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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. Mint 11 is up and running... so ELEGANT and so simple... installation took roughly about 12~15mins on my MSI 1.6Ghz netbookMint crew have made alot of effort enhancing alot of stuff on this release... the installation process was a breeze, started with partition/drive picking for Mint to be installed in, then while i was in stuff (username, location etc...) the installation was running on the background The desktop looks quite the same as Mint 10, Software package manager has some revamping on it's layouts and icons which is quite elegantIt also comes with most media codecs I downloaded the LiveDVD iso which is 886MB... which comes with VLC, Banshee, LibreOffice etc...I would really recommend you guys to pop this into a virtual machine and try it out
  2. if you leave the dark background to the outside blank area and maybe gray on the content area would be fine... having the main content (middle column) are lighter backgrounded color than the outsides (left and right blank columns) makes your content standout a bit more for users/customers good example would be this site: http://www.gimp.org/
  3. i think it's once yea have set a ground foundation on many languages, you can sit down and pick a particular language to focus on... or a particular language that one favors... because when you master one language, it will be much easier to move around working with other languages...but for me... i don't really like hard-core programming so i stick to scripting php (but i prefer css/html and javascript if they are even considered languages)
  4. well if that's how it really works at the moment i hope the bug get fixed soon
  5. at the moment as far as i know, comparing a Java and a Python programmer as a profession, the Java programmer will be making more money....so does that mean Java is better? NO, but this really depends on what needs done... in some situation or program requirement Java will be better, and Python will do better in another... overall they're both great languages, just different applications and platforms...
  6. as people becomes more web and computer literate adding more features to websites isn't so much of a problem...
  7. i've always wondered how much does it cost for a domain from Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting and if it's cheaper for forum members...
  8. images need abit more optimization i guess... especially for your banner image (top) which seems quite huge if it's not the lightest you can do for it great site though
  9. it certainly is the best so far in my experience and knowledge for FREE (with just post to host) as Ahsaniqhal111 mentioned above ;)i've been with another host similar but instead of credits/mycents, it was just post count... but it was awhile ago, i don't think they are still going...
  10. thumbdrive live is ready to install just waiting on backup to finish...
  11. cheers yordan, have downloaded universal usb installer... didn't realise there's one on mint site itself... will have a look at it thanks
  12. i'm going to install LinuxMint 11 on my netbook... will be creating a LIVE-USB installer but i'm wanting to know what are your opinion and recommendations on a good tool for thisi've used unetbooting too previously but am think of going to try another one this time
  13. blender is a great tool... considering its free if you're just entering 3D animation then you'd need abit of patience and find some tutorials and how-tos first, like every program it won't be easy to use at first
  14. it should work, check if you're correctly linking it...
  15. Logic Plan http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Logic Pro Plan http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you can add more stuff to it with cost ofcourse... but with your posts you will get credit to make these purchases
  16. yes wampserver starts services normal... it is also online... i can access wampservers default page from other machines browser... it's weird how i can only view texts on local browser everything seems to be fine tho
  17. thanks 8ennet and yordan, will look into those options when i'm over at the friends place again
  18. yes Mint 11 is out... and am so gonna update my little netbook http://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=1760
  19. i use WORDPRESS it's simple and easy to work with, it also has alot of plugins available online freely i've tried joomla/drupal and they just seem so complicated, wordpress is simple and easy and meets the simple site designs and layouts i'm after...
  20. friend's place setup- two laptops (a and - laptop a connected directly (ethernet) to a modem- laptop b connects to laptop a through wirelesshow can i set this so that laptop b can connect to the internet through laptop a's connection?should an ad-hoc connection be sufficient to allow internet sharing?
  21. i've used bluefish on Linux and it's more than enough for html/css editing... i guess not a single editor will be perfect for all purpose and users... but most of the good ones will do pretty much as good on any type of code working... best bet is to familiarize oneself with a particular editor and keep to it, unless there's a need for codings that another program supports better
  22. yea i had quite a few LiveCDs lying around, had a major cleanup so decided to dump them because i'm mostly away for work... silly move on my behalf, have isos lying around on my drive, i'll probably create a LiveUSBwould any other program do the trick though? like a free small downloadable tool? thanks for the advice tho - yordan
  23. connected directly... both running firefox, ie, chrome... tested them all at first i got access denied when browsing to PC-A, i realised that WAMPServer hasn't been putonline... so enabled online and i can only browser on PC-B displays texts only... i though it would be an OS issue (which i highly dought) because PC-B is running Linuxmint... grabbed another laptop (PC-C) which runs windows and same thing i'm guessing it's either a WAMPServer issue or Wordpress...
  24. thanks yordan, will try that at some stage... it's a pitty i don't have any LiveCD or DVDs lying around, damn it lol... isn't there any way of modifying this through Windows?
  25. i have set up WAMPServer running on machine 1 (PC-A), which has Wordpress 3 installed for testing and designing purpose...another machine (PC- access PC-A's webpage, but the site displayed are text only... the themes, styling and media (pictures) doesn't appearhelp please...
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