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Everything posted by jipman

  1. Is it possible to create a udp connection to a server on my standard Xisto account?. I mean is it allowed in php? Or do i need to set anything to anything.I've found a script that queries game servers and displays their output to the site. When I run it on my own Apache server, it works (even for outside ip's). But when I use the same script at Xisto it doesn't work :S..Anyone who has a suggestion?------------------------- Consecutive posts. Merged (m^e)-----------------Ehm... Ello????? Any one here?
  2. Or try the New Zalman Fanless Case... That thing is a GIANT HEATSINK, it's 25 kilo's heavy or something... Only con. It's a little expensive for a case ($1300 or so)
  3. Hmm yeah.. well... in holland a construction man gets at least 9 or 10 times that and the Internet Access is about the same price... The lucky bastard I am.
  4. I don't think that somebody who bought IIS would want to drop it and use Apache ... But that's just a remark, I really don't know how it is done (I use Apache + PHP myself)
  5. Well... Xisto's a little slow compared to my ISP's homepage account (but it doesn't even support PHP)... Guess i shouldn't live in the netherlands
  6. Hm... Have not much to say, just this.Most of the socalled 'hackers' are just people who run an openly available exploit found on the net. So maybe you could just use another version of the board and keep it updated.Btw. Most hackers delete the access/security logs, so I wonder if you can get 'm, if not, he should be easy to search and destroy ... Hmm played to much call of duty i think .Good luck.
  7. https://www.google.com/adsense/start/?gsessionid=3-GWxCTWt89HsBlQWCE0BQ Not much else to say... Oyeah... Please don't do flashy banners and stuff... I don't like banners :P hey, but who am i
  8. I do... It looks like the dashboard of my baby nephews toy car... Al those rounded buttons and happy colors... Iew... Just give me GNOME please. I also like the windowmanager that is used in Damn Small Linux, can't remember the name though.
  9. My OS will be completely GUI-less... It will be fast secure and only be usuable by true elite people :P
  10. jipman


    www... cough cough.... bi-torrent......cough....cough... comIt's a ....Cough.... Supr...cough...nova mirrorhave fun
  11. Euh... Have you heard of the bubblesort technique? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubble_sort I know the Visual Basic version of it... If you want it, ill post it. Good luck
  12. Eh... I don't really see the use of this.. Win XP still has a sort of al dos prompt. Kinda crippled but does it ok for me. (didn't most dos games work on that)AlsoLinux has a much better version of dos -> Terminal... Does everything dos does and has fancy colors ;)
  13. read this http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/howto/auth.html and get ssh enabled on your account in order create these things. I like the prompt more... but thats just my silly opinion . Good luck with it.
  14. This is called, don't rely too much on M$...My heart runs over with joy when I see that MSN doesn't work. (sarcastic), they do have a lot of downtime these days.. I wonder when people start to move to Opensource alternatives (cough...jabber.....cough....)
  15. Just wondering... Should we be experimenting with this sort of thing.What if we DO find a way to travel back in time... Or we can give something the speed of light... Could you imagine what could happen???People would start to 'fix' things that went wrong in the past, assasinations, wars, hitler... So the whole world would be different. And my opinion is that we just have to leave the past as it is, and not trying to invent such technology, since (imo) that it will bring more harm than good.
  16. I just overclocked my P4 Prescott from 3.0 to 3.2 Ghz... Now i'm gonna test it if it's stable and maybe I'll try reach the 3.5Good thing I've got an Uber Leet Cooler ....ZALMAN CNPS7000B ownage
  17. I'd say that Win XP is more stable and runs better, I always thought that 2000 had compatibility and stability problems
  18. Well.. that's true, I was wrong, but some (not many) people need a very stable computer or one that is silent (recording studio's or something). THen it might be good to lower the cpu speed if the cpu is too powerfull anyway.
  19. Not going to try it with my Prescott P4 3.0 Ghz CPU (yet).... It needs a €35 cooler to keep it under 50 C .... The boxed one ranges around 60.Maybe when I get another one, I'll try OC'ing too...If you underclock, the power usage and temperature drops.. That way Intel can market with that, since they're CPU's are notorious for their extreme high temps (especially the high speed ones)...
  20. Ehm m8, you might want to MD5 the passwords stored in the database...Just a simple case of md5(password).It's a bit more secure
  21. Ehm... that's quite possible with thunderbird... You have to login as everyone and setup their mail accounts from that pc-user-account Or did I misunderstood you? OR... Try Calypso... I think you want that... http://www.rosecitysoftware.com/404.html
  22. Bloody hell.... that's pretty.....But isn't better to use just a picture?
  23. Gee... Are we on the cheapness tour?Download fedora core 3 for FREE... from fedora.redhat.com, It's a free linux distro.And Openoffice is included in the installer...Try beat that Ryan
  24. Guys, Overclocking at this rate usually means the guy just likes to explore the limits of his hardware, he doesn't want to play games or something... Just to see how far you can go with the hardware.But still.... COOOOOLStill... Amd's are much cooler than a P4, would it be possible to get higher clock rates?
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