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Everything posted by Killer008r

  1. Sorry that I couldn't warn you on time, I heard about maddens many glitches, and the over worked Graphics that make it quite horrible.
  2. O.o that is kind of intresting, I don't understand how it works, but I don't really care because it is pretty cool. It will probaly cost a ton of money though.
  3. if I wasnt a complete Pirater I would probaly try the freeware but....
  4. At first I thought it was a bad idea, but then when they explained the Gyro Technology, I was Awed with amazement. And since there is that 100% backwards compatibilty where you can download games from all the old systems and play them there is mostlikely going to be online multiplayer games. Which leaves a pretty cool idea of Tennis games and games like Counter-Strike.
  5. -Edit-this is for Guy: Well unless you have a sufficent source of cooling I wouldn't suggest over clocking a P2. Other wise you want to go to go into the Bios, most p2's can be over clocked to run at a high p3-low p4 which is around 56 i believe, so when your computer starts up press Delete, then from the bios go into Standerd Cmos Settings and press enter on the CPU speed then raise it untill its around the 60's 70's see how high you can get it. If it dosen't boot just reset the Bios (that just changes the properties back to normal dosen't delete Windows or anything) To reset it there is a Battery on your MoBo Just take it out for about 30 seconds and put it back in. then start it up and try to see how much your cpu can handle, don't put it too high, maybe like middle of 70 at the most because your computer will almost litterly fry and that might be kind of useless to you having a fried computer.
  6. Sarah it also helped that I have my own computer fixing business which I don't have to pay taxes for because I don't have enought customers yet. I get around $100-200 per job which helps out even more. And in this highschool I'm in everyone keeps saying how their parents owe them so much. And they say I'm just mooching off my parents to get the money to be able to buy that. HAH!!! I'm probaly the only hard working one out of all of them.
  7. -----I know this should go into gaming but I have no other place to post this because the school has anything with the word gaming restricted (Yeah in a high school too) So if any moderators could. Please move this to gaming, I'm not asking for the post credit either.----- The Controller of the Nintendo Revolution has been announced in the Tokyo Game Show 05. The controller is using Incredable technology which uses lasers (like in duck hunt) to control the movement on the character/car/what ever the game needs you to controll. This new controller type is named the Nanchacku (or as people pronounce it nun-chuck) So you can swing a Sword in a game like Zelda by swinging the controller left and right (All the controllers are Wireless so theres no throwing the controller around) You can have the excitement of fishing, golfing, Racing, FPS (You actually can aim the controller like a gun, and then with the other half of the boomerang switch weapons or move, which I think is a wonderful idea.) If you want to see it just follow the link below v https://www.engadget.com/2005/09/16/nintendo-revolution-controller-more-deets-pics/
  8. Well, have you seen the Tech in the making of the movie? It's not just FMV's, I meen if I can find a cheap psp on Ebay or some place like that I would get it because I think the graphics on that movie are incredible. Expecially if you have ever plaied the game and wondered what it would look like in current-gen garaphics, and its no where near Square-Softs "Biggest money maker". So-Far to my knowlege they havn't had any news for it to be anything but a UMD, but I'm guessing that they are going to releace it for DVD because it will make them a Big profit.
  9. Hi Michael, Welcome back to asta, I hope you like the changes better tan I do. (No games and Shout-Count makes Killer mad)
  10. I use Maya alot, and I like autodesk so I think this conversion is a good one.
  11. If you own a PSP you have to get that FFIV movie. I'm really sad because I hoped it would come out for like ps3 dvd or ps2 dvd.
  12. They will fix it soon, the staff here is hard working ^ ^ not to mention your getting free hosting service. But M^E, Opaque, and all the moderaters are hard working, they will get to it ASAP (For any admin I forgot/or I don't know you, sorry I forgot your SN)
  13. If you had been reading correcty, Splinter Cell 4 not only had already been in development but it is sopposed to be almost a copy of MGS (Metal Gear Solid) which Sam would be older. Which I would like it more if it was your idea Dark, but so far the only reports that I have heard is its gona be another nock off of MGS.
  14. To tell you the truth there is already a 6 player game of chess out there, it dosen't involve 24 peices, but the name hexachess has already been taken for it. But if it had 24 peices it might be kind of intresting. I would like to know how to play it and what the peices and board would look like.
  15. Instead of getting windows 64 bit, if you know basic Linux programming, Buy a OS called Linspire, the current version is sopposed to allow you to use the programs off of a fat32 partition, and what ever mac is partitioned on. (You know what that means?) It's windows, linux and Mac all-in-one. And there is a 64 bit version of it.
  16. O.o Umm Very interesting, kind of awkward too. Thats all I can really get out after playing that.
  17. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you want an ATI video card go with the link above (Radion 9700 pro for 96 dollars including shipping) If you want a Gforce I could only find a low one I think you are much better off going with the Radion on that selection but, for me Gforce has lasted much longer than Radion so you might want to check it all out and chose which ever you like better. http://www.amamax.com/
  18. no problem, your guide is good for newbie LAN creaters, I was just about to try and post one about hooking up a lan party myself.
  19. Hmm, I have a Direct answer to the question on this topic. No, I never once felt computer illerate Which helps me because I can laugh at anyones troubles and say "Wow your a total noob for scruing that up.And Casanova, thank you for your insight into that "will check that" could you answer with more than just some post grabbing sentance?
  20. AGP? No, Pci Express, Yes because right now Pci Express is the only thing that Gforce 7800 GTX is able to run with, and right now that video card is Top of the line, Seriously for 200 bucks you can't go wrong with that video card. I don't really like Newegg that much I go on pricewatch.com and tigerdirect.com and so far I have found the cheapest stuff on the market go down cheaper because of pricewatch's deal with thoes sties. Anyways, For video card go with the latest technology on a mother board. (PCI express) and probaly have a AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (anything above 3000) I just got a Gforce 7800 gtx with vivo support and you just cant go wrong with it, I can play any game, and my Video specs are off the charts when I to the video card tests.
  21. Forgot some Hardware specs for example, Most LANs require a Switch, a HUB or a Router.HUBs are used to connect anywhere from 6 to 150 computers togeather, And they transfer the information packets to every single computer, which at most times is kind of bad because it slows the working power of the computers by 20%. but they still work, and work good for LAN parties (Lan parties are when you bring your computer over to someones house and play games for 24-72 hours straight.Routers are only good for either Wi-fye connections or connecting a low amount of computers to a network and/or internet (these are used mostly by Internet Companies that work with DSL, Cable, or T1-3 lines)Finnaly a Switch. These are almost exactly like the HUB but it works much better, because as i said before a HUB connects to each computer at the same time and transfers the exact amount of information packets to every computer, weither they need it or not (if they don't need it it wont actually send it to them it will just kind of say "nope these people don't need it" but it takes up alot of 'bandwidth'). While the switch only sends the packet to the computer that asked for it, while keeping everyone connected, which speeds the connection, allowing better lan parties (one person can be getting shared files while other people are playing without a problem)
  22. You can host your own site off of gmail. If 30gigs would allow it I would pay for that email service. Because a 30 gig Email would be perfect for hosting a Counter-Strike server or somthing like that.
  23. Last year before the new Xisto thingy came up I posted a similar question.Here is my pc's specs (I upped it alot from last year)Dual bios Nvida Nforce 4 Mobo (has pci express, and was 100 bucks, which is WONDERFUL)-Amd 64 3500 (939 pin)-GForce 7800 Gtx with out vivo hookups-1gig of ram-no sound card-150 GB HD-Speakers suck (what do you expect with the rest of the computer costing so much)That is my computers specs (Godly right?) It took me 2 years to save up for that and I actually worked for it, I didn't mooch off of my parents.What type do you have?
  24. Bit torrent (I use Bit-Comet), Is probaly oen of the fastest, safest download types there are. I use Isohunt for all of my downloads, And I'm not talking about Pirating software, I'm talking about http://www.purepwnage.com/ videos and FilePlanet files. My HL2 mod is hosted with only torrent files because if they are not, the files take too long to download.
  25. I don't find Ipods attractive, more of disgusting, unreliable, and the screen scratches Way to easily. Your better off going with the mobiBLU, Ipod might have alot of memory storage but there are 2 major issues with it.1. most Ipods take FOREVER to upload the songs onto, I put 3 songs on to mine and it took an hour and a half (It said on the box usb 2.0 BUT it dosen't run as if it was) 2. people are all ways saying how the screens are so awsome and reliable, which is completely False. The screen's scratch so easily, you can put in in your pocket (with nothing else in your pocket) and you will pull out the Ipod with scratches all over the ugly stupid screen. And if you want a MP3 for songs and not to show off that you have over 42 hours of songs... get a cheap 128 mb one, don't spend 200 dollars on a 1 gig POS. Finnaly you could go out and get a PSP if you want somthing that has 2 gigs, a good screen, and plays games.Killer008r speaking
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