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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. Well... in weeks this thread has has almost no views, and no reply's. ive found the answer, and for the unlikely probability that anyone else needs this answer..... the new config file is called kderc. i suppose different distro's may puy iy in different places, so the best way to find it would be ... updatedb && locate kderc | grep 3.4 the grep statement is there to ilter out any old configs from kde-3.3 that may have survived. Search for the listenTCP=no line, and change it to yes, then re-start X.
  2. ever studied neural networks ? they are porgrams which mimuc brain cell's and learn. when they get closer to a solution, they are rewarded, when they make a mistake they are punished. humans are punished with negative input suh as taking away freedom. machines are punished with negative input like "-1". -1 to a human isnt a punishment, for a machine, programmed to take negative numbers as a punishment, it is. just like you cant reward a neural net with a lolly-pop. but there is no reason why a neuraal net couldnt be programmed with a sencor to detect sweet and sour tastes, and rewarded with sugar or punished with lemon. anyways.. you get the idea, you can punish a machine, its just human are programed too accept different negative inputs.
  3. LOL.... 1 think i like about linux is the humor ! Lol, visual basic ! so basicaly, its similar to the old way... i will keep using whatever is the latest version of <even>.<even>.X whenever i re-compilke my kernel. with an odd 3rd number, i dont think there will by any prblems, and if there are, i can submiot a bug report, and know i helped in my own little almost insignificant way. ANYWAYS.... when you get your GC 4.0 distro working, let me know how it went, and any porblems you came across, it all sounds quite interesting.
  4. , okay sorry.but i still dont understand what is confusing.. "rc" stands for "Release Candidate"most Open Source porgrams use that version scheme.remember firefox 1.0-rc3 then the next version was firefox 1.0
  5. Linux kernel versions explained :rolleyes:2.6.11-gentoo-r3A.B.C.DA=2B=6C=11D=gentoo-r3A: would be a major huge amasing change, were only on version 2 after almost 15 years.B: is a major change, for example, kernel 2.4 used the OSS driver model for sound (Open Sound System) and version 2.6 Uses ALSA (advanced Linux Sound Architechture)kernel 2.4 is depreciated for 64bit cpu'sand many more things, but the C is only securety fixes, and slight improvements, maybe new device drivers added, that sort of thing. Really, you only need to update the number if you are affected by a bug, or securety hole.ALSO, untill recently, if the B number was an odd number, then it was a testing version.Before kernel 2.6 was realeased, you could use the s.6 testing kernel's (which were 2.5.X)but i think they droped that in favor of just calling testing versions "testing"ALSO, at the end of that number you may see somthing line r11, for example, im using gentoo kernel 2.6.11-gentoo-r3.(wth redhat i think they used the addition "RK" instead of gentoo..)the 2.6.11 part is the basic *vanilla* kernel (vanilla meaning straight from kernel.org without any modifications)the r3 means that this is the 3rd release that gentoo have made of that kernel version.. maybe they tweaked the pathes for performance differently, or removed a bug that a previouse patch has.. who knows.
  6. A very poorly worded title P(sorry, lol)but from reading the first post, i chose to interpret the question as "Will a robot ever be what we call *self aware*... will it ever consider itself a slave, or show an interest in an irelevant question like how it came to be"And the short answer... I dont Know it it will ever be done before humas are extinct... but in a world where scientist have built quantum computers.. that have electrons that spin both clockwise and anti-clockwise at the same time, and use alternat realities to break encryption.... isnt anything possable ?
  7. lloydkirk1989, i could argue that you are not alive with similar arguments you gave.An unborn baby needs life support, yet its not dead is it. its alive, growing.Virii recieve energy from a host... its alled eating, you recieve energy indirectly from the sun. The earth, and tree's and sun are your life support.First of all, Virii do have DNA, and who said somthing needs DNA to be alive ?Did you know your red blood cell's dont have DNA, they dont have a neucleus !Yet the can live !Malaria parasites use red blood cells to grow and spead (killing them as they mov on)People talk of God often.. i dont believe in god myself... BUT.. if god greated everything, then he must have existed before protein existed ?therfore god has no DNA, nor has he brain cell's blood, or anything else that you have said are essential for life and intelligence.yet you believe god is alive and intelligent dont you ?
  8. https://www.oracle.com/sun/index.html Nope, solaris 10 is finished, released, and available for free. I use solais 9 almost every day in one way or anouther. depending on what mood im in, somtimes i use KDE on linux, and ssh into Solaris. and sometimes i run a full graphical login to solais with IceWM running on a local Linux machine. Our university has a dozen Solaris Servers, and Linux terminals for remote logins. Also eXceed running on windowsXP for remote iceWM X logins.
  9. im using kernel 2.6.11 with the gentoo patches, and it working fine for me.i dont think there will be any major differences between 2.6.11 and 2.6.12.gcc 3.x and 4.x are a major version increace, but the new kernel version is just a minor version increace. No securety holes ive heard of, maybe just a few driver updates and stuff.
  10. How old is the computer ??? there are 2 protocols for all power related tasks, ACPI and APM. ACPI is new and replacing APM, Some older machines support APM and ACPI, but computers from around when ACPI was newish, especially laptop's tend to have very buggy ACPI bios's. You used to be able to fix this by forcing the kernel to use APM instead of ACPI, but i dont know if APM support has been dropped all together yet. what kernel version are you using ? (the command "uname -a" wil tell you ) unless you have proken somthing, or installed from dodgey scratched disks, then re-installing is very unlikel;y to help. im betting its just a buggy bios disagreeing with that particular kernel version's acpi calls. maybe update the kernel, or if you have the knowhow, compile a kernel yourself. if you have ever read through kernel documentation, your wouldnt believe how many tweaks there are for buggy bios chips.
  11. Buy a Book !when you learn from free online tutorials, you tend to pick up the bad porgramming habbits of the author.seriously.... learning little bits from different online tutorials messes with our head.and one early word of warning... avoid MFC like the plague ! (Microsoft Foundation Class) use STL wherever possable (standard template library)and get a free compiler (GCC ?) MS Visual C++ is quite possably the worst compiler ive ever had the misfortune of being forced to use at school
  12. Plus... Sooner or later, our sun is going to go nova, and we will all be intergalactic asylum seekers.... (note to self: in the event or a super nova, dont expose passport to direct sunlight)lol, made myself laugh, how lame.
  13. Cool... maybe you should have done some before and after benchmarks, i hear the gcc 4 has some groovy new optimisations.read the GCC 4 man page, maybe you will have to set som new compile flags to take advantages of the new features.
  14. The confusion could go on and one and one and one I would say a virus is alive, just a much lower form of life. but then again i would also say a virus is a very very tiny chain letter. chain letters cannot write themselves, but they do mutate (spelling mistakes) and spread, and inconvinience a lot of poeple... Are chain letters alive ??? (maybe life sould be a scale, from a brick (not very alive) up to humans.. (very alive), with virii somwhere in the middle) what about a snowball rolling down a very very big hill... and every now and again it gets too big, and breaks into 2 rolling snowballs... Personally, i would define life as a self sustaining chemical reaction. but that bring the question, are stars alive. maybe i should have taken philosophy. lol. EDIT: and if i was unable to find anything to eat, i would die off :)i think thats a question of immortality, not life.
  15. define organic matter ? define soul ? organic matter is carbon based ? if carbon can have a soul, why not silicone ? "They just cant" isnt a valid reason Humans have blood and veins, machines have wire and electrons. emotions are just chemicals in your brain that alters neuro transmitters conductivity right ? Humans need emotions to alter how our brains work quickly in certin events, a machine wouldnt need these chemical signals. The question should not be are robots considered human,, the question is, are humans smart enough to constuct such an artificial beeing. Im not suer if humans willl ever be smart enough to build such a machine... but its defiantly possable. People are machines. Humans use chemical reactions in muscles to move... Robots use Electro magnetic field motord... Humans have brain cell's Robots have transistors. Could God himself create a thinking, intelligent, self aware machine out of different chemicals that humans are made of ???? Its just a question of intelligence, and technology to build.
  16. 3.3 and 3.4 sonetimes have *issues*4.0 is anouther world.programs compiled with 3.4 will not work with libraries compiled with 4.0 and vice versa.so if you are planning on re-compileing the whole OS.. (Gentoo or linux from scratch style) then knock yourself out... 4.0 has some prety cool speed anhancing features... (wooo for optimisation)but anything you compile in 4.0 will not work with the current glibc libraries on your distro.
  17. Good point ! but im guessing the christian answer would be, that if free will didnt exist, and god chose what we all did, then no1 would be evil, and hell would be pretty empty. about the cubic meter of mass weighing 20,000 tonnes.... in what gravitational field are we talking about ? the earth's or the stars ? are you sure a scientist said that ? in abcence of a common value for gravity, you should measure dencity (the amount of mass per cubit meter)
  18. this is a common misunderstanding. windows doesnt *have* games. games makers simply use the win32 API. the gamess could easily be programmed instead for GNU, BSD, SOLARIS, MacOSX, whatever. Plus, Windows is a good 10 years behind other operating systems in areas such as file systems. Windows is the only Operating system i know of that degrades over time, and needs to be de-framented. and MS has shown no interest in fixing this problem. even the long awaited windows Long horn will still use NTFS. windows was the last OS to catch up and release a 64bit operating system. and almost 30 years behind other operating systems in true Multi-Tasking. however windows is definatly the most used home operating system, but common doesnt mean better. My Vote is with the MacOSX.
  19. the most simple explanation would be that your friend has heard the words bios, and kernel, but doesnt actually know what they are. yuo dont need to be a porgrammer, and you dont need to alter the linux kernel for laptops. in the oldern days, if you used linux on a laptop, you could kiss goodbye to all those thinks that required special drivers.. like making it shut down automatically when you closed the lid. but thats not so tru today. As always, check compatability before you install. but the worst possable thing that could happen, if you will have an un-supported wireless lan card, which mans no wireless internet in linux. You may notice linux eats your battery power more quickly too, most linux distro's default to performance settings, rather than powersave. and just for the fun of it..... a kernel is the first thing loaded into memory when you boot, it controlls all hardware at the very lowest level, and manages memory. also containss device drivers. and the bios chip contains a little program that starts the whole boot sequence, it tells your cpu how fast to run, chooses what disks are booted... and if you hit certain keys at the first boot screen (usually the DEL key) you get to have a look around some bios settings. The bios does lots of hardware stuff.. but linux doesnt touch the bios.
  20. Dont count silicone out just yet !!! http://phys.org/news/2005-04-material-world-fastest-transistor.html They managed to push a new type of silicone transister to 604 Gigahertz !!!
  21. Who was it who said "True intelligence, is th realisation that you know almost nothing". I believe that we dont know these answers, but can only speculate on logic. whats unwise about that ??? That is because every time science says somthing like for example, "there were not enough humans on the ark to give a deep enough gene pool, and the resulting in-breeing would have lead to very very very poor health, and abnormality"Then the christans use an answer like.. it was gods magic. how many fish to feed such a huge crowd ??? mathematically proven impossable... but the christans say "it was a miracle" how can science possably prove you wrong when you have a "get out of jail free" card called Miricles ???? Plus... cummon. Evolution ! Evidence for evolution.... 1) fossiles. 2) remains of early man. 3) scientists study evolution by watching bacerica evolve in dishes. 4) selectiv breeding forcing evolution. I give money to charity, ive never intentionally hurt someone, ive never stolen, klled, or anything bad i can think of... however, i have had pre-marital sex with my girlfriend, i dont believe in god, i will never ask forgivness for my sins,because i have not commited any, and your meme cannot guilt me into thinking i have. therefore, your god will send me to hell, to be tortured for all eternaty, in agonsising torment and pain. along with all homosexuals, and people who were brought up as a different religon. how petty is that ! a god that reward or punish you depending on an errelevant beliefe. Remember... Death disease and suffering is gods punishment for the dissobediance of 2 people, for eating from the wrong tree. what kind of sick god tests someone's faith by demainding the sacrifice of his son ??? The good things i do are motivated by my kindness,,, they are not motivated by fear of hell, or anything else. Anyone who doesnt know murder is wrong is serverely mentally deranged. this is common sence. as a young child i went to religous schools... i was a friend of the son of a priest, and was frequently invited church activites. ve not read the whole book... just parts of it that we were encouraged to study between the fun activites. At first i believed, i was too young to question what those i trusted (school teachers and the guys running the church) told me. fortunatly as i got older and wiser, i realised what it all was. I have nothing againsed christians... they thought that by recruiting me at a young age, (too young to think for myself) they were saving my soul. If there is a god, the god that you descirbe as forgiving will not torture me because i used independant thought, and decided to live by my own morrals.
  22. Ahh, you are probably right !Installers really should stop trying to be clever with video card drivers, and just fall back onto good old reliable generic VESA 2.0.Just in case that doesnt work, try dissableing ACPI and APIC in the bios,i found that workes wonders for faulty install disks.
  23. On the meme theory what about the meme thory do you find so hard to understand.. ? the nursery rhyme "humpty Dumpty" is a meme.. it is taught to children, and they are encouraged to sing it over and over, it stays within the mind for there whole life, and is passed on the the next generation. Christianity is similar, only it attempts to change the behaviour of the hosts with threats of heaen and hell. you say you laugh at the meme theory ? many people would laugh at the idea of talking to an imaginary friend (Preying). many people would laugh that fully grown addults all gather once a wek to listen to very boreing stories, from a very old book, which teach you nothing that you should know from common sence. many poeple would laugh at the idea that such a foregiving and kind god would banish you to hell for eternal suffering and torture, simply because you dont believe ! You Believe in god, Which i suppose means you think that my soul is lost to satan, and you would be doing me a great favor by converting me to christianity. I believe you are infected with a meme, and that meme would like ot spread to me too. You believe that the answers to everything are in that book, and therefore aliens do not exist. I believe that as humans, we simply dont know, and we should therefore use what we know, with logic. Logic vs Faith. I suppose we will never end this disscusion because i cannot accept how you can ignore logic and physical evidence. and i suppose you dont understand how dare i argue againsed an all mighty god that could banish me to helll ???
  24. For an in depth look at what i think of most religons, see http://www.christianitymeme.org/index.shtml its all there... how the christian god evolved in the minds of humans, and how how and why it speards to other minds. Meme's are incredable things. lol, dont even get me started on the Free will vs determinism debate ! he was saying that there both very ebtertaining, but dont actually matter, or have meaning in the real world. or at-least thats my interpretation. hey read the link, there's some great info about meme's restricting clear thought for self preservation.
  25. did the media pass the md5 checksum ???what do you mean by goes crazy ?any clues as to whats cone wrong on any of the other virtual terminals ? (ctrl+alt+Fx where Fx are the different Function keys.. F1, F2, F3, F4 etc etc)
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