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Everything posted by Killer008r

  1. I got bored one day so I wrote a bunch of lies to one day maybe use as a MSN screen name or somthing I haven't used them so I guess you can here they are: -----You did not write these... They came from Dave's Web of Lies... I have put them in quotes. -----szupie I will add in more when i come up with them.
  2. Not to mention thoes weren't just prerenders, they are real time (in the game while your playing it) And there are a couple better ones just have to look on the site and Download the Boxing trailer, it is so fricken realistic.
  3. Information about all consoles on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, all but the nintendo Revolution which is going to have wireless controllers only with rechargable batteries. The revolution and ps3 are the best consoles of next gen, XBox 360 has absolutly nothing on them, MS upgraded barley anything. Just made it look different and put a little better graphics card in it. PS3 isn't going to have a projector I was at e3 2 days ago to listen to Sony, MS, and Nintendos next gen consoles, it kicked azzThe "Revolution" as it is called right now comes with a hard drive that gives a new meaning to backwards compatability. Because with it and it's built in wireless reciever, you can download for a price every singgle black-list Nintendo game every releaced. That means every single English and Japanese game releaced for every nintendo console up to th e"Revolution" Can be downloaded and played countless times, And the hard drive has enough space to hold all of those games (thats more than 100 gigs) Not to mention its the smallest console ever that will have the next gen graphics card (Made by Radion) and the prossesor will be awsome. It will probaly be the most innovative out of all of them.Ps3 IS AWSOME thats all I can say about it, you have to look on E3 just to see stuff on it, because I cannot explain how wonderful it is.
  4. Get AVG it takes spyware, trojans, and viruses, its better than Ad-aware, infact Ad-aware misses ALOT of unneeded and harmful spyware. I use AVG pro for taking out any trojan, spyware, or virus, and it works.
  5. I think HL2 because the phyisics make it a good simulation
  6. It's an easy chess game (Although I'm a actual chess player, I placed 17th out of 500 in the junior scholastic chess championships at Dallas Texas last year) and this year I scored 1st in WI junior chess champion (That was only for state, the texas was nationals.)
  7. I really need a gmail account my current email is killer008r@hotmail.com if thats what you need
  8. Are you talking about the original starwars? number 4 (originally 5 but they changed it to 4) or starwars epasode one? The new ones are kind of bad, i liked the older ones alot better Starwars sortof went down hill when epasode one came out.
  9. I use Dual AMD 64, IT ROCKS, your comp will go soo soo much faster than normal. It is SOO SOO beautiful lol.
  10. Oddly enough I would like to see a mmo-rpg or just mmo that is of us, in this time, no future things, no past things, I just want to see how good someone could make a mmo of now time (And I'm not talking about the crap over there at the sims online). I'm talking about a GOOD mmo lol. Maybe it would be fun maybe it woulden't but it would me really intresting to see a current time mmo. then you could go to work on the computer instead of actually going to work.. lol... Also i would like to see somthing like DOT Hack come out.You know where you go into a body suit and that is your "Controller" then you connect and you move through brain waves... it would be like you put it on your head as you sleep then you can play the game.. Or while your awake... Any one else think that would be intresting, where you can expereance being in a mmo. in first person.
  11. Theres Anarchy online which is cool. I have been playing MU online, i dont know what MU stands for. but it is a cool game
  12. I think its going to be exactly like the other 2 like it was when the 2nd one came out... and like it was with all the other ones before UG (although separating ug from the other series.)
  13. Sorry about this double post but I didnt read kenjvalips post and I realised alot is horrable about it so I have to see if he understands what hes saying. And Heterosexual marrages aren't? Whats so different about a homosexual marring a homosexual? NOTHING Its a person getting married to a person... I'm quite sure if you were gay you would think alot different. Are you AT ALL listining to what you are saying? You are saying Being gay is a BAD habit. EVEN if they are happy with it, so your contradicting the whole means of a decent society. And is a homosexual marrage really that big of an issue? Yet again theres the fact that it is people marrying eachother because the people make eachother happier. Is there any problem with that? Nope... so whats the issue? So what, Giving people their Rights to be free is unjust? And actually has a Negitive effect on society? Well I guess your right, Since America isn't a free contary no one should be given the right to marry... since the Bill Of Rights can't meen anything right? You know "Freedom to religion" "Freedom to expression" "FREEDOM OF PRIVACY" "FREEDOM OF MARRAGE", you know those small things... What Devastating effects will we suffer from? (becides are humans really the best of all beings? Have you seen other animals have wars with their own species? I bet you havent. Have you seen other animals kill everything around a certian area to get food for a year? Or a couple thousand barrels of oil that will last us less than a month? I bet not... If we are gods "Perfect" creation why is there war, WHY IS THERE MASS CORRUPTION?) I could rant soo soo much more about what is so wrong about what you are saying but it is an extreme waste of my time and I don't want to rant untill Someone trys arguing against me.
  14. No offence, But that is horrible. "Gayness is contagious" your saying it like homosexuality is a virus... I have a couple homosexual friends. I am not homosexual and have never thought about being. No one else but these people are that way. (I think that it was increadibly wrong for you to say that, you should be highly ashamed)
  15. I'm waiting for the one that I am co-scripting. it's a HALO HL2 mod... But becides that im waiting for DB source, ns:S, Legend of mana, mdk reborn, SvenCoop2, JailBreak REbourN and thats about it they are all good mods and going to be good mods you should take a look at them.
  16. Game cube has too many kiddy games? So, Super smash, Res evil -0-3-4, Zelda (You might think windwaker is kiddy, but play it for a while, your decision will change VERY quickly), splintercell, timesplitters 1-2, MDK, Soul calibur 2, Metroid prime and countless other games are kiddy? I don't think so. Not to mention most GC games arn't "Low budget" they might be affordable unlike most other console games but they are good, and usually have a hudge immersive story line.play some of them, theres hundreds of good games. and Resident Evil 4 (Game cube only) proves that gc has the best console graphics (Or atleaced knows how to use their graphics to their full potential) and final fantisy is coming back to GC... But I would have to say PC because you can allways upgrade it for less than the price of a console. just buy a new videocard that will last longer than the console's graphics....and there you go... your set to play any game for 4-5 year... I stayed with the exact same video card that worked perfectly from when HL1 came out to when HL2 came out..Ps2 is good, they have innovative ways of using the dual joy sticks (Katamari Dinasty, and Ape excape are the two that I can think of the most)And Xbox... Is nothing special... I think they are good consoles... but Microsoft should spend there time on an actually good OS first (Bugless) unstead of wasting their time on their console.
  17. Now only if I could use what pulse on the school computers.
  18. I would rathur play 1.6 although source is pretty good. The reason for the 1.6 liking is im a CAL player, and CAL tornys are usually hosted on Train, Oilrig, Dust, Dust 2, Assault, and alot of those maps arn't on css yet.
  19. you know if you play the "Pokemon Rap" Backwards it says "I love satan love satan love satan" I found that out yesterday its really funny. But yeah I still do like Pokemon. its a fun and emmersive RPG game
  20. I only have Excape from Monkey Island its a fun concept. Expecially the MONKEY FIGHTS!!! Reminds me of Maniac Magee.
  21. Do you have SP2? That causes alot of errors with "External" browsers (Browsers that do not come with Windows, Meaning all except AOL and Internet explorer). Probaly what you want to do is take SP2 out, set the browser that you run on right now as the main browser, then if you feel like you really need SP2 although I don't recommend it, you can re-download and re-install it. Then everything should work fine.
  22. Meaning like XII (13) A cell shaded awkward FPS game that is increadibly good. It is baced on a scottisch comic book I believe. The game is about a guy who forgets who he is (He is some kind of super agent code named agent 13) although the game ends with -Continued....-
  23. Hello Kase I as well am in that age range. This is a fun community if you know about tech stuff (Like games and Computer programming) But there is alot more than just that, the people here will talk with anything you can bring up to talk about. they are a fun group.WELCOME TO Xisto AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY....
  24. I wouldent really use linux or windows I use somthing called Linspire (Or Old name Lindows) which is pretty much a linux baced windows. It has all the capabilities of bouth windows and linux (MEaning it is good for a gamer and a server admin like me) And it helps with video editing and other cool stuff.
  25. Jedi.. thats not it... if it actually has the capacity of 40 then you weren't able to partition the whole drive... What you want to do is split the drive so then you can partition it 50/50 (20 gigs) then it should work perfectly. pm if you want to learn how to split
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