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Posts posted by Killer008r

  1. Nintendo's project "Revolution" Is sopposed to be coming out around the same time as the PS3. No real information about it has released except for the controller not having the original style controller that they have had since nes days (meaning the D-Pad is gone and so will the classic A and B buttions) And there is going to be a revolutionary type of controller which can sence if your aiming the controller up or down (AWSOME for FPS) its called Gyro controller or somthing like that.

  2. Umm hosting creds don't work that way.- Hosting credits allow the site to realize that you want to be hosted (Have a subdomain on their site)- You lose 1 hosting credit a day and depending on how big your posts are you can gain that back in 1 post. (you don't spend the creds to get a host, you just have to stay active so your account dosen't get suspended).That's all the indepth I think the hosting creds are for, if they are for more than that sorry I didnt know, and I hope someone else can correct me if I'm wrong with anything.

  3. Thats what I was saying too, Not to mention G4 TV (The once good tv channel, where geeks could watch and be happy because people are finnaly showing some tech befor they were bought out by G4) Said that the Xbox 2 would Not have the shape of the original Xbox but more of a shape looking like a = sign with bouth ~'s (I'm sorry I'm not a math student) you understand what im saying, a squiggley box it will look like (A big Tilde thingy) and for all of you who don't know the "~" is the tilde

  4. Go to http://www.pricewatch.com/, or http://www.atxcases.com/ They have the best cases from any place I have seen (Now I make my own Cases and PCs right now I'm making one out of a school binder because I got bored I haven't named the computer mod yet though, maybe you guys can help). See that way it is mostly free except the 5-10 dollars I have to spend on supports to keep the parts so they don't hit eachother. And Pricewatch has Cheap computer parts as well. :rolleyes:

  5. Thanks for the tip about shooter platformers; sounds like something that's worth a look when I get the time. I'm still playing around with MapleStory at the moment, but I'll remember that for when I need a break.

    Ouch, that's what I didn't want to hear :rolleyes:;; It's really too bad that there aren't many more of that type of game showing up recently. I do hear that there will be a game for Nintendo DS tentatively named New Super Mario Bros., though. Sadly, it looks like the home consoles just aren't 2-D friendly anymore. (And no, Super Smash Bros. in Adventure Mode isn't that much of a platformer, being part of another game, so that doesn't count for the purposes of this discussion.)


    I can't help but think that there still is a market for a standalone, two-dimensional, console platform game. This would be expecially true if they smack the title of some established character on the box. The nostalgia factor alone would be enormous. Would anyone else among you care to buy such a game, if it were to exist?


    Oh well, I shouldn't really complain that much. Super Mario 64 wasn't that bad at all. And if all goes badly, I can try my hand at some RPGs and other games. At least, that's the plan.


    DS Mario will most likely be good since they have all of the old 2d animators and everyone who worked on the first 4 ^^ Marios. Atleaced I hope it will be good. Have you heard about Nintendo's project "Revolution"? You should search it, there are some Really cool insights about what it is going to be like (Not to mention it's Nintendo and it will be innovative and cheap :) which means I'm buying it) its sopposed to use new Gyroscope technology with their controllers which lets you controll where you are looking by moving the controller up and down which might be kind of difficult but it will kick for FPS games.

  6. Yeah, Most of the games for the DS will be way way entertaining as opposed to "Metal Gear Solid The Card Game" Yes, MGS is a kick @$$ game but, not as a card game, I meen comon, cant they thing of ANYTHING better? Psp is WAY expensive even for what it can do, and what is with 1. "PERFECT picture" it has actually a low quality picture, DS has way better (My friend owns one and I play it every time I go over to his house and we bouth find the DS far far better video quality) The "but there is a reason why you can hardly find them in the stores anymore" I don't agree with because the stores I go to are already starting to remove, (Yes thats true remove) the PSP from the shelves because they are NOT selling. and the "Plus if you are an RPG fan" thing dosen't really mean anything, because theres ALOT of good rpgs that are going to be made They have 1 title coming out in the future from Square (so its most likely going to be FF somthing or another) They have the childesh but it also has intracate gameplay and a very detailed story line. So you can Say Nothing about DS that is not better (The gfx are also better, DS has the gfx of a system between GC and 64 which is about the same as the gfx of CounterStrike)And don't lie about the bible 23:13 "He spoke to Ephron so that all the local people could hear. 'If you will only listen to me,' he said. 'I am giving you the money for the field. Take it from me, and I will bury my dead there." Passage from :bible.ort.org} CS 1.6 (I know because I own a DS and GLADLY play games on my DS)

  7. Of course you would probaly have had to hear my rants about DS over PSP so guess which one I will choose. I do give credit to the PSP to try to take over the hand held section but, to tell you the truth, there has been atleaced 100 different tries by other companies, and ALL of them failed, not to mention one of Nintendo's sections (the one that makes Mario and Wario and all those guys) tried beating their own portable by introducing the Game Vision or what ever that crappy red light game thing was called. And of course it failed. So Not Even Nintendo Can Beat Their Own Hand Held Systems BECAUSE They Make The BEST Hand Held's There Are. (and don't you forget it) Just you people know I like DS and NINTENDO almost as much as I like HL2 (Just a Hair away) And that must be good then.

  8. You can likely play UO.  They just had another XP come out a couple months ago and if you play on the 2d version you can load using almost no resources.  That game has much more content than any of the MMOs running right now.  EQ and EQ2 are just a shite of a game.  SWG though is a great game has very limited content beside grinding to jedi then grinding to jedi knight and killing people.  UO has great treasures, outstanding pvp that is tries and true for the last 7+ years, and gives level based grinding for simplicity in gaining to a fun level then difficulty after a commendable level.  UO is my choice for best MMO ever made and you can likely play it.  The system requirements for the newest version are 200 mhz P2 with 32 MB RAM and 1GB free drive space when running in 2d and at only $12 a month it is a bargain.


    You forgot about AO (Anarchy Online) You can't say anything bad about it, I like it alot better than UO any any of the other ones, not to mention there are too many expansions for UO WAY to many. And AO has 4 Expansions and an expanding terrortory per month since theres more and more people playing it. Cool thing is you can get into a clan and buy your own land and make towns, I'm in the P.O.T org (P.O.T stands for Power Over Time and we fit our name since we started when I started and we had no money, now we have 30 game miles of land which we turned into a small city.

  9. :rolleyes: Dmaster Now I hold respect for you (instead of being mad at you because your better at the arcade games than me exept tetris hehehe) because you hold the same view about Nintendo and Sony and the "You could get the DS for a little more then less the price of it" didn't really get through though, did you meen with the DS you can get more quality games and funner games (not to mention a touch screen!) for less money, or that for a little more than half the cost of the PSP (Which is also true). I bet if we made a poll on this, which I probaly will after I post this most people would vote for the Split screen, never the same, long battery life'd Nintendo DS (Sorry I coulden't think of alot of stuff to say like ^ that, that I haden't already said).

  10. Well, here are some things you should and should not put in your game:



    - 3D camara angles

    - Lots of sidequests

    - A (few) strong, but optional bosses/monsters i.e. Emerald and Ruby weapon from Final Fantasy VII

    - Voices and words...Reading is too boring

    - Another quest. Beating the game once isn't real fun. Have special features after

    - Sence of Humor. A (RPG) game should always have some funny things



    - Lots of characters....Trust me, I know a few games that failed because of that

    - Hard to control battles. You should just be able to enter a battle and press/hold down a button to attack.

    - Predictiable events... If you have not played Chrono Trigger, you should. You'll know what I mean.


    I could list a thousands things, but I only put the important ones. (In my opinion)


    "- Lots of characters" Can also be good, look at most MMORPG's (Anarchy online for one) theres 3 races, 3 alignments and 13 classes, and it is a Wonderful game. and then there is NWN (Never winter nights) Which is baced on D&D, that game has lord knows how many classes but it still manages to get hundreds of people to play online on their confusing maps and servers.

  11. I like some of the old Residents although I like 4 (hehe GC only, this boosted GC sales SO SO much as much as they needed it, since the graphics are revolutionary... I.E. Better than Xbox and Ps2). I think the old view for RE:5 would be intresting, Expecially if it still had the new aiming style of gameplay. Plus the bonus games at the end of it were awsome. (I remember finishing the game and I played the extra game and got those other guns) I Also liked the leveling up the weapons and getting buying weapons, that was really innovative for the game.

  12. I have played this game SOO SOO much and I cant get enough of it, the enviroment (GC only remind you) IS the BEST on any and I meen ANY console game. the pre-rendered enviroments are awsome and thats makes the game super fast to reload, but the enviroment is also completely interactive, the physics are just about the same as the HL2 Havock physic engine and the computer AI is phonominal, best AI I have ever seen, they duck and dodge, and HIDE from you some times, not to mention they TALK to each other and tell each other where they think you are. This game is a 10/10 to me and one of my favorite games (I loved the infinent bullet gun and the infinent rocket-launcher)

  13. i think that the PSP is very worth it i have both a nintendo DS and a PSP and the DS is no where as good as the PSP. the PSP has better graphics and a lot better games. most likley the reason why nintendo is selling more is because the younger generation is buying the system. nintendo is aimed towards the younger generation and the Sony and Microsoft is aimed towards the older generation.out.


    It's not just because the younger generation of game players want DS, its because the better quality games are for DS, not to mention the PSP has Horrible battery life, and dosen't have a touch screen (Inovative idea that RULES ALL) not to mention the fans of any handheld gaming system will go with Nintendo since they have been riding around with the Gameboy since NES was around. And there is also the fact that the handheld PSP is WAY too over priced and if they were to lower the price they would be no longet making money on it because that da*n thing costs so much to make. AND DS has atleaced 10 hours if not more of battery (And it has a GOOD rechargable battery, not the PSP one that you have to buy separate battery if you want it to be rechargable, which if you don't you waste even more money to play your PSP for a couple of hours.
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