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Posts posted by Killer008r

  1. How can you choose just one? theres soo soo many, DE_dust 1-2 DE_Train DE_Rats 2k DE_ratmaze CS_Rats Cs_mice Cs_Militia (Probaly the one out of all of them I like most) CS_assault DE_ bestjump (ANy nipper map is a good map, his first one was Great and that was when he was first making them). Glassfloor. 2.bsp KZ_MArio KZ_Climb And the list can go on forever.... well not forever but a REALLY long time.

  2. Most button action like that is done in java script or dhtml script.



    DynamicDrive (http://www.dynamicdrive.com/)


    DhtmlCentral (http://www.dhtmlcentral.com/)

    you will find a ton of them.


    There are also web sites that offer to make the menu for you and let you copy the code.


    Advance HTML For Beginners (http://www.ahfb2000.com/dropdownmenumaker.php)


    That is untrue... google has alot of left out websites, or too many web sites to be able to search through all of them just to find one that you like. there are alot of fake and alot of bad dhtml, and javascript menus out there... and going to the people is usually allways the best and first thing that you can go to.

  3. Goldeneye was, and still is, a great game. Its one of my favorite games. I still have tons of fun playing multiplayer with my friends. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were, in my opinion the two best games on the N64. I heard about the Goldeneye and Perfect Dark mods coming out for Half-Life 2 and I can't wait for them. Until then, remote mines on complex never gets old.


    Expecially when you throw those remote mines on other people :P that can never get old. Then you have like 100 mines on them and they are running around and they don't notice and then all of a sudden BOOM! lol

  4. Well untill they get a 3d one which they are working on for either nintendo gamecube or nintendo "Revolution" we only have the little pokemon minigames like the DS's Pokemone dash which you have one playable character, not to mention thats only a cheap way of showing the capibility of ds but... still there are alot of good values in pokemon, the structure of the game is suprizingly complex, and having all the bonus attributes and skills each pokemon can seperatly or togeatherly have is Gigantic, which makes it a wonderful game. (Run on sentances anyone?

  5. Cookies are small data files created by webs servers that is stored on your computer either temporarily for that session only or permanently on the HD. Cookies provide a way for the Web site to identify users (Such as the auto logon's on this site) and keep track of their preferences. It is also commonly used to maintain the state of the session as a user browses around on the site.Cookies contain a range of URLs. When the HTTP application sends a request to a web server with those URLs again, it also sends along the related cookies. For example, if your user ID and password are stored in a cookie, it saves you from typing in the same information all over again when accessing that service the next time. By retaining user history, cookies allow the Web site to tailor the pages and create a custom experience for that individual.A lot of personal data resides in the cookie files in your computer. As a result, this storehouse of private information is sometimes the object of attack.

  6. Config the IP addy is not needed Usually (Depending on the HUB type) it config's it automatically (I host TONS of LAN partys for CS, Star Craft, Diablo 2, Lineage, Anarchy Online, and the list goes on) and the computers should be able to connect to eachother just fine, so you shoulden't need any thing extra, it should have all that is needed right there aslong as you have CAT-5 cables, A crossover cable (For I-Net access, an I-net CAT-5, and finnaly the HUB which you said you had.:P have fun at the lan party.

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