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Posts posted by cyborgxxi

  1. I have to agree with what Logan Deathbringer says. Yes, Microsoft and Google are big, big companies. For example, check eBay and Dell... approximately $8 a share about 10 years ago. I think they mulitipled like 30,000%!!!Anyway, this will definitely be a fun, entertaining, and interesting thing to watch over the years. Microsoft takes a vow to kill Google... to cripple it once and for all while Google is trying to hold its ground. It's like two Godzillas trying to kill each other...Hahaha!

  2. I use this Korean virtual drive software that allows me to save CD's onto my computer (believe me, lots of my CDs are badly scratched up - I could barely install my Starcraft Brood War game!!) so I have to use it.But I have a question - which format is the best? For example, there is the WMD (media something) and CloneCD... and one other.. and the ISOI have been seeing the ISO term used frequently on the Net so I backed up both CDs as ISO. But I seriously want to know what the differences are and which is the best. B) Thanks!

  3. Hello there. I have this game CD (Warcraft 3) that is all scratched up and I would like to make another CD so that it would not be completely lost forever. I have Nero 5 Burnin ROM and I know how to burn stuff onto a CD but I don't know how to copy a CD onto a blank CD-R.How can I do this? For example, the CD would be detected as a game CD and the game wouldn't show, "Please insert correct disk". Also, I would like it so that the copied CD would execute the autorun when inserted.Summary of what help I need:1. How to copy a game CD onto another blank CD2. Do I need to manually put the CD image icon on the copied CD3. Any other stuff I need to know about?I also heard about ISO stuff... what is it and what does it do?

  4. Opera is the fastest browser it may be true, I have also feel this on my home computer. But the difference is not very much when we compare it with Firefox. Firefox has a lot of other features which we can't find in Opera. And the most important point is that some websites are not viewable correctly in the opera including Yahoo.com


    Gee, Solanky, what you say seems pretty biased towards Firefox. Keep that bias off B)


    But anyway, I dont really care what web browser I use except for the following categories::



    Download manager

    Loading speed


    That is why I migrated from Internet Explorer to Mozilla Firefox about a year ago (or more, I can't remember when). I was surprised to see another web browser!! Well, honestly, I didn't know what web browsers were. I thought Internet Explorer was some cool program... and that was that. Hahaha!!

  5. Because of the need to upload or download multiple files at a time, FileZilla is the best FTP manager for the job!! You can allow up to 10 file upload / download at a time, quickening up the job by the truckload if you have broadband connection. I was pretty amazed at how quick it happened!!Trust me, the connection for uploading was not that fast but still... 10 files at a time meant "no problemo"!!Get FileZilla right now, today. Search with Google...

  6. Wait a minute. I think you are biased against the British... or some anti-Muslims. How do you know a person is dressed like an Iraqi citizen? What about their faces? Their appearances? Their features?Also, I am sure that military soldiers would not do such things of stupidity or ruthless violence and brutality. Their discipline and order makes up for it... not that it makes them 100% good or anything but still...But thanks for pointing this out. This helps clear out thoughts like, "All Iraqi are the cause of all this madness" stuff...

  7. That's a very good signature, I have to say. I think I'll base my next signatures on 100 pixels to 500 pixels, or something close to that. I really want to make my own signatures based on other tutorials based on graphics design (for example, Matrix effects, etc).I have never done much in Photoshop, just the basic tools and all that. However, I try to read some tutorials and understand some concepts (although I never do) about the effects. I guess it's just trial and error?But anyway, nice signature. I like the color but the ripple effect dies out too quickly and thus, honestly, I don't like that part very much.

  8. I don't use Skype but I don't know how Skype can be such a good program / software. I have used it before but didn't find it to my liking. Well, that's because I didn't have a microphone and I don't have faraway friends. I could just use the phone!! Simple as that.But can someone tell me how Skype makes money? What about Ebay? Where does all their money come from? I mean, it doesn't just appear!! The most interesting thing is Skype. I never ever saw their advertisements (if they had any) and if they did, where are they?

  9. Ebbinger_413, I really doubt you can find anything that is 5~7 years old. I mean, where would you really find SDRAM cards? Nowhere!! Well, not "nowhere" (I exaggerated, obviously) but they are really old and they're out of date.Sometimes I get ticked off at how fast technology is advancing. One day, you're with SDRAM and the next thing you know, your computer is 20% efficient of the average computer. You upgrade it and a month later, NVidia comes up with some uber graphics card. You save up money and on and on the cycle goes...It's crazy.

  10. Well, all I have to say is that I am very disappointed with Electronic Arts and DICE. My computer can't handle the game even with a decent graphics card and 1.25 gigs of RAM. I mean, I spent a good amount of money on that thing!! Now, I just noticed that my hardware is outdated. I mean, literally... outdated!! And that GeForce 6700 thing gives like 50-ish FPS on Battlefield 2 while my computer averages 20!!I got very furious so I just uninstalled Battlefield 2 from my computer and put away the CD somewhere. I am going to play it again when I get to upgrade my computer, seriously. It's just not the way to play the game.Hmm... when I start playing again, I think there will be less players because it's not like Counter-Strike 1.6 where everyone is playing it all the time. If you look at Xfire, the top 5 games are CS 1.6 and CS: Source!! Too bad Battlefield 2 isn't that great of a game. It's graphic intense...I think that's why not many people play it B)

  11. Well, first of all, where did you find this? And obviously, it's for UK people - the British, of course. Errm... I don't know where to see the video. I just skipped the loading page and went to the main index. It seemed okay... but the color is a bit too dark and the animations aren't very cool.Also, I think these kinds of sites are for nerds who can't find girlfriends. Or some people with social problems that end up finding people with the same gender. I mean, that happens often. And flirting on Internet with people you never met before... that's not right.Can't find the video B)

  12. Alright. Alienware - they are invading now. Yeah right - look at their computers. They look cool, flashy, compact... and cool. But did you take a look at their prices? It's awfully insane!! I got a bunch of goodies on the options/custom stuff list and it went from $1,200 to $3000-ish, even with not all the best stuff.I didn't get the DVD writer and the best warranty system (believe me, it's stupid... paying for warranty?) I probably got a bunch of RAM, CPU, and graphics card.Also, I think the most expensive piece of stuff you can get is the Windows XP disk. It's probably $200 or so there. But here, in Asia, you don't pay for it. They're all pirated, I presume.

  13. I have to say that Bittorrent won't get into your files. I mean, not the program or that guy in the BT site would be sued and beat to death. As for the files that have been shared or are sharing, I have to say you should check it for viruses/trojans/backdoor programs first.Here - this might clarify a bit...You'll need a firewall (software, hardware, doesn't matter which) because this can help your computer from sending/receiving data packets from or to certain programs or files. This is a good way to prevent some program sending files over the Net to someone else's computer.Sygate Personal Firewall (there is a free version) is a very good one. I have been using it for almost a year now ;)

  14. Ohhhh crap. I'm two days late!! Well, thanks for sharing the web link - you truly are generous and want to help others!! As for me, I didn't get it.


    No more free drinks!


    However, I could put their button on my site/forum and I could get a free registration code. Hmm... not a bad idea but I prefer Mozilla Firefox. It's so much better than Opera!! I mean, I prefer Mozilla Firefox more because of the style... simple but complex? Haha

  15. I have to say that WoW is the typical game like Lineage 2 where you spend countless hours levelling up. Also, almost all MMORPGs are $15 a month - it's a stupidly high price. Whoever set the precedent of that high of a game subscription per month is a loser.Also, the stupid thing is: once you're level 60, you have nothing else to do. No big goals or stuff - and you are uber if you are active 24 hours a day. Well, I'm exaggerating but that's the point. You have to be very active to level up, gain gold, gain experience, levels, and improve all your skills and spells. And what do you do? Get all epic items, master and 0wn everything....Then what is left? Nothing... I guess the point of games are social interaction because just playing the game by yourself is not fun. But WoW doesn't implement much social interaction I guess... I got bored of just grinding when I tried it at my friend's house. ;) It's interesting when you're a zombie thief though :);)

  16. This is the 1001st post on this forum!! Yippee!!Alright, thanks guys. I have not done much admin-stuff because I used my forum primarily for role playing games (we played Star Wars pen and paper over the Net). We had to use the forum because a content management system did not work very well.People also disagreed over the difficult of the game if we used a content management system and could not see what others' actions are. Now, that's like shooting blind but it's more like shooting at where the sound is coming from.Hmmm.... I have a request: May I have a good list of forum guidelines or forum rules? I just want to cut down on threads that are too broad and have each person respect the forum and everyone else etc. Anyone have a good guideline out there?

  17. I am expecting Windows Vista (Longhorn), however I do not even know how the desktop looks like. I expect some same things with Windows XP but not as much as a memory hog. I mean, wow.... 20-30k of memory (Just the Explorer.exe!)I wonder if that rush will work through these plans-Make the Windows Vista a lot cheaper... maybe $149? Maybe less?-Put a counter or a count down on the Micro$oft site-Advertise all the content on itI believe they could make something like $100,000 just from those three ideas. :D I guarantee!! LOL Well, I'm not VERY sure but I think it will be a good chance...

  18. Hmm... I don't really need much account help / support with Blizzard. Yeah, they seem like busy guys but 3 months? Hmmm... better than WoW. It takes a full month to get a response from those WoW admins / support staff. I have to say - these guys are really understaffed.I'm sure they could use such a great guy like me on their admin team :D :D Hahahaha... By the way, don't fall for any scam schemes. It's very easy and don't trade with people you don't trust. It's unsafe because there are a lot of hacking and hijacking programs.Also, Blizzard is not lazy. They have been working very hard to shield Diablo 2 from hacking programs and modifications. For example, I'm sure you know of how MapHack became popular. But Blizzard said or though it's not fair gameply - just revealing the map like that? Even more, they made Diablo 2 with lots of patches so that hacking prorams and hijacks won't work in Diablo 2. This helped a lot of people because when you're trading you automatically press accept or when someone hacks your Diablo 2, you get to drop all your items instantly.Insanely stupid, I have to say!

  19. It hasn't been long since I invited some friends over to join the forum I created (mostly for my friends in the same grade). Well, it took me quite a while to set up the forums, subforums, descriptions, and forum settings.Well, first of all, let me tell you how it looks like. These are the forums (not the categories) and the subforums after they dashes.AnnouncementsSupportStar Wars MoviesExtended UniverseMiscGeneral DiscussionsEntertainment / Real World-IntroductionsSchool Life-ICS-ASIJAlright. ICS is the school I go to. And one of my friends comes up with a thread about "Clubs". I argue that this thread is too general/broad for such a topic. Even more, her post is something like this:"The clubs are on every other friday at school. Post or chat about your opinions and discuss what you do."I argue that she is telling others what to do while she doesn't even talk about anything at all. Her posts are so short that it can be considered spam.Then she tells me I'm too picky about her posts.I tell her that her post, "Clubs", could become a sub-subforum because it's so broad. I even tell her she's one of the worst forum users I've seen.Now, dO I have the right so say this? What are your opinions? It's a new experience for me being an admin of a forum. It would be very nice if an admin or a moderator posted about their opinions.Thanks

  20. Man, StarCraft. It's one of the best games I ever played in my entire life. With all the 2D graphics, I don't care about it. I mean, the graphics of course. It's not much of a problem. I wish they could update the textures/models though. And Blizzard did a great job on fixing up bugs and balancing all the units and sides. *Thumbs up*I don't think they'll come up with StarCraft 2 though. There were many rumors about it 4-5 years ago but it was false, of course.

  21. Gee, not bad!! Not bad at your first try. I've tried making comic books on A4 blank sheets of paper when I was in elementary. Hahaha, all I could draw were humorous stories of stick figures and terrorists... Aaahh, the good old days.I have to say this though: If you really are interested in continuing this, then go get some more tools. Just criticizations and tips from talented artists won't do much. However, you can try going to a local bookstore (or probably a BIG bookstore) and getting a book about drawing comics and superheroes (and supervillains).One of the books I truly recommend is a drawing-tips-and-advice book by Stan Lee and some other accompaniment. It shows you how to draw different types of people with different postures and characteristics, as well as point of view, perspectives, shadowing, storyline, etc.Well, it's really good to see some comic artists out in the world. I always wanted to draw them but I don't think I have what it takes. I'm a perfectionist at most times and it's not necessarily a good characteristic / personality trait at some times.Best wishes to you and hope you have a fun time doing it!

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