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Posts posted by cyborgxxi

  1. I'm sorry for being so stupid, but what is the Kuiper Belt? LOL Just like clagnol said...


    Is it just me or do we see headlines that exclaim "Tenth Planet found!" like every two years? How many tenth planets have we actually found? To add to the confusion, some of them are given names like 2003 UB313. C'mon astronomers, how about another Roman god? I think we're due for a Bacchus.

    That is hilarious!! No, no... how is Zeus-X10 or something like that, hmm?? Hahahhaa!!! "Tenth Planet found!" like every two years... but I've heard of this every os often. But anyway, that's cool...


    2003 UB313...


    Two-thousand-three You-bee-three-one-three....


    I wonder what they're going to name it after this "temporary time period"... lol Zeus-X10!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mwahaha...


    But what in the world? There's going to be like the 11th planet? Aren't they like those really small comets/satellites that go around the sun in a HUGE range?? It's just hilarious how people try to prove something... or spend so much money just trying to discover a "planet" which is not a "planet". Weird.

  2. I completely agree with you webintern. It's sad what people will do for a little cash. They prey of the weak like animals. Lions when attacking a herd of animals go for the sick and the weak because they're easier. People are the same way sometimes. They go for the most desperate because it is the easiest way. It amazes me how animal-like people can be. On the otherhand I wish there was a perfect cure for cancer.

  3. Personally I think your likes and dislikes are very much related to your enviroment and raising rather than genes. Would a clone who was raised in a dirt poor town who had to beg to survive end up the same as a kid raised in the richest neighborhood and eating at his leisure. Would they both like the same entertainment? I doubt it because entertainment the rich child could afford and enjoy the poor clone would never even dream of. Would they like the same foods even if the poor clone ate out of a trash can and the rich child ate banquets every meal? Now this is a very extreme case but it is just to demonstrate how the different lifestyles would effect their likes/dislikes. Maybe I'm wrong and perhaps they would somehow like the same things and enjoy doing the same activities but I doubt it.My humble opinion,Cyborgxxi

  4. This thread was posted on July 2005 and it's 7 pages and still going... incredible and amazing.Anyway, I live in Southeast Asia - Bangkok, Thailand - and the Internet services over here are horrible... absolutely horrible. I don't know if you call it broadband but I have an ADSL connection and it's not very good. They don't keep up to their promises of their "advertised" speed - download speed and upload speed.Of course, the Internet is fast only on their national networks and connection lines. For example, its like 95% efficiency and speed on Thai websites. However, it's like 40% efficiency and speed on foreign websites. It's like a stupid gimmick but hey... I think giving $30 a month for this crappy service isn't worth it.The company is called True - it's a major communications / telecommunications / online marketing company in Thailand (a country I live in). Its services are crappy - they can't provide bonuses other companies provide. For example, you can buy $10 worth of pre-paid phone call time from True while you can buy $10 worth of the same thing from another more humble company and they give you like a $2 bonus to it.I don't know what's wrong with them but starting with their company title/name, I didn't like the sound of it. And it's living up to my expectations, and BLEH. I hope they burn themselves.The Internet lines are horrible. Their company website is a disaster. True company should die.Anybody know this? Support me!!I know m^e will :D

  5. I remember that you can do this manually on Windows 95, 98, 2000, and ME by going to the System / System32 / Windows folder and changing a boot file. That is, you change it to a .bmp extension and opening up with paint - or you can change the bootscreen to another image by changing the name with the correct extension. I don't know what it is but I think it's something like .sysDunno

  6. If you haven't yet bought your new graphics card, then here is my advice. I think your motherboard is good enough for many more graphic cards, but what I really suggest is getting a more up-to-date graphics card, just like what people above me said.Yes, GeForce 6800 at LEAST is good, because that's what I'm planning to buy but I lost my money in the subway ($150 @#@%@!!!!)But anyway, I believe the 6800 provides 256 MB RAM and pixel shader support 2.0?The 7800 GT provides 512 MB RAM... or maybe 256... and maybe PS 3.0Wait, is 3.0 out yet?

  7. Hey DhaneshLong time no see, digital brother. <LOLWow I am just amazed at how much you guys are literate in computer programming languages. For me, it's HTML and I only know the basics. Well, it's kinda sad but I guess it can hold out for a little time being while I go try to learn PHP.Can someone answer my question:How can you benefit from being literate in C programming and C++?? What about C++ Visuals? Is that another programming language too?By the way, wonderful job there, Dhanesh. Kudos for you.

  8. I had this problem like a thousand times on my website before. I mean, I thought it would be some sort of an uptime/downtime problem but I have no idea what the heck is going on!!Please pardon me if I'm being very explosive but when it last happened and I posted a problematic thread/post on the hosted members' support page, I don't believe I got any help on it.I saw other people's posts about the same thing / incident but I don't believe they got any help either.What's going on?

  9. Hey there. First of all, welcome to the Xisto.com forum website and please make yourself at home although it's still in the Internet.First of all, I would like to ask you - what's Xisto like?What kind of package did you order??By the way, do you still have to register and post in this forum to be able to use Xisto hosting services?Have a great day :unsure:

  10. Well, I am gonna review it again because the more I look into the game world of now, the worse Runescape looks. Of course, maybe 2~3 years ago, it would've been a decent free online game but now, it's ... very mediocre.First, the graphics are very poor. Poor grade. Runescape renders simple colors and textures are the lowest grade possible(?). I don't even know if there ARE textures, are there? I mean, the game is loaded in a short time too. Mediocre, indeed.Second, the game has limits. Somewhere, sometime, you're going to be stopped by boundaries. Level 60 the max? Darn! What about places you can go? Monsters you can kill? Quests you can fulfill? C'mon Jagex, you can do a better job than this. This is a very basic "un-complex" game and you even have to pay to get the premium subscription thing. Blam. I mean think about World of Warcraft - the limits are far less than Runescape, no?Third, the system of the game - or how the game works - is really really basic. Even the fighting / combat system works like dope. I don't know how to describe it but I enjoy using pickaxes to kill stuff. Errr... the combat is so basic. It's give and take damage, no? Also I don't know if it can catch up with how combat works like World of Warcraft.Fourth, the sound is absolutely sub-par. MIDI music? Why not mp3? Of course, it's a free game, but at least you can make it up with advertisements and the extra capital funds. No? ANd there are only a handful of good music that can get you addicted to them. For example, Dark 2 -> This got me addicted.I don't know but I give it a 2/5 based on the games that are coming out.Please look out for Supreme Commander - this revolutionizes the world of RTS (real time strategy). And it's the sequel to Total Annihilation -> The best RTS of the world!!

  11. My favorite computer games were:Heroes of Might and Magic II and IIISome motorcycle racing gameMinesweeper (hee hee)StarcraftStar wars Podracingand Galactic BattlegroundsBut I don't really play computer games anymore. Our computer crashed a bunch of times and so my dad doesn't allow us to install games on there anymore. I think it was because our computer was a no name brand and couldn't keep up with anything so we ended up buying a new computer but my dad doesn't like us installing things on it anyway.

  12. That's really interesting. It is more like altavista.com than google but it is similarily formatted to the google search format. The thing it really lacks are the different search options such as images, groups, maps, etc. etc. However it does have another option called domain names and quick links. This isn't as useful though and I greatly prefer google. But it is fun to find different search engines. Cool thing.

  13. It's true there are a lot of the factors in determining why a new fuel source isn't replacing petroleum and maybe the government is the problem. But keep in mind that petroleum is still the most trustworthy source of energy and so people don't really want to risk their "necks" so to speak. I agree with Arbitrary

    It's just the nature of humans--don't move until it's too late.

    We don't move until it's too late because if we move we might risk something and not moving is safest for the time being. Anyway, we're going to have to change sooner or later and I think sometime in the near future that Petroleum use is going to fall and other fuels are going to take over such as:

    Hydrogen fuel cells
    Solar Power
    This other thing I heard about but don't know a whole lot about (aka the name)

  14. I think that living forever would suck! I mean you would see everyone you love and care about die from old age, disease or other causes and then everything you know would change and you would become sad and depressed from the changing of life. Life is constantly in motion and we only move with it for so long and then it is time for us to stop. Only if humanity was perfect and was as it was meant to be would eternal life be fun. I mean an eternity of constant sorrow would suck. I think we are destined to play a part but we don't always do that part. We get lazy, scared, or just plain dumb and blame it on the world. (aka, discrimination, poverty, no oportunities etc.) I think that these words are just synonyms for laziness and a fear of stepping out into the unknown. We use these excuses to explain our cowardliness. I think that death is going to be interesting. I've always wanted to know what is next so this is the ultimate "next". I believe that death is as Gandalf put it in Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. "End? Death is only the beginning." or something along those lines. -cyborgxxi-

  15. Personally I believe that Global Warming is false and that the Earth is not in danger from that. I do agree that we need to protect our Earth as we live on it but not that we are in danger of Globel Warming. My science Teacher told us this during class one day. He said that even in Global Warming is true and the glaciers, iceburgs, etc. are going to melt it wouldn't flood the earth. Instead the sea level would fall because they are like ice cubes in a cup. If you put Ice cubes in a cup of water the water level goes higher but as soon as they finish melting it is lower. He was a Scientist before coming to teach us. I think that the theory of Global warming is a waste of time and that we should just turn our attention to more important issues.

  16. It really is just a matter of what is shown by the media. People don't want to hear about natural diseases because when you compare them to an intentional act of assassination (failed or not) they would rather hear the facts on the attempted murder. Who? Why? Where? When? What? How? They don't care about a million people who have a natural disease. But if you write it in the newspaper, broadcast on the news, or put it on the internet people are suddenly more interested because it is there and it is news. They'll still probably read about the human caused stuff though because they can then blame humanity for the evil and death in the world. Natural disaster is not human caused and cannot be blamed on humanity and therefore is not interesting. What do you think?

  17. Personally I think that cybernetics could be extremely dangerous for a couple reasons.


    1) If you are a soldier and say you have a cybernetic arm and you are in a battle and suddenly your arm just stops dead and you don't have time to look at it, or you're on a building painting, building, washing etc. I don't really trust cybernetics.


    2) On the flip side, say they do work and you're enemies get your hands on them. This could turn the tide of power in the world.


    As for Genetic Engineering I have to agree with techocian, the whole point of X-men is the fact that they are naturally evolved. To manipulate a gene into change is not the mutation they refer to in the movies. They are manually changing genes not randomly changing them. And currently controlling fire or ice is not on the Genetic Engineering priority list. Current development is more focused on enhanced bodily functions such as, faster healing (Regeneration), stronger immune systems, maybe increased intelligence.


    Just my humble views.

  18. You know, I really can't believe this topic is being talked about after it has been posted almost 7 months ago. My dear.. I mean, well, no... you guys can talk about it but something should be done about it.I am quite sure the admins/mods have taken action about improving their grammar and spelling but since... well, I don't know if they take that seriously, they should've done something. I don't know what, but maybe like ... no.. i don't think so.Anyway, I'm quite content but I don't think this as a quite professional-looking service. :( No offense there... just from my humble opinion / view

  19. Ermm... let's see... I use Times New Roman and Arial almost all the time, and yeah, Arial beats TNR cuz it looks more ... neat? LOL I don't know, I like it more. I mean, I don't think anybody has TNR as their favorite font, do they? It's so bland... so yuck.Let's see.. I like Terminal (I use that as my MSN Messenger font) and hehe, I guess other people have Terminal and Arial as their fave fonts too! It's cool!Oh, I forgot to add Tahoma. I use that often :(

  20. Nice movie!My Geometry teacher did this for us one day. It was really fun and I liked watching it. He said that there is some sort of sugar on the coating of mentos that reacts with the coke but I think we did it with a normal coke not diet. But after watching all that it made me wonder...what if you took that and put it in an enclosed container. Put in Mentos......KABOOM!!!!I think I'll have to try this later

  21. One suggestion would be that you put all the kitchens in a room which the wall is the one towards the outside not just another room. Then when you put the chute down you have your watchamacallits that blow the smell out facing outwards to allow the smell outside to disipate. Unfortunately this would stink up whatever alley or street this wall faced. I don't see why we can't put it all in trash cans and then take it outside. A little extra effort for a better, cleaner apartment building? Just my humble opinion

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