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Everything posted by Houdini

  1. It won't hurt anything because md5 is NOT a file type it is an encryption scheme usually used for producing a 32 bit encrypted string from another string and is not reversible, it is also used for a checksum with archives, but it couldn't open or read a file if it had to. It is possible that somehow md5 got put into your file types by accident but it is also possible to have a file type of xxnzr which is just a made up file type (as a matter of fact it was what just came out of my mind) and it is NOT valid and will not do anything with a file. You can remove or leave md5 but why have a file type that is bogus.Windows msi is the microsoft installer type and not necessarily a file type but an installer type someprograms might require the install of a different variation of msi but this is usually handled when you update Windows and you never see it. With XAMPP that file comes as an msi but you won't see any extension, Windows already knows what it is (provided you have not tacked an extension to it).
  2. JavaScript is a client side technology which has some uses but building a forum is not one of them, and even if it were possible JavaScript can be turned off. I doubt you will find any responses of an actual working forum, you will have to use a file system of some sort either a flatfile or a database (this would almost require PHP) JavaScript can help validate forms and such but I have to say unless there is something that I really don't know there is no way using JS CSS or (X)HTML to create a forum site.Good luck.
  3. Well I use PHP and you have PHP also here at Xisto so here is a working script that is real basic but will do what you want I believe. newsletter.php <?php //A basic Form named newsletter.php ?><h3>Would you like the newsletter from the site?</h3>Use the form below.<br /> <form action="news.php" method="post">First Name: <input type="text" name="first"><br />Last Name: <input type="text" name="last"><br />E-mail: <input type="text" name="email"><br /><input type="submit" value="Continue!" name="check"></form>news.php Unfortunately the antispam feature of Xisto is messing up this code but if you want a working one I can provide it.
  4. The XAMPP installer file is an executable file MD5 is not a file wywtem and should not even be in the file types and any file with that extenstion is WRONG. MD5 is an encryption method that converts a text string into a 32 bit hash. It is normally used to encrypt a password field for instance the md5 for 'password' is 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99. The file that installs XAMPP for Windows looks like this xampp-win32-1.5.1-installer There should be no extension of any sort just double click that file which should be an orange icon with what kind of looks like a funny dog bone inside. The only way that that file could have an extension of md5 is if it got tacked on somehow and if it is present REMOVE it then run the file.
  5. I just sent an email to myself from my Xisto server using this <?phpecho "The email is processing right NOW<br />";$to = "afakeaddy@somewhere.net";$subject = "PHP Is Great";$body = "PHP is one of the best scripting languages around and works just fine it you use the rite email.";$headers = "From: myName@myAstahostDomain.astahost.com\n";mail($to,$subject,$body,$headers);echo "Mail sent to $to";?>Make sure that you use a valid email that you have set up in your cPanel. The $headers is one of my email accounts. It takes about 10 minutes for Xisto to actually send the mail the address you had was not valid you need to use your Xisto account email in the $headers for it to work.
  6. Please show the script that you are using and maybe it can be seen what needs to be changed to make it work.
  7. You might want to try this link right HERE MSSQL2MYSQL
  8. Post your code, the error you are getting just shows up in the line indicated and is usually the line before, I don't need to see a link to the error but the actual code. Post that line as well as two or three lines above it (where the problem really starts).
  9. Are you saying that a dog will come up an snort your luggage which has legally purchased CDs or DVDs. I mean eeven at the airport they sell them (at least here in the US) If the dog could somhow know the difference between pirated and legitimate content then this is a good idea. My niece has a son that is easily quietened by merely plugging his Builder Bob DVD into a portable player and when riding in the car or on an airplane he is totally engrossed in the movie So I guess they would be required to go through a more thorough search and I suppose that if they could not produce a reciept that they could have the DVD confiscated and possibly subject to prosecution? That is a hairbrained idea that could never really work, at least in my opinion. Since there are no longer plastic records or too many cassette tapes any more, what are you supposed to do put your music on a thumb drive or on an Ipod, what if you have a collection of CDs, do you have to leave them home or have them shipped seperately?
  10. Click the funky tab next to the tab you are looking at and it will give better instructions than I can,
  11. lonebyrd This link is to the forums of MP Software for tips and tricks you might find it hhelpful Tips & TricksBasocally to set up your browser(s) go to Options -> Editor Preferences -> Browsers and browse your hard drive by clicking the rounded box with the ellipsis (...) and locate the .exe file for the browser(s) you have. You must also go to Debug and tell PHP Designer where the php.exe is and the php.ini and also the root directory that your webserver uses like htdocs (apache) or www (IIS)
  12. Actually PHP Designer allows you to set up how it operates. Just go to Options then select Editor Preferences there you can let PHP Designer automatically complete brackets of your choosing like [] {} () <> " and ' I use the {} [] () autocomplete but not the <> or the single quotes you may also select the color that these characters will be highlighted, when you first go to this menu you will see various options that you can pick and choose. To check for closed brackets in a script just put your cursor to the immediate left of the bracket or brace and depending on the highlight color you selectd you will see the highlight then leaving the cursor hwere it is scrool down the page and look for the other matching brace which will also be highlighted and if you do not see the other beacket or brace then you know that that bracket or brace has not been closed. If you turn auto completion of brackets or braces then this will not happen too much, but other peoples code or code you wrote prior to using auto completion will possibly have incomplete bracket or braces.
  13. Yes that looks correct the SELECT * FROM tablename would just take all fields from the tablename whatever it is. After getting the result set or $result then you would display it or do something else with it. If you will read just the database section of book which is a great resource and always there.
  14. What are you talking about? Do you mean you just want to make your own logo instead of the IPB one kind of like the one I use on a PHP-IPB (which is a modification of PHP-Nuke? Then look here at NukeXtra IPB a PHP-Nuke with Invision forums. Well it is a closely guarded secret, but to get the secret you must ask kindly.
  15. Alright lets take the code you have posted so far and make it understandable. <? php // This must not have a space as it does currently$username = "username"; // You are assigning a literal name as a variable here$password = "password"; // You are assinging a literal password name to a variable here$database = "database";// You are assigning the name of a literal database name to a variable here$server = "localhost"; // You are assinging the literal name of the host to a variable hermysql_connect {$server, $username, $password} or die [mysql_error]}};//This is valid to connect to the server but the error handling is wrongmysql_connect_db{$database} or die [mysql error]}};// This is not it should be mysql_select_db($database) and same as above?>Now lets fix the error <?php $username = "username"; $password = "password"; $database = "database";$server = "localhost"; mysql_connect {$server, $username, $password} or die ("Could not connect to server".mysql_error());mysql_select_db{$database} or die ("Database select failed".mysql error());?>Then lets actually do something with the selected database $query = "SELECT * FROM tablename";// The tablname is the table you want to query in the selected database.$result = mysql_query($query);//Execute the queryUsually the second part of the code merely assigns values to variables and then uses them to FIRST connect to the Database then to SECOND select a database to work with and then you send a query to the database concerning a specific table but what has been shown will do that and produce an error if encountered whilst conducting either the connection to the database server (mysql in this case) or selecting a database on that server.
  16. I am still laughing about the zebras (the bird poop part) and actually there are two versions of zebra some are white with black stripes and some are black with white stripes, and the really bad part is that some people as well as zebras can actually tell the difference.
  17. Well you could also upload this data to your Xisto account since I noticed that you are a hosted member then merely download it all to your laptop. Wouldn't that be much easier than setting up a network even though you should using a crossover to transfer data. But then it is all up to you. If you do choose to upload to your webserver and download to your laptop then just delete the data if desired or leave it as a backup that way no matter what occurs to the desktop or the laptop the data is stored somewhere else all ready for you to use.
  18. Try this link to see if that don't help you a little Invisionze Forums
  19. It would help if you posted the scripts that you currently have. It is hard to know what it going on without seeing some actual code. It would be a good idea to set up a webserver with PHP and MySQL on your local PC to test scripts with before you place them on the web that way they will work provided the setupas are similar to the host you are uploading the scripts to.
  20. Basically Freeom of speech in the United States actually if you study hard and long and understand how and when and under what conext the ter or Phrase was actually put into the constitution meant "Political Speech" where there are arguments and disagreements. It meant you could say what you wanted about those that governed without fear of being locked up as a political prisoner due to your views, but over the years some people take it to mean that they can say anything they wish with no consequences.Try going to some parts of the southern United States and start insulting some of those people, and the consequences can be that you are run out of town, or beat half to death or shot on the spot. Yep you got you free sppech and you P****d them off, and they showed you their freedom of expression which were the consequences that you suffered.Yep you got that right but if it really incurs the wrath of others then you might not like the consequences of your speech and might be best to keep you thoughts to yourself and those of your ilk.
  21. There is no PHP native function there is one that you would use instead which is mysql_select_db($database) Also let it be noted I did not take that from his post and there most certainly is a mysql_error() function read from the manual about that function PHP: mysql_error-Manual I use it all the time when first testing scripts I use it a little differently than they did but this is some of my code $connect = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) //Now connect to the server or die("Could not connect to server".mysql_error()); $db = mysql_select_db($Db,$connect) or die("Could not select database $Db".mysql_error());He just need to get his syntax correct, but hey we all learn from our mistakes. Also there shoul be no space between <? and php and it is a good practice to always use <?php instead of short tags like <? because not all servers have them turned on and when XML became in use it confuses the XML as well as PHP future version of PHP will come with short tags turned off as a default. In the forums at PHP Builder where I answer question about failing scripts occasionally one of the most common errors is using short tags with a test server then the code does not work on the live web server, or they put the code on a different server and it doesn't work anymore. Another common problem is usage of checkboxes which to process with PHP should be written as an array by simply adding [] to the checkbox name. Given more time lonebyrdwill learn from these errors and know in the future how to properly query the database. lonebyrd I would make a practice of using <?php to ensure that you code will work. A great online resource for learning PHP is a book called Practical PHP Programming
  22. You would also have to define the {NAME_GLOW} in the includes/bbcode.php there is much more to it than what you are doing with a template. Best to look at this post from the phpBB site itself here
  23. Just another Winrar user I love it and make zips unzip with it and never have problems. I like FREE stuff, if you have Win XP though I think it can unzip a zip file not really sure since I first put Winrar on my machines and all archives are associated with it.
  24. For FREE PHP Designer 2006 is a great and powerful editor and debugger which not only does HTML and PHP but SQL, Javascript, Java, C#, CSS, XML, and more I use it for fast PHP code development and syntax checking you can get it at PHP Designer 2006 home page. I used to use HTML Kit but now I mostly use the PHP Designer but when doing just HTML I sometimes use HTML Kit but after using PHP Designer I have learned more how it works with HTML as an editor and actually find that it is easier in use, but I have been using HTML Kit for a long time and PHP Designer for about 8 months now so I am still learning some of the powerful uses of it.
  25. What you are showing looks to me like tpl code from a phpBB2 allthat you have shown <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in --><!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_out --> Is nothing more than HTML comments they are basically used within HTML to comment what a certain section of code is doing for example from the posting_body.tpl <!-- BEGIN switch_html_checkbox --> This is a comment to explain the following code <tr><!-- this is HTML code--> <td> <!--so is this--> <input type="checkbox" name="disable_html" {S_HTML_CHECKED} /> <!--and this--> </td> <!--this too you can say anything in a comment HTML does'nt care--> <td><span class="gen">{L_DISABLE_HTML}</span></td> <!--as you can see these--> </tr><!--are all code within comments to let you know what is happening--><!-- END switch_html_checkbox -->This is a comment to let you know that this section is overTo make a comment in HTML you use <!-- and end the comment with --> anything within these delimiters will not be seen as HTML because it is just a comment.
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