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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. make sure both AGP-GART and your Graphics card are installed.use the AGP-GART from the graphics card from the motherboard or graphics card install cd, the generic agp gart driver that comes with windowsXP is very slow.
  2. Here's a riddle on relativity.hyperthetical situation.SpaceShip X can travel half the speed of light.LazerCannon Y can fire a Pulse of Light, which travels at the speed of light.There is going to be a race.The race track is 1 light year long (it will light one year to travel the distance) (the spaceship 2 years)The spaceship is given 1 year head start....so the spaceship, capable of half light speed, only has to race half a light year, the beam of light has to race one whole light year.There are 2 Observers in this race. A: the Driver of the space ship, and B the judge sat on the finish line.remember, the speed of light is relative to the observer.the observer on the finish line, sees the spaceship with half a yea head star, travel at half the speed of light, and the race is a draw... both spaceship AND laser beam finissh the race at th same time.to obserber on the space ship, traveling at half the speed of light, the laser beem is moving towards him at the speed of light... the laser beam overtakes at the 0.75 lightyear mark, and wind the race by 6 weeks (im estimating)Was it a draw ? or did the light win ?which observer is correct... they both are.this is what will happen according to the theory of relativity.This isnt too hard to accept... we already know electrons spin in all directions at the same time, and photons in dual slip experiments gotough 2 paths at the same time..BUT.... what if, there is a 4rd observer on the finish line, and the third observer bets hit by the laser beam to observer A, and permenantl blined.but to observer B, the light beam missed observer C by 6 weeks.then all 3 observers meet in the pub later....is obsever C Blind or not ????
  3. cool.. you have no idea how easy you have it...when i started out with linux in the redhat 8 days, i had an un-supported video card, forcing OpenGL compatability with MessaGL... and an un-supported win-modem.took me 7 days to force that modem to dial up the internet.
  4. http://www.last.fm/ Audioscrobbler is a free online database that watches what music you listen to, and how frequently you listen. after it has enough data about you, it can compare you to other listeners with similar tastes, and surgest albums and tracks you may like, which you dont already own. I first descovered it when i accidenlt built its functionality into amarok. AudioScrobbler will work with the following media players using pluggins. Winamp Windows Media Player 9/10 iTunes (Windows) iTunes (Mac) foobar2000 XMMS/Beep Media Player AmaroK QCD Rhythmbox J. River Media Center SlimScrobbler Xbox Media Center Noatun AmiScrobbler (MorphOS) If you listen to alot of music while you work, sign up, its free. the more people using it, the better the results will be.
  5. A few months ago i was reading about a breakthrough, proving faster than light communication with quantum entangled photons. both cannot be correct can they ? im afraid most of the links you povided go way past my education pyhsics. (my education only went as far as time dialation equations) What i dont undersand is this whole thing about property's beeing in super-position untill beeing detected. define detected? in photon experiments by scientists, detected is when the photon hits the detector equipment. but out there is space, doesnt a photon have to take a poleisation upon impact with anouther photon on a serface (like in the dual slit experiment) im trying to find a lnk to that experiment, where a single hpoton is passted through an array of semi-silvered prisoms, and it passes though every different path at the same time. that blows my mind. if anyone knows it correct name, or hasa link, please post. when i surgested quantors, i wasnt proposing they exist, im just saying that its hard to believe that there is nothing about quantum physics that we dont know, that could have an impact on how it behaves. the universe is spinning too fast, the centripedal forces should push it apart, but they dont. we assume there is huidden mater, we dont know what it is, but we call it dark matter because something on a relaticistic scale, which we thought we understand extremely well doesnt make sence. You have the better understanding in this matter, but given scientists past blunders, i would never bet my life on quantum theory. just because we have quantum computers doesmt mean we understand 100% quantum physics. Cave men knew nothing about the chemical reactions between oxygen and carbon, but they managed to build fires for light and heat pretty well. so.. to update my origonal argument.... could a quantum mind, made up of quantum particles imagine the universe, and imagibnary self aware people. (sorry to argue, lol.. im not trying to prove you wrong, just argue that imaginary people could be self aware for philisophical blah blah blah etc. and i like argueing.. lol.)
  6. is faster than light travel possable ? no idea, but if it is possable, its certainly not with current propulsion techniques (warp drive anyone ? lol)however i was reading a magazine called new scientist about quantum entanglement.basically, faster than light communication. i dont know if anyone has managed to use it yet, but i remember it was proved possable.teleportation ?
  7. so whats the problem ?doesnt solaris have en ext2 driver ??? i thought it did. (ive never had root access to solaris)every self respecting "keyboard cowboy" never leavs homw without his copy of knoppix. boot that up.
  8. Anti trust laws prevent microsoft from banning non customers from using one of there *open services*but the laws do not prevent them from making un-announced protocol tweaks (and effectivly causing open source clients to fail to connect)well, once again the portocol changes have been programmed into kopete, and dureing gentoo's "emerge --sync && emerge --update world" last night, version 3.4.1 of kde-network was installed, along with a new version of kopete.i dont have anything againsed gaim, (which i was using while waiting for the next version of KDE) but i prefere kopete.anyways. update kdenetwork, and kopete will once again work with MSN messenger protocol.yipeee.
  9. wow... im well impressed, just got my 17 inch Neovo F-417 plugged up.the stand is tiny, it weighs nothing, the border around the screen is soo thin.its like there is a 17inch desktop hovering on my... um, desktop.. lol.the reaction time i got was 12ms. there is no shadow ffect porblem.the fonts are perfectly crisp, yet perfectly ant-aliased.its just a pleasure to look at.testures in games look better, more crisp.the only downside, is the whole perfect crispness of the display makes the staircase effect in non anti-aliased games much more viewable... but turning up the anti-alias setting fixed that right up.works perfectly in linux (auto detected) i am having difficulty with WindowsXP, the fonts are a mess, barely readable.i assume its because windows doesnt anti-alias fonts ???im off to read the instruction manual.everyone.... go dump your 14inch crt, and get a 17inch tft...(i almost got the 19 inch.... now that definatly would have had me drueling... but i cant bring myself to pay an extra £50 for 2 inches.)
  10. why are people so surprised at 3 gig of ram ? for most desktop machines anything more than 512 meg is a waste for most computer users. (or anything more than 1 to 1.5 gig for the kids games) but servers often have quite alot of ram, just look at the system specs of the linux server kernel.org http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Ram = 24 Gigs. Disk = 10 Terrabytes. CPU = 4x AMD64 Opteron. Ethernet = 2 seperate gigabit connections. now THATS a machine to druel over.
  11. Quite possably true. What i meant about nothing magical happening, is that everything in the brain is limited to (the mostly un-known) laws of physics. (just because we dont know them doesnt mean they dont exist) What if we sent the whole of the universe, (all infinite dimensions and alternate reality's if they truely exist) back in time by 1000 years. nobody goes back in time, the past is not altered in any way. everything known, and unknown is put into an identicle state 100 years ago. not just things like people and plannts, but every photon, every electron, and all energy. then you let the universe play out aain for a thousand years. would the universe play out exactly what it played out the first time ??? chaos theory does not come into play here, because all chaotic sytems are put into a truely identicle state. the question here is with quantum physics i think, and the aparent nature of the aparent *random* things it does. IF the universe plays out exactly the same 1000 years the second time around, then i would say that nothing magical is happening. The universe has a predictable future state (although you need a calculattor the size and ideticle state of the universe to calculate it) lol, complicated definition of nothing magical. i agree totally. but, when we observe quantum randomnes, we are not truely putting things into identicle states. there may be partcles in the universe, smaller than quarks (lets call them quantors) and these insanely tiny and unknown things may have a huge impact on quantum physics... so currently, scientists are wattcing quantim physics by putting electrons into identcle states, and watching the random output... but they are failing to put the quantors into identicle states. in the universe, there are two theorys i think. Quantum physics, and relativity. scientist are trying to unify them with things like Membrane theory,or super strings, but failing. relativity seems to work quite nicely with human maths, 2*2=4. maybe the quantum world has a cpompletely alien set of maths, which our tiny minds cannot cope with becase we live in a relative world of 1+1=2. you may well be right, and probably have modern science on your side.. but i have to make th point, just because we cannot possably uniderstand quantum maths, doesnt mean it doesnt exist. in every stagein human science, we have been so confident in what we believe. the word "attom" means indivisible. it is clearly not. disease was caused by too much blood, we blieved this to such a degree our doctors would bleed the patients. headaches are the works of demons, drilling holes in your skull would make them go away. the world was flat. the universe revolved around the earth. this conslusion came about because you could see the stars moving in circular movement in the sky. new technology proved all the points above. i think we are cheating by simply dismissing quantum activities as random. maybe in the future, or maybe not, we may have better technology to see iside the the quantum world, like telescopes into space. and prove what we currently think about the latest unknown mysterious world, is totally wrong. before we had instruments to look into the attomic world, fire was an element. as was water, and dirt and air.
  12. Notice from qwijibow: ive merged the topics "Mac vs Windows", "Windows vs Mac" and "Mac/Windows which is the best" into the same topic. The titles were the same, as were the thread contents.
  13. im thinking of replacing my Cathode Ray tube monitor with one of these thin, TFT monitors, but some things are confusing.1)first off, what does TFT stand for ?2) contrast ratio's. i understand what a contrast ratio is, but i dont have a basis for comparason.contrast ratio's tend to be between 300:1 and 500:1. what is he contrast ratio of the averate CRT monitor ? wiithout a base for comparason, its hard to know how important a good ratio is.3) responce times. I know that poor responce times will give shadows... responce times tend to be between 7 and 24 nano seconds.what confusing nme, is that the vertical scan speed is approx 50hz so by my calculations, in one frame, at maximum frames per second is approxamatly 20000000 nano-seconds.when a frame is 20 million nano seconds, a responce time of 20 nano seconds (the slower tft monitors) is still lightning fast, way too fast for the human eye.whats going on here ???4) my GForce FX 5700 LE has 3 video outputs (lost the manual)... the standard monitor output, which seems to have been used since the dawn of time... anouther one which looks the same shape, but is a bit wider, and a small round one which i assume is called s-video.what connections do most TFT monitors use ? any chance i wi ll end up with an alien socket ?question 1 really isnt too important, and im sure 2 and 4 can be answered by the sales-person.but if i ask question 3 in my local computer shop, im gonna get some dirty looks, lol.so... if anyone has an insight into question 3, i would be greatful.thanks.
  14. coooooolwhenever i try to explain somthing like this, everyone usually shoots be down, *proviing* me wrong with things like lack of knoledge, or lack of technology.but what i fail to comunicate, is just because we dont know exactly how the brain works, doesnt mean that there is a magical element to it.to me, the whole universe is a calculator.when i play snooker, i am posing the universe a question... the balls have momentum, and rotational evergy, friction, balls bouncing of the sides follow completely different, and much more complicated physics than light bouncing off a mirror.after the balls have finished bouncing, the universe has performed my calculation (taking into acound chaotic systems like air currents, static charges on the balls sliding on the mat)snooker simulations today cannot take into account for these chaotic systems.so they only appoximate with the simple conservation of energy laws, and friction.If i asked that same question, with chaotic sytems in identicle states... the universe would caluclate the same answer in the output shown by the new ball positions.When i put an apple next to anouther apple, the universe does the maths and shows 2 apples.when the universe calculates pool for me, it takes many more inputs, these so called chaotic inputs.What is chaos... in its most simple explanation...how long is a piece off string ?we will never know because to know, we would need a device capable to hole an almost infinite number of decimal places.and a calculater able to to maths with such hugely accurate numbers.we dont have one so we approximate.the approximations put incertainty's into our calculations..this is why clocks ar never perfectly accurate, why wether forcasts are wrong, and short into the future.The universe is such a calculator.to 100% predict future, we would need a calulateor as good as the universe, or better.and from my first post.... the virtual machine always has to be smaller that the machine it runs in.but just because we dont have calculators big enough to do the maths, DOESNT MEAN that the maths doesnt have an answer.which is my whole point with brains. just because we are incapable of [redicting them, doesnt mean they are not predictable to something with a better calculator.wow, inspiration just struck...is your nose self aware ? nois your blood in your brain self aware ? nois the water your brains is mostly made up of self aware.. no.but somthing in your brain is self aware, therefore i am considered self aware.and we are all just small self aware parts of the universe.is the universe self aware.like a voice in a head we dont have much controll over the universe, but uif a large lump of it comes anywhere neer us, ill bet we make a pretty huge dent in it with all our nukes.anywhere... earlyer, i was working towards a point with the snooker thing..like a moving ball on a snooker table is a mathematical problem for the universe to calculate, our brains are also chaotic mathmeatical problems that the universe is working on.
  15. Duuuude.. read the documentation on the site that i provided. the Cloak is a useless. the cloak is just a proxy. to the web server you visit will not be able to tace you (without server logs from the proxy) but your internet service provider knows exactly whats going on at all times. go to the link i provided in post #1 and read. now tell me how they are going to know who you are, or what you are doing. with this software, you ould be playing Half-Life... donwnloading from kernel.org or be talking on VoIP or using a web cam.. or even uploading /dev/urandom the traffic would look identicle. even to your own internet service provider. people are reading just the subject title, and assuming ive posted the link to a proxy. read the first post, read the link documentation.
  16. Lunix is intteresting, but definatly not ready for use as a server.and ive noticed many noobs spell linux wrong, so i assumed he was alking about linux.
  17. over 2 thirds of internet servers run free software.why buy anything. search sourceforge.net for ftp servers. i use vsftpd (stands for Very Secure FTP Daemon) (in *nix terms, a daemon is a program running in background) get vsftpd here https://security.appspot.com/vsftpd.html edit: oops, just been to the homepage, seems vsftpd only woks on every operating system except windows... lol. similar aprears to be true for most ftp server. i suppose they just automatically assume you will be using *nix if your running a server.
  18. oposite way round to the nth degree. neuron.. if (Input_1 + Input_2 + .. + Input_N > trigger) then output = 1 else output = 0 the wether !!!!! how much do you know about chaos theory? about the butterfly causing hurricanes on the other side of the world? the entire brain is a chaotic system, just like the wether, but a single neuron is pretty simple.
  19. The single neuron is painfully predicatable.my study of neurons only goes as far as a university module in artificial neural networks, but still.an neuron has a large number of inputs, and one output, which can be split and used as input to other neurons.if at any one time the total input voltage is above a trigger voltage, then that neuron sends a spike of output through its output connections.this is almost exactly how a transister works.if the input to a transister goes above a trigger voltage, then the transister turns on.the human brain learns by adjusting the trigger voltages.when i say there is nothing magical about a neuron, i mean it doesnt rcieve devine input from a soul hovering above your head... a neuron compares inputs, and firees an output spike.a neuron can be simulated in a ocmputer, no question about it. easy.so why, given a big enough computer, why could we not suimulate several billion, connect them up exactly as they are wired up in Mr.X's head.
  20. ever used the aalib pluggin for media players like mplayer or xine...ive watched entire movies... and played games such as quake2 in ascii art...now THATS impressive..!
  21. maybe not, but a single neuron can easily be reduced to a set of rules. im not sure if modern biology 100% understands the singl cell neuron, but i doubt there is anything magical about it. its just a single cell. any idiot can understand a transister. put enough of them together in the right order, and you have an Athlon64 processor. im not religous myself... but ive heard the riddle, "could god create a rock so large, evn he could not lift it" the answer of course beeing boreingly answerred by someone saying "god would create the rock so large that it occupied all the space in existance, and there would be no space to lift it" what about...... could god imagine a creature so intelligent, that this creature could imagine the universe as we know it. im trying to tell myself that an imagined beeing could not be self aware... but i dont believe it.
  22. lol, have you ever read fight club ? I loved the part where the narrator is in a meeting with microsoft discussing the icon colour *cornflour blue* wondering how much of his own blood he can swallow before be becomes sick. cornnfour blue icons, and red teeth. whenever you get round to posing your MS rants i'll have a read. i love ranting too, great little expressions seem to find there way between my sentences, like "forking death potatoes of hell" LOL. i think ill try and find some links tto some of my other forum MS rants. warning... pure rant, nothing constructive http://www.developerfusion.com/thread/23382/forking-death-potatoes-of-hell/
  23. MS has started advertising in ENgland, they never used to, except maybe a day or 2 before XP was released.Once, on channel 5, i even saw a linux advert By IBM.the one with the 9yr old blond spooky lookin kid.
  24. run firefox from a command prompt.firefox spews lots of ata dreing startup to stdout.this should give you a clue as to what is wrong.
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