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Posts posted by Killer008r

  1. Frontpage is Enables and I can access Ebbingers from the computer I'm on (He's a friend of mine that sits next to me.) I can get into the Cpanel Just fine, it is just the whole problem that I have with frontpage not being able to correctly get into the page. When ever I go to > http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it loads the "Welcome to your Xisto account" or what ever that blue page says, and if I edit anything it does absolutly nothing.

  2. Thats not the least of the SP2 problems, SP2 Has a hudge bug that causes most PC games, and game makers to be choppier, worse graphics, and most of all you get window wall in fps games (Window wall is a glitch that SP2 causes, it makes it so you can see through walls which also makes you not be able to see them when your playing games like that). Not to mention Iamrockandroll is very correct with all of what he/she (sorry don't know :P) had said, it causes windows to be alot more unstable alot of times on non Intel Cpu's (I know out of all of the AMD Cpu's I use one was able to comply with SP2. that was my worst one.

  3. I agree with you, To resolve the problem would be so much better, it is just not that simple. Expecially when the Schools admin is Increadibly Incompentant. He thinks I'm a threat to the schools system, he thinks that I would do somthing as dumb as hack into the school system when I could be fined over 100k which is more than I want to be have to pay to some low life slum who thinks hes greater than everyone else until someone proves his incompatants to solve any major network problems, he thinks that the only way to fix the computers is either to kick people off the Internet, Ban them from the school system, Re-image the computer (Which spyware and most Trojans can get past the re-imaging and some times even create more of a problem), or finnaly Shut the systems off in the middle of the day when everyone needs it and say theres a system error (I have watched him shut off the school servers and right in the middle of the class you hear an announcement that says "Would all Staff And Students Please Log Off Of The System, we are Experanceing A Problem, which the true problem is that all the computers from that point until the admin decides to turn on the server, are stand-alone computers. Meaning you can run ANYTHING you want on them. :P Smart for an admin that our school pays more than all the teachers in the academics part of the school COMBINED for doing ABSOLUTLY NOTHING but sit on his lazy butt and pretend to fix stuff on the server (I walked in on him playing A SNES Emulator Which he bans anyone else even teachers for doing).I have tried countless times to get along with that poor excuse for a human, and every time he down looked me like I was incompatant and knew absolutly nothing of what he was talking about, Which I did and usually came back with retalatory remarks about whats wrong with the server, and he says "You have no clue what your talking about" and he takes my internet away for 2 weeks. Just because I'm right and he dosen't know how to switch from Novell to ANY OTHER SERVER OS THAN THAT.

  4. :P You are very much correct Viz, you need the little rubber things, lol kind of sad that I can remember how to unlock most multipliers and how to over clock ram but, I can't remember what those things are called. Stained has a certian chemical that will ruin the motherboard if not properly spaced. (Trust me In one of my projects, that killed my motherboard, luckily it was only a crappy 10 dollar test but the buss speed was good....)

  5. Intel is horrible HORRIBLE there is nothing good about intel, their m/b's suck and their CPU's suck. Just stick with AMD Expecially the AMD 64 thoes are the best CPU's out there Find an Intel thats better, and don't say Intel pentium 4 because they stand no chance.

  6. Mines Probley the easiest one picked. My Clan (for CS) name used to be RedDragon and my best friends (JAcob) Was BlueDragon (We were the sopposedily immortal dragons until we joined a clan with people 3times better than bouth of us combined, soon I started using a Scout only (For those of you who don't play the game a scout is a non-noob sniper rifle) and my friend Jacob started using the M(avrick)14 Jacob started to be called the DarkSlayer (Bcause we didn't have the immortal dragon title anymore and his gun was dark and he allways picked the guy who was wearing the darkest cloths) and I was named SSK (Or SharpShotKilla which later on someone started calling me an agent because I would sneak up behind almost everyone and get a sneak attack head shot which ended in me calling myself killer008 but no one liked that so they called me the nemisis in GoldenEye which happened to be 007) and the R came from my name after killer008 was taken in a game I just put the R at the end of it and Vuala, As for DarkSlayer, he decided to become DarkDragon (and for RPG games he uses DarkDragon, BlueDragon, Dragonice, Dragonspit, and a whole lot more. I still will occasionaly use RedDragon for some games too) Im of course in the ~ clan We Are CAL players for all who don't know CAL is CYBERATHLETIC AMATURE LEAGUE which holds the best-of-the-best Cs players there are, we are all split up in the whole group, we have 4 CAL-I which are the most 1337 out of everyone, they can kill get headshots without trying. (Once a one of our players was going against 5 players of ~ by him self and he took us all out without reloading, and without using more than 6 bullets.) Thats how good they are. I'm probaly one of the worst on there.{EDIT} WOOPS I had the killer008 but no one liked that so they called me the nemisis in GoldenEye which happened to be 007) mixed up I had my name as killer007 but it didn't feel right to me :P

  7. ok I wrote this hudge thing retaliating at you Rudy, because that admin deserves it, he tried to falsely accuse my brother of hacking the system and give him a fine for it, (My brother made a program for the job that he has which enables him to access the server that I have in my Bacement and only the server in my bacement nothing else, we use it to do easier on-site-repair, because we have alot of information on how to fix the computers on the server. We showed him and the Princable and they finnaly after 3 hours understood what it was for.) My brother still isn't able to use the computers on the system. The admin later Deleted EVERYTHING off of my pen-drive during WWW while I was working on the web site that I was gona use on this host. Although apparently the Admin Though Differently, He deleted EVERYTHING off of it, EVEN THE SITE that I spent 3 WEEKS TO MAKE 3 WEEKS OF WWW I WASTED ON MAKING A SITE THAT I CAN'T RECOVER BECAUSE SOME STUCK UP ADMIN THINKS HE CAN DELETE ON MY PRIVATE (YES MY PRIVATE) ITEMS. NOW I HAVE TO START FROM SCRATCH. He says he did it because I had an illeagle program on it. What program out of Photoshop, Menu maker 2k, my website, and ANFY team Java Scripts is illeagle? NONE OF THEM, He ILLEAGLY DELETED MY PERSONAL FILES OFF OF MY PRIVATE PERSONAL PROPERTY. And FOR NO REASON He BAnned Me from going on the internet at school (So I have to go on someone elses account) BUT FOR NO REASON HE DELETED SOMTHING I SPENT 4 WEEKS ON. Anything I will do to him on these servers are way too good for him, I could make his life so so horrible, I could CRASH EVERYTHING (I have thought of it before but I havn't because I have a clean record and don't want to mess it up unless he forces me to). Thats all he has done to me so far, and it is enough, trust me, no one messes with me, EXPECIALLY when I'm on computers.

  8. I agree. NS has to be one of the best mods ever made for HL. If Valve was still situated on HL instead of HL2 they would probably buy the rights to NS just like they did with Day of Defeat.


    I'm sorry to say but they didn't do that with DoD, They did it with CS, DoD was an idea that one of the devlopers came up with. Ns is a really fun game they took their style from a custom map made from probaly the best HL mod out there (Except for HL itself and CS) The mods name is none other than Sven Co-op which is what it says it is (Cooperative) Sven is currently working their wonders on HL2 and it look Wonderful. True you can look on my Xfire and say I have played all of thoes mods SO SO MUCH (the link is : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) Download Xfire wile your at it :P it is a good program for gamers. My account is obvisouly Killer008r.

  9. Hi groovy I'm Ryan No one has known this before except ebbinger because I go to school with him. I Like HL2 also (:P just read most of my posts about Hl2 or the polls that I have made you will know Pretty quickly) :P Great to have another HL2 Fan here. I like Classic Pontiac Firebird :P Best Muscle Car EVER and I currently own a GMC Yukon GTIts a pretty good truck... Don't know what else to say so just Welcome to our community and I/we Hope you injoy being here and don't cause too much of a havok :P

  10. There is no nead for waxpaper, just setting the motheboard on some wood will do just fine.  That is how I have my motherboard, just screwed to a piece of wood.  It is not conductive and won't melt, only thing you have to worry about is it catching on fire. lol, not really it would take a lot more than a cpu to catch a piece of wood on fire.


    Have fun overclocking,



    That is Wrong, you don't want to have your m/b placed on a block of wood, that is a horrible setup, you will quickly gain sawdust, scratches and many other Really un-needed additives that collect on the motherboard after using wood as a base for it. Visj Could you pm me the type of motherboard you have (What you said it was before)? When I get time ( I have 8 jobs, too many computers, that I have to finish by sunday :P not good since its wendsday and I haven't started on 2 of them yet.) So I will slowly finish writing that tut to unlock your multiplier (I'm about a third done with it.) See every mother board has a different way of unlocking it so you can over clock it. :P well thats it for the Killer tec post for the day. (I also need to know your Cpu and what type oof Bios)

  11. How can you have a amd and a pentium. hmm...


    VERY EASILY, (Dual mounted processors, I recently ordered a Mother board that supports dual processors) Although with dual I will still use AMD 64 bit, its the bomb. One thing I don't get is how can you use a 10 gig hd... thats horrible I'm 16 with dual hd's one 100 that I split mounted (50/50) and one 70 gig that I keep all my important stuff on just incase my 100 dies out (for a backup) any ways I Run on



    AMD Athlon 64 1800 (1.8 Ghz) (Good choice:D)

    1 G RAM

    CD-RW/DVD-ROM burner and regular

    100/70GB hard drive


    I gotta go I will edit with Vid card gfx and more when I get back!

  12. Personally I don't have a single program from your "must have's". :P My PC is running perfectly without them.


    I use:

    1) Norton System Works Professional 2005

    2) Spybot S&D

    3) Built-in Windows XP firewall (SP2)

    4) regedit.exe

    5) msconfig.exe

    6) My brains :P


    That's all I need to keep my PC running...


    YUCK YUCK YUCK YUCK YUCK YUCK THAT made me PUKE WHY SP2 WHY ??? SP2 SUCKS never use it get AVG not norton because AVG WORKS. :P (Sorry for spazing but I HATE service pack 2 it made Windows worse than it already is. And norton is usless, its better to keep a virus in your computer than use Norton (I've had more customers that have problems with norton than ANYTHING else, so far I have had to fix 10-20 computers because of Norton, Not that bad since I get paid alot from fixing those errors since they usually take me 5-10 hours and at 20 bucks an hour it pays off verry quick) :P

  13. Nintendo is up to Nintendo revolution :P If you want information on it I have a bunch (Only the little tidbits that have been releaced and some of the Rumors) And alot of pics on what some of their stuff is going to look like (ITs gona be like 2 times better than RE:4 which is the best looking game for consoles.)

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