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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. why not ? it has all the componnets of a computer, plus a fully functional operating system. Does that not make it a personal computer ?
  2. Notice from qwijibow: Moved: Please keep computer game talk in the gaming section.
  3. Aslong as you set it up yourself, and are capable of breaking protection yourself, then yep.
  4. This was the poit of my first post, With Ps3 running linux, it IS a PC. (PC meaning personal computer, not x86)
  5. the password in the pm was correct, but not the one you posted.
  6. what do you mean by your own operating system ? You mean the Linux distro of your choice ??? i dont see wh not. But i cant see MS porting their OS to a an arch of there competitors. Im sure netBSD will be ported too. netBSD runs on a gameboy Advance, so why not, lol. when can see see motherboard thats spport these cell cpu's ??? In the old days, technology say major advances like the Jet engine, because of war... now its for 12 yar olds who should be getting better excersize. So... get all your friends to bring there playstations, Setup linux as a cluster computer slaves, and lets break some supercomputing records
  7. Well, what more needs to be said ? this is the single greatest thing that ever happened to linux... In the current suituation... Yeah Linux rocks, but people want games. With the playstation3's optional Hard Disk Drive being shipped with Linux pre-Installed, that argument just got blown out of the water. you have a Ps3 for all the gamers, and Linux for the seriouse stuff. Recently IBM, the developers of the Cell processor mailed kernel patches to the linux kernel mailing list. In other words, as of kernel 2.6.11 (the current latest linux kernel) Linux is capable of running on the Ps3. Im not a gamer, i couldnt care less about games.. but have you seen the system specs for the Ps3 ??? The average 3.2Ghz PC is rated at about 0.01 TerraFlops processing power. The Average 3.2Ghz Cell Porcessor is rated at just over 2 TerraFlops. Just for comparason, the Xbox 360 is about 1 TerraFlop. and they are planning on running the Ps3 at 4 Ghz !!!!!!! On floating point operatioms, that makes the Ps3, a good 200 times as powerfull as my AMD Athlon64 3400+ (2.4Ghz). Before we got too excited, 200 times more terraflops does not mean that the playstation3 could run Half-Life2 at 10,000 frames per second, there are far more other things to take into accound, like bandwidth etc etc etc. But this Super Computer (yes, its classed as a super computer) is going to be sold for approx £300. Half the price of my self built PC. When the Ps3 is released, my pc is getting sold, and i will be working on Gentoo Linux running on the Ps3. Cummon second quater of 2006 Links... What is a Cell processor ? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ play station3 will sun linux http://www.gamespot.com/news/ commence drueling... system specs http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. LED stand fr Light Emitting DIODE. DIODE being the keyword here. Diodes are specifically designed to handle AC. Your computer uses them to convert AC to DC. HOWEVER, the only AC in your computer case is mains, so you should use DC. you can buy all different types of LED's. dont assume they are all the 1.5v variety. he may have 6v LED's Basically, to simplify the above, wire all your LED's in parallel, meaning all the negative legs of the LED's are wired together, and all the positive legs wired together. Thne wire the positive rail to a RED wire from your computers poser supply, and the negative rail to a BLACK wire. this is only 5 volts, but it should work fine.
  9. nope. This isnt really a hacking challenge, just a test to see if you can understand the script. open up the script in notepad. if you have ever used dos, or any other programing language its quite obviouse.
  10. This isnt shocking at all, not really an exploit.When someone has physical access to a computer, all securety goes out the window.Even in Linux with an encrypted root partiton, ayone could get to the hard disk, and alter the only partiton thats not encryptied (the boot partiton) and root the kernel.computer securety only assumes nobody has physical access to the machine.
  11. Thats why it recomends (and sets up by default on gentoo) you use tsocks with tor to remove dns info, and other possable identifying info leaked by browsers.
  12. Lol, without questions it wouldnt be a very good frum If you are using a graphical interface to setup your firewall, then you should also use that to open the samba ports. changes you make with iptables will not be remembered by that graphical firewall setup. Either use only the graphical firewall tool, or iptables command. here is an explanation of what the iptables rule in my other post does... -I INPUT 1 (means to Insert the rule to the top of the INPUT rules) -p udp (means this rule applies only to UDP protocol) --dport 12345 (means this rule applies only to packets with Destination port 12345) -m state (means to load the state module for use in the next part) --state NEW (means this rule applies to new packets) -s (means this rule is for all ipaddresses from to the /24 means compare only the first 24bits. an Ip address is 4 bytes (32bits) by only compareing the first 24bit (3 bytes) you are only ompareing the first 3 numbers in the ip, 192.168.1.ANYTHING -j ACCEPT means allow packets matvhing this rule. on my samba server i use the following firewall. iptables -F INPUT (clear all input rules)iptables -F OUTPUT (cear all output rules)iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT (unrestricted output, default is to accept output)iptables -P INPUT DROP (default is to DROP incomming traffic)iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT (allow computer to talk to itself, unrestricted)iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT (allow a packet if it is part of previously ACCEPTED connection)iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 139 -m state --state NEW -j ACEPT (allow new connections to tcp 139 from local area (not internet) )iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 445 -m state --state NEW -s -j ACCEPTiptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 137 -m state --state NEW -s -j ACCEPTiptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 138 -m state --state NEW -s -j ACCEPT you can then save the firewall settsings with iptables-save > /etc/iptables-rules and load them again with iptables-restore < /etc/iptables-rules /etc/iptables-rules can be any file you choose. most people put the firewall laoding line into a boot script. for more info on iptables, take a look at the online manual by running "man iptables" EDIT: oh yes, and you were correct about the ports you need to open.
  13. In other words, Linux gives more options dureing install.but can select default if they confuse you. more freedom can be confusing to some, but its not a bad thing.Remember, Installing Linux is the equivelant to installing Windows, Office, Servers, Security, games, multimedia, development tools, cimpilers, and everything else, all at the same time.Windows is just an Operating System, Linux is an all in one monster operating suite.
  14. Its called Linspire.Its a serverely crippled linux distro. it doesnt conme with a compiler, or any development tools.you need a subscription to linspuire to install new software.its easy to use.but in my opinion, not a very good linux distro.for comercial linux distro's Xandros is the way to go.
  15. you have to open up the samba ports. become root su - and get a list of server ports with netstat -nlp make a note of all ports and protocols listed as being listened to by the porgram SAMBA then setup your firewall to allow connection attempts from local computers only. for example, if your local LAN has IP's 192.168.1.X and a samba port is UPD 12345 then allow state NEW packets of protocol UDP to port 12345 fronsource 192.168.1.X through the firewall. if you are using a firewall frontend, then use the wizzard. if you use iptabkles directly, the commands would be... iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp --dport 12345 -m state --state NEW -s -j ACCEPT understand ? if not, just post the output of netstat -npl and i will tell you what ports to open.
  16. Yep, Allan Turing.The guy inspired to create the modern computer by the early death of his boyfriend.The guy who studdied advanced maths to such a degree, at such a young age, that he neglected basic math (and often failed math tests in school)Creaed a few KICK *bottom* computers, (which were top secret).After winning the war, attempted to get contracts to build and sell more computers, but no1 believed they would work (he wasnt allowed to say that he knew they worked or why)later convicted of homosexuality (a crime at the time)and commited suicide.after his conviction he famously said "If i had buggered a sheep, i would have got 1 month max".Very interesting guy.
  17. I think Intel were a bit slow on th uptake about clock speeds.AMD realised early that you cant just keep upping the clock speed, you need to re-deisgn the core, make a better processor.Intel have been adding cache and clocks to the same tired P4 for years.In benchmarks, the Athlon64 2.4Ghz performs as well as the P4 3.4Ghz.my Athlon64 3400+ runs at 36 degrre idle, and 45 degree's flat out on stock cooling.ICE cold. just imagine what would happen if i put some powerhouse cooling into it, like the intel overclockers.
  18. To truely have a chance, we need the encryption program / algorithm.Without the Enigma machine, i doubt <insert name of father of modern computing> would have crached german encryption in WW2.
  19. So far these are just surgested rules by my (qwijibow)What do you guys think ? (im not sure about #3)please add to / subtract from as you see fit.but i think you will agree this forum requires one or 2 additions to the main board rules.1) You MUST have designed and setup the challenge yourself.2) For challenges where you attack the server itself you must own the target server, or have permission from the server owner.3) You must be capable of completing your own challenge.jipman : changed rule 2 a bit
  20. Well Looks like the Author has gone never to return. looking at the *encrypted* code we can see that... 1) All characters are normal human readable Ascii characters. This leads me to believe that no mathematical binary encryption was performed. other-wise i woul expect the encryption look a little mor like WRX CDR[\"#;Q8!D>MQP"QOf"O'>u%RM\BA]MQPy.(O?b RMC@@\BAVAO YQSOTRX C.#8A(CmAQSCq]OePqC'=)v^MTADMR*"(Lc1,RNCY NXR[\X^[_Lq/;RNk* H>MQP"QOf"O'>u%RMU ]S&!wC<=/A@HLB BSAYMOUW_OYQSO. d^M4?UmAQSCq]eS-+=**A ]S&!wC<=/A@HL @N^MC (from my encryption chalenge) The so called encryption here is probably a character swap algorithm, for example, Swap all 'A' characters with '%' 2) Each line ends in exactly the same place. This is either an insane coincidence, or the carrage return was not encrypted (like it would be in a mathematical binary encryption) further supporting my first assumtion. if i were to try and break this encryption, i would look for the most often occuring characters, and replace them with the most common english characters. try to get as many as possbale, and play word search wioth the rest. next time insomnia gets me, ill have a go.
  21. Trekkie, what did you tell it you liten to ?and what did it surgest ?since i subscribed ive only played 30 songs, you got all 100 already? you music freak !try listening to some of the obscure bads it surgests. just because bands arnt on MTV doesnt mean there not good.
  22. I dont think hard drives have a future. cummmmmoonnnn Non Volatile Solid State Storage ! at christmass i got a 256 meg mp3 player... it broke, went back to the shop, they didnt even sell the same model in 256 megs anymore, minimum was 1Gb for a few ÂŁÂŁÂŁ extra. Infact... why not just use those battery backed up ram DIMMs ? i know they exist (because support for them was recentkly introduced to the linux kernel, LOL) oh yeah... the expence. oh well... when we are old, our grand kids will think we are senile when we say onlyu the crap computers like the ZX sinclair ZX spectrum didnt have moving parts... in my day we had hard disks that spun at 10,000 rpm, and chipset fans, cpu fans, g[pu fans (and coming soon physics cards, and there fans) fans fans fans fans and more fans... even liquid cooled systems eed radiator fans. wow.. went a little off topic. (qwijibow: considers warning himslf, then decides he's learnd his lesson and it truely sorry, then gives himself posative reputation for beeing so understanding towards the threat of a warning.)
  23. oops, yeah, whatever distro you use, make sure you get the i386 or i486 version. the i586 and i686 vrsions will not work. madcrow, i dont know what you are basig that on, but fedora core 3 (a very recent linux distro) is still i386 compatable. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ make sure any packages you use end in -i386 -i686 will not work.
  24. Yeah, maybe God designed the early universe (the big bang) setting all up perfectly so that in the future a plannet earth would form, and lower life forms would evolve when it became possable and eventually man would evolve.They say as humans we have almost finished evolving.We mould our envooronment to suit us, we dont need ot change size or shape to better survive in it, its already perfect for us.maybe our hearts will eventually evolve to be bigger is this child obesity and young heart attacks trend keeps going for a few more million years.. LOLMaybe in AIDS rampant country's Libido will become much much lower if Poverty and disese are still around in a few million years.. who knows... but for the aprearance part anyway (gods image) we have finished.But i dont believe in rock solid creation without evolution.In computer science we use survival of the fittest algorithms to make intelligent neuran networks..Scientists have found bacteria, frozen for thousands of years which are less evolved versions of bacteria we have all around us today.fossils of early humans..Im an evolution guy myself.Evidence supports evolution, and creation is supported by a book thet thretens to torture me for all eternaty in hell for believeing anything other than what it says.
  25. I agree with moonwitch except for the gentoo option.Gentoo is a very fast distro, but its a from source distro. my Amd64 3400+ takes a good 6 hours to compile everything i need from a stage3 install..a 486 would probably take all week.how about slackware ? (but only if you have *nix experiance)KDE would be good for midi as moonwitch said, however dont use KDE for desktop.use a window manager such as IceWM / Fluxbox or somthing similar.you can still use KDE programs within them like Arts and XMMS, but using kde as a desktop manager will not be pretty on a 486.
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