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Posts posted by cyborgxxi

  1. Yeah, it's really an interesting topic to keep an eye on. Don't you think so? :lol: :lol:But anyway, I think there is a program/sub-program/application that helps with spelling errors in a webpage or the text you type in your web browser (not the URL bar, but anywhere).I don't know where you can find it or what it even is, but I'm sure I've heard about it... I think. Hehehe... interesting thing to look into, though. But now, I have to study for the three tests for tomorrow.Wish me luck everybodyGo practice with Mavis Beacon! :)

  2. Honestly, I have observed that there aren't as many people using such Internet slang - eg. ur, m8, l8, kewl, etc. I am happy with that because people can communicate more efficiently and in a better way! I mean, still, there are those MSN users who use lol omg 0wnage and stuff like that but...Well, I don't have anything to say about that. I just ... have to say that there are two kinds of communicators:Formal and InformalAn example of formal would be:-Hello, my name is Jim Jones. What's yours? Oh, that's funny.An example of informal would be:-sup im jim jones n wads urs??? lol omfg dats funnyI think there's people in between and those in the extreme regions but... still, I hope you know what I'm talking about :lol:But anyway, to stay on topic - spelling and grammar is very important when you're trying to communicate because misuse of those esssential parts of a language can lead to accidents! People taking things the wrong way, misunderstands, incomprehension, etc.There's nothing wrong against it but I think it should be kept polished because it's just good :lol:

  3. Instead of getting pop-up blocker software, why not just get Mozilla Firefox?


    I mean, ask yourself that question. Really. Why not Mozilla Firefox? It is provided with a self-sufficient pop-up blocker (although I've never seen the feature). Alright, that was silly of me to say about something I've not seen.


    Fine, then. What about Internet Explorer 6 with Windows XP Service Pack 2? I'm sure people with that combination ... well, not all people but at least many really like it. I like it. I hope others do too. It's a really good software!


    Firstly, it notifies you of any pop-ups it has blocked. Then, you can choose if you want to keep that permanently blocked, view the pop-up, or set it to "safe mode" for this website or that specific pop-up, I think.


    Well, anyway, it's a really good program and I don't think it's necessary to download a pop-up blocking program. I think it wastes your computer's CPU & RAM usage during booting and start-up screen. I mean, UGH! It's really annoying to wait for a minute to get all quitened down, no? :P


    But, still... I like pop-up blockers. They help us :o Thanks for that little Popup Free link thing.

  4. Well, freewebs you say? I have heard of that service before!! Yeah... all those bunches of "free web hosting" sites you see listed in Google or those "free web hosting list for you" kinda stuff webpages, you know?Honestly, I tried them out myself because I didn't know about these kind of web hosting where it's absolutely free and without any advertisements!! It's like a real server! But those free web hosting services are truly different, with so many restrictions, ads everywhere - I mean eeeek! popups, popunders, huge banners... - and then like... poor quality service and customer support.I think Yahoo!'s Geocities is one of those really low quality sites. I mean PageBuilder and SiteWizard and those software are great, but hey, really... those sites can't really... function, you know?But hey, I had those websites before and I thought they were the cooelst things on earth :o;) Hehehe, but ever since I saw things like Aboho and Xisto, my view has turned 180 degrees :PIt's like so awesome... first it started with 30 megabytes of free space and I think 200 megabytes of bandwidth.. or maybe 300. But anyway, it was really cool with other web services (which I quit long ago)... but now it's Xisto time :PI really support Xisto... until I find anything REALLY better (which I doubt I will in some time)You won't regret getting services from Xisto :P:o I guarantee!

  5. I think Runescape should get a decent score despite the server lags and its lack of customer support, etc. I mean, I really enjoyed the game - I honestly got hooked to it and... well, I had a good time with my friends. Even my US History teacher played Runescape and he was better than me, despite me being a good player :PYeah, the graphics are really horrible but the gameplay is pretty good. However, the game engine needs to be upgraded - 1x1 cell spacing, low quality graphics, low quality sound, etc. However, I really enjoyed the gameplay! I don't know why, but like I said, I got hooked to it.But nowadays, I don't play it anymore. I gave it up last year :o I had like 50,000 gold I think ;) Hehe, I always wanted to get dragon armor and such... and yeah! I got to kill the Black Knights and such..Oh well, good memories, no?I give it 85% (out of 100) :P:o

  6. I have to agree with some of you guys. It's really a big waste of money used for these crazy self-actualization things. I mean, golf in space? Come on - go play REAL golf!If you need entertainment, then, well, I guess this is the answer for you, scientists! But I think it really is a waste of money :P I would spend it on more productive things, like getting a car, my own house, investing in stocks, etc etc.Hmmhm - but I have to say, you dont really have to spend money on charity and donations. It would be good if you did, but there's nothing wrong with not giving money away. :o

  7. Wow, this is so awesome!You know, I got their Service Pack 2 (Windows XP) CD and they shipped it in 2 weeks. I mean, it was so amazing. I honestly lost the previous one so I ordered it again, then got it!!Hahaha... :P:o :PMicrosoft, you're great. Thanks for this Operating System and I will be asking for your thumb drive :o ;)I lost my previous one and my other one doesn't work anymore...I will be needing one :PBut I promise myself I will read those documents :oI am sure it's a productive thing to do hehehe

  8. Wow, this is really really stupid!! C'mon, AMD.. but anyway, it's not fair for AMD to send lawyers attacking on Intel or Skype because it's the VENDOR'S choice to limit the use, not anyone's. I mean, yeah, isn't Skype the vendor? The company who owns it? No?C'mon, people. Think. I have to say it's not fair for siding with a chip company but, its all about business, industry, and economic warfare, isn't it? It's all about money. But then, I ask why is Skype doing this. I mean... WHY, really!Or... well, hmm.. again, I don't know.

  9. Hmm.. SEO and iFrames? What are they? I... have never heard of them before but thanks to twitch for clarifying what SEO is. I think I have a basic idea of it :oBut then again, I don't know PHP, only a bit of HTML and that's all (althought I'm really interested in learning PHP). Man... PHP scripting, I want to learn it so much but I don't know where to start. I told myself I was going to learn HTML this year but I guess it's not working out.Anyway, that "freecoolsite.com" is a "gone down the drain" already for me because obviously, I don't like advertisements. I don't know about the other benefits it gives (like bandwidth and storage) but I'm not interested from the likes of it... :PBut thanks for reviewing it though. Have a great day :o

  10. Hmm, I have to say that this is a very good compilation of terms and its definitions, etc etc. But I also have to ask - where did you get all this information? Or did you just paraphrase? ;)Anyway, thanks for this stuff. I think I'm sure there a ton more because these aren't the only terms that people need to know, right? B)Maybe some slang or short terms used by users and stuff... just an idea

  11. Hey Jeigh, how is your iRiver? I really want to buy one because it's all the rage - it looks cool (from my friend's) and the quality is great as well (but I doubt it's the ultimate best). But anyway, I was asking if you have any pictures of your iRiver.And also, how much did it cost you for that thing? One more - what's the difference between T10 and T30?

  12. Heh, I never expected iRiver to become international!! It's a Korean manufacturer, right? Hmm... I thought so, because I've seen advertisements about it, a lot, when I was in Korean watching TV.Yeah, I like the design but it looks a bit heavy when compared to the style. But hey, it's alright :P I'm fine with it.By the way, no-name brands really suck and nobody should buy 'em, unless they just want to risk it out and suffer the consequences later on. Buy 'em unless they're trustworthy and many people recommend it to you, epecially your close friends :)Man, I want an MP3 player myself. I lost two of them during the past and now I've stopped with music machines and am concentrating on my studies :D lolGood luck to you all - have a great day

  13. believe it or not, i go on google everday! it just always comes up in my mind to use google instead of any other search engines when I'm in need of a website or image. It's a great serach engine with it's handy and fast results but I hafta admit, I'm dislike, EXTREMELY dislike how there's gooooogle ads everywhere... but I guess some people need those ads in order to pay for their web hosting :P There's always gonna be up and downs but I think I might just be using google for the rest of my life when it comes to search engines!!!


    Hey, me too! I always use Google Search (other search engines? rarely!) because of its speed and efficiency :):angry: I like its stylish outlook and layout too! It's so simplistic :)


    Well, yes, Google Ads are very annoying but hey, they have to feed themselves :P But of course, they're making more money ... WAY more than they actually need :D:P


    Oh well, we have to buy Google stocks sometime soon because investing is GOOD!!!

  14. Man, I used to play with Legos all the time when I was a child. They were so fun to play with, constructing vehicles and robots and buildings... such nostalgic times!!! Darn... but my mother gave those Lego pieces away (I had a huge box of all assorted pieces :P) to some family. Now, all I have is a biker Bionicle thing :POh well, Lego is a really cool thing to do - building as far as imagination can take you. I once remember building a submarine (with holes) and playing with it in the bathtub when I was little. I would turn the water up to halfway up and make sound effects while the submarine swims in the water.Hahahahha!! Man... I wish Lego was cheaper here. I hear that Lego is much cheaper in the States, though. If I go there sometime (some time in the future), I am SURE I will buy some Lego and play with it for a long long time :D :)I miss Lego :P

  15. Okay, now I am really convinced that Google is really working things up here!! First, their Google search engine, then Gmail, and then Google Talk. So what now? More implements to the service!Hold on - please correct me if I'm wrong - are you saying that you can CHAT through Gmail?? If that is correct, then I am really amazed :P I mean, Yahoo! nor MSN has that (except their MSN Web-messenger and it's horribly needing of fixes) and Google, that new kid in town, is beating 'em all so badly :D C'mon Microsoft, what's going on with you?By the way, do you know how Google's Google Talk is beating MSN Messenger 8.0? It uses FAR less memory (RAM) than that fat resource hog. I don't know how it does that - there are graphic and textual advertisements but that doesn't really ... well, at least for me, it doesn't cover up their problems. It's like a big hole in the program!Anyway, one of the MAIN reasons I don't use Google Talk is because very few of my friends use Gmail. They're all stuck with *STUPID* MSN Messenger and Hotmail. I mean, dude, Gmail is 2.6 gigabyte storage!! How much is Hotmail? 2 megabytes? That is 0.1% of what Gmail provides! And for free! The ads are very simple and they aren't annoying!!Bah... why do I have to suffer this? :P Please add me (look at my signature) :)

  16. Wow, that's pretty awesome!! A WAP site hmm? Man... that is really cool - browsing websites through your mobile or PDA and such? Honestly, I've never seen it before but maybe in a year or two, I might consider buying a PDA because I might have the need to organize many things and events.But I have an important question about your WAP site - can a mobile phone from another country in Asia download ringtones and such from your WAP site?

  17. Heh, I have these kind of troubles in the past (yes, here at Xisto). All my SQL databases were *gone*!!! I mean, I couldn't access the forums nor do install any more databases... It was very frustrating, but it got back to normal status an hour later, though.Heh, thank goodness nothing bad happened. I was starting to freak out because I didn't have a backup of my disk space anytime soon. But hey, these happened often a couple of months ago but it's alright now :P Or maybe not, regarding more of these errors that come up.Well, it's just time - you'll just have to wait :)

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