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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. i guess it would come down to personal preference... but i have tried 3x 22" (16:9) at a friends place and its just amazing really... you get a better panorama view and feel with wide screens
  2. well with 3 monitors you get the panorama view, which is pretty awesome... mind you i'm only using 3 4:3 screens... when i'm able to afford 3 16:9 monitors, it will be a lot better, especially if they all run 1080p
  3. i use three monitors (by default) because Playing games with Infinity on three monitors is pretty awesome - Try playing Tomb Raider 2013/Crysis 3 etc on three monitors and trust me you won't wanna fall back to single display. Also when doing stuff on the computer having three screens means you can have more visible applications...I'm running a Gigabyte HD 7950 video card which has 3GB GDDR5 video memory, It has two miniDisplay ports, one HDMI, and one DVI 3 LCD in my room runs of the two miniDP and DVI, Lounge TV runs of HDMI... i can even play Crysis 3 on three Monitors while watching a movie on the 4th (have tested but i don't think its cool sitting in the room playing a game while everyone else is watching a movie in the lounge lol)
  4. Is there a simple way of shifting applications between audio outputs? Platform: Windows 7 Gigabyte Z77-D3H [VIA Audio] Gigabyte HD 7950 [HDMI Audio] USB PnP Direct3D Audio [sometimes i use this as well] I'm running 3 LCD monitors in my room and 4th is the LCD Television in the Lounge. The 4th is running through HDMI which has audio support... Now when I'm playing a movie i usually do some other stuff but it seems all audio output gets channeled to the TV, so i'm wondering if there's a way of quickly selecting which application to output through which port? Or is it a matter of each application being set individually?
  5. I have 3 Monitors running of a HD 7950 and i notice that i can't view the BIOS/UEFI unless i remove the two connected mini-DP connected monitors All three run on 1280x1024 resolution, but i notice that only the DVI or HDMI ports can display UEFI... does anyone experience this? In order for me to be able to view OS selection (running Kubuntu + Windows 7) i'd have to remove the two DP cables
  6. you could be right Ahsani, the i3 3220 i had is a 55W one, and the fan was pretty quiet...
  7. today smartphones aren't just for calling and texting... people reside to their mobile as a companion, i see great growth in people today spending more time staring down their mobile phone screen then actually interacting directly with others
  8. This is a brand new CPU... Interior of PC is quite clean... board is about 6 Months old... I think i would have to try another Cooler just to see if it does the same pattern
  9. still... its a please looking device in my opinion
  10. yea unfortunately this drive isn't mine, but i've given advice to my brother about backup... hopefully he will backup his drive hehe
  11. after reformat the drive seems to work well now... chkdsk reports no error thanks yordan
  12. yea resided to formatting the disk... its going really really really slow
  13. my brother gave me his 2.5" Portable 1 Tera byte hard drive to copy some stuff to and it took sooo long probably 30 mins to copy 1.5 GB of stuff...when copying from the drive to the computer some files (which were there before i got the drive) would report can't read from source file...so I'm guessing the drive is starting if not already failing...is there any good tools that can help me recover whatever data is recoverable from the drive? or a tool to help me analyze the functioning state of the drive?thanks guys
  14. OK thanks for that yordan, i was thinking of replacing the cooler due to that initial full speed spinning...
  15. ok... yea i've never had a PC where it does that on powerup... well as far as i can remember
  16. so you're saying my i3 fan wasn't working properly?
  17. I've just upgrade CPU from i3 3220 to an i7 3770 and i noticed that everytime i power on the machine the CPU Fan spins at full throttle before slowing down...I never had this issue with my i3... anyone experiencing this? is it normal? I read a few posts somewhere online and someone suggested it maybe a failsafe feature before BIOS loads up... but why wouldn't that happen on the i3...I'm guessing this may be an issue???
  18. Platform:Board: Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H v1.0 (Latest EFI)Graphics: Gigabyte GV-R795WF3-3GD (HD 7950 3GB)So i notice that everytime i boot up my PC and try to access EFI (BIOS) i have to connnect my monitor to DVI port and remove miniDP adapters so BIOS can show up on screen otherwise it will be just blank screenAnyone experience this? I presume its a mainboard setting issue but before i dive into google searching i thought of popping a query here first
  19. I've just installed CrunchBang 10 (initially Ubuntu based but i believe 10 or 11 is directly Debian based) on my netbook... and so far i'm pretty happy with it and will likely install it on my PCCrunchBang 11 stable release will not be available in a few months or so but it looks quite elegant already (on VM)try it out if you have time http://www.crunchbang.com/
  20. hehe only reason i popped up IE to configure my router because Opera doesn't display it nicely... Firefox and Chrome does the job though... just weird how IE isn't playing nice with my router
  21. seems to be more of an IE 10 issue... will try out a Fresh Win 7 on VM and see how that works out... I haven't altered/customized anything on IE because i don't use it... only when testing websites and stuff...
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