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Everything posted by Killer008r

  1. Dream is correct, the hosts of this are VERY generious, and by providing their services for free, most sites charge 10-20 bucks a month for letting you have a private domain. So instead of complaining you should just be calmly waiting for them to get the server to work. Not to mention you can always make stuff on your site better. Infact I just made a starting template, got tips from kids in school for what I should chage in it, changed it, make more questions, and made a final draft of what I'm going to make my site look like. (If your already done with your site you can edit stuff and make more cool java script and stuff like that)
  2. Java Has alot of C++ cmds in it, and it is easiest I think if you learn that first.
  3. Make your own computer, cheap reliable and easy (not to mention there are REALLY good prices out there on pricewatch.com) I made my computer with the best equip out there from the stuff from pircewatch, I paied under 700.)
  4. I woulden't suggest that because the water would created dew on the outside of the bag and that would get on the motherboard, and that is not good. I'd think your motherboard would be alright on wax paper aslong as it has sufficient cooling cpu fan+small fan on the side. Well I wont be back untill 6 so, I will reply to any further comments around then.
  5. How can you say it sucks? You play one game probally once, and didn't even give it a chance to look into it's roots and understand what the game/s are about. You are increadably rude saying that, and increadibly dull. (And obvisoly don't know good games from bad)
  6. I guess we will just have to wait. Hopefully no one steals the source again right before it gets releaced. (Thats why it took 6 years to come out) I hope the expansion is good (Why am I saying this? It's HL2 of course it's going to be great.
  7. I like it, it's very intresting, I will probally use it alot too because it reminds me of Dogpile.com
  8. 1. HL2 (What did you think I was going to put as my number one? Of course its hl2 and the Hammer editor to make HL2 and CS/CSS maps.)2. Opera (Awsome browser with a built in spyware/trojan destroyer.)3. Notepad (I woulden't be able to make htlm without it.)4. Macromedia Flash (Woulden't be able to make flash with out it lol.)5. Alchol 120% (Need to image those wares to somthing why not easily make it a fake drive to mount it on?)
  9. no problem lol. Go to DynamicDrive.com or JavaScriptkit.com to get those scripts. {Edit} This is my third and last time saying this to everyone and myself lol, This is my LAST post lol because I'm Freeking tired.
  10. Wax paper will do aslong as there is nothing around it, and make sure the mother board dosen't get too hot other wise the waxpaper will melt on the motherboard and wax paper is a real bit(# to get off of mother boards. the cert test is usally 200-300 bucks Thanks to my class in school it was free though. lol and I got a ride to the tech so I didn't have to waste gas, although it woulden't be a waste but anywho. Joining Geek Squad would be good, only thing is you have to teach them how to actually fix computers last time my brother called them they came over and gave my brother the wrong diagnostics on the computer, so my brother showed them the real problem and how to fix it. It was fun watching the Geek Squad, they were getting soo soo mad.{Edit} Now this is my actuall last reply I got to sleep I'm so tired.
  11. Nice I dont like the picture though, you could probaly make it look alot better, like lower the brightness and the contrast a bit so it is a little darker, the lighter couch doesen't really work out all to well. If you can make listed portfolio, Clients, About Us and then Contact (The Contact Always goes last) And also make them separate buttons that you can insert Javascript into, to make them drop down menus. Make the picture have either a Slide show affect (it goes from one picture to another with a smooth deterating transaction). OR make it have a water scroll over effect (thats where it looks like water when someone moves their pointer over it, if you are not sure how to make one search for ANFYTEAM Java scripts online they are the best and they are free, all you have to do is edit the picture). and finnaly the left side of the cells (under "NEWS BREIF") should have a barrier from the left side (The part under "SCHOCON PROFILE") that's all I think.Just so you know those are ways just to spice it up, but otherwise that is an awsome temp and you could keep it the same way it would still be good. The things that I said are just ways to make the template a little more Java scripty and if you don't choose to use them your temp will still be awsome.{edit} this will be the last post of my night. I will post to all of you whom need help tommarow.
  12. no problem I was just checking if it was down or the wrong link. Good site too thanks.
  13. I'm only a sophmore in highschool so I've done a little too much with computers and know to much about them lol I work in a business my brother made during one of the summers when him, his friend and I were bored. coolest thing is we are all A+ certified. So I can tell my computer admin at school that im A+ cert and hes not.{Edit} woops I forgot to write the purpose of this post. If you need any help with any complication with the computer or what to use to make the computer case just PM me and I'll answer it as soon as I can See ya later
  14. Even if there is no legandary ending, there is always the minds of people and how they think that it will end, take HL1-2 for instance ( Sorry for draging this back into the conversation but I cannot help it) HL1 started as you (Gorden Freeman) going to your every day job (a top secrete science facility) when all of a sudden somthing goes wrong, and when you get to the point where you save yourself and you are just about to find out what caused everything to go wrong and why everything is trying to kill you G-Man pops out of no where and sends you into a deep sleep (Probaly cryogencially freezes seeing that everyone is just a little bit older and you stayed the same). which in HL2 you come in between the resistance which you learn about in 1 and in some of the mods you start to learn about the beggining of the HL2. And right as your about to learn everything, right as the climax is at its highest point. G-Man shows up and puts you back to sleep untill hl3 will come out.{Edit} Anyways I was saying that we will call it Halo legacies or somthing like that.
  15. You know there was a super mario bros 4 right? it was called Super Mario World in America since we were in this stupid treaty with the nations and peace throughout the world. In Japan it was called Mario bros 4 there have been plenty of games that are platformers ^ ^ infact there was a hl mod and an hl2 mod that had platform, it might have been a moderate commando type. But it was entertaining for 3-4 weeks.Oh and if just so you know, there is going to be a Super Mario:Source that is coming out some time this year hopefully that will allow you to be a fps mario intresting huh? AND a 3rd person from behind Getting even cooler? AND FINNALY XD XD XD OLD SCHOOL PLATFORMING XD XD XD Dosen't it just make you want to buy HL2 if you don't already own it? I know it makes me want to buy it a second time just because I can, although I don't have any money. This mod will be way way better than the one Halo1-2 mod that a group of people and I are modding for the game. Although our mod is going to be awsome and probaly one of the best mods there are (Yeah right my mod for HL1 sucked so this one will probaly suck as well ).
  16. You can ground the object, make sure theres no way it can scratch the motherboard or any of the other microchip things, if you have wood cut it thing like the thickness of a full or half of a cd case (the little plastic cases in which you by programs in). (Just to make sure your talking about keeping the object on the ground right?)You know making Custom cases you just need a drill and a cheap saw or knife, I made a backpack pc by layering it with cardboard buying a bunch of cheap boards, and creating custom mounts for the cd drive and the motherboard (Then was the hard part where I had to make sure one side of the backpack didn't hit the other one because if it did the motherboard would get scratched horribly by the HD which was fun to make just used remainin cardboard, it ended up having 4-5 fans in it, I sold it not too long ago on E-Bay for 3 times as much as it was worth (I spent 100 bucks on it, I sold it for 250 since i didnt have to pay for the backpack, the cardboard, the RAM cause I had some left over. Hehe, now I have my home computer which my parents bought and I took from them. And the comp that I made by myself for 700.Facinating story huh? Well any way where was I with the whole mounting thing,you probaly don't want the HD to touch ground since if it gets dirty it has 60-80% chance of scruing up and losing all it's data. anything else you can mostly have touch the ground (xcept for the main things like Video, Ram, Cpu, you know the stuff you usually woulden't want to touch the ground or get scratched.) keep all dust away from it if it's going to be in the open cover it with a bag when it is not in use I'm telling you this just as a warning cause I have had BIG computer crashes (even one that made the computer spark). If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
  17. Great Tut, you could have some more stuff in there, like explain making your own fourms or explain using javascrpt, DHTML, or flash on sites.
  18. I'D say split the drive into 3rds, make (make them 40 gigs each) have important programs on one, have games on the other, and have backup of important or games, or bouth on the third one, that way if part of the drive fails it won't take all 100% of the drive ^ ^ its what I do with my HD and when it fails it only has one of the parts fail.
  19. All togeather your not going to find all of that for $10 But for best prices look on http://www.pricewatch.com/ you can use some peice of crap metal big enough for little motherboard scrues, then you should customly make a base to hold the motherboard on which wont scratch the back of it, so probaly 4-5 plastic/rubber holdy thingys. Or maybe use a cardboard box or any thing you can use I make a lot of custom cases, infact I made one of the ones that Ebbinger showed (he goes to school with me and we have WWWp (World Wide Web publishing if you couldn't figure that out) and he comes over and we will make computers out of what ever we can. Right now we are making one out of an old vaccum (I'll post pictures when we are done). and we get the cheapest stuff from Pricewatch, you can find parts for all under $10 But not togeather for $10 (you could allways go on ebay and search for a crappy computer that is selling for a dollar though).{Edit} woops I made a () inside the middle of the same thing...
  20. A group of HL1 modders and I have started on a Halo/Halo2 mod of HL2 if you hadn't read we are going to combine the storylines so it is longer, its going to have an immersive storyline and weaponry, you will be able to use more vehicles too hopefully our mod dosen't die because I'm sure alot of you would like to play Halo and Halo 2 in the HL2 engine
  21. I think you wrote down the optinom thing wrong because it's not a site.
  22. Double Trouble (Steve Ray Vohn)What ever band Ingveh Malienstiene or however you spell his name is in.Wierd Al is probaly one of the best though.OzzyLed ZepplinACDCQueenStyxNirvanaBeatlesBeach boysSimon and GarfonkleJimmy DeanJimmy hendrixAnd theres more but I don't really know all of the names. And if you can't tell yet I'm a Guitarist ( I own A Ibenez GIO Special and a Custom Fender Stratacastor that my uncle made).
  23. How many posts are there with this topic? Want a good mmo well you can go to anarcy, runescape, mu, Faryland (actually my favorite has a little twist to it like pokemon twist so its pretty fun),T4C (The Fourth Coming, free on every day but weekends it gets kind of populated and takes time to play) you can easily find private FREE servers and its not illeagle to have the private servers but anyway you can find servers for WoW, Lineage 2, Lineage 1, Motor city online, Ragnarok, and bouth of the Eq (and more alot more like AoE and AO but theres soo many) theres animalland or animalforest- somthing like that- and theres soo soo many more free ones, i could list them off for hours.
  24. Killer008r

    Psp Networking

    You should be able to download a program from the psp website that allows it then you need a wireless hub (so you can use your psp, because if yours is the same way it has wireless networking.) and in the Psp site they should also tell you how to install it and set your networking up to be compatable with psp&comp.
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