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Posts posted by cyborgxxi

  1. It doesn't really mean anything for us. We can't really live in it. We'll freeze to death!! That's obvious, isn't it? :DAnyway, that planet shouldn't be called Lila or Lilah. They should name it after a Greek god because it would sound much cooler. I mean think of this.Mercury: RebeccaVenus: LilyEarth: ThompsonMars: Redhead-BillySaturn: Pringle (named after a dog or chips)Jupiter: ErykUranus: Son of MaskNeptune: MilahPluto: JilahNew Planet: LilahBah, I would send hundreds of hatemails to the ones who name the planets as those!! I swear!!

  2. Well, I'm not absolutely sure on what the problem is and where is it. First, these are my guesses:1. Graphics driverOld graphics drivers MAYBE cannot support high resolution settings. As well as old computers. I've never seen 'True Color' or '1024x768' on Windows 95. Hahahaha!!2. MonitorIf you have a really old monitor, it's the time to buy a new one. I'm serious because it's worth your money! Why don't you try to find the cheapest but stylish LCD (liquid crystal display) monitor (flat ones, of course)? Maybe you can find one on Ebay or your closest computer hardware store.Personally, I would rather buy another monitor and upgrade my graphics driver.1. Get a GeForce 2 MX 440 - 64 megabytes of DDR RAM - enough to play games and stuff!2. My 19'' LCD monitor from ProVision (I live in another country, note that) and I got it for about $250. Not a bad price!You really have to visit South Korea sometimes. If you go to an IT mall, you can find the top quality and the newest hardware stuff for the lowest price! W00T!1!! o_O

  3. Robots are objects created from either non biological matter and has no life, no moral, no conscience, they are programmed to what they are supposed to do and does not have freedom to choose...

    That's absolutely true. Robots are computers that have moving parts that allow them to do something. You know what, Solrac, you have a really low-IQ brain, in my opinion.

    Robots are NOT humans and they will never BE humans. Stop thinking these crazy things because you'll confuse yourself and maybe someday you'll think of robots as your real human friends. No. They are lifeless, mechanical creations of humans.

    This is by far the stupidest thread I've ever seen in my life. "Are Robots Considered Humans?" *shakes his head*

    Don't worry, we're all humans. We make mistakes :D

  4. 1. AMD is more for hard work. For example, it is a bit more powerful than an Intel but it heats up a lot. You need to reboot your computer more often than an Intel computer does. This was proven with web servers.2. What's a 64-bit CPU and a 32-bit CPU?3. AMD is cheaper, yes. Since I am more of a gamer, I would probably get an AMD. But I need to learn more about these CPU components before I buy anything. :D

  5. Wait a minute. Make sure I know what I'm doing? Hmm... Am I messing with my BIOS if I am updating it? I mean, I am not going to change any settings or anything. That's okay, right?

    Also, I am going to need to overclock my RAM. Maybe not my CPU because it I believe it heats up a lot.

    Edit: Here is my BIOS info!

    Program:  eSupport.com BIOS Agent Version 3.45BIOS Date: 09/09/02
    BIOS Type: Phoenix-Award BIOS v6.00PG
    BIOS ID:  09/09/2002-SiS-651-6A6IXE19C
    OEM Sign-On: L4S5MG3 Ver1.0 09/09/2002
    Chipset:  SiS 651 rev 1
    Superio:  ITE 8705/SiS 950 rev 2 found at port 2Eh
    OS:        WinXP
    CPU:      Intel Pentium® 4 2000 Mhz
    BIOS ROM In Socket: Yes
    BIOS ROM Size:      256K
    Memory Installed:  1280 MB
    Memory Maximum:    4096 MB
    Memory Slot 01:    1024 MB
    Memory Slot 02:    256 MB
    Memory Slot 03:    0 MB
    Memory Slot 04:    0 MB

    eSupport.com, Inc.
    1-800-800-BIOS (2467)

    Err... so what now?

  6. I am a third culture kid studying at a southeast asian country called Thailand or Siam. I am currently in Bangkok, the country's capital city. Thailand is known for its heavy traffic (most in the world!), prostitutes, percentage of population of transvestites (Guinness Book of World Records), air pollution, and correupted government and police, as well as major piracy. Oh, don't forget the beggars.One day, while heading home, I entered Seven-Eleven (7-11) and bought myself an icecream (Wall's). Ehh, it was good. I got out of the place and I noticed a very poor-looking person (old male) sitting on the 7-11 stone ledge with his arm held in front of him, as if asking for money.But I wasn't too sure if he WAS asking for money. I mean, whenever I see a beggar, most of the time I will spare a few coins (4~8 cents equivalent). This time, I was asking myself, "Is this guy a beggar? Am I going to anger him if I give him my money?"It took a lot of time unwrapping my icecream and throwing it in the bin. I took several glances at him and he looked at me. I got scared... I felt bad but I didn't want to upset anyone. So, I walked away, feeling troubled. I didn't look back.

  7. I can clearly see that Jack Thompson is just blurting out stuff. His mouth moves quicker than his brain. He needs to play the game thoroughly and give a proper response to what he has been given.

    Yeah, The Sims 2 can induce sick thoughts and allow someone to visualize themselves or their friend kissing, making out, or having a WooHoo! Let's just hope they don't try to do a public WooHoo! It's just... plain perverted and stupid.

    You can blame EA a little bit. Why put that content there in the first place? I mean, some innocent kid who is trying out the game discovers "kissing". So he's like, "Cool! Maybe I should try it on my sister..." Okay, these are wrong thoughts but it can happen to an innocent kid who doesn't know between wrong and right.

    The only person who should be punished, if any, is the one providing the download.

    Yes. Quite true. EA should be held responsible for putting those kind of stuff in the first place. Jack Thompson has the right to complain and accuse but his accusations and complaints were denied. Why? The Sims 2 doesn't have models with breasts nor genitals. But he got something right: it should be played by mature people.

  8. I was wondering about that after seeing this post also.


    Would the Esc key and F5 key, stop and refresh the webpage, respectively? I usually don't use buttons anyway. Love those shortcuts. LOL.

    Somehow, I dont use shortcuts. I mean, for some reason! LOL I use the buttons.




    You must have the following things:


    1. Windows XP

    2. Internet Access

    3. Valid Serial Key

    4. Service Pack 2


    Well, number 2 is obvious :D

  9. Have you watched the singleplayer demo movie? It was awesome! But it's so freaking weird because of the lights going out while fighting... and that girl in the red dress. She creeps me out!Also, 5 gigabytes of storage. That's a LOT for a singleplayer DEMO!! I mean, what, the full game is gonna take up 10 gigabytes? Bah, I wouldn't be able to play it then. :P I have only 4.5-ish gigs of storage left on my drive.Anyway, yeah, I really like this game. They have been holding it back far too long. I've been sharing videos and trailers of it for many months with my friends. They are kind of expecting it too :D

  10. Heck, I am a Star Wars fanatic. Thus, I play the original D6 system of Star Wars pen & paper role-playing game. I am a young Jedi and currently wield a lightsaber (I think I got another one from my friend).

    It's pretty good. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with a small group of friends (note that I play these two RPGs with the same friends and for Star Wars, my US history teacher is the game master). I get bogged down on D&D because you always have to refer to the sourcebook - you have to look at the rules, exceptions, damage, criticals, etc etc.

    Or maybe you can just photocopy it. LOL

    He is probably still playing, last I heard he game up on his online gaming habit just to play that D&D thing, and he dresses up as his character just to play.

    I dressed up as a Jedi with my friend during a special school day (twins day). We looked exactly the same, except that my robe was brown and his was blue. We each had a lightsaber held on to our pants. COOL!!

  11. My computer is really old. Well, my case, CPU, power supply, and the motherboard are. Here is the proof:Case: 4 years oldCPU: 4 years old - Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz [can't believe Pentium 4 was out four years ago...]Power Supply: 170 Watts!!Motherboard: Doesn't have USB 2.0But that's not the case - my BIOS!!*My BIOS cannot overclock--Not even the clock speed of the CPU--Not even the FBS and RAM things...*Seldom gets the blue screen of uber death regarding 'Go to http://www.hardware-update.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t and update your BIOS. While installing, please press some key for silent mode'... or something like that.If anyone is familiar with BIOS systems, can you tell me how to update this thing? Or must I buy a new CPU? Or a motherboard?Thanks!

  12. Microsoft have setup your machine to work best alround, good throughput, and good latency.


    if you remove reserve bandwidth, then throughput will increace at the cost of latency.


    Alright there, quijibow. That kinda scares me a bit. I am a gameplayer - Counter Strike, Star Wars Galaxies, Unreal Tournament 2004, Battlefield 2. So, if I remove my reserving bandwidth, are you saying that my games will lag more (network latency)??


    Let's say my reserve bandwidth is at 20% and my CS game runs at 40 ping.


    If I put it to 0%, about where will my CS game ping go?


    Also, I don't run any downloads/webpages while I'm playing (unless I'm looking for quest help, etc). So, it won't hurt my game latency if I don't run any other internet programs, right?


    Heh there - I confused myself now. :D


    Im kinda reluctant to try this... i mean sure it would be great to speed up my connection but i dont know all of the technical stuff that this is messing with and i really dont need to screw up my computer.. i just had to format my hard drive and reinstall everything cuz windows xp pro freaked out and stopped workin on me... i still have some things that are wierd with it and i really dont want to make it worse....


    so if the consensus is this works withought messing something up then i will give it a shot... but i wanna know if its worth it

    No, this will not hurt your computer at all. It will just improve your Internet performance because of the changed bandwidth settings. You are not deleting registry keys, nothing like that. Just changing some numbers. If you don't like it, you can always go back and change.


    I've tried this a long time ago. But it hasn't really helped much. I mean, I don't find any noticable difference in the browsing speed. There is another way for speeding up browsing using firefox, but I don't remember where I read it. It's something about changing your about:config options.... something about simultaneous network connections.

    Soleimanian didn't really explain this manual very well. First of all, this manual is mainly for broadband connections. It won't work very well with dial-up or cable as much.


    ===TO EVERYONE===


    1. You must have Windows XP Professional for this to work

    2. This is for broadband users

    3. Risk-free and it will NOT mess up your computer

  13. Just a note to everyone interested in using Internet Explorer 7.


    You will need the following things - ALL OF THEM!!






    Hehe - Microsoft is doing a VERY good job with the anti-piracy programs. Pirated versions won't have ANY success with downloading these programs. However, it's always possible that desperate people will find a way... somehow... sooner or later...

  14. Personally, I think there will be a tab somewhere. I really like MSN Messenger but the Yahoo Messenger would look very neat if it looked stylish rather than of substance.I hope they would put that into Yahoo Messenger soon.By the way, Yahoo! needs to invent something soon because Microsoft and many other companies are getting big. Yahoo! doesn't really need to buy... do they? :D

  15. I used Limewire for a bit but uninstalled it due to its slowness. I heard lots of praises and compliments from my friends and they use it a lot.But, thanks to the people who post in this thread, I can probably find some Crazy Frog songs!! *dances around the room with full bass and treble*LOL

  16. Porn is everywhere in Japan..

    But i cannot undersdand why people want to watch porn in a mobile device...

    I would rath watch it privately..:D


    *cough* *cough* I hope that doesn't mean you watch it too? Ugh...


    Anyway, yes, pr0n IS everywhere in Japan. It's amazing to watch how fast the world is falling to corruption and disease (not disease but disease...). You can't really stop it because it is of human nature to be interested in those things, unless you dedicate your mind to repel it.


    No, you cannot hope that this will be not be true - these aren't just rumors. These are articles and those "plannings" will solidify. I mean, what can actually stop pr0n? Nothing. It's evil and the only way to stop it is to stop it by ourselves... just by not watching it... and saying NO to pr0n.

  17. I bet many of you have seen the 1337 language? Well, I also bet most of you guys (or gals) haven't seen this! A new addition I found while ago...

    Google - H4x0r

    Don't read ahead if you want to try reading what it says in there!!


    n0rM4L s34rCh = normal search

    1|\/|4935 = images

    6r00pZ = groops (groups) - this is a little tricky because the '6' is a capital 'G' and the two 'O's make a long 'O' sound

    d1r3c70rY = directory

    4|| 480u7 Google = all about Google

    4DV4NC3D 534RC|-| = advanced search

    PR3F3R3N(3Z = preferences

    ÂŁ4|\|6Âľ463 700|5 = language tools - this is tricky too!

    ===So, what are you waiting for? Bookmark it in your toolbar folder!===

  18. Hmmm, I'm not sure about this 'tax' issue as well. Because I live in Thailand (but I am a Korean), I don't owe taxes! Yes, taxes are quite annoying but think of what will happen if there were NO taxes! Your country's treasury will be empty and dusty and won't be able to do anything, such as pay the wages of the government staff; president, vice-president, secretary of the state, treasurer, etc.It is very tempting to lie to the "country bar" but who knows? Someone can somehow catch you! And you don't want to get fined so do the right thing and don't live under guilty conscience! That's what I say! But it's not so easy to do everything right either... :D

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