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Everything posted by jipman

  1. I'm almost very certain that the lad means FTP server, since he wants to share his stuff with others.
  2. You mean FTP-server?try guildftp(d), it's a easy to configure ftp server
  3. i just thought of something else, the formula of einstein, E=mc^2E = the amount of energy you need to give a object with the weight of m (in kilo's) the speed of light ©.c = 300.000.000c x c = metres/secondlets say i want to give an object that weighs 1 gram the speed of light,according to the formula that would be JoulesThe nuclear bomb dropped on Nagasaki during the 2nd world war had the energy of Joules.See how difficult it gets, AND, keep in mind how much damage the bomb did to that place. And how are you going to make sure that all the energy is transferred to the 1 gram object and it's almost impossible to create a barrel that will hold such blast.
  4. Still, a object can't be given the speed of light because there wasn't enough energy (oil, gass, stuff) in the entire universe, (proven by some scientist ). AND, how can you say that something operates at the speed of light? the speed of an object is metre/second, that's different from computer speed, cpu-ticks/second that simply can't be compared. to keep it simple.the speed of an object is different from the speed of operation. people often get confused in that.
  5. Too bad about the banner like menu thingy on top.
  6. ehm dudedo thistelneto<youraccount>.astahost.com 25o means open connection... read the HELP
  7. everyone has telnetit comes with every windoze releasejust get a dos prompt and type 'telnet'that should do it
  8. Additionally, you could put up some error messages and stuff, but this is all you need, of course you need a server with php support and that allows you to use the mail function.
  9. easy cake. here's the code (just made it up should work)html -- [feedback.html]===============<html><head><title>asdf</title></head><body><form action="feedback.php" method="post"><input type="text" id="name" name="name"> <--- the senders name<input type="text" id="email" name="email"> <--- the senders mail<textarea name="contents"></textarea> <--- the mail contents</form>=======================================end of html file now start PHP file=========feedback.php =========<?php$_POST["name"];$_POST["email"];$_POST["contents"];mail('youremailadress@foobar.com', 'Feedback mail', 'mail sent by' . $name . ' with email adress ' . $email . 'contents : ' . $contents);?>
  10. Try port scanning the server on port 25, if it's open, it's really likely that there's a smtp server running. OR, try this, make a php script like this:<?phpmail ('yourmailadress@foo.org','test subject','this is a test');?>if you get a mail smtp works.
  11. Guys, everyone at Xisto.com can ask to have SSH enabled on their accounts, just mail the helpdesk/support desk. They'll fix it, i got mine enabled after one hour after sending the mail.
  12. There's no reason to BUY any html page editor thingy, dreamweaver is just like frontpage but a little better. But on the long run, text-editor-webmasters will excel over the GUI-web's because GUI is limited in functions. I could do a few things with tables in VIM / notepad that you can't do in dreamweaver or frontpage.BUT, GUI-interfaces are indeed usefull if you just start learning html.
  13. It is terrible, what if you want to save the page to read later on? And try to pay a little attention to your grammar, cause it's quite difficult to read. And sure, YOU don't care about it, but what about others? If you make a site with frams search engines may get in trouble indexing your pages.
  14. just 1Pentium 4, 3,00 Ghz1024 mb DDR-ram160 GB HDAti Radeon 9200 , 128 mbjust 1Pentium 4, 3,00 Ghz1024 mb DDR-ram160 GB HDAti Radeon 9200 , 128 mb
  15. Looks more like a PASV or PORT problem to me. Try playing with the PASV setting in your ftp client.
  16. IP is easy if you mean the client that connects to your server has to be logged.$adress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];insert that line and the variable $adress will be the IP you need.But city is not possible i think, because the IP only refers to the company that has registered the subnet ( first 3 digits of you ip). So you can only find out who someones ISP is. And in wich country someone is. All you need to do is a whois to the ip you just got.
  17. I'm sorry to say NO, as long as games do not run well on Linux or any other *nix. That's the only reason i'm still using windows.
  18. My physics teacher also told me that if you move very fast, let's say you're moving in a very fast train, the clock on that train would tick slower than the clock on the train station (you would be going forward in time). So, if you move at the speed of light, you would be going a lot forward in time. But he also said that it's impossible to give something the speed of light, because there isn't enough energy available in the whole universe.
  19. moonfruit :S.too much flash, flash isn't meant to be used that way . And i don't like the sounds much. It interferes with my current music. :S.2 out of 5ps. PHP is a good choice.
  20. NICE......... only one remark, don't like the frames.
  21. Jabber http://www.jabber.org/. Something like msn, but open source, and you can run your own jabber server .
  22. It's unethical, but it's the industry's own fault. They're charging way to much for stuff that's produced for a small fraction of the price you pay. AND, if it weren't for illegal downloads, noone would consider using highspeed internet, hell, if you just browse and mail, why would you use highspeed.
  23. Everything that you don't see on TV is nice music to me, except if it hasn't a electric guitar in it. How about the classic metal band Seventh Avenue.
  24. Reminds me,I hope you know linux? I also hope you know how to use the LInux-in-command-prompt mode? .SSH is just that on another computer. Works much better to me then ftp, because you use the ssh-server to create /edit your stuff.
  25. Probably when someone makes a real usefull post, there is such thing too on tweakers.net, where people who make lame posts get *BLEEP* reputations. And people who make usefull posts get a reputation point.
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