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Everything posted by minnieadkins

  1. I agree with most pple here. I guess if you wanted to create a site really fast, (without coding it up and learning and already know the code) dreamweaver would be the way to go. I personally use to use notepad, but with php there's issues. Syntax highlighting, error checking (linenumbers), as well as formatting issues. Personally I like HTMLKit from chami. You can find it at download.com. Also notepad++ has syntax highliting if you want to edit a few lines of code for almost any langauage. Even java and c++. Both programs are free, but HTMLKit has the plugin option that allows great integration with php and mysql functions.
  2. Interesting topic, and thanks for the game maker link. I didn't know a program like this existed. I'm interested in learning some advanced c++ and some java, but I'm currently on dial-up. That means that downloading java is out of the question, and I'm not sure on game making. Maybe this will give me some insight. Also, when I go to start into c++ how do I actually get started with visuals. So far I've really only done your typically cout, cin programs. Do you have to download some kind of extension or plugin for c++/java and if so, what are they and where can you find them?
  3. Can't wait to see what ps3 has in store. I think xbox's quick release is just a way to gain some revenue from their loss when ps2 was out a year or 2 before xbox 1 was released. They're probably starting on another xbox system and pump it out within the next year..lol. That one would be the one to actually beat the ps3 setup, while the 360 would just compete. Nintendo just needs some more good titles.
  4. I liked quake 3 much better than unreal. UT2k4 was pretty good though. I just like the quake scene better. I played q3dm17 "the longest yard" with a rail only mod a lot. A rail only mod is already out for quake 4 is what I heard. The nail gun is a new addition...but I think more could've been added, especially for the multiplayer part.
  5. Comments make the code. HTML comments aren't very widely used, but they do help, especially if you plan on modifying your layout in the future. It's also a good practice to comment the end of your functions (php, c++, java, etc) and the beginning to display what they actually do. While loops, foreach loops, if statements all pose a threat of error. All it takes is overlooking that one little '}' and there you have it. ERROR. Good advice on the comments, although I personally think you can have too many comments. Keep it informative and direct. Don't make half your document comments. =/For a nice free text editor, I recommend HTMLKit from Chami. When you put in your javascript it automatically puts in the comment to keep older browsers from reading your script. It's a very nice editor, and very customizable. Lots of plugins for php as well. I recently used notepad++ and it's pretty good for all kinds of languages, and you can minimize your blocks effectively.
  6. Thanks for the information guy. I didn't know if it was an error on my part, or if the server was down. The service is great, especially for what we pay for it. I love Xisto, and I completely understand that it takes a lot to host so many sites. They should be (and I would be) more dedicated to making sure that their paid hosting services are functioning properly. Sorry for so many posts on this topic, but I was just curious. Just want to say thanks to Xisto for providing us this service, and this great forum to share all kinds of information with one another. It's a great resource to have.
  7. Okay, it's up now. I don't know what the problem was. Firewall was off, and tried it on both my computer and my wife's computer. (Both dial-up) Maybe I'm just checking it during the times of matinence. I put a index.php page up so at least I've done something to the site. I think it's in the rules, that if you don't upload anything your account can get suspended.
  8. It's still down for me, and I have yet to see it up. I'm confused as to what would be causing the problem. Maybe the server's down again. I don't know. Php4 is enough for a lot of things, but one of the projects I was working for in one of my classes involved creating objects. Hence, the use of php5. My professor gave me some space on his server, but I was just wondering if we would be seeing php5 in the the near future. Doesn't matter to me, but it would be nice. Apache 2 doesn't really matter as far as I'm concerned. Just a new web server. I have apache 2 and php5 and mysql 4.x (mysql 5 is out now right?) at home. It took some tweaking with apache 2 and php 5 to get it running, but it works fine now. I find apache 1.3 works much better with php. There's a method I use on the campus computers when I install php5 + apache 2 that works fairly well. Move the .ini and all required .dll's and extensions into the apache directory ( usually "c:\program files\apache group\apache2\" i think ) That's a last resort to get it functioning properly for me. I find that the PHPIniDir= (don't know if thats the correct caps) path doesn't work right for me. Even if I declare the path into my environment variables, that still doesn't do the trick. My professor said he "fought" with php5 and apache2 to get it running on his server. It works fine now though.
  9. Just curious to all those out there that have played quake 4 already. Is it good. I am hoping that it's not another doom 3. (Good single player, bad multiplayer) I read somewhere that they are trying to keep the quake 3 multiplayer style intact. Just curious as to what everyone thinks.
  10. I keep trying to connect to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (my web hosting account) and it says it can't connect. Just curious if it's down? Can anyone else access it. I deleted the index.php or .html file, but I haven't uploaded anything to it yet. I have sufficient credits. Any ideas? I read a previous topic about the hosts file, but why would that help? Any help is greatly appreciated. Oh, and just a curious question. Does Xisto plan on upgrading to php 5.x and/or apache 2.x soon?
  11. I have noticed that once you login you get redirected to a "blank page". I noticed that this mainly only happens on IE 6. If anyone has this problem try using firefox to avoid the clearing the cache. Or whatever works for you. Thanks for the tip, I usually just switch browsers, but I'll give this a go.
  12. N/m, apparently it was just down or something. First time I had the opportunity to check anything was today, so I just thought it hadn't came back up yet. Maybe after I emailed the support they fixed it. All in all, sorry, and where's the edit button? Are we not allowed to edit in here, or do I have to change something in preferences?
  13. I'm having trouble accessing my site @ mooreo.astahost.com I emailed the support, and it didn't help any. I was below 0 credits for a few days, but I've mainained sufficient amount of credits for the past week. Any suggestions?
  14. A few websites http://www.pageresource.com/html/ http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/bxd/pox.html http://internet.com/mobile/html5-for-the-mobile-web-canvas/ Just google a few sites about advanced HTML topics. What do you mean by advanced anyways? Frames, meta tags, and tables? Or are you talking about adding css/javascript/php etc? Perhaps if you stated what you wanted to accomplish with html, that would help some.
  15. I agree with most. Basic HTML is all you really need to know in order to build a great website. You can do a lot with HTML, but most of the time there's no need. CSS, Javascript, and PHP often are what make up the most of your website. For a basic, understandable tutorial for most web languages I was refered to http://www.htmlgoodies.com/. They have some advanced topics in HTML as well as tutorials in most scripting languages. I definately recommend that for tutorials. Almost always however, you'll need a reference in front of you when you go to code something up. Don't expect much with HTML alone. A lot of people use HTML and pure CSS and make really good websites. I suggest looking into that first. Then javascript to verify fields for your forms, and php/mysql if you need something more.
  16. Lol. Ah well, you've gotta give it to Microsoft. They love their money, but they do try to fix a lot of things, and give lots of support. In their attempts to fix something, every now and again something's going to go wrong. I like XP. It's one of the better OS's I've used but my experience is very limited. Hopefully (as I have mentioned plenty of times), when I format I'll partition my drive and install a copy of Linux as well. Thanks for the update on the security patch, since I'm on dial-up, I usually don't downlaod the newest patches, but I have SP2. I'm sure a lot of people will find this useful.
  17. I really never played starcraft avidly until about a year ago. I really got into it, and I admit. That's one of the best games I've ever played. I played it for awhile and found it to be extremely addicting. Diablo on the other hand was always one of my favs. Blizzard has been known to produce was awesome games. What really sets them apart is their multiplayer aspects. That's what most of the games are made for. Warcraft 3 was alright, but I really didn't get into it like starcraft. Starcraft was more macro based where warcraft was micro intensive. It was fun, and I guess if I played with a few friends from time to time I would've liked it more. I guess I didn't stick with it long enough, on finding out what kills what better etc.I read the same thing on their web site about visiting the world of sc2. There's all kinds of topics on the battlenet forums. Insane, how many people were actually into it. I love watching those VODS of professional gamers going at it. Hopefully starcraft ghost will be pretty good. It's console based isn't it? Blizzards first attempt on the console I believe. Diablo did go to playstation (and warcraft 2 also), but that's a little different.
  18. Heretic was great for it's timedoom 3 what can i say I liked the engine, and was great for single playerquake 3 personally this is my fav, I love multiplayer and that rail only ownshalo was pretty good, a little slower paced than I'm use tounreal tournament fast paced, unique weapons, similiar to quake seriesI loved all these fps's, but I kinda listed a few I personally thought was some of the greats. I didn't let graphics sway most of my decisions. I admit doom 3 wasn't that great, but it had it's moments. I'm still waiting on quake 4. =) Hopefully it's just as good in them multiplayer mode as quake 3.
  19. So much of my time is devoted to the computer. If I could afford it, I would have a huge hard drive, buy tons of games, and a great graphics card. That would ensure that 8+ hours would be spent (if Ihad that much time). Now days I usually spend 6-8. I go to school, and use it in 2-3 of my classes, then when I get home, I code a little, and if I have time I pull out an old school game. Hopefully when quake 4 comes out, (after a few months) I'll be able to afford a new graphics card and broadband and quake 4. That'd be nice =). I'm still not bored of quake 3 when it comes to online play.
  20. After removing norton systemworks 2003, I haven't used it since. It was annoying at what uninstalling systemworks did to my system. A few .dll files were gone or corrupted, my windows search engine wouldn't work, and my system just didn't operate the same. It was incredibly not what I expected. Now days I use Avast (freeware), with a little bit of NOD32 thrown in and like 5 different spyware appz. All freeware. My machines doing fine, but considering I'm still on dial-up, most of my worries are spyware from when I was on campus with broadband connection. I have most of them under control.
  21. Would someone explain a blog? I've always understood it to be basically a diary. Or a place to show your store you ideas. Kind of like a personal journal (diary, what have you). Is that the typical reason for blogging? Or is it another way to have your own personal web site such as the days of having a geocities site to tell everyone who you are? I'm not sure on what blogging actually is for. I mean for the typical user. I can see how it would benefit a writer or someone high up int he business world. I guess I could show the world a picture of my dog. =) Maybe it's just not for me, or I'm totally misunderstanding the use of blogging.
  22. Upon entering this topic, I was assuming that you wanted a google search bar to google anything. Just as if you went to https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl and searched for it. Lol of course you want it on your site too, so you coulde google the conten within your site. That makes sense now =). Thanks for the responses guys, that would come in fairly handy.
  23. So basically you have a file called "navigation.php" then you have your index.php, page1.php, page2.php. If your pages (page1, page2) are dynamic then you just add the include statement to generate your menu while you generate it. Butif you manually code it, you put in the include("./filetoinclude") statement?I've seen a lot of pages with menus that only load like the right hand side of the screen. As to give you an illusion that the menu is static, while it only loads the content needed. Is this just an illusion, or is that actually what happens? I'm kinda curious on this as well.
  24. 50 gb's. That's insane. Almost 1/2 my hard drive on 1 dvd. I'm still living in the cdr generation. Maybe I'll step up to a dvdrw soon. I really need it to back up all my files. Thanks for the info. (isn't ps3 going to be using this technology?)
  25. Thanks, I'll try that prefetch registry key. I've disabled a lot of things, but still it seems like mine takes a few mins too boot up. I only have like 4 things starting up in my msconfig. Maybe it's some of the services that starts up. Not too sure, but I'll end up formatting sometime soon. I hate it when it slows down.
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