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Posts posted by cyborgxxi

  1. LOL Thanks for mentioning Xfire. You're a great supporter! :P;) I mean, really! Not that many people mention Xfire to other people but you just advertised it (literally).Xfire rockzorz lol - It rocks, really. Free game time counter :P

  2. First of all, how is Photobucket better, or at least different from Imageshack?? I just want to say that although Photobucket is a quality, good-quality website, Imageshack is a whole lotta better. Why? Here are some reasons:


    Quick Upload By installing this piece of software on your computer, you can just right click on an image file and choose the "Upload" option. Just from your desktop or My Documents without even going to Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer and browsing for files!! Awesome!


    Size Restrictions I heard the maximum is 512 kilobytes in Photobucket. I am sorry, Photobucket, but Imageshack (let's make it IS for short) has 1024 kilobytes (1 megabyte). Beats you down!!


    Speed and Quality Photobucket just takes a whole lotta more time to load than IS. The quality is pretty well matched but I don't really know the pinpoint differences in each.


    User Recognition System Photobucket? I log in last night, and then I still have to relogin. Yeah, you can call me stupid and lazy and suxxor for being a critic on that system but at least in IS, it will still remember your login/user for a LONG LONG time!!! No need to just typing in your username and pass everytime you want to access your thing.


    Well, that's it. I just prefer Imageshack. So cool man. Switch now if you're in Photobucket. You won't regret moving there. :P

  3. I am not sure but I don't think it is possible to recconect nerve cells. Even if it is, it's gotta be hard and expensive. I mean nerve cells are tiny and to reconnect severed ones would take forever and also the price it would take to get the stem cells, the technology, and the expertise would be incredible. No I think that any attempt to replace a head would fail because no two people are exactly alike and the body and head would reject each other leading to the inevitable either way.

  4. Well, I assure you... there are not that many sites like Xisto. I have seen a couple others like Xisto - they are pretty good, except that they have monthly post requirements, etc. Annoying to some extent, but still... good services and great server uptimesHowever there are some ... in the opposite spectrum, like freewebs. Oh my gosh, they're like Geocities and it's horrible. Stupid advertisements that pop up or that get installed without your permission (most of the time... well, almost all the time) and this really ticks people off!!!Hmmm... I just have to say that Xisto is a really good place to stay. Good posting system but sometimes gets on my nerves because I don't have much time to get online - free time is very limited. :P

  5. When I first started learning how to type I loathed it and wanted to quit and wondered why in the world they didn't just do abc. I still wonder why but hey now that I can you the qwerty system why change? I think that it is kind of ridiculous to try to come up with a new system of typing when the old one works just fine. But hey if someone wants to waste time arranging keys on a board, their problem.Just my humble opinion

  6. Personally I think that people devote way too much time to studying things that could destroy earth from space and not enough on what could destroy earth from earth itself. Like Logan Deathbringer said there is more chance of nuclear destruction than being hit by an meteor. If those super smart scientist devoted their time to studying how to save lives and clean up, find new energy sources, advance society then we would have a much brighter future. Besides once we do that can't we easily dream up some way to destroy possible meteors? And if a meteor does hit earth it will burn down its size as it enters earth's atmosphere, so, unless it is a huge meteor that is really really really big it will downsize enough that it couldn't possibly destroy earth.

  7. Third, It takes a very long time before your site appears in MSN search. I really hate this fact. Google includes any site with in a week and starts showing its indexed contect within a month or two.

    I disagree. My forum site wasn't included for a couple months. I wasn't very disappointed but when it GOT included, and it was taken out a couple months later, I was frustrated. Well, my site needs a lot more content anyway.

    Hehehe... Star Wars

  8. Well, right now I'm using firezilla which is an opensource ftp program, I believe. It's fit for my needs with many features but still light.

    There's no "Firezilla", kelp. Maybe you're talking about "Filezilla". Yes, its' an opensource FTP software and I think it's a really good piece of software!! Totally free, no adwares, no spywares, no advertisements, no annoying popups, allows you to download, upload whole folders, and has good directory listing system too. Shows you CHMOD thing.

    But I just think it's waaaay better than Microsoft Frontpage. By the way, they need to update their software now. Microsoft Office 2003? Well... ermm... it's 2006 right now and oh yes, do you know that they released... or seems like released... Microsoft Office 2007? I can't wait until I get my hands on those software. They're really good I heard. But they munch up a lot of CPU & RAM because of the user interface graphics / video rendering. More flashiness now, I guess? :lol:

    Hehehe I don't know what to expect from their MS Frontpage 2007!

  9. Just think, for all the students who can't stand class, we can surf the web and chat with friends in the middle class. We can listen to music and ignore the teacher. (Is this what we really want to happen???) I think that if they start putting computers in people's heads it would end up in a bad way. I mean start with a computer and then what, mind controlling components, stuff like that. No I think computers should remain on the desk, in your lap or in your pocket NOT in your head. That worries me a little too much.

  10. Isn't it nice how, as humans, we can come with so many creative ways to cause mass death and destruction. Imagine what would happen if all science on earth was concentrated on helping people. Anyway, if an Meteor is gonna hit Earth than I am guessing that many of you are correct, by the time it gets close enough to be a threat we'll have so much technology that it won't even be an issue. Maybe we'll even catch it and tow it off for examination. In perspective look at this. During World War I we didn't even have nuclear weapons. In fact the weapons we take as prerunners for modern weapons were just being tested then. Now look, we can blow up the entire world by pressing a button. Interesting isn't it.

  11. LOL Can you believe this?

    Bug Me Not (best extension ever)Fasterfox
    Gmail Manager
    IE tab (this allowed me to never open ie even when I need to view a site designed for ie!)
    Trashmail.net (only needed when bug me not fails)
    Image Zoom
    Firefox Showcase (highly recommended)
    Dummy Lipsum (great for web designers)
    Printable Sparknotes (great for students who don't like to read books)

    I don't use any of these. But I use the following extensions:

    -Web Developers Bar
    -Blue Frog Security
    -DOM Inspector

  12. Wow, this is some amazing news! I am sure this kind of technology is going to help reduce some frustration when it comes to parking in tight spaces.But have you ever seen those videos (or in TV) where these drivers go 30 miles per hour and there's a place like this to park the car..[==] ...... [==] [==] [==]He comes from one side, slams on the breaks while steering to the left, then in less than a second, his car is placed right between those two cards, almost perfectly parallel with the line of cars![==] [==] [==] [==] [==]Amazing. I was like... jaw-droppingly amazed, seriously. He was like "Heh, it's easy" I was like, "Yeah right!"I want to do things like that :lol: Something cool to show to my friends, really.

  13. Interesting question, I haven't heard this one for a while. I think that it really depends on the status of the subject to be "mercy killed." What do you consider a 'mercy kill' is it just injecting the lethal dose of medicine or is it also pulling the plug or taking someone off lif support. I believe that if a person is dying and is going to die within a couple of days or hours than to speed up the process would seem humane. However, the choice should ultimately be up to the person and his/her family. If that person asks for it and they have been pronounced incurable than perhaps it is time to relieve them of their pain. But if there is a chance for that person, though they live in unimaginable pain, then perhaps their input should be partially ignored. My Uncle died recently and his family had to make the choice to take him off life support because he was nothing but a vegetable in the end. Would this be considered murder or would it be considered relieving him of the life that had already left him? I think this should definitely be thought over carefully but I also think that sometimes to die is better to live. However is it within our power to decide who should die and who should live....I don't know.

  14. It was a slight overreaction but still to post porn and flowers together is really unecessary. I think porn should be banned from internet all together but still I doubt the boy should get 10 years punishment and have to pay all that money. I agree with jedipi that it doesn't really add to the trust if you add porn on a flower selling sight. I mean what is to stop that person from misusing the information.

  15. You know, Eric Vought, wilderness training and survival skills and really useful to know, because you never know when a disaster might strike or something bad might happen!! It's really like... rolling of a 100-sided die and waiting to get 1 twice in a row.


    I've seen books and manuals for these kinda stuff, but nothing about water. That's a pretty good bunch of information there but it's not comprehensive enough. But good thing though. If you want to really save people's lives, write books. Start writing books. You can save lives... for real.


    Hold wilderness survival programs for the neighborhood. Wait, in a city? Hmmm... sounds pretty awkward but emphasize the importance of wilderness survival! You never know when the time might come!! I mean, disaster, oh my!


    But anyway, I have a question - how do you copyright your own work? Or is it "naturally" copyrighted whenever you "create" something?

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