Think about it, what good do they get from it? Maybe just an entry in the Guinness' Book of World Records 2006... or 2007, but that's not the point.In my opinion, I think it can be like a cool thing to do, but just trying to be on the top of the list for some not-a-very-really-purposeful-purpose is just weird. For me, I wouldn't do anything like that. I would just stick with Gmail - maybe because I'm just too lazy or I just don't really care about it. Yeah! I don't really care about it! Hahahaha... but it's okay, I'm not saying that getting the longest URL or E-mail address is wrong or anything but it's just... weird. Not a very good reason behind it, I bet. Unless it's like a school project or something. Hehehehe... then that's alright, I think. HahaWait, is there like a 1-letter URL? Like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ??

  9. Hey I think that's a cool plan. It seems like a very flashy service that earns you money for "free" but actually, there are schemes behind it.. very slippery they are. You just have to look at all their procedures and processes... doing math will definitely help a LOT. Business math is usually used in this... but hmm I don't know much about investing in online things. There are lots of unknown figures and factors out there... like hidden fees and charges, you know?Very risky...

  10. I have some couple other friends in my Star Wars 'ring' that play Star Wars pen and paper role playing games with me... actually, our school teacher (US history teacher) does the game master part and we're just the players.We have this own "band of Rebels" that kinda put together this group but it's kinda breaking apart because we don't really want to work for the Rebels anymore. Long story - we just get tired and don't get rewarded much... too much work, like sabotaging Star Destroyers and saving planets from certain destruction.Anyway, Blaster Blade is going to go down the drain... I think... and some other raid group will come up for us :DNow for you non-Star Wars people out there, just discard this post. Haha :P

  11. My favorite is Zelda: the rod of seasons for gameboy. It is the only one that I ever played to any depth. In fact it is the only gameboy game I have ever beaten besides Pokemon. That is because it is the only game that didn't get boring right away. I also enjoy four swords for gamecube. My brother and I have really worked our way up but then he got bored and so I play a couple times a month. On the last level but can't get any further. Oh well, stuck.

  12. Hmmm... I think I am tired of seeing those blue buttons now. And to top on that, I don't really want to see blue group icons. Anyway, where did the previous ones go? I liked them... pixelated style, sort of, but it was a cool design.Can any other people design some group icons for us Xisto members? It would be very appreciated :D And they have... to.. I mean *ahem* should... look cool :P

  13. At first, Pandela looked really good. Now, our friend Joe here lined those problems up for us and knocked 'em down good, just like someone else said before. Hmm...But hey, is Xisto a free web hosting service? I mean, if it beats Pandela, and it's better than Xisto, hmmm... sure, I'll try! I mean, why not? 333 megabytes and 3.3 gigabytes of bandwidth? That's awesome... but.. the downside is... only ONE (1) MySQL database?That's fine. I only need a forum. No no no wait... I also need a Joomla! Content Management Software... :PThat makes it two.. so I guess I'll stay with Xisto ;)By the way, Xisto beats Pandela. Easily.

  14. 1. Neither. Zebras are actually unicorns. Several hundred years ago all of the unicorns (who had luscious golden coats of hair) were being hunted to extinction for the so-called medicinal properties of their horns, so they got together and had a council, and decided that if they got rid of the horns they could probabley avoid further such dilemmas, so they talked to the Rhinos, and told the rhinos how useful a horn on the nose is for going on rampages and impaling everything in sight. Rhinos, being not exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer, and very susceptable to the temptation of pointless destructive ability, agreed, and the unicorns gave the Rhinos their horns. The problem was that rhino heads are a bit fatter than unicorn heads, so the strap only fit arounf the nose rather than the forehead (yes they are strapped on, interestingly enough) at any rate the supersticious horn-eating people saw that the rhinos now had horns and decided to hunt them instead. The rhinos found this out, got pissed at the unicorns, and sent their birdy friends (all the birds that hang out on their backs) to poop on the zebras' beautiful golden coats until they were all white (since bird poop is white) and then the rhinos drew all over them while they were sleeping with charcoal, and the unicorns (now the zebras) have looked like that ever since.So, technically, zebras are bird-poop with charcoal stripes.2. well, of course, according to the theory of relativity you would be able to see the headlights, but you would also be rather frozen in time, so would you really be able to see what's coming ahead of you if you're not moving through time at all relative to what's around you? Secondly, if you were to go the speed of light in your car you would either a) fly out into space or ;) circle the eath 18 times a second, so unless your car is a) spaceworthy or :P able to circumnavigate the entire globe in 1/18th of a second without hitting anything, you're basically dead and will never be able to tell anyone whether or not the theory of relativaty has been proven wrong.3. why is a pane of glass clear and shattered glass white? it just is ok?4. if you petrify the wood, easy.5. light the bottom of the gasoline and not the top...somehow...sorry dint have time to finish

  15. I just have to say, this is a mad method for "forcing" users to install Internet Explorer 7 and set it as their default browser. Actually, I'll just use the one that is the easiest and most comfortable to use with! And why won't Microsoft do that? I mean, are they all flashy outside and sucky inside? Tsk tsk... I dont know but Microsoft is doing horrible with MSN networks.I hope their Windows Vista is a good one.

  16. Yeah.. Rapidshare is a decent service. Oh, by the way, pardon me for my little uproar there. I just got a little upset over MegaUpload and their stupid problems. Why would they place slots in a country?? It's just plain stupid!!Anyway, please try the following services:-Rapidshare (maximum 20~25kbps for me)-FileFactory (maximum 15~20kbps for me)That's all I know of, which are good, tried and true. ;) Well, just good in their standards, but I need to see really good ones! Hmmm You know, just free file hosting services and like that... they're cool but I don't like restrictions! :P

  17. Hold on, hold on. Check with me if I am correct:


    Hacker: Computer enthusiast


    Cracker: Malicious computer user




    By the way, why upload to MegaUpload.com? It sucks, really. One of the worst file-sharing services I've ever seen in my entire life. Probably the worst. Yeah, I think so.


    Can I ask to be uploaded to a better service please? The "download-slots provided to my country (Thailand) are used up (100)"


    So freaking stupid

  18. Well, there you go. Lots of people helped you on that, but he, I have to ask: Why do you want to add AdSense advertisements/banners after every post?? It sucks don't you know? I mean look at it from the user's point of view. It must be so freaking annoying to see those annoying pesky ads after every post!!!


    I think you should lessen the frequency/amount of your advertisements. Every post is just... too much!!

  19. Honestly, wuzzupster, what your "friends" said are just lies. They just don't want you to have a cool e-mail provider services from Gmail, obviously the BEST e-mail service provider that beats all other services easily. Whoever your friends said that Gmail is horrible: They suck. They suck horribly. They're stupid, idiots, and just plain dumb. Gmail = horrible? Who could ever say that except Microsoftionalists?


    My gosh, the comment by your friends is just ticking me off.


    Get Gmail and if you don't, you're gonna regret it. If you do get it, you're never going to regret changing your e-mail. I mean, dude... I wish I could just destroy my HOTMAIL account because it's freaking slow and is so bugged up. And 2 megabytes of storage? Up my butt!!


    Dumb Microsoft... can't even provide worthy services. Go Gmail Go!! Hahaha :P

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