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Everything posted by Houdini

  1. One of the first commandments to man from God was to be fruitful and multiply, therefore homosexual activity does not in any means fullfill that requirement. Homoseual practice if taken as a norm would doom the entire species of man within one generation. It is biologically incorrect and also the major cause of aids. There are very few of those infected by this disease that are not homosexual, just another reason not to engage in such perverted behavior.God does not like it (I believe he called it an abomination, and also destroyed an entire city Sodom because of the widespread practice of this perverted behavior) and most normal people don't want to see perverted folks flaunting their sexual depravity in the presence of their children or themselves, if you are queer (the real term for such behavior) then I do not want to know about your perversion, and I certainly don't want to pay through my taxes for the results of your behavior.Now it is quite possible that ou do not believe in a God almighy, which is your perogative, but if there is you shall have to answer to a being that created everything and that knows everything and you will be quite small and without a response to such a superior being. If he can create something I am certain he can also destroy it with little effort. It is kinda like watching a building get built but its destuction because it is not longer useful or dangerous takes little time at all.
  2. Actually there is an even better cut healer than super glue and I have used it many times. I am an electrician by trade and cuts are something quite common just from doing your job. Sometime we are required to run conduit that is PVC and we use PVC glue. It was found by accident that PVC glue spilled onto an open wound will close it and stop bleeding immediately. The neat part about PVC glue is that if you leave it on the affected area a day or two you just rub the PVC glue off and there is a normal scab under it. Of cource electricains and plumbers always have PVC glue handy and it cought on amoung a lot of the other trades. Most preferred it over band aids since the glue will flex with the skin and with knuckle knee or any joint bandages don't work too well but PVC glue does. Never seen any side effects from it (unless you inhale the fumes) except intoxication which is not from putiing the glue on the wound but from sniffing the glue itself.
  3. Admin.php is where, according to the script I downloaded, all of the input info was to be storedIt is possible that stored and saved are causing confusion, I think of storing as putting something into the database but saving is what I do with a file. I might edit the file and then save the changes. It might be possible that the admin.php of this script contains the database connection data even though usually it would be in an include file like config.php or db.php possibly something along those lines. Probably after seeing the code i question it would be easier to determine just what lonebyrd is talking about and be better able to assist in any questions about the script and what it is supposed to be doing.
  4. Yep that is normally what is used, although it is possible that they might also support PosgreSQL, but it definately will use the MySQL server.
  5. Lets say your textarea box in a form where the message is entered is called message then in you form processing page if you are wanting to e-mail what was entered in the textarea so you would access the data in the textarea with $_POST['message'] and to use your message variable first make a short variable out of it like $message = $_POST['message']; then for the mail() function you would use wordwrap tomake sure that there are no more than 72 characters per line with the below code. $message = wordwrap($message, 72, "<br>\n'); This will allow you to send the mail with no errors, by default mail will be sent in plain text but if you enter several returns or line breaks they will show up on plain text through the mail, or you would need to use <br /> tags (in the textarea), you would also have to format the message with the HTML tags you want to use if you set up your extra headers to send the mail with HTML.
  6. Welcome to Xisto. I too work with MODs for phpBB2, except I port them over to work with PHP-Nuke, and unfortunately not all can be ported due to the directory structure, the database structure, and the differences in security practice differences of the two.Enjoy your time here and you wil find an area that you are comfortable with.
  7. OK I think I kind of have a handle on what is going on here. Your script admin.php will present a form with a couple of fields in it like a username field and a passowrd field and then a submit button of some sort. This form will have an action attribute that will tell the script what page to go to next (possibly even itself). It will also have a method of either POST or GET (normally POST) but that doesn't matter. The script either within the admin.php or the page that it goes to will look to see if the user has pressed the submit button and will then take the POST or get values and then check with the database to see if that person already exists. If they do exist and the password is correct the user will be sent to a new page where member are allowed, other wise the form will be re-presented with an explaination that either the username and'or password is wrong and to correct it or to register. To perform this the script would have to connect to the database server, then the script must select the database that contains the information desired. This is done with PHP and MySQL queries kind of like below; $host="localhost"; //or whatever on Xisto this will work$user="yourUserName"; // Your username here$pass="YourPassword": // Your password here$connect = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die("Could not connect to server".mysql_error());// Connect to the server or quit on fail with a message$db = mysql_select_db('cscp',$connect) or die("Could not select the cscp database".mysql_error());// Select the Database cscp$query = "SELECT username, password FROM preferences WHERE username = '$username'";//$username from form$result = mysql_query($query,$connect) //execute the query or die("Query failed MySQL said '.mysql_error();$rows=mysql_num_fields($result);if($rows == 2){//do something because the query found someones username and password (2 fields), send them to the members area with a header header("Location: member.php");}else{//make them leave or become a member send them there with a header header("Location: registration.php");}
  8. If you did a standard XAMPP install then put your php scripts in the htdocs folder which should be in c:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs Then open your borwser and like Master Compoters said type in LOCALHOST/YourPhpFileName.php and it should run.
  9. If you are connected to your database then all you need to do to see all the tables that are in that database, SHOW TABLESIf you do have tables that have been created then to see all the rows that are in those tables just do
  10. I am assuming that you are using a GUI like maybe phpMyAdmin so you want to select all rows from a database name then you have a where clause but nothing for the WHERE clause to work with Where location equls whatdo not put quotes around the database name or the field name you do put them around values like so SELECT * FROM testdatabase WHERE location = '$somevariable'if you are using php you would use $query="SELECT * FROM testdatabase WHERE location = '$somevariable'";// or location ='My Home Town'$result=mysql_query($query) or die("Could not execute query".mysql_error());Does that help any?
  11. If you get hosting here you merely go to the cPanel and then select the mysql icon and create your own database with any name you wish by simply typing it in. You can see an illustrated method of doing this as well as some code in an answer to this post here. You can also just select a board like phpBB and the cPanel will set it all up for you and then all you do is go in and customize your site and are online in about 5 minutes with a board running minus all your forums which you will have to set up yourself, but I believe that phpBB comes with one test forum already setup with one message just to let you know that your forum is up and running. Welcome to Xisto.
  12. check you username and password. If you still have your email from when your account was created make sure you are using the right password unless you changed it and if that is the case then you might have to request a password change reset for your account.
  13. Sorry you will have to create the database your self there is no way to email a database to some one, the database lives on a Relational Database Management System like MySQL or Postgre or mssql and more. You need to have acces to that server and the privlidges to use said server. If you have a database server and the proper privlidges then maybe some one can aid you in doing it. First you need to know how you are going to sturucture the database and all but as far as creating a database the query is quite simple it is basically where the italisized databaseName is what you want to call the database. Just having the newly created database though is not very useful because well...it has no data, the data is stored into tables within the database so that is where planning and organization of your database come into play. You need to be more specific and detailed in your question about creating a database. What kind of information are you going to be storing, how you plan to use this information. Do you want to store inventory information, or employee data, or medical data are some of the thing that need to be known before you just start building a database and the tables and data types required to have a functional RDBMS.
  14. You need to use as below What ever your domain is called would go into the bolded area then your username and password in the other fields.
  15. The difference is 1 because HTML has 4 letters and HTM has 3 so 4-1 leaves the difference of 1. Actually as explained earlier by others because extensions used to be limited to three characters (this included email address) htm was used, but now html is better to use for two reason those systems that do understand four letter extensions can read it and those that can't will still display, but I don't think there are even any of those machines still around and if they are they are probably too slow to work properly.
  16. MD5 is not a file type it is an algorithm to encode files and or words. From Wikipedia: XAMPP is just a windows installation program for Apache MySQL PHP and Perl. Just download it and run the install, you won't find a means of dealing with MD5 except using to encode passwords using PHP or other languages PHP would look like From PHP manual. the md5() function produces a 32 bit hexidecimal hash. So just download the XAMPP and run your install and not really worry about the md5 at this moment.
  17. I think I have seen this post before but I used to use Mercury and I guess now they call it quicksilver, and although at 398 milliseconds faster I really don't think many prople would notice, but what they might notice are the many features that come with phpBB and the support that it gets. I think I first used it in 1998 and also used Invision when it was free and actually liked Mercury over Invision (this is when invision was free). Then in 2003 I started playing with Yabb now SMF and phpBB and some others just kind of seeing what they all did and to this day still use phpBB and my free versions of Invision (prior to September of 2004). Yeah I think I can wait the longet time that is imperceptable for script execution that is required by phpBB over Mercury or Quicksilver.
  18. For PHP and not having to pay any money for a book there is an online book called Practical PHP Programming I have it as a favorite and a bookmark and if there is ever a section I am unsure about when coding I just go there and look throught the table of contents and find the section that I am interested in. It covers all aspects and in pretty good detail yet is easy to understand with some good examples. I answer question a lot on PHP Builder and one of the people who used to come there frequently kind of almost stopped since they started reading and using this online book. The neat part is that you don't get coffee stains or torn pages or a falling apart book like mine that is 4 years old and being held together with masking tape, but is still a valuable reference, but this book is up to date and cover PHP5 and its implementation of objects, and is getting closer to stuff like java. It is definately worth looking at. I use it quite a bit in addition to the PHP Manual which is HERE. PHP is free works on many servers nowadays and is fast overtaking Perl and has many of the PECL function that Perl has, and it is easier and has plenty of support. Try it out and see for yourself why this is.
  19. Is this all the code you have? It looks like all you have is an Iframe in html, where is the php that processes the form, and where is the form itself? Apparently from the Iframe I noticed a reference to a form.php, you need tolet us see that also. It would be impossible to guess what your form and process after it do without seeing what you have.
  20. Not too sure about nul possibly null but they are reserved words and you can't name a file or folder with a reserved word. copy con is a DOS command to take input from the console or keyboard which is why it would be a reserved word.
  21. They could just put a pedestrian bridge that goes over the roadway maybe even one of those moving walkway like they use at air ports and that would stop that problem, just put them in certain location so as not to have them all over the place.Here where I live in Nashville we have problems with jaywalkers, people cross the road anytime any where they feel like it. The police do not issue a citation unless the pedestrian actually gets hit, and usually they issue it only if the pedestrian requires hospitilization and is in fact in the hospital.
  22. Try this $result = mysql_query( $query ) or die ("Bad query".mysql_error());You have already defined the query in $query = "SELECT pass FROM login WHERE name = 'chris'";in that line so the top line will send the query that you defined and attempt to execute it and if not will state Bad query and give an error from the MySQL server.
  23. If you want to edit an HTML document just right click it and tell the dialog box to open it with notepad, but don't check always use this ... unless you want big problems when you actually want to view HTML after you have edited it, if you just want to view an HTML file then couble left click it and it will open in your default browser, which apparently is IE if it were Firefox then that would open an HTML file.
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